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  1. I like your idea more, too much weight leading the elevator to start sinking. That would be a good motivator
  2. I second this, felt weird when I realized I don't need to defend it during the elevator. It's odd how it has a health bar after, but not before.
  3. DE asked for this the moment they started to kill CC. What other alternative to damage was there? Well it doesn't matter now because they made sure to murder CC, and it's offspring.
  4. This is true, I thought of the update less so on "No experiments" And moreso on, "This is better against this faction." Which is fine, but I can simply keep on using blast/magnetic like a weirdo.
  5. TIL shooting the orb actually destroys it, goodness... i've been just killing the eximus the entire time
  6. Finally, magnetic getting more attention
  7. Maybe they can use energy as health.... have crazy shields too so the energy can be considered a failsafe I like it
  8. Gotta earn those degrees, would look great on our resumes ngl "Experience in possessing in order to give birth"
  9. I know, it wouldn't really benefit the game at all, but slowly diminish normal forma. This is just a modder's wet dream.
  10. Not too concerned about that I'd rather them add a universal forma, would get those in a heartbeat Makes them wicked expensive or something. Cmon DE... do it... do it por favor
  11. No, why? I found it weirder how my OPERATOR contributed to giving birth, and how Stalker left to get the milk, and took the baby with him. Didn't even ask if I wanted to keep little Sirius smh
  12. Hmmm, ngl this post can use a bump Ever since they added newer simulacrum rooms, i've been going to Simulacrum via Relay, Simaris Would love if they added this. And if they already did, would love if I got educated
  13. Oh I know, AND it constantly refreshes Currently maxed out Arcane Aegis for my Jade, now working on Arcane Avenger being maxed. Tis a beautiful event that makes me feel rewarded for my time, I love it
  14. That's weird ngl, this is the most fun i've had in warframe in a looooooong while. Of course, this is subject to opinion. Good thoughts all around
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