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Everything posted by Metalgearfox

  1. It's Halloween weekend. I want to kill some zombies in Eidolon. I was told plague star would be coming this year. Why isn't it active yet :(
  2. This is my attitude. This is the attitude of every programmer I've worked with. You have a dozen urgent bugs to fix along with a dozen features to build. You have 40 hours this week. Are you going to spend those hours on 100,000 dollar problems or 100 dollar problems? If you choose the latter, you will be fired.
  3. I leave for China in a month and a half so... I'm betting plague star happens in 2 months? lol. Rip me.
  4. ^^^ Shield gating should be okay for characters with massive shields, still. It never made sense that running almost 0 shield was optimal.
  5. Arthur isn't a space ninja or a zombie biosuit.
  6. He wasn't. He was stating HIS preference. Not telling other people not to like it.
  7. Don't yuck other people's yum goes both ways. He is allowed to like AND dislike what he does as it relates to HIS sexuality and HIS body. To suggest that it's wrong for him NOT to like something is as bad as thinking it's wrong to LIKE something.
  8. It was removed because too many of us are degens who don't want to manage their resources and range.
  9. Bring it back. Arthur isn't a warframe. He is probably infected based on his movements in the trailer. Removing stamina was a mistake. So was removing self damage on aoe, but that's another topic. Sometimes, making the game more optimized and streamlined makes the game worse. Arthur should play like a warframe in 2014. Warframe Classic.
  10. The hype is that Warframe 1999 looks like old warframe gameplay, before the game became "press 4 and use an AoE weapon" "
  11. It looks like 2014ish era gameplay. I can't wait. Based off Arthur running out of breath, he has a stamina bar.
  12. It's not that big of an investment, man. Now, personally, I think "prime" should be an attachment like incarn. You "prime" a base weapon into a prime, keeping all the stuff you put onto it. But also, it's not a big deal.
  13. Any skin you can buy in a shop has no value. All it represents is that you own a credit card.
  14. Ya'll would complain if DE sent you money in the mail. "OH THANKS DE NOW I GOTTA FILE TAXES ON IT"
  15. No, we really do. There's just too much CC and AoE for it to work. There has to be a reset in order to get back to the fun, run and gun core of the game that made it so successful between 2014 and 2016. However, people don't want to lose what they've grinded. They don't want to be nerfed. They don't want self-damage from AoE turned back on. So this is the compromise. We will get content islands with characters that are developed and balanced for the content island so that everyone can play on the island they like.
  16. At OP. No. I think that warframe power has gotten so out of hand that I can just CC and explode everything in a 1km radius every 3 seconds. They've managed to make warframes boring with how much CC and AoE they've added, which I didn't think was possible in 2014. It's awful. I'm glad they are creating alternate game modes that get us back to running and gunning instead of just nuking the entire map with AoE.
  17. It respects your time because the grinds you complete stay mostly relevant forever. Sure, getting cryotic for sebear or w/e was a grind. But now you can incarn it and it's A tier (not S, but still relevant). That weapon in ancient in games-as-a-service time. Anything older than 4 months in modern games is usually no longer useful.
  18. I'm aware of Aya. But aya can't buy things like Primed Chamber etc. That's why I included mods in the list of things for a universal currency.
  19. These would be assassinations only with revamped bosses.
  20. Please reread the OP. Right now, they're new player content, which we have a ton of and not much else. I want nightmare content reworked to be an endgame that allows you to ramp the base difficulty of SP by adding affixes to the challenge. We need our version of mythic+/nightmare dungeons/mayhem I-III/skulls in Halo 5 etc. Endgame.
  21. I intentionally left the type of reward blank. Ideally, it would be something relevant for players who are basically done with most of the content- something like a universal currency for purchasing mods they're missing from their collection or prime parts that are currently vaulted etc. However, I don't think that much in the game counts as "bullet sponges" right now. The phenmor melts archons and rank 5 litches in a second or two.
  22. Game loop: - Trade steel essences for Nightmare Shards (unidentified) - Reveal the nightmare within (show challenge) - Optional: Combine Nightmare shards (1-5 total shards) - Complete the challenge and collect rewards multiplicative of the number of shards you combined (1x - 5x) Base challenges would be assassination missions for revamped bosses with actual mechanics. Nightmare shards add afflictions to warframes and bonuses to enemies. Each shard adds an additional, unique effect. For example, Vampirism: All enemies have leech eximus, including the boss. Warframes have draining health that is restored by delivering killing blows. Thundering: All enemies have shock eximus, including the boss. Warframes occasionally discharge electrical orbs that will explode if the warframe (or allies) touch them, stunning them and dealing significant damage. With these two shards, all enemies would have both the leeching and electric damage modifiers, bleed and shock resistances, and an overshield. The overshield would not stack linearly with shards but instead increase by 25% per shard. "Why though?" DE doesn't want to add rewards for doing endless content past the first 4 waves because they want content to be short. But going past 4 waves is the only way to encounter deadly enemies. This puts DE in an impossible position where they can't offer fast AND hard content. The length on the nightmare mission wouldn't increase with the number of shards, but the difficulty and reward would. This solves the problem DE has had with creating an endgame. Do bigger nightmares (+5)s, get 5 times the reward in the same time- if you can actually do it.
  23. How is that different than SP? I enjoy SP but we need like... Steelier Steel Path or something lol. I think keys work well for this kind of thing; maps in PoE, M+ in wow, badass levels in borderlands, nightmare dungeons in d4, etc. I mean... that's a given. I'll wait a year for modders to fix it and then play it with mods.
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