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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. The FIVE OR SIX different infested unit types that can be parasitic (REALLY needs to be turned down to only 1 or 2 at max....its bad enough that disruptor auras cause any nearby enemies to drain our energy when we are hit at range or melee).....and the hookshots all over the place (WE NEED SOME IMMUNITY TO THEM WITHOUT MODS lol).....

    Not being able to choose the mission type, enemy type and tile set for void fissure runs.

    Lack of new tile sets for Dark Sectors (including ground based ones like we USED to have before excavation overrode survivals instead of adding to them)

  2. 3 minutes ago, 1N33DM0N3Y said:

    How did you get Spring loaded blade and how much range u wll get from it ?

    i think i got it from cetus bounties and it is 30% range for 24 seconds on a status proc.

    edit: wiki says dropped from Plains Commander and/or an incursion reward....iirc i got it during one of my many r5 bounties.

  3. 53 minutes ago, BlueFan99 said:

    Gas:  + 100% vs flesh  /  heals IF and IHF (yes, infested droids will heal other infested too)   

    what do you mean by gas HEALING infested? wouldnt that be counter productive to using it?

    personally, i dont see why OUR status's should give enemies buffs in the first place.

  4. @sir_deadlock basically, take your google link, right click and then do "copy image location" and then paste that in your OP and you will get the above image auto embedded.

    well, at this point, your better off using a hosting site for images like Imgur....I've personally never used google sharing for images as it tends to be VERY wonky.

  5. 21 hours ago, chuchoproh said:


    Finally, after 5 days the technical team answered me in a clearer way to my problem, giving me a solution to change mail by answering certain user verification questions, I hope I can clarify my situation completely and be able to return to the plains, Thank you for responding and giving me a better idea of how to proceed regarding these difficulties.

    its a bit late, but i DID want to report that support changed my email and i was able to get back into warframe (as i got the code within a minute..compared to Microsoft's up to 24 hours :|) heh. I can see the main reason for delays being the new years and most of DE not being in the office. The fact they had someone still doing support was great :D

  6. its a known issue. Support tells me that the securest method is to get your email changed from a Microsoft related account to something else....apparently its something to do with MS's algorithms.

    something to do with up to, if not more, a 20 hour delay...with it almost always ending up in the spam/junk section.

  7. i hate to say it....but this 2FA just from reading it is NOT good......I get FAR better results with Google's Authenticator (and winAuth for th4e PC side if i dont have my phone handy) than email based versions that can take far too long to arrive.....and with no way to disable it (from what I've heard) ourselves.......lets just say i am NOT a fan of this.

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  8. On 12/18/2017 at 6:44 PM, Vicsvinny said:

    Remember seeing this tile for the first time during a Mobile Defense alert. (I don't play Mobile Defense as much as I should, so maybe this isn't rare at all)

    Tiles like this needs to be more mainstream, a lot of really good ones are locked behind game-mode walls. And maybe also have refurbished Eris tilesets feature on Corpus ships? just a thought. Corpus ships seem pretty bland as of now, while Eris gives them a lot more life. Ironically enough.

    oh god i know right...so many great tile sets that could be used in other modes like survival (im getting bored of the SAME dark secotr survivals and ODS *I love killing infested, apart from the 5-6 parasetic units types lol).

    Ive come across some REALLY nice rooms in Exterminates that could be GREAT for defense or mobile defense (and ofc survival...because we  ALWAYS need different tiles for that imo) (Ive got a couple tiles on mars...cant seem to find the pic atm, will have to look later)

  9. On 12/24/2017 at 8:35 AM, Fatfunker said:

    that feeling was the next scene where my Tenno looked lost/alone/frightened as he grasped the helmet as a child would a teddy bear.

    i was lucky (or unlucky) to have gotten the clip of it :D

    watch at your own peril if you have not done the quest yet......or better yet, dont watch at all and just go do the quest.





  10. i find her great for survivals...particularly because her 1 and 2 damage ramp up as the enemies attack it, thus killing them no matter the level...her 3 is great if you good with any kind of timing though that jump speed buff is hard to pull off. Her 4 is great for buffing everything, but i dont think it scales at all unfortunately....thus it would fall off quickly.

  11. 49 minutes ago, Italianmango910 said:

    I reckon DE should add BP's for the Rescource Deco's like the Orokin cell Deco,Orokin Cell Array deco etc. Because then newer players wont just have to wait to start decorating there orbiter they'd be able to farm the rescources to eventually get the deco. i thik this would be a Great idea any thoughts? :D

    it would also be good to get rid of excess resources for vets.

  12. they are dropped from the new ghoul bounties on the plains



    Annihilate targets with four simultaneous shots from this high-caliber Grineer rifle.

    Find this weapon in the Market or from Ghoul Bounty rewards today!

    Inflict rapid-fire bursts of pain with this Grineer submachine gun.

    Find this weapon in the Market or from Ghoul Bounty rewards today!


  13. 15 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Infested Impedance
    Current: Reduces the speed of Infested enemies by 18%.
    Proposal: Reduces the speed and accuracy of Infested enemies (-18% hit chance, -20% movement speed).

    i like this idea....however everyone seems to forget that there is a hidden range limit on this aura of only around 8-10 meters or so....maybe if this range was upped to say, 30 meters at -20% movement...and as the infested get closer they get slower? (yes i know that current auras are stacking...but so few people EVER use IP as there ARE better auras out there for D polarity)


    15 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

    Steel Charge
    Current: Increases melee damage by 60%.
    Proposal: Reduce Aura to 7 bonus instead of 9 to standardize with every other Aura Mod.

    OR just buff every aura to match SC......I hate how limiting it is with the auras....as you say yourself earlier...a lost of players use SC FOR those 4 extra mod lots...which can quite often SAVE a forma elsewhere on a frame.

    for the scavenger auras....I'd much rather see them changed to a single ammo mutation...makes sense as a weapon needs to be actively equipped to mutate the ammo anyways....would also free up a slot on ammo hungry weapons....to an extent

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