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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 1 minute ago, (PS4)RenovaKunumaru said:

    Everyone keeps saying"love the Zephyr changes" but not why, which changes they like or any details behind it.

    Face is.. They just like the fact that Zephyr got changes at all rather than how they play into her gameplay at all.

    Super frustrating for someone who actually plays her consistently and has criticisms.

    like what?

    I for one LOVE the fact they FINALLY made her 1 and 2 a single 1....her 2, they didnt show much of so cant really comment...her 4, my only gripe was that they tossed enemies AND loot all over the place.

  2. On 2/2/2018 at 11:03 AM, [DE]Connor said:

    Fixed an issue where Chroma would deal no damage with Vex Armor active. While this may sound like a simple fix, if you're a Chroma user please read on!
    Solving Vex Armor actually takes as back to Chroma's beginning. On original power creation, we used some less-than-ideal calculation methods to create Scorn and Fury's effects. If you are an avid Chroma user, you probably know the power maximizing this ability brings. At some point in Chroma's future we will need to revisit and use ideal methods for his Abilities; we will inform you well in advance when Chroma is under review.”


    Chroma is a complex frame that players usually acquire further on in their Tenno journey. As referenced above, much of that complexity stems from some questionable back-end calculations, which caused Vex Armor to calculate damage boosts AFTER upgrades instead of before. Although the UI may indicate that damage/armor is buffed by a few hundred percent, the actual buff amounts would be much higher. Furthermore, compound elements would effectively be multiplied twice for Fury’s damage boosting, leading to some ludicrous results.

    Back in April 2017, extreme damage boosting was not really a problem, so we left the ability as is. However, the Plains of Eidolon update marked a shift in community mindset by introducing Teralysts - featuring multiple large health pools on each weakpoint, damage boosting abilities became an important part of efficient hunting teams. While other damage boosting options require more team coordination, a single self-damaging Chroma could bypass the weakpoint damaging portion of the fight in an instant. At its simplest, we do not want our Eidolons one-shotted.

    Chroma’s usage was already somewhat narrow, so we want him to remain a competitive option for Teralyst damage boosting, while also improving other parts of his kit. Although the magnitude of his boost will be lowered, it will still be one of the strongest boosting abilities in the game, and both damage/armor increases will now apply to all teammates in a nearby radius. Furthermore, Spectral Scream without movement restrictions allows players to be the aimgliding, fire-breathing dragon they’ve always dreamed of! We will continue to observe how these changes affect Chroma (and the Teralyst hunting squads) in the coming weeks, and consider further tweaks if needed.

    that is great and all....but take chroma or even a shatter shield mesa to a high level invasion against grineer......Napalms AND scorcher's Damage is so damn high at level 45! that it doesnt matter HOW MUCH armor or dmg reduction you have...the bleed from fire is so bad that you WILL die...i turned a corner right into a napalms shot and died instantly, not even knowing what hit me (this was literally 15 minutes ago).

    damage boost being nerfed a bit...ok that is fine, but not being able to take a shot to the face.....at such a "low" level is ridiculous.

    I think the real reason is the need to take shield damage to gain armor......my shields CANT regen if they are always under fire......meaning I'm gaining the damage boost...but NOT the survival-ability boost i need. even with a sentinel (if IT wasnt one shot at all.....or if it already went thru its max of 3 revives) with Guardian (which is almost always on CD it seems). maybe we should START at 100% power strength on cast and build UP TO what ever our power strength build is at....
    preferably with some otherway than self damage or having to purposefully take damage to charge it....

    edit: what if, after hitting the damage cap it would start charging the ARMOR cap if its not maxed? and this would be to the ability directly...not an augment

  3. I'm loving the zephyr changes :D as well as chroma ofc :D that banshee  "ultimate" at BASE duration is...well quite low *that being said, if it slowed the rate of enemies getting up would be perfect if it was this low at base*.....not too great even for CC...(ANCIENT DISRUPTORS)

  4. 16 hours ago, DarthBane1 said:

    You can. It's in the settings area. If I remember correctly it's in the HUD area. I personally leave the damage on and affinity off so that I can see what I am hitting and if I am just tickling it. I turned it off for that "Tenno's greatest trailer" contest they had a little bit back.

    you sure about that?.....its NOT either/or....its on or off for BOTH damage AND affinity.....i for one would love to turn OFF affinity but keep damage numbers and im certain when leveling i'd want to switch it around.

  5. 23 minutes ago, Foefaller said:

    Mag Proc a Corrupted Ancient, and it's no longer protecting everything around it with it's aura

    radiation procs do this already, and disables all non-eximi auras. Thanks for the clarification @-AoN-CanoLathra-

    23 minutes ago, Foefaller said:

    Proc on an Energy Leech Eximus, and your energy in no longer being drained

    i can stand by this for sure :D

  6. most likely not due to microsoft and sony more than DE.

    not to mention patch differences and all that certification needed.....kind of why consoles are always 1-2 or more patches behind compared to PC.

  7. 1 minute ago, Lolipop_Demon_cx said:

    I've just understood it as when you kill something it gets shared between all your equipments, like 25% to warframe and the 75% split between the weapons

    that is only when doing co-op missions and the affinity is gained from the allied kills, not your own (though this seems to be different for syndicate charging when running with a squad, as ive seen my warframe power kills (non exalted) charge up my syndicate procs on my active weapon). In solo, its 100% from warframe power kills and 50% to warframe and 50% the weapon that did the kill.

  8. so making the Tenora and Pandero have something more than they already do (at least mechanic whise....not so much when seeing the desc of each)? wouldnt mind a melee to finish it off (NOT a hammer.....we had that with gara.

  9. immunity? no, but innate resistance of say 25%...yes. (and yes that would still make me use Saryn against infested....b/c why not.....she IS the anti infested frame based on Ballas's Saryn Prime trailer.......)

    1 minute ago, NaoPerturbe said:

    latest?cb=20171007135225latest?cb=20171007150129latest?cb=20171007151109latest?cb=20171007151220latest?cb=20171007150459Does it answer your question?

    if only we had a dedicated slot for them....but we dont so they are and will remain to be slotless.

  10. 31 minutes ago, (Xbox One)coll9502 said:

    Idk if others feel this way but I thought it would be like this: you equip a focus lens and all the xp you gain in that mission is divided up according to the conversion rate on the lens, so if the lens has a 1.25% conversion rate then 1.25% of the xp you earned on that one mission is turned into focus. When I finally completed the war within after my hiatus I was disappointed finding out its not like that, biggest reason being is that it makes it a huge chore and doesnt feel like earning it is a natural part of the game.

    Yeah. Makes me wish we could just choose a school that we want to "focus" on and ALL xp would be converted at X% depending on how close we are to the cap (not sure if its a soft cap yet as they were discussing a month or so ago). Of course this would be for any maxed gear. No need for this lens stuff (which was fine until we got these hard to grind, rng loving eidelon lenses). Yes, it would mean not being able to spread it out among schools...but that is so inefficient it scares me at how often i see people doing something like that.

    ie. we have an active school for what we want to use in mission, and a school (whether its the active one also or a different one) that we focus our excess affinity into.

  11. 2 hours ago, BlackVortex said:

    for people complaining the focus gain is too low I only have this to show:


    one extermination run on Sedna>Adaro with an affinity booster yielding 202.058 focus

    and THIS is abusing a mechanic that SHOULD NOT NEED TO BE ABUSED to get the numbers you are getting....i SHOULDN'T have to do some crappy and boring stealth farm over and over (because only those who really know what they are doing can get perfect runs like you say you do) to get the focus i need per day. I would much rather run what i enjoy doing and get my focus that way, than doing a stealth ext which i will find boring (ive tried it....it IS boring) if i was doing it day in and day out.

  12. hmm interesting concept for sure.

    regarding the Pistol mods..would that be Pistol ONLY or all secondary weapons? Being able to have more status chance on thrown weapons or launcher type ones would be nice. Cant really speak for PT as i dont use it. I do like the idea of the warframe mods though.

    Regarding the set effect, what would it be with all 6 equipped? sounds like it would be 30% (5% per mod), which wouldnt be OP due to the max of 120%; Also, would that set effect be for the active weapon or specifically secondaries or specifically primaries?

  13. recastable????? nah, make it an aura around her so its always going, though if the teammate(s) is not near it then they are on the duration that it was at when they moved out of range.....which would ALSO fix the other issue I have with it.....only being useful as a debuff on cast...which also makes it useless with the augment.

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