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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Support for the warcry buffs.

    and how "weak" are we talking about for the slow debuff? currently it is 75% max but due to it being applied only at cast its pointless...especially with the augment

    for your changes at BEST i would reduce the range only to maybe 20-25 meters cap (large enough for evil hookshots to be slowed....ithink)

  2. 18 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    The idea is to have increased challenge like what Reb experienced in the demo, but without giving it a way to be abused by players for other other purposes.

    "abused" (to DE anyways)

    so on THAT note are they going to do something about 4 player defense missions then? because if that is not abuse then i dont know WHAT is to them....if i want to level something up quickly, then i WILL go to a popular defense mission and do my part while leveling what i need....otherwise I'll go have fun in a 40 minute survival (solo..or with a group if i feel like it) and get a fraction of what i could have gotten in maybe 10 minutes time at a defense or int with a group. Its not the affinity or drops per enemy that is the issue its the rate at which a squad of players can kill the enemies is what makes farming efficient....a solo player will always have a lower efficiency than a squad*....

    I for one would want scaling for a challenge in terms of enemy count not ridiculous enemy damage and armor scaling *in the case of grineer or corrupted)

  3. 14 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

    I'd prefer a base of 2 energy per second. After, Flow increases energy per second in addition to its current effect. With Primed Flow, a player can reach Zenurik levels of energy Regen, or maybe even slightly more. The idea is: want to cast a lot of abilities? You have to spec like a caster.

    Those are just my surface level thoughts on it, though. I'll take arcanes or probably set bonuses.

    hmm, now that you bring up flow/p.flow, what if the energy regen was universal in the sense that it was 1% total energy (not this base level 0 crud DE has going...STILL) per 1-2 seconds when not using toggled powers...that way no matter what frame is being played players would only have to wait 100-200 seconds *1 minute: 40 seconds - 3 minutes: 30 seconds* (not counting energy orbs, pads or arcanes) to full energy..thus frames with a lot of energy would not have to resort to dregs of energy. Ofc this regen would also be disabled if energy leeches or parasetics were nearby, like it is now (i think). I gave it a PERCENTAGE instead of a flat number...because flat numbers only hurt players.

    personally, i think the ES and Rejuv auras should be percentage based also...again instead of flat numbers like they are now. (even if that means getting rid of the ridiculous, build destroying, stacking)


    edit: and to prevent complete ability spam, have a CD of 2-3 seconds before the energy regen starts back up.

  4. After i heard about the rework...I've begun to NOT use my focus at all to slowly try and get used to it (ive used shadow step and EO..and started to dabble in a slash based chromatic blade excal (works beautifully lol) and since ive used EO the most....it SUCKS now having energy regen, i shouldnt have to stop my flow of combat to drop a pizza (because it DOES take too long to make 10 at a time) and i dont do arcanes because i hate doing anything raid/trial easque...and because the most sought after ones are stupidly high costs for a full set (yes yes i know JV is buggy as hell and STILL hasnt been fixed from every patch up i see the same issues coming up).....maybe, just maybe the operator arcanes will be helpful for ALL game aspects in some way.

    EO is probably THE MOST USED focus right now BECAUSE it opens up better build variety...yes for some frames it gives power spam...but this is a HORDE PVE focused game...its a given to use our powers to get rid of trash mobs quickly so as to not be overwhelmed.


    I will see what the devs have planned for the operator arcanes and see if it will work then.

  5. 1 hour ago, EpicBred said:

     The problem is, there is no reason to use another combo than the basic one. He other ones are less consistent (slower recovery from some strikes), dont do more damage and are not as easy to pull off.

    that is true for sure...which is why they NEED to be looked at ...as for pulling them off, that REALLY isn't not hard at all even at max speed.

  6. 17 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

    We have Energy Siphon and other support Warframes for passive regen. What I would like them to explore is a way to earn energy from combat and activities such as achieve melee combos, performing parkour, etc, as to make the experience more interactive.

    this would really help solo players for sure...and encourage us to use ALL of our....abilities ..not just power spamming

  7. 13 hours ago, Apeiron said:

    nerf range and make the point of greatest damage in the strike 

    maybe make the Reach/p.reach mod affect the width of the wave...the range already has a cut off along with damage reduction over distance after all. would be amazing to have a large wave with chromatic blade and the slash passive from Madurai (basically adding slash procs along with the element)

  8. 16 minutes ago, Alcatraz said:

    If you change the skill to where you HAVE to use the awful combo's to get the waves to work, you will see a giant decline in players using him. Right now, he's in a good spot with his skills, and I doubt very much you could come up with a good change that actually makes Exalted Blade better than it is currently.

    oh i know its not broken...what i HATE is that the basic 1st combo is the only thing players use...i NEVER see nor HEAR (because DE wont implement some type of sound bar for it like they did for octavia :|) players using the other combos at all...not even the block combo.

  9. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

    so u dont want ur energy drained as u spammed the waves do to blocking....

    so what ur saying is, you only want to spam the waves...

    the issue with the exulted blade IS the waves

    that IS how they showed it off..so the waves are to stay...we DO NOT need another valkry or wu kong....and no i do not WANT to spam the waves...i guess you didnt see my edit of adding the waves to 1 or 2 combos.

  10. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)Spider_Enigma said:

    what they should do is make it so the waves only show up when channeling, this way u can use melee combos with the exulted blade itself

    im sorry, but with his auto block that would not work at all...especially since it would FUBAR MANY builds..because due to the auto block you would HAVE to build for max channel efficiency (i think it effects block damage energy reduction...im not sure as i dont use it lie that at all).


    I would much rather prefer the different combos doing waves at certain points...like the pause combo doing all waves for example.

  11. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

     True but you have to look at maximization. 78 capacity os a warframe at most meants 10: 1 it's 7.8 regen at 5:1 it's 15.6 per second. If something like this is implemented DE would likely quickly figure out that perhaps someone would remove a mod or two just for regen and that could get way out into power spam insanity lol.

    ah true...im so used to running at near max cap that i forgot haha...this isnt melee where we tend to have extra points

  12. 21 minutes ago, Evanescent said:

    Cooldowns feel bad in warframe. Have ways for us to speed up or fill the bar, e.g. with kills like Destiny's Super bar! Passives should always be active, not after activating the focus because then it is no longer a passive but an activated buff!

    see SOMEONE gets it :D

    well i will wait until PoE hits before i complain any more than i already have haha.

  13. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

    Thinking about it maybe unused capacity on our warframes could contribute to energy regen? Like .1 (or .05) per extra capacity cause as is it's only 5 energy per extra capacity at mission start. Adding that onto energy siphon you can get some regen going caster frames at worst just forma more. 10 capacity is 1 energy per second.

    i would like that...particularly since it already gives you i think its 5 or 10 energy per unused mod point at mission start. though i would say 10:1 is bit large...5:1 is much more reasonable on forma costs.

  14. the ONE advantage i see of having used EO ...I'm not FORCED to use streamline + fleeting just to be able to USE my powers and still remain optimal mid to late game. Ive said this on another thread but what they should do is buff ALL auras to 4 squad members so we arent stuck in the same cookie cutter CP beats all aura builds. As for energy..i would use pizzas more often if i could build more than 10 per minute..i shouldnt have to sit at the foundry building pads when i could be running missions, thus wasting time.

    EO has opened so many builds for me to use that losing it would hurt a lot of them

  15. 18 hours ago, Sargeant_Q said:

    "We answered something like this earlier, but based on the recurring interest we are definitely looking to include aspects of the loved Focus passives possible in the overhauled Arcanes."

    until we see what they will plan to fix it..well

    I like this guy's idea:

    yes, we have energy orbs..but as one poster says, you can go for quite a bit where you DONT get energy orbs.

  16. 1 hour ago, Aeon66 said:

    Welp, then i have to redo basically all my warframe builds :/

    i know right....its been part of the game long enough that MANY build revolve around the energy regen....maybe if they, oh i dont know, made ALL auras act like a full squad with no benefits of stacking (like it currently is) it would be better and lessen the huge blow...and let us not rely on a specific aura for squad content (looking at you CP)

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