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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. I LOVE the Uru Prime Syndana...except for ONE thing.

    Please, can you UNLINK the energy color of the warframe affecting the energy color of the attachments for the syndana...I really like using black energy colors when using frames that can go invisible, but then it makes the syndana look bad on most colors that are not bright.

    and on frames where i use other energy colors, well...its very annoying when the syndana looks like a horrid gradient of colors.

    afaik, no other sydana or attachment is affected this way...so why this one?

  2. the sacrifices you do not, unless you go into the red the first time (I've only gone up from red in veil) the other way you can do it without really hurting arbiters TOO much, is to rank up steel meridian, though you will only get 1/2 points to RV. Its been awhile since I've paid attention to my syndicate stuff, but im pretty sure you will not lose points in Arbiters or Suda doing it that way

  3. On 5/4/2017 at 6:40 AM, [DE]Rebecca said:

    To encounter the final Boss Fight on Hades, you will need to earn a certain amount of Animo Beacons depending on if you are a Solo player or in a Clan. You will have a progress bar on your Navigation that displays this. This number is just total earned, they do not need to be kept (i.e you can earn and spend and it still counts toward this reveal goal).

    Revealing the Hades node requires:


    Required Animo Beacons Earned

    Solo Player   













    Im in a dead ghost clan (dead because of bad decisions DE has and continues to make, such as this), but will not leave it as its my clan outside of warframe.....THE ONLY THING that should be tied clan stuff is the leaderboards....not an actual lock for a weapon :|

    there is also the fact that you guys dont understand numbers for things like this...I literally just spent the past 2 HOURS doing pluto missions...and I only just now hit 100....im tired of this, no matter how easy it is, the grind is WAY too much for a solo player.

  4. Just now, DeadScream said:

    I may be wrong, but Excavations are what replaced planetside Survivals because they didn't make any sense (cut oxygen on a whole planet WTF) 

    well, apart from the fact that excavations were only made for planetside missions....I'm POSITIVE, there is a way to readd survivals to planetside missions, such as the tilesets beign areas that are locked by a shield of some sort (for the grineer/corpus) or the infestation is too strong for that area (for infested)...

    but that is a discussion for another topic.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Thundervision said:

    You can get more than a single Ambulas in non-endless missions, there is just a cooldown (a bit more than 2min) and judging by Defense (can't be spawned more than once on the same wave), probably have tile restrictions so it can't be spawned in the same tile -- but this one is just a thought. Haven't checked it out. But I did get 2 Ambulas drops when doing Ext mission (before I reached the killcount objective).


    Well. Yes, they removed Survival on the surface. I don't know if they fixed it after all, but there were planetside Survival Alerts before. 

    Yup, I got 4 during a pluto spy run, and just had my second one now during an exterminate....and your right it is around 2 minutes.

    as for the event, maybe this will show its not hard at all...
    it and its convoy is dead before it even gets OFF the dropship (will probably be nerfed soon)

    edit:i'll post the video in a second...got a better one, if you want to skip the combat, go to 0:45 in the video.


  6. 1 hour ago, Thundervision said:

    Ambulas isn't limited to 1 unit per mission.

    is that only in endless missions? also, are the ONLY endless missions that meet the reqs being interception, defense and excavation? I'm pretty certain there isnt a planet surface that has survival (COME ON DE :|)

    EDIT: alright, want to say that i DO get multiple in the Oceanum mission (30-40 spy on pluto) so its roughly every 2 minutes or so

  7. 36 minutes ago, Keiiken said:

    Why don't you want this? I want the disc to go through obstacles and give me greater vision.

    because it will go through the floor on most maps...rendering it pointless to use

  8. 4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    We have made some tweaks to older Warframe Auras. As you may know, an Aura's Mod Rank determines how much additional Mod Capacity you get. We've increased the following Auras form 3 Ranks to 5 Ranks. With this change, we also buffed the Auras: 

    • Speed Holster has gone from 80% to 120% at Max Rank.
    • Dead Eye has gone from 35% to 52.5% at Max Rank.
    • EMP Aura has gone from 10% to 15% at Max Rank.
    • Sprint Boost Aura has gone from 10% to 15% at Max Rank. 


    eh.....why not just make ALL auras = to Steel Charge's Cap....would have to forma so many slots when we want to change an aura :|

    as for the listed aura changes....sadly these auras are still useless compared to the rest...but thanks for the buffs i guess.

  9. try the enemy radar mods and the aura...LifeOf Rio (PS4 solo endurance runner on youtube) showed that they DO increase enemy count, especially when going solo.

    ie. my Mesa and Octavia are using the Enemy Radar aura + the enemy sense mod in the exilius slot, then adding Animal Instinct from a sent or cat/dog...your looking at around...75-80 meter range for enemies to appear, which is normally a good few rooms,

  10. I personally think that Thunderbolt as well as the secondary explosive mods (CE and the Bolto one) should be the current damage + up to 10% of enemies total Health.....because then it would at least scale and not fall off so damn quickly. Your addition for TB would be great also

  11. 53 minutes ago, Ironlixivium said:

    Rakta would be completely eclipsed and it would become mastery fodder, or a weapon people only use to mess around, or when they feel nostalgic.

    and that is how it should be....Cernos P is what..MR 14? that alone should be plenty reason for it to be BETTER....all the prime versions of syndicate weapons are after all...so why not this one :| like I said previously currently the cernos p IS mastery fodder due to the split mechanic with the arrows.....now if each arrow dealt the displayed damage...that would be a different story...but its not.

  12. 8 hours ago, Insizer said:

    neat, but bad idea.  I don't want frame specific sentinels and such.  The sentinel specific Gazal Machete was enough of an insult.

    and it was only an insult BECAUSE of the melee being a machete.....

  13. 1 hour ago, FLEXXIMUS said:

    each time I fall or jump it gets disabled and I have to toggle it again and again and again.....

    you answered it yourself.....

    your falling/jumping ...not blocking...we dont block in the air UNLESS we are aim-gliding while in melee mode..which requires a second click/press to do anyways. so its more than likely working as intended.

  14. 25 minutes ago, DSpite said:

    I'm not saying this ideas are great, but right now the mentality seems to be "overwhelm the players with a number of things too high to track, killing them by sheer sensory overload". It's rather annoying.

    to be fair that IS how the infested are designed. they are a hivemind that swarms the target...in this case, us, or the defense objective....and your ideas would work great, for another thread.

  15. maybe per pickup would shave off like 5-10% (because fixed time with how long some of these cooldowns are is a BAD choice) and would let us work with more than just a specific set of each tree....especially since the pickups only show up every....what was it 2-3 minutes ?

  16. back before the UI changes to the modding system, the mods USED to have the indicator they do now...and when you hovered over that indicator it would tell you what the mod is on based on your currently equipped gear.

    personally i just hate the fact we HAVE to have duplicate mods for both the player and the sentinel's weapon

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