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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Once you guys (consoles) get it the Astilla is really good...and doesnt even need to be modded for gas as it has its own small aoe slugs.

    As of right now? if all your concerned about is spreading spores, the Arca Plasmor is also a good choice (its also a slug style). There really arnt many high damage weapons that can make use of Gas effectively, Lanka could be one, but again, afaik you guys dont have the buffs that (and the other snipers) got (comes with U22). The Burston Prime with the Arbiters of Hexis Syndicate mod can help with its Gas proc, as well as the Telos Akbolto and Telos Boltor. I THINK any thrown weapon with Concealed Explosives can also help (Secondary weapons)

    cant help too much regarding Mag as i rarely, if ever, use her.

  2. 1 minute ago, UjaAca said:

    In suggested system it is fairly easy to hit the daily cap with regular lens. Once you have all of new mods from the bounties, will you ever play them again - since Eidolon lens doesn't offer any improvement? Eidolon lens need to offer something more than the rest, so you have the reason to play bounties.

    Daily syndicate standing cap increases with MR, so let the focus cap increase with the lens type installed. To be honest, the difference for lens cap I suggested is way smaller than the difference in syndicate cap between mr8 and mr24 player. You use only regular lens? Max your school in one month. You farmed hard to build or payed for greater lens? You'll do it in 25 days. You farmed (and was lucky) for Eidolon lens? You are done in 20 days.

    Nobody is punished, just the people who payed, or the ones that farmed hard, get to do faster than the others. That is a fair Free-to-play model.

    ah ok, i see what you mean now. Thanks for clarifying it :)

  3. 17 minutes ago, UjaAca said:

    I've been thinking about this lately. Totally agreed on removing Convergance orbs and increasing passive focus gained.
    Since PoE is focused on new players as well as on the vets, Operators became quite important part early on, and with it, the focus. I don't see a problem if new players would to be able to reach the daily cap (with syndicates, focus, or anything in game, as long as they play it) though focus cap is by far the hardest one to cap, even for vets. And if I may add, reaching the cap is by doing cheesy boring mission. 

    Getting focus is not a passive thing, if you want to reach the daily cap, you have to farm focus, nothing else. Simply removing Convergance orbs will do next to nothing in making it less of a grind (thought I have to admit it would bring a big quality of life improvement, just like how vacuum now vacuums Reactants, and hopefully one day it will vacuum Sentient cores too.)

    Focus needs economy balance. It needs to be reachable - in general. My 2 cents on the matter:
    (I know some people would be maxed by default with these changes, but is that a problem? They worked hard to do it.)

    • Remove Convergance orbs.
    • Make passive focus gained when lenses are equipped (5% for regular lenses, 7.5% greater, 10% eidolon) - that is around the half of how much orbs currently give.
    • Reduce Focus point prices in general. (25k unlock, 50k min and 150k max per point. So in total you spend 2-5 days unlocking a skill, depending on number of skill points, installed lenses and number of used shards)
    • Reduce cap back to 100k. (when using regular lenses)
    • Reduce the cost of Way-bound passives to 500k + Brilliant Eidolon shard (so you need 3-5 days to get it)
    • Reduce Brilliant Eidolon shard to 10k standing (Cap it 5 per day = 50k max extra standing.)
    • Regular lenses gain you 5% affinity turned into focus. (Also, regular lenses stop adding focus once you reach the daily cap of 100k)
    • Greater lenses gain you 7.5% affinity into focus (they continue adding focus until 125k)
    • Eidolon lenses gain you 10% affinity into focus (they continue adding focus until 150k)
    • With Eidolon lens and 5 Eidolon shard, you get 200k max standing daily. But with reduced costs of points and skills you can unlock something everyday.

    Currently, with Brilliant eidolon shards you theoretically have no cap on a daily standing. Brilliant Eidolon shards giving 25k focus in this unreachable focus system looks like a perfect way to make people fight Eidolon all the time, but aren't Operator Arcanes unreachable already? There will probably be more. Also, we will have a bunch of new T4 Amp parts in the future, not to mention other future Amps in the existing tiers, so no need to bind Brilliant Eidolon shards so hard to the Focus. Make it exchangeable for The Quills standing.
    System I suggested makes focus gain feel like sigil syndicates do. I think everybody likes that - play everyday, have fun and you will eventually reach it. Play certain type of missions to get even more standing. Search for a certain loot, and get even more standing. New player would reach the cap a bit harder than vets, but that wouldn't be the point of this system. Players would advance by playing and having fun, not solely by cheesing.

    So you would lower costs overall, increase gains....but lower the cap based on lens type...wth? so you PUNISH those who stick to lower quality lens (because eidolon lenses are super rare compared to greaters and normals)...apart from that, i like your ideas.

  4. I fight infested 95% of my play sessions because they are fun to murder with no regard):

    Ancients with their ping pong setup (DE, FIX THIS CRUD, it is NOT hard to add a 2-3 second immunity) there have been times that Ive gotten hit by the hooks 5-6 times in a row. I would be fine with it IF it was only on say the Disruptor, which WOULD make the most sense because then it would DISRUPT the flow of combat.

    Toxics, even at the lowest level, can one shot most Frames with their 360 (confirmed multiple times by me and other clan mates) 5m (estimate) breath attack.

    Oh one more here, PARASITIC...these NEED to be made melee attacks drain energy instead of a stupid 20-35m aura that disrespects LOS....and they need to be toned down to only 1 or 2 model types...not 5-6 that they are now (which is why we can encounter so damn many of them)

    Grineer...honestly i hate their insane Armor scaling, even with CP AND corrosive elements its horrible.

    Corpus...hmm, Nullifier drones not being affected by aoe powers even though they are clearly outside of the bubble lol.

    in General for eximi units...the combines ones suck (Arctic Nullifiers anyone?) and Toxic Sanguine ancients.

  5. 8 minutes ago, xRAzorxDicex said:

    Put a zeph or volt animation on ember and then proceed to whole heartedly tell me it wouldnt be right to pass thurible. I'll call your bluff buddy lol

    oh this is easy...because they are ELEMENTAL....not a physical item that belongs only to Harrow. That being said, I also say no..BECAUSE it is a physical item (even if he pulls it from out of nowhere).

  6. what they say they did fix was fish DEspawning after getting spooked...which wasnt apparently supposed to be happening. I'm guessing it was also what was causing fish to NOT spawn.

  7. 24 minutes ago, TheBlueJelly said:

    (that can actually break 100% crit chance without crit delay or a riven, btw) when not.

    huh? no way it can get to 100% crit with a base of 27%...not even with PS and CD...MAYBE in addition to Argon Scope...but at that point your wasting slots for a crit focus.

    but yes it is good for status in its full auto mode...and ok in semi mode.

  8. i would drop body count and put in Drifting Contact, then put in the 90% Toxin mod as there isnt a reason to use the DT version with such low status. DC is personally my main Combo keeper, because 13 seconds is more than enough for me and BC is just wasting 4 more cap points for a mere 2 second increase. There is also the forced slash procs combined with Relentless Combination, in creasing the CC even if you arent attacking directly, thus not letting it decay.

  9. I say leave the cap as is...BUT make ONE Focus Lens per school that is tied to 15% of affinity goes to the school of choice. that IS basically what we have with the Syndicates after all...except at a (MR rank +1) * 1000 cap, which i can hit my 22k a day there within an hour or less depending on what missions i do (I  do almost exclusively survivals when I'm bored) I cant give a good number right now as the Syndicate standing earned per mission is bugged to all hek right now. We can slot a lens to our Operator..and since nearly everything focus related is now for the operator, i think we should have a menu that lets us select the lens we want to use (basically we slot all 5 schools, going from Basic (~5% to 7.5%) to Greater (10%) to Eidolon (15%)) Yes, this would mean we wouldnt be able to gain focus in 4/5 schools (why would ANYONE want to shoot themselves in the foot that much is beyond me) and thus focus on one school at a time....but i think we would actually then be able to hit our daily cap of 250k within few hours.....not waste it like MANY players are now (myself included)

    as far as the Convergence Orbs.....I had forgotten that they were added to stop camping....but as of right now it seems like we HAVE to get them jus tto get ok gains (basically at the rates if they had been with the above numbers on lenses (imo) since the CO is an 8x mult (i think? or was it 4x or 6x?)

    and yes this is all before boosters are taken into account, thus even FASTER rates to hit the daily cap.

    If we DIDNT have a cap, then i would be up in arms over how long it would take at the VERY low rates we are at right now....but seeing as we DO have a cap...it should not matter at how quick we hit it...as long as we DO hit it....as it stands, even I do not want to do that stealth affinity farming just to SCRATCH my daily cap, as i would get bored so fast its not even funny and then want to go back to my normal survival runs.

  10. 11 minutes ago, -CG.WFO.A4NC.EN.CM-Nub said:

    Back in Focus 1.0, each of all three Madurai passives that increase damage by 30% in forms of Slash, Puncture, and Impact, affected numerous abilities like Ash's Shurikens, Ember's World on Fire, Ivara's Artemis Bow, Titania's Razorwing (both Dex Pixia and Diwata), and Nova's AMD. But now in Focus 2.0, the two new Madurai passives don't appear to be affecting said abilities anymore, is this intended or a bug?

    probably intended..since instead of having the 3 (somewhat) separate increases (why they even got added to elements and abilities in the first place) its now all or nothing in terms of increase...and not an addition either (sadly) *i liked it in 3.0 as i could then add slash damage to elemental only weapons and abilities...made chromatic blade that much more powerful...especially since it worked with drifting contact and relentless combination *w/e that slash proc increasing combo counter is called*)

  11. 10 hours ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Energy color highlighting of enemies (handy in the Plains).

    now if only it went out to 400m instead of a mere 100m

    9 hours ago, DreamsmithJane said:

    Except for the part where it has better DPS, 4 times the damage per bullet, and much better status output when compared with Soma Prime. And unlike Stradavar, this gun's full auto mode actually has the benefit of improved status chance. I'm honestly surprised that anyone thinks Argonak is bad, when Soma Prime was the gold standard in assault rifles for ages, and this is straight up better.

    and the fact that both modes are the same status types (impact and Slash majority..with a slight more bias to slash)..instead of the strad's different damage focus depending on the mode lol.

    I love that the Argonok is crit focused semi mode and status focus full mode...with a good amount of status or crit in either mode (except for that odd as hell 9% in full auto...whichj i personally think should be 19% to reflect the semi mode having a 19% status)

    Staggering bleeds for days...*drool*

  12. 1 hour ago, Ceryk said:

    As for the medallions, we have Brilliant Eidolon Shards to fill that role so that is already in the game.

    which REQUIRES capturing eidolons....and a competent team with a 3/4 strict setup.

    i actually would love to have focus missions from say, the Quill, where we get pickups that can end up being 10-15k focus per mission (or per set of missions like Semaris gives) (yes that much...i WANT something that can kind of compete with this blatant eidolon hunting that is already getting boring to do)..in addition to how daily cap...aka just like the syndicates.

  13. 19 hours ago, Ceryk said:

    This is one reason I am against the Lenses being put on equipment. There should be one lens slot on the operator. No calculation, no weird getting more focus out of 2 lenses than 4 by dropping the rest of your weapons, and universal gains. And as I said, if necessary, make them level up like arcanes do.

    now that i would be completely fine with...especially since most of the focus stuff now is operator based....and it would cut down on the lens's needed drasitaclly to maybe one per school.

  14. 20 minutes ago, Tothetix said:

    I know that DE has made it so that when using a warframe power to kill a large amount of enemies, causes you to gain reduced Affinity.

    when did they do this?

    I DO see affinity numbers being rather random though most of the time i see them oncreasing (like during a survival run on apploduras, toxic ancients went from 983 or w/e it is to at 1401 per at around the 35 minutes mark with the 45% melee affinity bonus from naramon..though there were times where it DID drop back down to the normal values.) and times where the normal charger would give me 145 xp (at the same mark period) but at times would give me their 86 normal. (this was without any affinity boost 9either from smeeta or a booster itself).

    I've never seen a DECREASE in affinity from warframe power kills.

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