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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. They actually have changed the combo counter to decay, though i dont know what the base rate is. Consoles will get it soon.

    That being said, i really wish they would go back and look over the older stances, their combos are useless and annoying to pull off...and the animations are just, not flowing as well as the newer stances do.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Acersecomic said:

    For the love of god, people! There's nothing wrong with the skin! It looks awesome, the colors are great, the physics are very lovely.
    Honestly have no idea why you're all so butthurt. I can't wait to buy Ember Deluxe Collection to prance around in everyone's face. And that mohawk is awesome, best she's ever had and I really want it, it looks badass.
    In week or few you'll all be quiet little chicks while Ember still burns... you butthurts.

    Christ.. you get an optional deluxe skin and diapers round the world get riled up.

    and people are all pissed off because this isnt what most players WANTED for a Deluxe skin. They wanted the Original one, but we obviously cant have due to issues that came up between DE and the Artist. (something about DE's love of Mohawks for Ember)

    At least the body is good, the helm i can do without.

    @OP, thanks for the ideas on the colors

  3. 1 hour ago, Netzwerkfehler said:

    can the overlay map be like the map for other missions?

    the poe map tints land brown. In other missions it just shows  outlines and does not fill anything with color

    and how would they go about doing this? the other maps are simple tile sets...this is one LARGE area. That being said, i would much prefer a zoom in and zoom out feature..its too dang large in overlay.

  4. 25 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    3. Bombards: faster rockets, no target tracking.

    best part is...Tusk Bombards from the Plains already have this...DE just needs to make the change to regular bombards.....OR switch them around so the plains have the homing where it makes sense lol.

    25 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    5. Accuracy Scaling: STOP SCALING UP ACCURACY FOR ENEMIES. Grunts need accuracy caps. Period.

    say what???? never knew about this.

    25 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    6. Shield Reliability: NO MORE DAMAGE THROUGH SHIELDS. Half of one shot deaths probably happen to players who THINK they are safe, but are actually down 50% of their health due to unnoticed Slash and Toxin procs, and drain auras. Despite their shields NEVER HAVING BEEN DEPLETED, and thus, never having heard the Depletion Warning cue.


    There IS a shield gating thing that has been thrown around lately...and being tested somehow...iirc DE just doesnt like how their tests are reacting properly.
    How would this work against enemies though?

    25 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    4. Trash Mobs: Stop scaling up trash mob, grunt level enemies at 30-40. Treat Gunners, Bombards, Nox, Red Crewmen as mini bosses and bring in Proxies for Corpus above that.

    i would be down for this for sure....they ARE trash mobs after all.

    one other thing i would like to add is the bloody Armor scaling. I'm fine with shields and health scaling as we DO have proper means to lower them easily thru status, but Armor is a complete joke with Corrossive being so useless its not even funny (Due to the NEED for High Fire Rate weapons ON TOP OF CP).

  5. Spoiler


    9 hours ago, Xarteros said:

    In answerance:

    I'm talking about giving them a finisher attack if they have Void Stalker. The damage could scale based on the rank of the ability, and maybe it uses the stats of your Amp in terms of raw damage, attack speed and crit

    Operators themselves should NEVER be able to use melee weapons. Not even daggers. It takes the incredible strength, limitless stamina and lightning speed of a Warframe to be able to do what we do. Look at how thick the Grineer's armour is, and how easily we cleave through them with blades, crush them with hammers, and puncture them with daggers. An Operator shouldn't ever have that kind of strength.

    If Operators in general need to get melee at some point, it should be based around the Amp. Either as an upgrade, an alternate form, or simply a second amp on the left arm, but it should all be Void-energy based. I could happily imagine a Void Whip, a Void Dagger, Void Shield/Sword, Void Staff and maybe even a Void Gunblade for a bit of hybridisation. The idea here is that none of them are physical weapons. The Gunblade would really just be a blade of energy around your hand, with the gun-part being a blast from your equipped amp perhaps (or some default blast), and the shield would be like 

    Probably the best alternative to making it based around the Amp would be in making it a new node in the Focus Schools. Naramon would get the Dagger, Madurai would get the Gunblade, Unariu would get the Sword and Shield, Zenurik would get the Whip, and Vazarin would get the Staff. They've always sounded more like Martial Arts schools to me, so I feel like that would be fitting.

    Now that's just some idea-tossing in the event that we NEED melee attacks for the Operator. I'd be happy either way, as long as Operators get more use than just Teralyst farmers



    ah ok, i missed that during the read thru. thanks for clarifying.

  6. 1 hour ago, Xarteros said:

    Make Executing Dash sleep all the enemies hit for a few seconds (to use in conjunction with Void Stalker finisher if you want to stay in operator form)

    the sleep KIND of makes sense to give some kind of indicator that the enemy is finisher ready....but how would void stalker help if we as operators dont have a melee weapon?

    so far as it stands, i want to DE to add FULL descriptions to ALL the focus abilities....looking at Executing Dash, yeah it opens enemies up to finishers...but for how long per rank? is it permanent until the enemy is killed and the only upgrade is damage addition? That is what i want to know....

    Void stalker is.....so useless, when i first saw it and the zaws, i ALMOST thought Operators would be able to use melee weapons...but nope. thus Void stalker is quite useless as it stands right now.

    I almost want them to move the melee channeling from zenurik to Naramon (makes more sense anyways due to melee) and add a Toggled power efficiency to zenurik (again, makes more sense imo)

  7. 1 minute ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

    It was there before the PoE. It was there at least for a year.

    and yet they say they introduced it with U22.....

    the last time they had any documented changes to warframe vacuum was for a VERY brief period during The Vacuum Within testing....and that was at 6 meters, which lasted for maybe an hour or 2 at most before they nuked it in favor for the current Sentinel Vacuum mod.

  8. I enjoy Saryn. I just wish she had a immunity to Toxin type damage (yes an immunity not a reduction) *same would go for the other elemental frames* for her passive as i really dont see the double proc timers as, efficient (viral and toxin, that is about it).

    I wish her 3 would have an auto block when melee is equipped so as to really make use of the 40% base blocking damage reduction, basically an innate auto parry, but only when melee is equipped (active) (would personally, if the changes wasnt made innate, would make this an augment to replace her current one as it DOES feel very useless.

    I wish her 4 would last longer than a base of 4 seconds (or is it 3?) its just to dang low to realyl see anything good out of it, even when comboing.

    I agree that her 2 health scale is very poor for what it is supposed to do. I would make the current augment innate to it and add a new one that would have viral spores pop up from it every few seconds or so, so we dont have to always rely on having to cast spores on it.

    Her 1 is ok, if a bit to low on damage per second. Her augment (and the other elemental frames' 1 augment) is useless in a solo setting as it doesnt do anything for the caster.

    I;m using the melee build and the accompanying spore build off warframe builder. and do enjoy it. I attempted to do something for her 4, but...it just isnt noticeable or viable to build for.

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