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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. would give me far more reason to use my pets, including what redeyedtreefrog said heh.

    when they were messing around with The Vacuum within, there was a period of about 6-12 hours where warframes HAD a 6 meter passive....why they didnt just increase it to 12 meters and kept it was beyond me...apart from the fact that the pickup range was much smaller due to it only being 6 meters instead of 12.

  2. I've been doing some cache hunting on the crossfire and came across this room that has a chamber that can be accessed by wall hopping all the way to the top....the problem is there IS a cache that is behind the wall shown farther in the album that cant be gotten to, at least no way Ive found. Any tips?



    edit: go figure...was running around and the drop was in another room that was directly behind the above pictures.

    that being said, dont forget to check the room pictured if you get it.

  3. 19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Red Veil Fanatics now have objective markers on them in the Chains of Harrow boss fight.

    thank you....it took me quite a few deaths to realize we were supposed to defeat them

    19 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Fixed the Berserker Mod not applying to Excalibur’s Exalted Blade and its waves.

    THANK YOU :D while your at it can we get an option to turn off the swish sound.

  4. 16 minutes ago, GOEATSOMEFUSHM8 said:

    You can just do the [ ] on the item you want to look at, as it will apply it to your warframe to see what it would look like.

    I honestly think its a good idea...because then we can try on FULL armour sets before we decide on them...(for example)...this is because most everything else is previewable..except armour sets.

  5. ugg...that last part.....can you guys make it ANY harder to see the bloody chains?!?!?!?

    edit: figuered it out....but "dying" that many times shows that you guys REALLY need to look at the focus/operator system....NOW

  6. 6 minutes ago, TrickshotMcGee said:

    It's the only one that can reach 100% crit chance without the use of Rivens or Argon Scope. It may have the crappy charge mechanic, but it also hits the hardest of any of them and has insane punchthrough. 

    and good status...modded for gas and electricity its decent in crowds

  7. anything to do with the operator (not the focus system) really needs to be looked at...we are so squishy its useless and its only active use is with kuva siphons/floods...and now this quest.

    I hate to say it, but DE has a ton of unfinished stuff they NEED to get on top of (focus system for one)...yes i know they have a schedule of stuff...but come on....

  8. 10 hours ago, [DE]Mumbles said:

    The Shock-Camo Opticor Skin is available for purchase in your Arsenal and we swear it's not a Braton model! 

    but it shows that eventually we CAN hide our OP weapons with others right??? please??? *starts looking for sacrifices*

  9. 14 hours ago, [DE]Mumbles said:

    Mods that are already equipped on compatible gear now have a desaturated look and icon representing that they cannot be simultaneously used on compatible gear!


  10. 10 hours ago, [DE]Mumbles said:


    • Increased damage from 70 to 130
    • Increased Crit Chance from 15% to 20%
    • Increased Mastery Rank requirement from 0 to 4

    Lex Prime

    • Increased Mastery Rank requirement from 0 to 5

    no changes to aklex prime? ist EXACTLY like a regular lex prme, but double ammo, recoil and reload times.....

  11. the main change i want done to auras is that they give their benefits of a squad of 4 at ALL TIMES...so that way a squad does not have to all use the same aura for max benefit (and helps smaller squads and solo players). That being said, it then wouldn't be necessary to have the current stacking mechanic (thus more potential build variety).


    There is also the fact that not all the auras all give the same plus mod cap (steel charge is the only one to give + 16) and iirc there a a few that give +12 (or+10)...with most giving +14. I personally would love to make it so that the auras all gave their max cap so we do not have to forma for it to benefit..thus even more variety for builds. (This is probably the easiest thing to do right now..that really should be done)

    Edit: (oh, Phyrak said  that lol)

  12. please...before they add ANY MORE riven mods, we FIRST need additional ways to acquire rivens...a LOW RNG drop from a daily sortie is ridiculous when we have over 300 weapons already.


    and the devs said themselves that archwing was meant to be more of a mini-game than a simulator...and even if it was, it needs more to it.

  13. I have to say, hope and pray support can do something for you.


    to DE...MAKE THESE WEAPONS UNSELLABLE...these items are one time (at least for now...who knows if we may ever have the chance to get them back later *i havent sold mine and never plan to*) rewards so there is no reason for them to be sellable for credits in the first place.

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