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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. On 10/23/2017 at 1:15 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    Remove convergence orb and increase the passive gain to 10% of the affinity atleast

    10% for basic lens, 25% for greater and 40% (or 50%) ediolon?

    it would make it SSOOO much easier to calculate per kill how much focus Im getting.

    edit to above: and I mean total in some way, meaning if you have all 4 slotted while in a party, obviously it would be around those numbers TOTAL. if you have just the warframe, it would be the same...basically no matter how many lens's you have installed....just this way you are always gaining focus at a meaningful degree.

    On 10/23/2017 at 1:15 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    If desired give us a consumable what increases the passive gain to 30% for 3 minutes

    I would be fine with this. I for am getting sick of HAVING to go after Convergence orbs just to get DECENT focus gains.



    On 10/23/2017 at 1:15 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    Give us actual quills quests where we can earn focus and their reputation

    would be awesome.


    On 10/23/2017 at 1:15 AM, Fallen_Echo said:

    Kills with operators should turn 100% of the affinity into focus

    also awesome...would encourage use of the operator more.

  2. I think that melee channel efficiency should be on naramon....and that Zenurik should have a toggled power efficiency. Particularly because naramon really seems to be the melee focused tree where as zenurik is (still) the energy focused tree.

    I almost wish they would have seen your thread and looked at it in detail...especially IF they ever plan on reworking melee channeling.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    Enough to get bothered by it. Considering it can happen very randomly (in contrast to launcherweapons, which you have FAR more control over), it's just an unnecessary evil for no good reason.
    And honestly, the explosion feature of Glaives feels rather unfitting (especially on the Power Throw mod, upon channeling it's ok I guess) and I wouldn't care if it was scrapped entirely, at least from the Power Throw mod  I understand it was meant to add multitarget-potential (although, the radius is pitiful), but I feel the mark-bouncing is a far more fitting way to give it a multitarget-feature.

    Makes sense..I almost think PT shoul;d be replaced with your marking feature


    50 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    Yeah, that is Orvius' special channeled / superthrow feature, so the marked throw might not work too well for the Orvius (unless it would simply latch to one target at a time, then jump over to the next whenever it expires/killed the previous target?)

    now THAT would be useful for it.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    The mod, Power Throw. Can it either get rid of the explosion, or could the Glaives' explosion simply be non-selfdamaging?

    how often are you REALLY killing your self from the explosion? i would understand when using a stealth fram

    ....but outside of that..not so much

    14 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    or maybe as a feature to channeling pre-throwing the Glaive.

    I know the Orvius does something like this where it will latch above a single target when its channeled (or timed throw with Dial wield). would be cool to have a homing feature for the other glaive types with the same mechanic (not the capture one, just the channel or timed throw)

  5. I brought this up during one of the many streams of Brozime I watched this past week or 2...and he agreed, especially because of the large changes and that many of us just dumped them into the first upgrade of a tree before really understanding how the rest worked....and Of course it MUST be plat based for obvious reasons...maybe with an incremental cost per tree respec (for what ever reason)

  6. 13 minutes ago, BiancaRoughfin said:

    Reactants can now be Vacuumed by Sentinels.

    Supply Beacons are Vacuumed by Sentinels.

    and there is the issue...SENTINEL REQUIREMENT...what if i wanted to bring my kat or brow to these missions...then im stuck looking for these and having to literally go ut of my way to get to them

    3 minutes ago, maj.death said:

    The better question is why do people find it so damn hard to pick up loot?

    simple...we are ALL crutched by Vacuum.

  7. he brings up a valid point.....going from no alarms STRAIGHT to lockdown does NOT make any sense...and it was a change within the last few months as i recall that there used to be a delay between alarm stages.

    I think the change was around the time they were fiddling with the AI to stop stealth affinity farming (which apparently hasnt worked if that EXT mission on sedna with sleep frames is still around for focus farming)

  8. 3 minutes ago, Aurea_Hiigara said:

    I'd be satisfied with the sentinel using Medi-Ray on itself if the warframe is at full health and the sentinel isn't.

    so much this..would serve 2 purposes in one mod....and something that would be helpful.

  9. On 10/19/2017 at 1:48 PM, [DE]Connor said:

    Added a fast travel option in your pause menu for all Cetus vendors.



    On 10/19/2017 at 1:48 PM, [DE]Connor said:

    Changed bounty reward tables:

    • Lower level bounties will have less stances, and more useful mods for new players.
    • Higher level bounties will offer Kuva and Void Traces.




    On 10/19/2017 at 1:48 PM, [DE]Connor said:

    Fixed Ivara’s Artemis Bow always shooting with a horizontal spread.

    Thanks :)

  10. 17 hours ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

    I was hoping it would have an actual scope, instead of being 'just another rifle' with an ADS gimmick.

    i wonder if they COULD add a scope to the Primary Fire mode...and lower the auto mode zoom down a bit? its just a bit too much and is only good in the large tiles or the Plains, sadly.

    On another note....anyone else feel that they missed a 1 on the crit chance for the secondary fire? (base stats btw)



    I'm glad there isnt a change in damage or damage type unlike another weapon that shares a similar fire mode swap mechanic

    I also wish the highlighting worked regardless of what was in the way....(ie a toxin cloud from an osprey blocking the highlighting)

  11. 7 hours ago, JonesmanThe64th said:

    My problem with operator being the source of 100% affinity-focus conversion rate.. you wouldn't really be able to focus farm till after War Within.. when focus is unlocked after Second Dream. Though with the changes.. you can't really use focus till after you pop out your op anyway.

    yes, bit unlike those of us here, most players dont have to wait a year for TWW...they could theoretically do it right after if they wished.

  12. Just Watched Tactical Potato do this literally not 10 minutes ago.......and even HE is still getting sick of this....he says he's had the achievement reset 4 times already and still nothing...and currently he still cant achieve the achievement.

    I myself did the night run at the same time as him, though solo and got the achievement in game....this is something that should NEVER been set as a twitch stream thing considering how bugged beyond belief it is....this should have been maybe survive x amount of nights (not in a row of course because that would be foolish) in game so everyone could get it.

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