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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. This is one weapon, that the only reason I have not got rid of it due to being an unobtainable quest weapon, does not really have much going for it. Yes, its status chance is great and so is its attack speed. but the passive ability is...well flow breaking.

    I would love to see it changed so that it would force the drop of health or energy orbs on melee kill, preferable via Channeled kills and instead of it being based on enemy type of whether a health orb or energy orb is dropped, it is based on what the user needs most.

    This is because the Only group that can drop energy at good rates from the weapon are corpus due to their rather large use of robotics (as it currently stands), where as the other factions are more flesh based, with the infested Ospreys being the only robotic enemy (based on the current animation locking drain mechanic)

    Changing the mechanic to forced drop on melee channel kill would be far better than the current one..especially now that Zenurik now has that nifty looking melee channel efficiency passive on use, which would help with a channel build even more.

  2. ok, so after doing some testing.....I have come to find out that one SHOULD NOT use the twitch PC CLIENT to watch the streamers....none of this promo stuff will work otherwise...so one is stuck watching ONLY from he browser (or mobile, though i never used that)....THAT is unacceptable to not let users know that ONLY the browser is the one that works....that being said i now have to find someone who is a Partner and has not done the achievement yet since its fixing. (I may have found one who is doing it This Friday around 9 AM pacific time)

  3. im sorry but because of their screw up (STILL, from what it seems like) that is just messed up.

    I watched SabaiGuy get the achievement (was keeping track of the time for him) even after it was confirmed Multiple times beforehand and during the fix by the Warframe Twitch itself on stream chat...and even now i dont have the sigil....and if Support wont do anything then that is BAD support....I'll try again with @Telluric stream on friday.

    now for all i know it could be Twitch client not counting...maybe i need to try the browser version


  4. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Milanopwnz said:

    I think its streamer specific

    well im dang sure SabaiGuy is one such streamer as he got raided by Meg and company a few times (I was watching him most of the day yesterday) XD Not to mention the Warframe Twich was active in the chat...especially around the time they fixed this sigil (supposedly)...at this point they should just bake into the achievement itself to encourage players to stay in the plains all night....not limit it to streamers and viewers.

  5. I watched SabaiGuy earlier today and was active on the stream when he got it (I was keeping track of the time remaining).....heck even @DE_Alden confirmed it multiple times that it was working during the stream....i still don't have it.

    could it be an issue watching from the Twitch CLIENT (PC app) and not the browser? I even did a relink of my twitch account to my warframe account (before the thread was up) and nothing.

  6. 47 minutes ago, Pnoyleet said:

    Go left of the tree to get that overflow...its for the duration of the run u be gaining energy / sec and its cheaper to go that way..u dont need to pop out operator and dash just to get energy.

    that is only for the operator...not the warframe (as far as i know...)

  7. 1 hour ago, xxswatelitexx said:

    It saves all rewards after you beat the bounty. No need to go to cletus to get it or save it. 
    The only thing is you can see all of rewards - but it saves after each mission in the plains. 

    So it is more like a Report that is about it. 

    so anything i pickup during the bounty is saved after i finish it and then abort mission?

  8. Can we PLEASE get some type of extraction area at the end of a bounty? i for one DO NOT want to go all the way back BY FOOT to cetus just to get my full rewards....even if i used nova with max range it would still suck....even if we have to use *gasp* air support (come on...the only GOOD one is the turret or the healing tower anyways) *a different type of AS charge would be nice to distinguish the two.

    That so far is one of my only grips (apart from the crazy costs for archwing calls *per 50*)

  9. impressive

    this seems like it could be a corpus rescue (in mass) kind of like the grineer defection, but without other corpus units against us

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