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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. it was nice to have such a high level survival....though it was also a bit...easy..for me, then again i was in octavia...and was the only one NOT to go down....and it was my first time taking her into a pug..im pretty dang certain the Nova priming the enemies made it a lot easier in terms of damage output.


  2. On 4/11/2017 at 8:31 AM, Callback said:

    The way they handled volume for allied Octavias is wrong.  Don't put a generic option in the full menu.


    Put a slider on the player in your squad menu when you press esc.  Let players adjust on the fly based on individual players and what they may have to offer.  Maybe default it to off if multiple are in a squad, and let players choose if they want it to always default off in options.


    With this change, unrestrict the mandachord.  We need more freedom!  Maybe make it an "advanced mode" option when editing so players who don't know what they're doing can still have the simplified pentatonic version.

    hell this idea would solve my only hate with excal....swish swish swish swish....24/7

    on topic: So far the ONLY change I can see that needs to be done to Octavia is make her Amp an AURA around her...instead of an invisible ball at one spot....as it is Octavia REALLY encourages camping to the extreme...

  3. I would much rather have a dedicated Augment slot....one that DOESNT take up mod points (but also doesnt add to anything like an Aura Does), so if we wanted to use more than one augment at a time (my Ash.P build for example uses SS and FT) then the 2nd-4th augments would still use points and ofc the main slots

  4. On 4/11/2017 at 7:30 PM, .Epsilon-VII said:

    p2p still bad honestly, DE also needs to rework Nidus its too op

    conclave WILL be bad...beacuse very little of the community care for it....and nidus is not OP....just really strong and great with players who KNOW how to use him right.

  5. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)Francis_Boudreau said:

    How about no? Hema was such a sink and it got people to complain.  Why would you want to arbitrary lose a lot of resources when you could need them later for insane crafting requirements? And please, don't give DE ideas. 

    yes it was a step in the right direction..on the WRONG resource....of all the resources I (personally) have they chose a resource that MANY players do not have more than 1000 of because it only drops from 2 areas...and one of those areas is super low while the other area uses an outdated key system to access.

    if it had been alloy plates, PLASTIDS, NANO SPORES, or any other resources that players have literally millions of (most players DO have hundreds of thousands of them), there would not have been such an outcry on the Hema.

    Now, on topic...I would much rather they give us a queue option on certain consumable foundry items...THAT alone would kill 2 birds with one stone...letting us get rid of excess resources AND give the players what they have been asking for for ages now.

  6. 59 minutes ago, XRosenkreuz said:

    How does it make any kind of sense for the ability that stores weapon damage and applies it to your next shot to suddenly scan your surroundings and highlight things?

    please...ANY change to her first would be a good and much needed change....I for one NEVER use her first BECAUSE it is USELESS in a game style like warframe.

  7. On 4/3/2017 at 9:52 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

    Hey Tenno,

    For those of you asking for additional payment options for Digital Pack pre-order purchases, we went ahead and contacted Eventbrite to see if we could include PayPal as an additional payment method. We're sorry to report that events on Eventbrite are unable to use multiple payment processors at the same time. Since the event went live and is currently using the payment methods you see now, we are unable to add PayPal. 

    We deeply apologize for the disappointment, as many of you have shared interest in donating to Covenant House Toronto. DE and Covenant House thanks you for your interest and for understanding. 

    well, now you guys know for next time...and any other future events...at least you guys tried to see if it could be added.

  8. 11 hours ago, IceColdHawk said:

    I only tested slash proc ticks against the bombard. And an ancient has no armor.

    as far as i am aware slash procs still ignore armor value anyways. its the enemies armor TYPE that also affects the amount of damage they take. In this case its Alloy Armor, which means they do take less damage from slash damage and procs overall compared to the ancient infested.

  9. 7 minutes ago, Imaru said:

    No other way to get her short of platinum. I've actually heard that, as new Warframes go, she's not that bad a grind. 

    getting the parts...not to bad...getting the damn kuva...horrible (i bought nidus because i cant stand the kuva ...."stuff"....) and her systems reqs 2,000 kuva.

  10. 53 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    The lack of challenge doesn't come from parameters but it comes from core mechanics.

    and these core mechanics havent been changed AT ALL since the game released.

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