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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Just now, InsanityKey said:

    I changed nothing on my Nidus setup.  It's been the same since I got him.  And I've never even built a single key.

    well, then i dont know what to say...I havent changed my build since he came out and nothing is different statwise...perhaps you can post your build and ability screens and we can help you out somehow.

  2. 2 minutes ago, InsanityKey said:

    And I can't give you exactly what changes were made since, like I said, there's nothing listed in the patch notes.  But after playing with him today, I noticed that all of his abilities are severely cut in power.  Where the regen on his 4th used to be 32, it's now 17.  Where he used to be able to 1-shot round 15 Akkad disruptors with full stacks, now he does ~100 damage to them.

    check your mods...check your gear, maybe you have a key equipped....

  3. 4 minutes ago, lulutor117 said:

    with this cap , why anyone keep a viper solo riven then ? there are more than 60 more powerful weapons than this one : / ...

    and there is the second reason i think there is a cap....there is no need to keep a riven for a weapon that barely gets any use at all in the first place.

  4. 2 minutes ago, lulutor117 said:

    i'm quite surprised of this cap . is it du to server capacity ?

    yup...the exact reason is due to how much data and space the rivens hold due to their unquire mechanics of being multiplt, random mods in one

  5. 1 minute ago, (PS4)CoolD2108 said:

    Haven't heard of any new changes (besides the need to wield it, what's acceptable)...care to elaborate? Is another nerf comming to consoles?


    12 minutes ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Telos Boltace:

    • The only melee entry on the list is the Telos Boltace.
    • This weapon is receiving a bit more of a mechanic change rather than a purely numerical change.
    • The Slide attack will create a vortex that staggers and draws enemies toward you.
    • The following Slide attack (after a vortex) will radial blast and ragdoll enemies away from you.
    • This 'back and forth' will be on a cooldown.  


  6. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:


    The Simulor's entry into Arsenals marked one of the more unique moments in Weapon history. It's always been a little weird - stacking orbs together leads to both passive and active death. The stacking itself causes damage and the fully stacked orb can be activated with your 'Alt Fire' button for an additional explosion.

    • The Status Chance has been increased to 30%.
    • The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased - it used to take 5, now it takes 3.
    • A Critical Chance of 2% has been added.
    • The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-6 meters.
    • The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 per orb to 75 (225 at full stack).
    • On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-6 from 3-8
    • On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from 150-250 to 20-40
    • The Simulor has had its max Ammo Capacity reduced to 60.  

    Synoid Simulor:

    Considering the Simulor was the only Primary Cephalon weapon, it was easy to see a Synoid version entering Arsenals. Like its vanilla counterpart, it's always been a little weird - stacking orbs together leads to both passive and active death. The stacking itself causes damage and the fully stacked orb can be activated with your 'Alt Fire' button for an additional explosion.

    • The Status Chance increased to 35%
    • The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased - it used to take 5, now it takes 4.
    • A Critical Chance of 5% has been added.
    • The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-8 meters.
    • The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 per orb to 75 (300 at full stack).
    • On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-8 from 3-8
    • On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from 150-250 to 20-50
    • The Synoid Simulor has had its max Ammo Capacity reduced to 75.


    1 minute ago, BlueTunicLink said:

    Is the nerf of the simulor missing its notes or am I seeing things?


  7. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)DRG JupiterIvan said:

    Eh, I can see the thought process of this, but personally I'd rather it be his slide Attack. Radial Javelin has its place. So does this.

    true...but until they do something to make RJ worth using...its kind of moot.

  8. the kind of difficulty i would like is to play solo...but have the enemy spawns as if there were up to 3 other players...that would be great imo....MAYBE in the rare chance the warlord created missions ever comes we'll be able to see that...and then being able to add our own conditions..like a survival exmius stronghold style heheh

  9. 3 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    yes, I said sniper UNITS, meaning enemies, not Snipers in general meaning us. it's there in black and white...

    they may as well remove Ballistas and other enemy snipers from the game if they go through with shield gating, because they'll be no threat to us: they hit us, we wait for our shields to recharge, and repeat. if these units can't one shot us, then what is their purpose being on the battlefield in the first place, other than cannon fodder?

    ah ok....well how often are you fighting against sniper units and nothing else? especially at high level....they can still take out our shields and we can still get creamed by the rest of the enemies...but that is exactly WHY many of us WANT shield gating...so we DONT get one shotted for no reason.

  10. 30 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    shield gating won't ever be a thing, due to how it makes sniper units and other forms of spike damage ineffective. it would help with the self damage problem some may have, but it's not hard to use powers/Switch weapon/tactically retreat a bit when using a Launcher might not be a good idea. I think the best way to solve the problem would be smart grenades: rounds from launchers only deal Impact damage to directly hit targets unless they travel a sufficient distance to arm themselves to explode.

    it worked in Killing Floor 2, and it would also work here. we can always imagine it's a "technological advancement in weaponry" that has occurred.

    you do know its shield gating for US...not npcs...

  11. 39 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


    The Simulor's entry into Arsenals marked one of the more unique moments in Weapon history. It's always been a little weird - stacking orbs together leads to both passive and active death. The stacking itself causes damage and the fully stacked orb can be activated with your 'Alt Fire' button for an additional explosion.

    • The Status Chance has been increased to 30%.
    • A Critical Chance of 2% has been added.
    • The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-6 meters.
    • The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 to 200 when detonated.
    • On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-3 from 3-8
    • On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from from 150-250 to 20-40
    • The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased - it used to take 5, now it takes 3.

    Synoid Simulor:

    Considering the Simulor was the only Primary Cephalon weapon, it was easy to see a Synoid version entering Arsenals. Like its vanilla counterpart, it's always been a little weird - stacking orbs together leads to both passive and active death. The stacking itself causes damage and the fully stacked orb can be activated with your 'Alt Fire' button for an additional explosion.

    • The Status Chance increased to 35%
    • A Critical Chance of 5% has been added.
    • The AoE Explosion range (based on stack when expires or manual detonation) increased from 0.5-2.8 meters to 1-8 meters.
    • The Explosion Damage has increased from 50 to 250 when detonated.
    • On an orb stacking event (when orbs combine), damage range decreased to 1-3 from 3-8
    • On an orb stacking event, damage decreased from from 150-250 to 20-50
    • The amount of Orbs required to make a full stack has decreased - it used to take 5, now it takes 3.

    my god those buffs......kind of hope that means less spamming of orbs since those were the main damage dealers...

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