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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 27 minutes ago, DSpite said:

    Rather then lose energy I'd rather have them just mess with our energy mechanics. Maybe casting cost goes up, maybe our pool gets lowered. Having our pool emptied seems ... kind of boring. For one thing, people will jump to a far spot and drop restores, and bringing in "Drink Potions" forced mechanics to shooters just to stay in the game? That a fun idea? I don't think so.

    You find a more interesting way yo mess with the energy pool, then restores are not as effective as forcing us to deal with the actual units causing the problem.

    The whole "there's a swarm of stuff and I have no idea where they are" just adds to the frustration of how the units currently work.

    IMO, THIS would work....and add some sort of "oh crud there is an enemy I should probably focus on": instead of the current, oh an energy leech/parasitic...KILL WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE

    it also doesnt help that energy leech/parasitic are tank as all hek either :|

    and the mechanic change would be a great addition too...not knowing WHAT would happen with one around (and there REALLY needs to be a limit on it...having 2+ is absolutely INSANE to deal with...at least they dont stack their (cruddy) auras (*sigh*)

    now IF they had a randomized mechanic (and a limit of 1 energy leech/parasitic spawned at a time) that would really make a great enemy....with no way of knowing just what we would encounter from it....and as long as its ONE of the mechanics at a time..would suck to get hit by a energy pool capacity reduction AND decreased energy efficiency)

    As it stands, the current energy leech/parasitic REALLY needs an LoS...and the energy drain when getting shot/hit by the leech/parasitic....this ridiculous non-LoS aura that negates any kind of energy giving mods/passives is ridiculous. to counteract it the energy drain would be increased to something like 1-5% per shot taken or hit taken, depending on attack speed of the enemy (looking at heavy gunners/corpus techs being 1% and going up to melee units (ie. ancients with their hooks) at 5%)

  2. 1 hour ago, THeMooN85 said:

    Dude you are only half right... burst have a timer... the whole 6 sec... OMG you will do so much in 6 sec. and.. wow 5% crit chance... seriously?

    OP, don't listen him, he have no idea what he is writing about.

    when your in PM mode with the buff its active until you deactivate PM....(YES THIS STILL WORKS, i literally use it every day)

    then again, it SEEMS like they MAY have finally fixed it....it can never tell to be honest as i still fire as fast even when the buff does stop.

  3. 5 minutes ago, --Blame-- said:

    Why you guys want to complicate the spread arrow shot and make just shot 1 meh arrow?


    its sound like
    "Hey DE, this bow looks to good, I LOVE IT! can you please nerf?"
    please, no.


    you must have not read ANYTHING.....

    what we are asking for is a SINGLE SHOT ALT-FIRE or toggle so we CAN fire a single shot instead of this ridiculously under-powered spreadshot.

    currently this bow is mastery-fodder at best.

  4. 1 hour ago, cookieknife said:

    octavia is bugged as F her first ability drops my frame rate from 60 to 10. its completely awful

    optimize and verify your game download then...not many others (IF ANY) are reporting the same issue you have....could also be your actual hardware.

  5. 1 hour ago, Elvangreen said:

    Please don't make my rubico slash. it will never get procs, and you will kill it vs armor.

    Stay impact, or go puncture, both are fine, but DON'T make the poor thing slash.

    alright alright not the rubico....maybe DE can make a new sniper that IS slash based with a status focus...lord knows we have far too many snipers that are I/P only.

  6. 1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

    Indeed, it is Maim. She was the first frame if i recall correctly that had abilities who were able to scale indefinitely. Even now she's better than Nidus because he has  a cap, but she does not, just like Octavia. 

    huh, good to know...will need to look more into her then....funny that it is the female frames that scale indefinitely :P

    Octavia is great for solo and team content, but it depends on the build (like +range for team content)

  7. 1 minute ago, aligatorno said:

    They weren't the first scaling frames tho. Equinox would be that. 

    another topic for sure....something that i for one really dont use her for (its her day side 4th right? the one that you have to build up first)

  8. I kind of hope DE continues this trend of SCALING WARFRAMEs (aka their powers) First Nidus and now Octavia....there is a reason they are pretty good.

    Since i bought Octavia (after doing the quest...Lotus forbid i do that crud called Kuva farming), I've been going for Greater than 30 minute Survivals because i know i CAN with ease....not leave at 30-40 minutes because my powers are doing crap damage and i cant keep up life support.

    oh and getting kill counts ranging from 2.5k to nearly 4.5k with EASE solo, is awesome.

  9. alot of these ideas are great for sure. but the latron changes (all varaiants)...one version is crit focused while the other version is status focused, i forget which one off hand as i only have prime and wraith variants.....so why so much focus on a crit stats that falls off on anything not over level 40...

    as for snipers, i kind of hope we eventually get one that is SLASH focused, we have way too many that are impact or Puncture....kind of think the Rubico (that was the tenno one right?) could be changed to slash focus...as that would be good for your proposed crit increase.

  10. 11 hours ago, (PS4)InSaiyanOne said:

    Zenurik takes care of energy period if you get 1 off after maxing the initial node and mastery/cooldown node. I expect that it'll be nerfed because it's too useful

    and then there WOULD be rage on the forums over such a massive change....FAR too many builds revolve around its need and honestly...it ADDs versatility as we then do not have to always run 130+ power eff.

    OT: My solo build revolves around ~200% duration, 100% eff, 94% range (i fight infested mainly, and almost always solo, so range isnt really needed, especially with mallet and Amp), and around 165% power str. 3 forma build currently with 1 D, and 2 V polarities added. as I tend to fight infested a lot, I also run a maxed Vitality and maxed Rapid Resilience to shorten their toxin dot in the off chance i get hit by one. as seen below, i also run Enemy Radar + enemy Sense +animal Instinct (comp doesnt really matter too much, as i tend to be invisible for a lot of time past 30 minutes in most DSS matches) as they DO increase enemy spawns and handspring for those annoying as hek ping ponging hookshots

    My abilities run 41.2 seconds for her 1, 2, and 3 (buffs are 30.2 seconds) and 61.8 for her 4, and for energy I use Zenurik...and the occasional energy pizza if getting caught by parasitics. with this build i tend to go ~ an hour in most DSS rounds and the Derelict Survival, solo. Toxic Ancients with their OP breath attack and the Mutalist osprey's toxin cloud tend to rack of a TON of damage...so most of the time the infested kill themselves no matter what group they are in.

    I do tend to run at least one weapon with Radiation as it knocks out Ancient Auras (except parasitics), which is great against healers and disruptors. Mainly Lesion with a Radiation/Cold build (with HR due to the shear status all the time) so when it procs any status it also procs viral.

    edit: the streamline is there for one of my runs and i forgot about it, i tend to use Flow/P.Flow instead


  11. hmmm, status duration is useless on corrosive status...though that mod would be GREAT for a viral/slash build (with crits from headshots its a monster..on my build at least (without a riven and only 2 form'ed)

  12. Her 1st ability scales...that ALONE makes her a VERY good frame....as it scales as the enemy damages it, thus they scale up meaning the 1st ability skyrockets.

    Her 2nd, i tend to use it when i need a distraction as its kind of a waste to combine it with her 1st due to the above scaling build up....normally taking anywhere from 5-20 seconds before its even viable to have the 2nd ability go after it

    Her 3rd.....VERY good, adds armor (on ability activation), invisibility, moar multishot, AND melee damage increase. all due to certain actions as specified in the ability desc.

    Her 4th...I wish it was an aura on Octavia as well as how it is now, but its VERY good...anywhere from x2 to up to (depending on the build) x7.5 damage increase is Phenomenal.

    her 1-3 revolve around her Mandachord which is accessed via the Appearance tab and then going to the bottom right...it does need experimentation. It is currently at each box = 1/16th note with 16 of those per measure = 8 1/8 notes or 4 1/4 notes.

    I've gone NUMEROUS 1 hour long survivals (mostly against infested, some times against grineer) and using ALL her powers is a necessity...not just sticking to one power.

    Her weapons. I like the new rifle as its a mix between a better soma and a sniper without the scope....its great for crit and status and works very well with Octavia's 4th.

    The pistol i see more as a Slash based Lex prime, though that Clip emptying Alt fire is VERY harsh on the recoil. great for crit and a bit of status (I use gas/toxin due to the crits)

  13. not being able to do anything longer than Pizzas is totally understandable...but freaking pizzas are 60 SECONDS per set of 10....let us queue up to x10 of those...lord knows i wouldnt have to build any more for a few weeks after that...for just 10 minutes of waiting.

  14. 1 hour ago, residente said:


    I wouldn't run Hammer Shot over Vital Sense, it's useless mod on a weapon that suffers from the 8 slot syndrome



    true..but i use it for the status AND crit damage, as the gun crits often enough for me. eh, diversity in builds is what is important after all :)

  15. any more stats on the riven? such as cost and capacity?

    I currently run a 2 forma'ed grink with the following:



    Rime Rounds, Malignant Force, Point Strike, Hammer Shot

    Deadly Sequence, Fanged Fusillade (forma'ed -), Serration (Forma'ed V), Split Chamber

    67.5 Crit Chance with a x3.2

    99.0% Status Chance

    267.9 Impact

    53.6 Puncture

    471.5 Slash

    643.0 Viral

    does really well due to viral and slash procs with occasional Impact for staggering.



  16. I've been thinking more on this a lot lately. Why not make the Cernos Prime a bit more unique in that a possible Alt-fire could be a quiver-like style with 4 arrow types:

    !) Current Horizontal Fan

    2) Vertical Fan

    3) Explosive Triangular Fan (kind of like the Kulstar) *because really, who the heck uses thunderbolt on a non crossbow type weapon anyways*

    4) Single Shot type as seen in the trailer.

  17. 3 minutes ago, DarkRinnegan said:

    freeing up space in prime drops.

    what the hek needs freeing up? we had FAR more of a cluster with the old outdated Void only system.


    10 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ATLongshot said:

    The relic system is more accessible to more people and thus is better for the game as a whole.

    And give a MUCH better variety of tile sets than the same old void all the time. :P

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