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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. the droprates obviously have been changed recently and I think they are too low now.


    The reason why so few (veteran) players complain here is that they had stockpiled tons of Forma blueprints  and/or  have completed forma'ing most of their weapons.


    For me as an still "aspiring"   ;-)   player it is not easy now.  I cannot spend several hours a day in the Void. The OP is right.

    i think the main reason we all complained was that is was nothing but forma BLUEPRINTS, not completed forma like it should be.

  2. I used to do this and actually build steps with the energy restores.  Please, stop now while you can!  Save yourself!  You don't understand......  I blew through 2.5 million Nano spores, 1 million Polymer & Ferrite and about 900,000 Circuits, and I now need all of these resources worse than Nitain!  


    Now I can't afford to build them anymore without farming like crazy! LOL!  But yes.... I do like energy "Evil Grin" :-)

    god i know right....im running out of poly bundles because of pods :P....it wouldnt be so bad in building them if we could queue them up (same for forma), but that is a whole nother can o worms :p

  3. what DE SHOULD do with Duality is make a toggle for the split, or press for change. (NO duration, but just a drain on energy overtime like the rest of her abilities (apart from 2 which i find useless), that alone would make me want to use Night form more often...and her abilities should stay active in terms of the Stacking thing until the ability is turned off.

  4. Actually Sayrn is the most Impressive rework if you ask me. I only use 1st & her 3rd ability & boy is it so fun seeing the whole map drowning is posion & viral dmg. NUMBERS EVERYWHERE!

    would you happen to be able to put a build together? sounds interesting.

  5. agreed...if they got rid of all the CRAP in rot a-c (and the other missions that reward single items for one run) and put in prime parts instead they wouldnt have had to vault anything....we should get void keys from normal missions...NOT from the void.


    also sabotage....we have a chance at 2 priem parts if we find all 3 caches.....why not just make it a chance at 4 prime parts (one for each cache found + end of mission)


    heck they could combine some parts (paris prime upper/lower into just one item) also....they "could" make treasure rooms have a chance at dropping prime parts as well......


    there are so many ways that DE could fix the "need" to vault prime items (supposedly they are blowing up the void soon? i never know abut that because its been floating around for so long now) that they jsut take the easy way out and vault stuff.



    Great idea, but the missions you mention do have drops, granted in a different way than what you are thinking. They drop Corrupted mods.

    yes, but the corrupted mods are OPTIONAL, and cant really be run without a full squad.

  6. still hoping for an increase on the duality augment mod. But thanks for the changes regardless ^^'

    god yes....it should be 1/2 of the duration of a rank 3 metamorphosis imo.... 12 seconds at 130 duration just doesnt seem long enough at all......would be nice if if was like Ivara (hold to separate but drain a decent (2-3 base) amount of energy with NO duration, tap to change style) reason being is that it doesnt use the abilities of the opposite half (i havent seen it anyways) just the weapon that is active when its used.

  7. it doesnt matter as the weapon is not taken into account for hysteria, but the mods are.....if that is what your looking for. Dual cleavers are great with the steel meridian augment and as a status build (though it can do crit builds well now with the latest event mods.)

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