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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. personally I'd rather have the focus pickups turned into a 45 second buff every 2-5 minutes (or w/e the time is for focus picks to spawn) so we dont have to go all over the dang map trying to get a pickup that MAY vanish by the time we get to it.

  2. 37 minutes ago, l07g said:

    TL;DR: the RNG is run by Illuminati and I'm going to regret posting this when I wake up tomorrow.

    if you wake up tomorrow :P you used the I word...those who do never remember anything after that XD

  3. On 2/23/2016 at 6:58 AM, DE_Adam said:

    There are a lot of changes are coming for Chat, and we wanted to give everyone a preview on what to expect on 18.5 and beyond.  Visually it’s been totally redesigned to align better with the rest of the UI, as well as added new functionality that will make chatting with players more intuitive. 

    Major changes include a collapsible user list, with channel tabs are now appearing as icons.  Private messages will still show full names, and will appear next to the channel icons.


    We've added emoji support to the chat, the generic ones you’d expect, plus a few Warframe-themed emojis including everyone's favorite Grineer:



    You can also change the theme for emojis to your liking:




    Emojis can be selected from a side menu or you can use the new auto complete feature of the chat.




    The new auto-complete can be also used to type the names of players who have recently spoken using the prefix @, and doing this will cause the player to see a special notification in chat.   The auto-complete function will have full support on PC and PS4, but the Xbox One keyboard unfortunately does not have the ability to support this feature.

    We also added chat history for PC, so by pressing up while focused on the chat textfield you will see previous messages you sent.

    POST U18.5 Changes:

    Unfortunately, some features we're most excited about are not ready for release with 18.5, but are very close to completion.  The following features are scheduled for release after 18.5, as soon as they are up to our standard of quality:

    • Mission linking in chat: This will allow players to select a Derelict Survival Key (for example) and beside the invite button there will be recruit button which will let you send a message to either Clan, Alliance or Recruitment chat channels. The message will have a clickable link, which will allow players to join your mission.
    • Item linking in chat: This will allow player to show Mods, weapons, and other items in chat via a link.  The link will show details of the items sent, like when you preview an item in the store.
    • Clickable player names:  Currently you can click on the names of players who sent messages, but we want to have the same functionality for when you see a player name sent through the auto-complete feature.

    those post 18.5 changes sound so dang awesome :D

  4. 1 hour ago, CeePee said:

    Here's what I'm always using on my EB Excal. I prefer having just straight up power strength and duration with vitality. Vitality is better than Redirection since you can heal with Life Strike.

    Range is good if you like using blind (I don't), you can just aim the slashes through walls and avoid enemies that way. Also, Naramon is just stupid good with EB.

    Energy is not a problem, you usually pick up enough orbs from the stuff you kill. Sometimes you might have to use energy pads to top up (remember to shut down EB first)


    why the jet hammer (my nickname for jat kittang, never know the 2nd word hahh) and not a nikana or dual swords or sing swords, since excal has the 10% dmg and speed passive for those?

  5. 7 hours ago, fraud16 said:

    Is it possible that focus is full on mission commencement? It is boring waiting to use the passive buffs. Perhaps these buffs could work on commencement not after focus is full or vise versa?

    it would be better if they made the passives in the active school actual PASSIVES (provided they are active in the tree ofc)...not this activate the power to get the passive going crap.....except for the instant revive from the vizarin tree (which should stack per activation of the healing ability to make the school worthwhile)

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

    The only nerf exalted blade needs is its sound file toned down.  The constant swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish swish. Yeah, it's annoying as F***. But no real Nerf is needed. 

    god yes...I love excal...BUT i am hating the constant swish swish swish from OTHER excals in a squad...in addition to myself.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Owlski said:

    These issues have already been stated, but my personal issues soo far is primarily the login of the forums.
    When I attempted to log in via forums, I set in my email, password, then proceeded to login. At first, site redirects me back to forums home page, but still states I haven't logged in. After attempting the same login process, it works.

    this was the main issue i was having for the past few HOURS wehn trying to get onto the forums...finally managed it, but dont know how.

  8. 11 hours ago, (PS4) OmegAmorbis said:

    The only change EB needs is the removal of the waves, except on charged attacks, at the end of combos, or when channeling. It would still be effective, but take a bit more skill to use. Seriously, EB shouldn't be a better ranged option than your actual guns.

    more like make the normal E combo have no waves...but the rest have waves...that way people actually will USE the combos...and in endless missions EB isnt all that great after awhile...your better off using RB and a nikana by that point.

  9. 21 minutes ago, --Valkyr said:

    higher puncture at the cost of lower impact and slashWooo!!! Still don't get why the reduced damage on Spira Prime, but I guess that's fine.

    higher puncture at the cost of lower impact and slash....even more so now with higher crit chance and crit damage

  10. white text on a gray background is NOT a good thing (I do not want to be blinded by a white forum so i always use the dark theme)


    also, im surprised you guys didnt do anything about people who use the white forums and the text is black...so on a gray or black background you cant see it (aka dark forum)...hopefully this will improve with time.

  11. imo, the passives should be just that, PASSIVES.....having to activate an ability to activate PASSIVES makes them NOT passive. (CD times are a whole other thing, ones that should A) only apply to active ability 'add-ons' and B) should ONLY be up to 15 seconds per 'add-on' instead of the ridiculous 45 seconds)


    as for the focus gains...i STILL dislike the fact they nerfed the lens's a huge amount...basically making focus gain treuly a co-op thing...well what if i didnt want to play with a group> why should I be punished by getting pathetic amounts of focus because I am being forced to use a pickup (that really should be instant buff to all players in a squad that have lenses installed, instead of a good for nothing pickup that spawns up to back at the start point (yes, I've had a few of those happen....it was pathetic)  I have seen some players getting 17k focus during the 45 second run, but again that is with the FORCED convergence pickup


    yes, i know focus is supposed to be long-gains...but a GAME should not be a 2nd or even 3rd job.....it shouldn't take 4-5 months per SCHOOL (due to the 100k a day cap IN TOTAL....it really should be 100k per school per day) since they did the convergence stuff, I've yet to even break 5k focus a day, and that is with playing in groups with my clan....pre-convergence, i had FUN doing stealth runs because i KNEW it was worthwhile....now, its boring as hek...especially with the pick-up spawning far far away from me.

  12. nurdoes....and nural sensors......before u18......heh i was lucky to get one a run..now, im getting...TWO per pick up without a booster.....and tend to get well over 6-10 per tycho..if not more depending on how many sents i slaughter.


    just did an ext on Jupiter and walked out with 6 sensors lol...just today in less than an hour or so i got both baia's tragedy AND vulpine max.

  13. Yea I guess they should just put Bursas on higher level Corpus tilesets.

    (But if a newbie for some reason manages to enter these tilesets, and gets screwed over, they should have no right to complain right?)

    I've yet to have bursas spawn on anything but neptune and higher corpus maps...tried jupiter, tried mars, tried venus...no luck on any of those planets....unless they appear on exterminate only?

  14. how the hell you know it'll have spira prime? from the trailer we know nothing certain about Saryn's Prime Access weapons except Nikana Prime...

    honestly, it was quite obvious. i knew that how it'll be all along when they announced Rhino prime going into the vault... yet i still hoped they'll release her earlier :P

    confirmed by DE AND its in the codex along with Nikana prime.

  15. You don't understand my point. Playing as RJ mean you have to keep the 3 spam ongoing especially if the host decided to form a group without frost. Leaving the farming spot so that you could chase some affinity orb is frown upon by many farmer. In some case, people with their farming setup would died horribly if you don't constantly spamming RJ

    oh, i see what you mean now....well i for one have never seen an RJ excal even in public mode. its always an EB/RB excal.

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