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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Convergence only give bonus if you actively killing the enemy. Which mean only RJ benefit from convergence pickup. Try running around pickup these orbs and see how fast you get blacklisted from Draco.

    radial xp sharing is taken into account as well......that and the focus pickup is shown different for each player.

  2. after doing a few Neptune exterminates I've come across A) if you leave the alarm going after killing every npc, the bursas will continue to spawn WITH scaling AND reinforcements B) Never ending mission until you shut the alarm off and defeat a few enemies as the counter WILL continue to rise....oh and 9 times out of ten the reinforcements had a null comba/scrumba.....POS enemies that SHOULD NOT exist due to nullifiers already being in game.


    That's fine and dandy, But for the love of God, reduce their spawn rate and make them spawn in Assassination missions only.

    im fine with reducing their spawn rate.....but locking them down to MISSIONTYPE is NOT the answer....if they DID do that it should be Spy/deception/sabotage


    Just because you want to farm plat doesn't mean I should be deprived of a fun solo experience in Warframe.

    im not doing it for plat...i myself STILL dont have either stance.....and having the bursas in-game WILL lower the cost of them as a result.

  5. i honestly hope this isnt a bug and that the bursas are here to stay....it will really make the price of astral twilight and tempo royal go down to proper prices...as of this post im doing an exterminate on Neptune....and as long as the alarm is going bursas are spawning, about once every 2 minutes or so.

  6. Buff focus lens gains BACK to what they were Pre-convergence.....make the convergence pickup ADD ON to focus instead of REPLACING focus gains (especially noticeable in solo or when a squad is spread out like usual)...the fact that you guys didnt mention any of the NERFS in the steam last week was unexpected.....


    The way you proposed the convergence pickup in the stream was that it was going to be optional NOT mandatory (like everything else seems to be now a days ie. damage mods) it makes spending 40 plat on greater lenses USELESS due to the .50 gain between normal lens and greater.......and forcing us to use convergence pickups that spawn in inconvenient places if we want to even think of getting through a mission with more than 1k focus.

  7. People think it's been really bad but maybe they don't realize how decent it is in practice.

    I did some quick solo missions on sedna, used the convergence boosters, got over 1000 focus.

    Did another run similarily without picking up any convergence, didn't even get 100 focus.

    thats not the point.....we should not be FORCED to have to use the bloody pickups to get focus.....it was ridiculous of DE to nerf the lens..especially since they rewarded so little focus per affinity anyways....AND..increased the daily cap to 100k

  8. well, cant seem to do the bloody event, game keeps crashing on the tile set..sometimes at start and other times 5 minutes in.

    found out it was a friend's bad internet causing the issue.


    but now to the event...i like it, but damn did it take forever doing it solo with ivara (safest means imo)



  9. The clone has a 300% damage buff?? Hell, scrap that and give me 300% base duration! It's not like my Hek or Talons NEED 300% extra damage when an AI is using it.

    god i know right. even with my Duration at 189% it still a measly 10-11 seconds before the clone actually does anything.

  10. it would definitely be nice if they also made the ammo pickups based on percent instead of a flat number....trying to reload a 1200 reserve even with ammo mutes *at rank 3 its around 8-10 converted per pickup ) still takes far too long than needed.

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