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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Having to mark target first...are you nuts? in a game like this that is all about moving around and speed, having to STOP is suicide....should have just made BS a toggle melee and having to control who you want to attack and chaining it together ie. Shadows of Mordor style..so its not just P4TW...

    You did the same crap to MESA and her ULT is pathetic to this day unless you put her in a corner and let the enemies come to her.

  2. the issue ISN'T VACUUM..its the fact we CAN pick up energy/ammo/health WHEN WE ARE ONLY LOSING 1 of that resource....so say i use a power it I'm at 150 energy..i go down to say, 145.....an energy orb restore 25/50...IF it was properly coded, then i wouldn't pick up that orb in the first place...if i used an ult that took 25 energy then i WOULD pick up the 25 energy orb....its the same for ammo/health.

    (supporting OP)

  3. so now its NOT a passive?...make up your dang minds DE......should have just made it a passive at 10m....

    either way, thank you for FINALLY doing somethign about the Carrier being the number one used in game.....could you add something similar to kavats and kubrows now?

  4. 1) make Vacuum universal (either frames or companions)



    example numbers are ofc the non modded values...but that still doesnt change the issue.

    300/300 HP...if it drops below 275/300 then pick it up, else bring it to the player but dont activate.

    Energy: depending on which orb it is (I've had some orbs that give 50 energy instead of the normal 25) if energy drops below 275/300 then pick up orb (or 250/300 if a 50 energy orb), else bring it to the player but dont activate

    How hard is it to fix that kind of stuff so we arent wasting the orbs on a single point of hp or energy?


  5. 3 minutes ago, Pendragon1951 said:

    why does it even have to be three mods, that's just over thinking it, why not just give the vacuum mod to all sentinels?

    or even better...added as a passive to companions.

    why should i be stuck with sentinels or currently a carrier just to get my damn drops.....all companions should have the current vaccumme as a passive, in addition to whatever they have that makes each companion special....obviously carrier WILL need something new to compensate....like ammo regen :P

  6. 45 minutes ago, Pendragon1951 said:

    I'll just put Nekros back on the shelf and just keep playing Ivara, what really angers me I have to admit is the false advertisement of the rework, I would have thought with careful play testing before hand, lol, they would have caught this, that's why you have a play test server like World of Warships has to find out things like this before you herald a rework like it's the second coming. 

    we ARE the test server....the only reason they can do all these massive overhauls is because we are in a state of perpetual beta.

  7. On 7/29/2016 at 8:45 AM, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed default polearms placement either clipping through thighs or hovering away.

    much appreciated :D

    unless it supposed to be diagonally across the back

    edit: not fixed on mirage







  8. 18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    “Endless” Void Fissure missions are now truly endless with the exception of Defense and Interception. 

    what does this mean? that we can get more prime parts instead of just one?


    EDIT: I understand what it means now...instead of the 10 min countdown, it now acts like normal survival missions

  9. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Valkyr Changes
    •    Hysteria is Valkyr's Rage Mode - we teased and released her as a Berserker frame and we've iterated on Hysteria a couple of times since release. We are returning to this power to reign in its issues but still thematically invoke her ultimate rage. 

    •    The relationship between time spent in Hysteria and energy & incoming damage has changed in two ways.

    •    Firstly, the longer you stay in Hysteria, the more Energy it'll cost you. (but the energy drain ramp up is capped). 

    •    Secondly, while in Hysteria you are still invulnerable - the current Hysteria indicator on the UI tells you how much incoming damage you've absorbed and mitigated. The longer you stay in Hysteria, the less effective the mitigation of incoming damage is on the 'End Hysteria' phase. Ending your Hysteria session should be done with care - ensuring no enemies are in the range of Valkyrs Hysteria Aura (20 meters max, they have to be able to see you), or you will take the damage. How you choose to dispose of these enemies is up to you - either kill them, or get a safe distance away to deactivate Hysteria. 

    so...the only thing you guys added was an increased energy reduction....ok...no difference in how i play her lol

  10. On 5/11/2016 at 1:30 PM, [DE]Megan said:

    Ash : Fatal Teleport: Teleport Augment - Teleport will perform a finisher on the target, dealing 200% extra damage. 50% of energy cost is refunded on a kill.

    Awesome :D



    On 5/11/2016 at 1:30 PM, [DE]Megan said:

    Banshee : Resonating Quake: Sound Quake Augment - Increase damage by 100, range by 1m and energy cost by 1, for every second this ability is active. 

    stupid on the increase of energy usage considering the lowest you can go with her is 3 energy per second :|

    and apparently red-text was having a....ah....good...moment? :P

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