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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. I must have pleased RNGesus or something...was doing apolloduras with a pacify equinox (FUN AS HELL) and got cleaving whirlwind, seismic palm and another gold stance all within an hour lol...too bad i have them all already ....just seems odd is all, ive never gotten THAT lucky...especially all the runs of apolloduras i do to murder infested as a past time

  2. 14 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Removed the unintended Slash Status chance on the Caustacyst projectile. It now deals purely Corrosive damage as intended (not a Slash weapon) and the 3x damage multiplier from the charged attack remains the same.

    base corrosive is crap anyways :| should have been base viral for an infested status scythe :|

  3. 3 minutes ago, KinetosImpetus said:

    I'm not sure what branches the combo has. I've not used Valkyr much in the last year and Hysteria always annoys me with its inability to change directions while attacking like every other stance now has. Hysteria is possibly my least favorite stance. Well ok, least favorite besides Crossing Snakes. 

    ah, it does

    Delirium* E E HoldEImpact b E2X E


    but either way...unless your using the augment, afaik no other melee has an alt attack...so i dont see why they cant make it the charge attack..would stop most of the complaints i think heheh)

  4. 9 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    Think of it like this: if every maneuvre is good for a different thing, and you have like 5-6 of them tops, and they're easy to peform on their own, you've got a system that can feel a lot more fluid and that rewards you for knowing your stance and having a bit of finger dexterity (not too much, and nothing close to actual fighting games).

    Imagine this:

    • You have a big group of grineers coming your way, you bullet jump towards them then to one of the maneuvres (let's say W+melee attack) that does a ground slam then flips forwards past them.
    • You then use another maneuvre (let's say alt fire) that does a double circular swing that hits almost all of them as they get up.
    • You then turn around and use a third maneuvre (let's say hold E) that does a flurry of slashes in front of you, and they die
    • A lone heavy unit closes in and you can use a 4th (like W+reload) that does a sort of short dash and swipes the legs off the enemy, and then finish him off with a ground finisher.

    If you want to you can go for the complex way, if not you can just alternate spam the multiattack maneuvres and do a heck of a lot of damage exactly like you do now. But you are rewarded for having a bit of reflexes and knowing your stance, without having to stick to fixed form combos that sometimes are made way harder to execute because of attack speed modifiers or other factors AND lock you in for the duration unless you stop attacking for a little and then resume, which is a dramatically underestimated flowbreaker in combat.

    oh ok. well if they ever decide to implement it, i hope we can do lots of testing first heheh.

    OT: Currently, I wish we could change what combo is executed with quick melee/first combo...ie swapping Blind Justice's  Zatos creed with Destined Path or Guiding Light...having that slam at the end of Zatos creed really breaks the flow....especially when there is a slam at the end of Heeding Call.

  5. 9 minutes ago, Mastikator2 said:

    I still wish they would've went with the fighting game combo style instead of the current model. Using direction + attack or other button + attack to dynamically build fighting moves, like you, street fighter, mortal combat, tekken, etc games that do this well

    and how well will that work in the hectic chaos of warframe?


    its hard enough doing the current combos

  6. 8 hours ago, Deoxys_Speed.hack said:

    Hey DE!

    While all of the content of the Index preview was amazing, I think that the enemies scale in level too fast. My squad and I (using very durable frames and powerful weapons) were easily one-shotted after 8 points banked. The enemies jumped from level 50 to level 252 within 10 minutes! Lowering the scaling would help players who don't have god-mode weapons enjoy the event more.


    Amazing event, but the enemies scale in level too fast. Fixing it would help players enjoy it.


    Thanks, DE, for yet another amazing update to the best sci-fi game ever!!! :D

    for the event it is an issue...but enemy scaling as a whole needs to be looked at (affinity NEEDS to be tied to enemy type AND LEVEL..not just enemy type like it is now)

  7. 42 minutes ago, obnimashka said:

    game ui hangs afer returning to the orbiter from the mission. occurs very often. please fix. ON0JApA.jpg

    i do not think that is a bug. pretty certain that is normal behavior now as a lot of players have slow load times, long enough that they can look through their mission results while waiting to get back to the orbiter.


    Edit...oh i see its a few players that have the issue...guess i havent seen it yet *knock on grate prime*

  8. 7 hours ago, lllOPERANDlll said:

    Have you ever wondered what would happen if 2 rhinos rolled into a nova bar and killed it on the dance floor?





    forget the two rhinos...look at that frost with TWIN HEKS :D

  9. so..uh, with this new bundle. can you guys actually LOOK at balancing the Embolist? its utter crap at nearly everything...fast ammo consumption (not AS bad with the syndicate mod, but it brings up the issue of nev3er being at mag cap ever again due to low ammo pool), HORRID ammo pool (due to both syn mod and fast ammo consumption) smallish damage....TINY rang making ruinous extension mandatory....need i continue?

  10. This pertains to the grineer spy vault that has the 2 laser grids sweeping the spy console.....can you guys PLEASE make it so that void fissures DO NOT open in spy vaults....they trigger the alarms and cause the mission to be impossible to do a true clean run.

    I dont know if this happens in corpus ones (Ive never had any spy missions for void fissure that were corpus....yet) so i dont know if they will set alarms off...

    just something that needs looking into.

  11. 23 minutes ago, aerosoul1337 said:

    At least Mesa fires instantly, blade storm looks way too slow... slow marking and slow animations.
    Even just stabbing blades on the target directly (like javelins) will be much better, this also solves the issue that enemies become invulnerable to others. But it should still be a "finisher" so that arcane trickery and melee combo still work.

    But there are a lot more solid rework suggestions around the forums. Current demo doesn't solve blade storm's issue: enemy invulnerable to others and the camera issue.

    definitely true.

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