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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. 21 hours ago, calmchaos said:

    Blind build

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    HoM + Total Eclipse build

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    HoM build

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    @Jeetza Interestingly enough, duration does affect the blind duration.

    can we see the ability stats also? these look like great builds....especially since it doesnt need forma

  2. 15 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    •    Fixed the Dual Toxocyst getting ‘excited’ from elemental status effects as per: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/622296-dual-toxocyst-gets-excited-buff-on-gas-blast-and-electricity-procs/ 

    no offense...but this pisses me off to no end.....i may n9t have the weapon, but using elemental combos would be a VERY worthwhile means to use the weapon in the first place...now its just mastery fodder for when i decide to get it.

  3. So I've been messing around with the Randomize for Colors a lot lately and found a really nice setup on one of my frames that I would love to save and be able to apply to weapons/companions/attachments/other frames just by having to click a couple buttons instead of having to find the color among my numerous color packs/swatches.


    but..but...cluttered UI....How hard would it be to add it to an existing option or combine it with Randomize, thereby making a new menu option like this:

    Color Scheme:

    • Randomize Scheme (would act exactly like it does now)
    • Saved Scheme(s)

    both of these options would have an APPLY button.


    I hope I put this in the right area.

  4. 5 hours ago, DE_Adam said:

    Changed Shock Eximus auras to proc with Electric Damage instead of Magnetic. Now all 4 raw elements are represented in Eximus Units.

    YAY...this is how it should be :D

  5. 6 minutes ago, (PS4)martin576 said:

    I expect people like you will stop playing Warframe after U19 and leave both the game and the forum.

    especially if any of what the OP suggests happens....


    11 minutes ago, Grobbus said:

    Smarter enemies - with Ivara every mission became as easy as 1-2-3 you can sit invisible for days. We need enemies that detect stealth units with an aura or something similar.

    Corpus units come to mind....


    11 minutes ago, Grobbus said:

    Mastery tests - all tests being re-worked, some were bugged before... some were exploitable (and still are) which lets us to skip to the highest rank with little to no effort.

    they are slowly but surely redoing all the tests now


    12 minutes ago, Grobbus said:

    Lower damage - at the moment we deal way too much damage it's unreal, weapons are too OP it's not even fun... hope Damage 3.0 brings some balance to the game.

    are you nuts...as of right now they need to completely rework the enemy scaling system THEN they can lower the damage we do.....but not before that

  6. 2 hours ago, TheHun7er said:



    and the simulacrum IS NOT a good defense for saying we are OP.....go do high level content where your surrounded by randomized enemies and not just one type you prepared for with the same setup you used in the Sim....and THEN see how OP you are.

  7. Keep the magnetic proc BUT make it ONLY apply to MELEE attacks...if you get hit your screwed....make it EXACTLY like the ancient disruptor that has a 10% chance of triggering magnetic.....oh and make NPC magnetic proc do 1/2 to everything instead of 100%.....

  8. possible, but how would that explain Ivara's navigation ability as that is a less than 1 decimal as well, yet the energy drain goes up the longer the ability is active.


    edit: crap, now that i thin kabout it, I've got it messed up haahha...this is per activation, not per second...whoops my bad.

  9. 19 minutes ago, DawnFalcon said:

    New chat? Terrible. Absolutely terrible.

    I don't want to see emotes (at all, no :FISHFINS: span, just %((^ or whatever text is in that), I want less alpha on the textblock, I want channel text names back, I want to be able to type :P without selecting it, and to not get a wierd diagnostic box with "input" in it and the client to freeze...


    Seems a lot harder to click on names, text is fuzzy...

    turn the emojis off then...thats what i did.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Seraph-the-Hazel said:

    Really cool thing in there thx! I am quite happy with the boss powering up, because they are boss and they were just too easy to beat.
    But..... "The Stalker will no longer appear to attack players wearing a Warframe under Rank 10." Is it really needed, i mean 200 hours on the game i am at rank 7! Why so high?

    i think they mean ranked gear...so if anyone who has gear that is less than rank 10 will not have the stalker attack them.

  11. 2 hours ago, DE_Adam said:
    • Void missions like Exterminate now start un-alert, allowing them to be stealthable. Enemies are un-alert until something happens (e.g they see you, you start the Mobile Defense task), which is now a temporary level-wide alert.

    YAY...now can you do the same for the tower sabotages? edit: i completely read that as Exterminate only...my bad hahahahaah

    2 hours ago, DE_Adam said:
    • Exterminate Missions now require a players to earn a kill every 15 minutes.  A 20 second warning will be given before the end of the 15 minute period, at which point players that have not killed an enemy will automatically fail the Mission.
    • Players will now auto-extract 20 seconds after killing the final enemy in Archwing Exterminate Missions, or upon reaching the Extraction zone.  Further adjustments to this may follow to help refine the timing of extraction.

    you made these awesome graphics...and the ONE mission type that allows to explore these tiles you force extraction on us? :|

  12. Just now, RadioLarity said:

    So far I killed all of them dozens of times and only have the fuselage.

    yeah, i ended up just buying the scimitar, between syndicate death squads and stalker, it was rare to ever see the other two lol...not to mention their drop tables are so diluted, its crazy rare.

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