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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. I frequently hear the roar and see the Infested get a buff multiple times in one mission, but I have literally never seen the actual Juggernaut spawn. Has anyone else experienced this?

    99% of the time this happens is in infested survivals, as you technically complete the "objective" at around the 3 minute mark (basically so other players cant drop in after that point) which leads to Juggy doing its' roars, but never spawning as if you complete the mission objective before the 3rd roar, Juggy wont spawn.

  2. WHY is it that the juggernaut spawns on EVERY mission type except what seems to be Defense and survival (even though it roars and buffs the infested (LIKE THEY NEED A BUFF)) *it should not even be a thing in survival*


    that and when your doing a hive mission solo (Which are bad enough the the mass amount of infested and tight hallways) WHY bother having a freaking juggernaut spawn/buff at all? Its really bad when you run around a corner from a ton of infested, just to get one shotted by said miniboss stuck in a door :|


    IMO a better way to have the juggernaut spawn would be to replace stalker marks from lephantis/phorid kills the player has into an INFESTED assassin.


    I hope i put this in the right area since there isnt a section for enemies.

  3. well, ES doesnt do anything when your IN EB, where as SC does. I have yet to forma my aura slot on excal, so I have a build for Ability damage (180% power str with intensify and TF and steel charge (for radial jav and/or EB and still have 175% efficiency) and I have a build for normal power str (100%) but I have the Rejuvenation aura as Excal is great for soloing al ot of things now and having the HP regen is nice.


    Adjusted spawns for Void and Infested Defense Missions to prevent too many Corrupted Ancients and Ancient Healers from spawning at once.



    You broke Sechura (at least, from one I've come across)......Ancient Healers are spawning on Wave 1-4 instead of 5+ like they used to (ONLY healers) isnt really a big issue, but just thought to let you know.

  5. death squads? Ive only had issues with them ONCE on Sechura, lost one guy (had to use a revive), managed to rez the 2nd, and the 3rd stayed alive....me, i was using excal, the reason we had an issue was because I had mistimed the RB, so I got 1/2 of them instead of all of them. EB + RB is your friend when taking them out...even a 8-10 second RB is perfect as long as you can slash them to oblivion.

  6. I mean you nerfed the ancients at one point since all they would do is rush and slap you back and forth like a ping pong ball. I thought you wanted to avoid tenno ping pong.


    They did? could have fooled me, those ancients with their damn hooks basically pulling me all over the damn place when there are more than one of them is nuts.


    Definitely needs to be looked at adding a higher resistance as getting ping ponged around or pulled around IS very annoying.

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