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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. After even more playing with the kubrow, this time on a t1 capture (I'm trying to get a paris P grip...still havent got it lol), No matter how long i stayed in one spot not attacking or getting attacked, the kubrow would not dig. It would dig ONLY at the start of the mission until i got to my max energy (2-3 digs depending on how much it dug up) and that is it. Obviously made sure i was below 80% energy (was around 100)

  2. well, if your energy is 80% or over your total max, then yes it will stop digging up energy, same for health orbs. Lets take Excal with a Normal maxed flow (300 energy) kubrow digs up anywhere from 50 to 175 energy on the first dig, which means going from 50 to 100 or 50 to 225 (75%) he then dig up more energy which results in 100% full (300) because I was only at 75% of my max (225)


    Unfortunately, it will ONLY dig if your gun is 80% ammo (i think, Ive yet to use a gun since I pulled out my sahasa, which i use with excal), or the above for energy or health...it doesnt seem to take Life support into account, meaning it WONT dig.....especially if enemies are after you (using infested as an example).

  3. you would think it would be a big thing, but not everyone seems to know that the sahasa is GREAT to use with Mesa (though I have yet to try it, mesa gets boring when your sitting in turret mode all the time)

  4. One other thing I noticed is that the sahasa will not dig while the player is moving (probably also while the sahasa is moving) THAT is something that should be fixed, as every other kubrow can use its ability while moving.


    what I mean by that is that it will activate the ability, stop for the time it takes to activate, then keeping going.

  5. I've been using my Sahasa alot recently and realized something very very annoying.


    The fact that the BEST time dig is useful is at the start of the mission when it will dig once during the loading screen, then again if the player stays around long enough for it to dig........but then after that its basically useless......ESPECIALLY IN SURVIVALS (particularly the infested)


    The reason being is that the sahasa will not dig if the PLAYER is under attack and ofc if the player themselves is not attacking (that part i understand)


    What should be taken off is the fact for the player to not be under attack so that way the sahasa will dig when its needed (life support is hard enough to get form enemy drops as it is without camping in certain areas to control the flow of enemies.


    Yes I know the sahasa will dig when energy/HP is at 80% (why the odd number?) or if the player is low on ammo (I think the 80% applies also? I wouldnt know as since I've started using my sahasa again its only been with a melee excal) but what about life support?


    Even having the Dig mod in the (default) bottom left polarity slot and taking ferocity off will not change anything.


    PS to Mods: if this is in the wrong area, feel free to move it.

    • Like 1
  6. Maybe they're not meant to go through nullifier bubbles? Since they're meant to nullify warframe powers, and Exalted Blade sure is a warframe power.

    thats how it was at the start....they changed it so that it DOES affect the nullifier bubble to make it smaller and get rid of it, though it wont pass through to hit the nullifer directly.


    As for the slash dash while in EB mode...i noticed that it doesnt work also.

  7. provided they do a rework on her first where we actually NEED power strength instead of a pathetic tiny duration (nuker build)


    I've never seen str as viable on here, her 2 ability i use for heals, her 1 I use on hard to kill enemies...then her 3 is useless AF, and her 4 is her nuker at low duration.

  8. I dont give a flying F*** about its power, this powercreep is already adding only a single drop into ocean of imbalance.


    Im more interested in reasons behind these stats.

    oh i agree with you on both points


    i also care less about powercreep....the fact we can finally decimate enemies in long survivals is GREAT (especially with excal)

  9. If Sweeper Prime or Carrier Prime get nerfed I'll hunt you down.

















    says he's JK....when he really isnt.......


    Give it a week BEFORE calling for nerfs :P

  10. Does the prime accessories pack come with discounted platinum? I know the package for PSN does, but I don't see it listed for PC. $50 seems too much for just cosmetic items and progress boosters.

    thats how its always been for PC....you want the plat, get the other packages..


    honestly.....i really dont care for the prime accessories this time around :| we have too many syndanas as it is

  11. Personally....they should just make it where if we are playing SOLO warframe abilities after the warframe hits 30 goes 66% to the active weapon and the other 33.3% gets split between the holstered weapons.


    its rediculous that when we are playing in a group and we use a warframe ability the XP is shared between everything......even if they dont need the xp (look at syndicate weapons and you will see that in a group the proc meter is charged by ability usages and kills by them., (not sure about mesa...dont really play mesa solo, and when I DO play mesa, I dont normally sit in peacemaker all the time either, unless the rest of the group asks me to)...yet when your solo it is not.


    As it stands, shared xp is only viable until 50 Meters...past that it is useless...yes its to stop afking, but really.....its more of a damn hinderence because it only works BEST in MD, Defense, and Interception modes....what they need to do is get rid of the 50 Meter limit....and IF a player goes afk, they dont get anything from the point they were flagged afk until the point are unflagged (ie. moving around and getting drops OR getting a few kills).

  12. should just rename this thread WH40k game quotes :P




    "An open mind is like a fortress with it's gates unbarred and unguarded."


    OT: did anyone notice that the domain has been registered since '08? lol

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