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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. Also DE, radial javelin in still bad and redundant. It uses LoS but blind is better it staggers but even at 14% duration so does blind, its damage is beaten by slash dash and EB.


    They changed RJ (supposedly at U16) so it is based on needing either the enemies to be aware of excal or excal aware of the enemies (idk how that works, though i wonder if enemy sense would make it work right)

    at least that is what the wiki says and from the testing ive done.

  2. Yeah what happened to Syndicate mods?


    Used to be able to proc Truth with EB but not any more apparently...

    from my testing it seems to have to do with host and client issues.


    the host can channel in EB forever as it wont drain energy pre energy wave that its the enemy, however if a client does the same they will lose energy VERY fast depending on if they are using channeling mods (either one like LS or going for full channeling efficiency) . Likewise, when using say, prisma skana with bright purity, the host wont be able to have the proc going while using EB, but the client will.


    This is because the host's EB isnt seen as a melee weapon, whereas the clients' EB's are...even counting the kills with EB as melee kills.

    IM PRETTY DANG CERTAIN this is right, otherwise just flip the host and client words lol....I'll double check to make sure it is how i stated though.


    EDIT: just saw the hotfix notes....so all the above MAY have been fixed...still will try.


    edit2: ok as a host so far when channeling you will not lose energy, but as client you will...status mods are working now and channeling damage is not added on perfectly.

    As a host the bright purity is not triggering, though im certain the damage boost is being added, cant tell yet....as a client the bright purity passive burst is working as well...though the xp isnt being added to the mod from the testing....though that is sadly how it is for ALL the sydicate mods if your using powers :|

  3. personally, i would love if they added the ability to have the sigil energy color different from the warframe energy color....ie. I want to use black primary and red energy for the assassin sigils, but want to use a different energy color for the warframe.


    just a small QoL that would help a lot of people.

  4. I'd like that, while he does have some energy spots on his right arm, it would be nice if they stood out more based on more energy capacity


    edit: oops, i swear when i posted, the date was closer to today...not 3-4 months ago..

  5. SD is built around str, eff and range now...duration only affects RB :|


    one thing i did note since the latest hotfix was when you RB then go into EB mode (or just RB while in EB) then the waves from EB will do close to 10k hits on minute 10+ infested at the DSS on Jupiter...which im assuming is the stealth multiplier/finish damage.

  6. Fixed Exalted Blade’s energy waves not getting a damage buff from Channeling or applying unique Mod effects (such as Life Strike).


    from my testing against infested at DSS on Jupiter, it does the same damage regardless whether your channeling or not.

  7. Found a Bug with EB: 


    when you are not the host of a match and have the loka skana mod (forget the name right now) on and use EB it keeps the proc effect.

    Tested this in 3 matches and it only happens when i was not the host.


    (did not know how to pull the screen shots out of steam)


    edit: found the mod name Bright Purity



    personally i wish it would work like that as we ARE still using a skana, even if its completely energy.

    maybe have it make use of the syndicate proc of the melee weapon ONLY if we have the melee weapon active when we use the ult.

    that or make it so ANY affinity gain will go to the weapon that is currently active trigger the xp....because from testing, it only takes the charging if the affinity is completely from the weapon, which is $&*&*#(%& as we tend to use our abilities alot.

  8. posted this in the recent hotfix, thought to also post it here for obvious reasons.


    • Fixed Excalibur’s Exalted Blade’s melee attacks always counting as though it were channeled.


    lame as heck, would've been better to just make it so channeling mods worked regardless with valk and excal....why...BECAUSE WE ARE ALREADY CHANNELING ENERGY :| thankfully i didnt get used to it


    edit:hell make the channeling mods work while not channeling with EB, but still use up energy...THAT was the bug...it wasnt using energy :| but again, my point still stands, we are already channeling energy so just add a buff so we arent burning through energy like we would normally when using LS (or any channeling mod for that matter) on a melee weapon.


    • Fixed Excalibur’s Exalted Blade’s melee attacks always counting as though it were channeled.


    lame as heck, would've been better to just make it so channeling mods worked regardless with valk and excal....why...BECAUSE WE ARE ALREADY CHANNELING ENERGY :| thankfully i didnt get used to it


    edit:hell make the channeling mods work while not channeling with EB, but still use up energy...THAT was the bug...it wasnt using energy :| but again, my point still stands, we are already channeling energy so just add a buff so we arent burning through energy like we would normally when using LS (or any channeling mod for that matter) on a melee weapon.

  10. To everyone saying the damage on his ult is too low...SMH. The ult's PRIMARY damage is the blade itself which I have seen hit REGULARLY for 53k or more damage(have seen over 100k at one point, one guy has a pic posted above somewhere of hitting over 3 billion probably a glitch but still).

    And yet what they showcased wasnt the close combat but the energy waves :| IF I wanted clsoe combat like that then i wouldnt even USE the ult or just use Valkry :| the whole ult should use the melee mods, not just the melee blade.


    I do agree with you on the spin attack though, it leaves much to be desired.


    SD does need to be looked at (and maybe only adjusted to make use of range + strength so its not garbage if you build for duration (as if you build for max duration then the melee is less than 1 m :|)

  11. @Caernarvon Depends on Duration how many it can select

    wiki says SD is built around range now (which it should be and if its not it SHOULD be)....


    radial blind should be built around duration and range, RJ should be built around range and str and EB should be built around eff, str, and range (for the waves and spin RB)., so basically the main stat should be range.

  12. RBfEq3g.jpg

    almost stalker like, just need radial blind to add a smoke effect to excal :P

    LOVE LOVE LOVE the new ULT......especially the auto blocking very useful when you are lining up your attacks and the enemy is shooting/meleeing you. Energy cost is perfectly fine, though the radial slide is....lacking a bit.

  13. one major bug i had alot in my most recent apollo was my carrier would stop giving me energy, it would suck it up, but i would not use it when in the ULT or off of it until i used another power.

    another thing (I dont consider it a bug, more like a really cool visual glitch) is when you channel in the ult then exit it, the channel energy on the frame will stay (really cool looking on proto excal)

  14. LOVE the auto blocking while in the ult :D The damage is a bit on the low side though once you get to 25+ minutes on Apollodorus and that was WITH an Intensify mod (havent tried with steel charge yet as I was on ES). The combos are cool animation wise and the energy drain is just right imo.

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