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Posts posted by Kalvorax

  1. angstrum uses sniper ammo...just like tonkor, and bows.


    its been like this forever...and probably wont be changed even though many many players have asked otherwise

  2. Buffs and fixes? And enemy nerfs?



    Love you all the same <3.


    Although still no fix for Simulor not able to equip Firestorm.

    haha lol, just wait for the warframe nerfs :P

  3. Ive changed it around since then (will upload a new screenshot when i can) but i was using black and red to get a stalker-esque feel (also because black and red are my clan colors lol)




    here is my more recent coloring and armoring






    • Information on the Simulor’s radial damage per-projectile stack has been added to the Arsenal




    i saw the per stack today...guess that is what this means (this was showing on my dread so i didnt know what it meant lol

  5. Fixed channeling when using Excalibur’s Exalted Blade’s melee or projectile attacks not consuming additional energy.


    well...good bye energy :| even with 1 energy cost during channeling, throwing a single energy blade into a group of enemies will suck energy like no tomorrow.

  6. It doesn't unfold when it's actually supposed to. Did you not notice the fact it remains in the folded state even after?


    It's supposed to be either unfolded or folded in its holster spot (my back), not remain folded while still in my hand.

    yeah i saw that.took me a couple times watching it to see...quanta sort of does the same thing where it DOESNT fold but goes to the back where its holstered.

  7. imo, they should just get rid of the stupid LS req and make survivals not have a mission fail (like excavations) so when everyone in the party is down the mission ends.....that is TRUE survival...not dying due to lack of air (WE ARE FREAKING SPACE NINJA)


    also, from the little testing ive been doing (Jupiter DSD) at only 7 minutes in..i really dont see any difference between a normal solo run and what you described....

  8. i wouldnt mind if it were a toggle.....but having them BOTH going it would need to drain 3-5 energy per second at 175% efficiency. he really doesnt have the much energy to begin with (i think its only 300 with a normal flow and 425 with prime flow)


    which would still = to (at 300 energy) only 60 seconds...and that doesnt include picking up energy orbs which would only add on 5-8 seconds per orb.


    ofc. if your using the other abilities the energy would be much higher...

  9. However, channeling damage is applied to the waves.

    only if your the host....otherwise the clients will still lose energy per enemy hit by a single wave....obvious;y more if multiple waves are fired.

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