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  1. I'm guessing the bug is still around? I've moved to playing on PC because of it and haven't looked back, but I do miss my tennogen stuff. Would love to have a stable PS game again
  2. Does it state anywhere that the mods are maxed? Cause as far as I know, every mod from the store/packs is unranked. I checked the page for the Syrinx Collection bundle and all it says is that it contains both the Essential Base Damage Mod Bundle and the Essential Critical Damage Mod Bundle. If you check those items on the ingame store, it'll tell you that the mods are all unranked.
  3. So many different forum posts regarding the same issue and not a single aknowledgement from DE... It has been quite an ordeal grinding this event with this recurring issue. If I'm on PS, I can barely do 1 run in 10 minutes cause of all the lost connections
  4. Well, the only workaround I found is by playing on PC whenever I want to squad up for some specific purpose. I just keep losing connection/get host migrated whenever I play on PS. The only thing that varies is the amount of time needed; sometimes it'll bug out on the first mission, sometimes I can play a couple missions before being yeeted from the matchmaking.
  5. Just wanted to thank you for taking the time to write down your experience. This would've answered a LOT of my questions. My merge went smoothly cause I only had an old MR0 PC account (which I recently used to buy the heirloom and the sanctum supporter packs), but I'm sending this post to all of my friends who haven't merged yet so they can prepare properly.
  6. Same here. Lost all my followed posts and got a blank account instead. Pretty sure it has to do with the fact that the site is showing my PC name instead of my PS one (which is my primary account).
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