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  1. Seems like you just weren't destined to play Nova. Again, Equinox is there.
  2. Nope, if you're okay with Hildryn moving faster and getting Pillage with Aegis Storm. You can't say that Nova being mobile is a 'fix'.
  3. They didn't fix it, they broke it. Just cause you like it, doesn't mean that it was a 'fixed' play style. It broke what Nova's was supposed to be. Even if you did, how would you like his 1,which makes movement discouraged since moving too fast reduces your DR, you can't move too quickly with her Antimatter drop or else you can't charge it. You can't move too much with her Wormhole or else... Well you don't have wormholes to use. Her kit is still immobile. Again if you wanna more mobile speeder, you have Equinox.
  4. Ok so the issue is that you just don't like the play style? That's not Nova's problem. That's a you problem. Again you can't broadly state that something 'needs' consequences, only to be mum and praise another War frame that had their consequences removed, and then go on to say that it 'fixed' a play style that didn't need fixing. Nova's whole kit and play style is 'immobile'. If you only like her now because of her speeding up enemies. Again Equinox is right there.
  5. So you don't care that another frame doesn't have any consequences anymore? Why care about Nova then, it seems like your excuse about consequences is just you wanting a play style that speeds up enemy. In which case: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Rest_%26_Rage Here's one, and she's much more active with the speed and slow instead of a AoE spread.
  6. Honestly the initial change wasn't even bad, it was just a classic case of devs having an idea that seemed good on paper but ultimately detrimental in overall gameplay. Honestly if there was a way to change it, it would be to make it cost less. But I'm not sure if they can have different cast cost... I think?
  7. And it's had nothing to do with the new Aegis Storm being able to use Pillage. Again from what I've read from you, you should be FURIOUS that we move faster with Aegis Storm and being able to use pillage. After all, we get to mass CC and spawn energy orbs in a wide radius. There should be consequences for that right?
  8. From what I'm reading of this, you're probably miffed that Hildryn gained the ability to use Pillage during Aegis Storm since that's the consequences of using her fourth lmao.
  9. You are already speeding up enemies, making it you tag less enemies is double the cost. Again reminder when you speed up enemies, they attack you faster. Meaning you are double hampering yourself. Which is barely worth the cost of speedier wave that, effectively tags lesser enemies, increases enemy damage, and has to compete with the total CC of Slow Wave. It doesn't even have like a unique damage vulnerability compared to the slow wave
  10. What new mechanics? All the new faster wave did was tag lesser enemies than the old one for no real benefit for most players.
  11. I'm glad they changed the faster wave. That just felt like a Nerf to Molecular Fission Speedva builds, as you'd basically double your energy cost for lesser the amount of enemies Primed.
  12. Implying charm gave any kind of control besides waiting for minutes on end for it to process, 2% btw, and then willingly sacrifi QoL like Vacuum for the entire mission for like what 2 minutes of extra drops? Drops that mind you, with the exception of Steel Essence, weren't even guarentee'd. Do you know how #*!%ing frustrating it was that Charn would finally proc, and then pops no Virus Essense or Toroid or it would proc at the start of a Profit Taker Run, too bad so sad. I get being frustrated that the omega quad buff being gone, but trying to say that Charm was this consistent thing and not frustrating RNG that would just unfairly give infinitely more resources to people through Bo more than a dice roll, is absurd.
  13. All I learned from this is that apparently everyone here that doesn't like the new Mod can guarentee proc their Smeeta to get Charm the EXACT time the resources they need show up. If that was the case, I would've asked y'all how y'all did it, because damn that's something to hide from the community lol.
  14. I mean she's a gambling frame. It would be accurate. Even if it was bad, you have three other powerful abilities that just let you spread status like a mother#*!%er. Granted, I'd probably get frustrated 2 hours in playing her, but it would just be thematic if nothing else.
  15. I hope Tau Status is multiplicative with final status chance. Use Caliban with fellow Sentient's Phantasma to apply several thousand heat procs per second.
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