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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. To be completely honest, I'm not sure why people say new players struggle so much.



    When I first started in beta way back, I felt the exact same way as the Op. It was crazy hard, I stayed on the first planet for a few days trying to get enough mods and money to fuse them. About three days in I finally moved to the second planet and then hit the defense mission and that was another wall. I have to admit I was only playing with one other person (a good friend of mine) since then I have moved to playing with full groups of PUG's and things got much easier. The point is I feel the pain and the devs are fully aware how much they are focused on the group of us that have played since day one and kind of forgot the beginners long ago. The shame is the game is now amazing for us the veterans, but is not suited at all for the new crowd. I fear the drastic steps they will take to fix this, when it is really easy to do. Make the same map, but bring the levels of the people you fight about half lower than the ones we fight now and then once they finish that map they can then move to the map we are on now. They should make a third map as well, with the enemies twice as hard as they are now all with new procs and ammo combos we have in 2.0 give them twice the health. 


    Trying to fit every skill level on one map just isn't working any more, we will see more and more people like the OP that want to play this game, but are just pushed away because the learning curve is so steep at this point that a new account either has to bang their head against the wall for a few days or get lucky and find a veteran player who migrated to PS4.


    OP I know how you feel and all I can say is, if you really want to play one of the best free to play games ever made, keep at it and in a couple days you will be over the biggest and hardest wall, the community you see here is the same one that has tested and played this game for almost a year so we are all salty dogs by now and forgot the first week or so, you will too if you stick with it for a couple days, I promise. Once you get your first weapon modded and ready, that is the real turning point, once you can solo the bosses and run at top speed through the levels dropping everything you see with one burst you will feel the inner ninja!

  2. They have said it will only be released this one way. But, they will bring out another Prime Ex that you could get from the void. I have no doubt about that, they are also talking about skins to be released and the gold bits frame may come to all that way, so no little buff in shields, but the look. The way this founder pack has run for almost a full year, if saved a dollar a day you could have bought the "exclusive" with the quarters in your car seats by now though.

  3. Actually, they mentioned in this last livestream that work on the grappling hook is ongoing in spare time. So yeah.

    They did say it was still being worked on. That is what gave me the idea to combine the two, the new whip frame and the grapple hook. It seems like a perfect fit. And it wouldn't ruin parkour anymore that Loki and Nova ruin it. They can teleport to places everyone else has to rush to. If you don't want that type of play don't use them for it, just like you would right now.


    It does open up a ton of brawler type openers and big hit moves like the super jump does for Ex now. You could zip up into the air quick and hit a group with heavy impact and zip you into the middle of a group so you could get some quick hits with your whips or zip up and around cover that a bad guy might be camping at. a zip grapple for this frame seems to make sense, but again that is why so many will hate this idea and give great feedback like "No" way to think about it alphex.

  4. Instead of having it be a hook for all Warframes, why not just give it to the new whip girl as an aura or power. It seems custom made for her and the type of Frame she is. Instead of wallrun, give her the grappling hook to swing into action and to maybe slam into big group of mobs or use with heavy impact and grapple straight up and slam down with impact. So many ways it would be perfect for a whip type brawler. This seems like a great idea so it will never happen, but it should be at least thought about.

  5. I swear it is like DE just started making games or just plain and simple doesn't think things through. The new extended hallways or any new set piece (dueling room) didn't refund the stuff that was in the room. So the new pillars in the extended hallway cover exactly where I had laterns on the floor and banners on the wall, no way to target them to delete them. So wasted mats and empty hallway I can't put anything in because the amount of items I can put in the room is reached by civered items. I put in a ticket, but come on DE think more than two seconds from now always.

  6. Your posts may have been about Mutagen Samples being hard to get, but it was clear you weren't talking about that entirely since your thread is titled "Lost Interest." No one loses interest because they find getting one resource harder than it used to. You said you did, but that's also because you see it all as a grind wall.


    I hate to break it to you, but it is very true. It has everything to do with this one aspect. Grinding, as I have said now multiple times in this thread is not the problem, (which makes me wonder if you have read the whole thread or you just wanted to chime in) it is all about them locking a basic resource and where this road leads. I do love this game and never have had a problem with them taking it in any direction they saw fit. After all I go on faith that they are doing it to improve the game for us, but this choice of locking basic resources anywhere is just a bad choice. I hope they see as a mistake, and it looks like they do see, according some other posts. Regardless of what Scott said DE's intention was. All it has done is put a bad taste in many players mouths.


    I'm happy that there are die hard fans that will play no matter how bad things get and I wish I could see the game in the lens that a small amount of people use to see this game, but I will now and in the future point out where they have made these tragic errors that need some extra thought and hope they take them to heart before they drive players and future sponsors of the game away.

  7. As with any topic, I love throwing my opinion out there, and this is no exception.


    Has anyone ever wondered why the people who lose interest always cite farming or grinding as the cause?


    Well, that's because farming and grinding are boring. If that's all you do, you will get bored/burnt out.


    The only way to resist boredom and burn out is to vary game play. Goals need to be microscopic and imaginative when entering a game with no defined victory conditions.


    Examples I have used? "Explore an entire Derelict level" "Try for 100% accuracy this mission" "Wall-run every single room whilst rushing this map" "Do not take damage this mission"


    Break out of your routine. Hate rescue missions? Do one solo: Bonus points, Pick Ceres Rescue. I guarantee the blood will start pumping again when you no longer can just sleep-walk through a mission and collect Farming Object #10,000 to craft Elite Clan Item XY because OMg it's brand new guis!!!!11!!


    That brings me to false sense of achievement and illusion of choice. The void is a death trap. Actually, I'll save that for a different time.

    I love this! I used to play exactly this way, and by this I mean have fun. They (DE) threw me at the grind wall and not the other way round. All I am asking for is to go back to the days when I can just go and have silly fun day and not have to worry about the 8000 of this I now need and the 10000 of that to make the next new shiny thing they decided to drop at stupid silly prices with materials they locked on some map. Please for the love of all thats holy, let me have those silly care free days in the Warframe sun again, and not be trapped behind this grind wall...

  8. yeah.

    I went and am still going to college, first for game and simulations and now for business. So I also have some background in this, if we want to talk about basic game design we can, but this post is about locking any basic resource at all, that is flawed by design, it has nothing to do with how they explain it to us or how they present it to the player base. A basic resource should be something found in the regular game, where every player high level or not has a chance to get it and farm for it, for a day they may need to use it for their weapons or whatever. To go and farm materials to make a key for the sole reason to farm another material is a grind wall. There is no other way to phrase it.


    If this were a MMO or some other model, grinding for keys might be the order of the day and fine for those type of players, but for this game and how it is set-up it is choking some of the fun for players. If you don't believe me, look at ALL the other posts saying exactly the same thing. So, we can debate and say this is great design or not all day, but the simple fact is, it is hurting a portion of the player base and pushing people away from wanting to play. I am sure with your experience in designing games that is not something you or any other desinger would want as an effect of their changes to their game. And that is exactly what is happening, even if it isn't happening to you or your clan.

  9. As well spoken, and often correct as Ced is, I fear that at this point not only are his words falling on deaf ears, but his words are willfully ignored.

    I feel like I'm missing something here, but thats okay. As long as DE is reading the other hundred posts ranting about the same thing, we should be covered.


    I do know how he feels though, every suggestion made on the board or directly to the devs by me has gone unanswered, I think we all feel a bit ignored as time passes here.

  10. My clan has 620 members (maybe 60-100 active players) and nobody is going to OROKIN DERELICT missions.


    The problem is the key making and than matchmaking (you can't just join random missions like in standard planets)


    Now our clan is without Mutagen samples so we can't build new stuff in bio-lab (6.000 mutagens for resarch per item !!!!!).


    Nice going DE, I'll take a break from Warframe and play some BFBC2 & BF3 to prepare for BF4

    My clan doesn't have those numbers, but we do have the same problems. I have been doing the research solo while trying to finish the rebuild of the dojo, I don't think people who are not in these types of problems see it from our point of view and think we are just in here complaining for the sake of it. I wish it were the case, I could fix me just having the urge to complain. Hitting this Mutagen wall was rough. I laid out the figures from the test day I did with a bunch of runs to try and figure out the time I was going to need to farm everything, I don't have those on hand now, but it was something of 120 hours just for mats, for builds and then another 40ish 50ish for dojo mats and thats if everything dropped first run, but we know it takes way more than one run for a few of the rare mats to drop.


    It is not a matter of grinding, been dealing with it since day one, the problem is adding that extra step to the grind kind of really hurt. If they had Mutagen on the new tile set as well as the two original planets, problem solved, really.

  11. I love nearly everything about the update and I'm not saying this because it's Warframe, I can honestly say that they have done a good job, it may be hard for people to look over the mistakes and issues but come on, we either make DE feel second hand or we help by constructive criticism and down right being friendly. NO ONE wants to help some who's going to be mean and too stubborn to listen and get a feel for new things and I doubt the DEV's wouldn't want to hear it either, they're people too.


    I hate to disagree with you here, but I'm not being mean or stubburn in this post. In fact, all I am asking for is for them to rethink the lock of Mutagen and possibly move it back to where it was in a natural fun place to farm. If they want us to revisit the new tile set give us good fun reasons to go back like unique mods or maybe move nightmare to this location and make it a toggle, this tile set screams nightmare mode. Either way, the only thing being pointed out here is locking up a basic resource is in my opinion a bad move and this move killed my drive to farm these new weapons and clantech gear, which in turn made me lose interest in the game.


    The good news is they appear to be looking into this which gives me hope that this post and others like it are being looked at, and we the people who feel this is a point of change have a bit of hope at the end of this tunnel.


    I liked a lot of the U10 work and am thankful we have it, but locking the Mutagen has hurt the "want" I used to have to play this game, so I voiced it. After all that is what we are here for, our feedback.


    I can live with all the changes they have made in all other updates and usually after some tweaks and playtime most everyone else can too, but this one was a huge wall for me and I believe it would be for others as well. Not those who have a huge stock pile, but of the new players coming in and those of us who used resource after resource building and rebuilding things after some of these changes have come down the pipe.


    I am not ranting and raving asking for free resources or for them to change the game in weird new ways, I am asking that they might rethink a poor choice and that is all.

  12. I was crashing on a few maps, and it seemed to be the same types of maps over and over, but it turned out that it was from the multi-threading option they added and I was using and testing. I also had an issue awhile back with how my ping was set after I narrowed it, it solved that crash issue. As others have said, look how you're set-up and try to see if there is something your end that may be leading to this issue and if you are getting crashed out it may be easy to tweak and fix, if not a tech ticket or a google search may help you find an answer.


    This doesn't seem like a well known issue, which usually mean its player side issues.

  13. I got lucky, I heard infested weapons were coming so I started mass producing mutagen masses. by the time the update hit I had 24.  That's 240 mutagen samples. And as I was in moon clan the research required close to 8000 mutagen samples per weapon/senntinel. Kind of a pig move to lock mutagen masses in a dirtier version of void.

    You sir, are a genius! I wish I would have had the forsight that you did. I was and am still trying to build my dojo in the middle of all this, and now that most if not all the the clan have dropped out for the time being it has slowed to a real crawl. I spent every last mutagen I had in the research and I thought I had far too many stored up (I did have hundreds before U10), I was wrong as it turns out. They did refund a few, but only a handful, after the price fix and one mutagen mass, so I'm a step in the right direction.

  14. Remove ability mods that crowd the drop tables and replace them with more worthwhile mods. As it is right now transmutate isn't exactly a good way to get rid of mods and get new ones considering the low credit gain and the amount of ability mods that are currently in the transmutation pool.


    This is the one thing that kills me, ability mods are great idea if they drop from the lower tier planets and stop there, we (and I do mean all of us) do not need them after that point. If by chance we might, we know exactly where to go to farm them. Ability mods should be narrowed down quite a bit and/or removed after the first 3-4 planets. As for transmute, they should have never been on that drop table to begin with.

  15. I was reading through some of the other posts around, and DE_Megan said on one of them that she (which I hope means DE) is looking into the Mutagen issue and is seeing that it is universal, people are feeling this way. So this may lead to a change, and hope has sparked once again for me.


    I really don't mind them trying crazy things and shaking up the game once and awhile, I just hope DE always has one thought first, "How can we make this more fun" Because, I believe if that is their first drive, stuff like the double key grind and locking mutagen behind a key will be mistakes of the past. I have said it before and I'll say it again, "this game is way too fun to be work" lets keep it that way.

  16. Some great points you have here!


    I've been looking into how people feel about Mutagen, and so far everything is very similar to what you have said.


    Did you enjoy fighting the Lephantis?

    If this is true, This has made me so very happy! I'm glad that the endless rants on this issue may finally see an end and life can go back to good! Unlock the Mutagen!!!

  17. Mistakes are okay if people learn from them, not step into increasingly large puddles. At the point where players are being told they are playing the game wrong and stuff like Djinn, the referral system and the double key grind with hours of production time, borked up drop tables with omitted or nerfed drop rates go live and are only amended after datamining, we are not in "Whoops!"-country anymore. I can understand the OP. Mindless faith is not going to fix this game. A shift in policy is needed, sooner or later. Misinformation and/or discrepancies between reality and statements are worrisome.



    Because we made DE fix the droprates by datamining. Enjoy the fruits of the labour of others, good sir, but don't claim all is dandy after people fought for your enjoyment, too.


    Long time no see. I'm sorry you are not admin anymore for whatever reason, but I'm glad we don't have to butt heads anymore, as well. As for your response, I couldn't agree more, my friend. We need to speak up if we see the issue and hope they see the choir of insanity on these boards and take the steps to fix these glaring issues.

    This game is a passion for a lot fo us and we just want what is best for it, I truly believe this issue is not good for the future of this game.

  18. I really don't understand these posts. It's like you give up before even beginning to comprehend how easy things are to get.

    Crafting materials are things you get by easily and naturally. You have to do exactly 1 thing different: spend about 75 seconds in menus: 1) build a key (four clicks: market > blueprint > foundry > build (wait exactly SIXTY (60) seconds >) 2) play.. You get components from literally EVERY map. There is nothing at all forcing you to change how you play. If you prefer defense, great. Rush? break a few crates on the way. Survival? Even better. There is no "ton of work" to be had. Play and be rewarded, but if you expect to get new content with a 30 minute lunch break and get the new warframe in an evening... I don't feel any sympathy.

    Look at it from my view, I have poured materials into my clan dojo and research recipes. I'm running on empty material wise, so I am at almost new guy level when it comes to materials. I do not have a large store up of mats anymore. So I have to go grind for materials to make keys, to get mutagen and then have to grind materials to make mutagen masses and then have to go grind even more materials to finally make one new item.


    I really do not mind the grind, but that extra step at the beginning to grind to get material for the key to farm for yet another material is not needed. For basic materials it should come, as you say, through playing the game and not a ton of work. You are seeing my point, but from the other side of the street, I'm with you, it should be natural and fun, and that is exactly what I'm asking for.


    For people with tons of reserves that have had tons forever so this wasn't an issue, congrats! For those of us who have been using tons of materials and have never stopped grinding, this is not a speed bump it is a wall they put up.

  19. Give them a break, everyone makes mistakes. They have come a long way from January when I started and I'm sure you can appreciate what they've done, If you've ever played Runescape this is nothing close, the grind in Runescape is far more time consuming.

    The game is a grinding games, it's the style of it and that's why I love it. It's something I look forward to do and it's rewarding, considering you're a grand master you took some interest in this game and you can't just say the grind isn't fun.

    If you honestly don't like the grind, I don't see how you could buy a grand master. But who am I to judge it's all perspective when it comes down to it.

    I understand, as I have said in the post, that people and devs make mistakes. I do know this may just be a short lived thing and I hope it is. And I do love this game, full stop. I have given money, time, and tried to offer help to improve it. My concern is that this one point, the Mutagen grind, is simply not needed. A basic material should never be a grind point, all other things in the game, for example parts for prime frames and weapons, should. Yes, of course it sucks to grind them out, but it is also very rewarding to finally get the last piece we have been hunting for and crafting it.


    As for the basic materials, if they lock these up and make us grind for other materials to forge a key just so we can go farm more materials, this becomes a job. Warframe is way too fun to be a job, and this is what has caused me to lose interest, I wish it didn't, I really do. I love this game so much. It is one of my all time favorite games, that is why this change is so hard for me. I need my Warframe fix, and I just can't get the desire to want to, it's killing me, truly.

  20. I loved this game pre-U10, I really played all the time and loved every minute, but ever since they locked up Mutagen and made this last update a bit "grindy" I have lost total interest in the game. I wish this was just a problem that I had and was not a problem for anyone else was experiencing, but my clan has stopped playing, only one member has been on this week. When I do pop on to do a quick check in, only a couple people on my friends list are on and a couple times, none of those guys were on either. With 80+ friends, odds are a chunk should be playing and have in the past, they are all very active players.


    I understand the thinking of the grind from the DE side, they wanted to give us more content or allow this update to not be a one night playthrough and we are all done with it and wanting more the next day, but for me how they went about doing it completely killed my "want" to play the game, I feel it was a forcing us to grind, almost like working for my fun. Before U10 there was no work at all to the fun, I jumped in this game between classes or to get a break from homework and looked forward to it after the day was done. For those of us in college or even at work need something to look forward to at the end of the day, not more work. I can handle complete and total sweeping changes to every part of a game, but when a dev locks up a basic resource and make it a ton of work to even get to and then farm forever to craft, it becomes something I can not do.


    Unlock the fun, make materials for any crafting project something we can get to easily and naturally in the gameplay, not a forced march. I really need my favorite game to be fun again, something I can escape to.

  21. I just popped on for a second to see if they unlocked Mutagen, and not one person on my 80+ friends list is on and no one in my clan. I wonder if they still think they did right by the player with this last update.

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