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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. It took me weeks and weeks to get both the harvester and the G3 to finally come get me after I got marked, it is really a random event. They did give you a very good point in the right direction to get them to find you a bit quicker. If you really want to speed things up, go to the recruit channel and get in a harvester/G3 hunting party, you'll have far better luck.

  2. Rebecca made an official post that stated this would not be a tenno reinforcement or anything. just the normal bug fixes and yada yada

    I wanted to find out if this was true or not, so I had to go back and look it up, and again people lead us wrong and claim it as fact. She did make a post, but it was inside another post by a player. This is not an "official" post. Something that would be posted clearly by her or another staff member with the headline "No Update This Week" that would be an official post, something you happened to see while looking in the boards in another players board can hardly be called official.


    I want to point out again that they did say clearly in the live stream that we would not get tenno reinforcements, which again means no new weapons, but this does not mean we will not get an update with other changes or goodies like new helmets, skins, voices, or any other goodie. It just means no new weapons this week. So to keep saying they said they wouldn't do a tenno reinforcement and think that explains why there was no update besides that is a false argument, as others have pointed out, we have no reinforcement last week as well and still had a huge update with tons of news things dropped on us.

  3. Still, the week is not over yet, and I cannot remember off the top of my head right now how things went with the last events and how they intersected - or not - with the wednesday patch.



    Its easy to do your research, the very same page that has this hotfix info has a history you can look back at and yes there is the last event on that page. If Wednesday is update day and people come here every Wednesday for just that reason and instead of the wait being worth it, it turns out to be a little hotfix, after month after month of updates on that day, people will be shocked and a bit let down.


    It is easy to act like a white knight here and shake your finger at the people who feel that DE has failed to do what they have done every other week since they started the weekly update plan, this was not us who are forcing them to follow a set course, it is their time table. Yes, I am let down, I will admit that, I don't think that the people who feel the same way I do are wrong in feeling let down. If DE would let us know much earlier than 10:30pm that they were only doing a hotfix instead of the usual update, we could have all not been waiting for something that never came.


    DE has a clear history of not informing the player base and we the player base then get let down over things like this. It could be a probelm with a very simple solution, inform people and we can all be on the same page. If we think it is a week like every other week, we will think "hey Wednesday, its update day, more fun stuff to do on Warframe" DE can then tell us either here in the forums or a message online, that in fact it is not a normal Wednesday and its only a hotfix, we can then not wonder and hope for an update, just that simple.

  4. I would love to ripline the enemy into the laser doors and have it hurt them or the new door effects and use them as a shield against these things. I'm sure since it's DE we are talking about here, we'll get new mods to protect ourselves against the new effects.


    I do like your idea too, though it seems like the rushers would hate this and leave the control room player way behind as they rush on.

  5. if you have them, try putting max lethal torrent and barrel diffusion. as well as what you already have on.

    ^^ and then add hornet strike and see where that leaves the % at

  6. Also, one thing to notice; in the last livestream they said there was no Tenno Reinforcement scheduled for this week.

    Would have been good if you put that into the first post, because not everyone is watching those livestreams who also posts in the forums.

    Another thing to add to this so it is not misleading, they did say no reinforcements, meaning no weapon this week, but they did that last week as well and still had a good size update (even without the prime stuff) we had two helmets, new corpus voices, and an event start. If you look at last weeks update and then back at this update/hotfix, it honestly is a huge let down.

  7. ... Wait a minute, is 12.5 still coming later, or that's it for the week?

    It's 11:24pm EST if they are going to have an update it better be soon. I think we have seen the whole ball of wax this week.

  8. I have to defend DE here. Did you want the Rewards today, or next week?

    Next week please!


    Hey look a great place to start a debate! Do you want a smack in the face or in the back of the head? Do you want a stick in your right eye or your left? How about did you want the rewards right after the event ended or wait and get them 9 hours later with a hotfix size update to pad the blow of it being a hotfix size update? Asking a question that is a no win beginning question is silly!

  9. really....no polarity on the Gorgon Wraith....i was assuming there would be as a WRAITH version....thats the one of the most disappointing about that as a WRAITH VERSION....the rest whatever

    How would they make money, they didn't give us anything this week in the shop, got to make some money somehow this week. Got to buy those polarity slots, man.

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