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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1.  badlands is still a good time away yet so no doubt changes will be made before and fine-tuning made after, prefer to do my speculating once we have more info on it.

    Even though it may be "a good time away" we should think about the idea that they have laid out and not wait until it is in-game and say "man, I wish they would have left this part out" DE has set a trend of not thinking ideas completely out and we have all paid the price for short sighted ideas. I for one am thankful they are thinking down the road a bit more, but I want them to see all of the branches that grow from this and how to fix problems before they become too big. There is a very long list of stuff that have rolled out broken or has become that way trying to fix or alter it to fit later, I want the endgame to not be one of these broken items if we or DE can help it. This "wait and see" policy you suggest, simply is not good enough anymore.

  2. By my definitions, 'getting a taxi ride' is getting help, since most folk do it in order to obtain important mods from alerts that they otherwise wouldn't be able to access.  Considering the difficulty curve in WF for new players now compared to the old days, they need all the help they can get.  And helping new players is a good thing; that's called "a community".


    That said, some form of optional matchmaking filter might help to keep the elitist whining down to a dull roar. XD

    You're trying to take the high road here and say we should help them because it is the right thing to do, but is it? We all learned to swim on our own, however, it was different and doable then. There is a legit problem we all know there is. If we help the new guys and they are never tested or find our what works and what doesn't on their own they will not be better players for it and in fact will be okay players at best. There needs to be a place that tests them without throwing them under the bus or having other stronger players carry them along.

    Should we not guide them if they ask questions, yes, of course we should. Should we carry them through every mission and level their frames and weapons for them? No, they will be a lesser player and may even quit because they feel they are doing nothing so why play.

    I am not saying we should ban the new people from groups, but I am also asking for a place they can go to find their inner Tenno, this will truly help them.

  3. When I first started I played private and solo matches until I unlocked the galaxy map, this made me (what I think is) a better player. It has also had me thinking and I have shared with DE a plan that hits on this exact issue.


    I believe there should be a tiered galaxy map, first for the beginning player that drops more talent mods that are not random, but for the frame that you are playing so the player can get their abilities up and allow them to understand these should be improved and used. They should have a couple quests type missions or string of missions to give a better set of weapons like a mid-set of weapons with a couple of mods that would be useful already installed. After they earn their way through this first map and have the weapons and frame leveled a bit they test out of the area into the normal area.


    The normal area is the one we are playing in now, not much to explain here.


    The third area is the endgame map that is hardcore nodes for all regular missions and all the ideas they are coming up with for the endgame stuff.


    This would split the community up enough that players of the same level would be grouping with each other. It would also allow people to not depend on others so much and learn for themselves step by step.


    I did it this way myself, but it wasn't any kind of system I had, just how I play games. I like to play through it and try to learn the systems and how to play before inflict my skills or lack of on others.

  4. Again, reserving judgement until the thing actually comes out. Did they actually specifically say that Clans could create taxes for using the Solar Rail? For all we know it might just be like Invasions, once we meet the requirement, we get paid from the faction coffers, not from other players' stuff

    Watch the last livestream. DE said they were going to allow clans to set the taxes, and if it is too high other clans would get sick of it and try to make another tower in secret and try to challenge etc...

    I'm not trying to pass judgement either, however, I am hoping that some real forward thinking by the devs. DE has up until now not put much thought into how things fit together, they have been putting out things that are great, but don't dovetail into the rest of the project. They have finally started to plan things a bit more. My hope is they really think these things through before moving forward too much.

    My point of the mega clans are proof that if you do something halfway it will backfire and throw everything off. This idea of turning a chunk of the game to clans to lord over, only opens up a new chance to form more mega clans and feed the already glaring problem.

  5. I have made suggestions to DE about having a starter level map that allows people to level their first frame and weapons and once they reach the end of this map it opens the rest of it and they can join the rest of the player base. This gives them a chance to get some mods leveled as well as their frame and weapons, while getting some game experience and learn how to survive. If they are thrown into the normal player base with the game at current level, they can't survive unless they tag along with higher players that have to carry these guys until they can level some stuff this way.


    The game is so out of balance for new players at the moment, they really have one choice and that is to tag along. They need their own area to learn to swim (think shallow end of a pool.)

  6. she is great, but needs more air time. For an air based frame she doesn't really have any air time. I was really excited at the thought she would be able to at least hover for a second or two to aim the dive bomb or come crashing down with melee, but it is minimal at best, a slight gravity boost is all an air frame gets. Other than that she is great, really fun, just wish she wasn't a grounded air frame.

  7. DE has had some really good ideas and they have had some great ideas that they have not truly thought completely through and so they have fallen short of their hopes, like the dojo. They wanted the dojo to be this place where the tenno could hang out, relax, and spend their off time, but really never gave us anything really to do in there other than research and duel in ugly dueling rooms. 


    Now, we have giant mega clans that needed special rules and they had to bracket the clan tiers and make a really unbalanced system that insures only a very few will ever win events. If this wasn't bad enough, moving forward, they want to make "badlands" which again on the surface is a great idea, but very short sighted. Having places that are hidden and need to be earned is a great idea, it gives people something to work toward. Giving giant clans the reigns of these pathways is just plain dumb and will only hurt the player base, to allow them to charge whatever they feel like for the rest of the players to use it.


    A great way to roll this out is, tie it to the proxy war idea, make the pathway earned by doing missions for a certain faction and the end result for your clan is it opens a pathway to a new region with new rewards and quests they can do.


    There is a pattern forming, look how they tied the hand cannon to a faction and how it it swinging the control of the universe toward that faction, Grineer are suddenly the main power, this will be the same result for the mega clans, we will see the mega clan explosion all over again, like we saw when the clan research was first revealed. The small clans will be forever swallowed, because no one wants to pay half a million dollars to use one of these pathways. I don't know why DE hates small clans, but they are trying everything they can to finish them off for good.

  8. Slide function with xbox 360 doesn't work, either on the ground or in the air. Worked before U12 now not even a little, you just do a tuck roll on the ground and in the air nothing at all. Made the level 15 mastery test crazy hard though.

  9. What would keep frost a great defender is give his globe a 20% chance to reflect incoming shoots (like the new air frames shield does) let them reflect without causing damage to the shield health. We have to remember it is ice after after it should have a good chance at reflecting the shoots off the shell. This seems like a good option to keep frost a great choice for a defender, since that really his only real use in the game ,if you take that away from him might as well retire him completely.

  10. You guys act like this isn't the same thing that a lot of people have said almost word for word for months! There have been long posts about why people are finally quitting this game that say exactly this almost line for line. Maybe instead of promises to change things DE will have to change things to grab the attention back. This game is an empty grind fest that needs a ton more story and other stuff to do, the reward system needs to be rethought of from the ground up and the enemies need to be a ton more challenging and yes the melee system does need to be thrown out all together and remade. 


    After U10 people were screaming at the top of their digital voices because U10 us the ultimate grind update and we were crying for it to get better in some form or fashion and all they did was say sorry and move on without changing a thing, now the media says the exact same thing and people are shocked?! Are you kidding? Open your eyes and see this game without the rose colored glasses, be honest when you post and help make a better game, like beta players are suppose to do. This is our fault as much as DE for making a ver lackluster shooter.

  11. Hello Everyone,


    I'm here to tell you guys that the Iron Empire eastcoast shadow clan is recruiting. We are a small clan (max 30 members) but this should not make you think we don't have everything to offer the big clans do. We have a large dojo with all the research done and a trading post. We have vent if you want to chat or get organized in a group.


    We are extremely new player friendly and will help you not only understand the craziness that is Warframe, but help you get as much done as possible to help you grow as a player. We value our veterans as well and offer any support and help to get those prime pieces and rare mods.


    We do ask the only active members apply, we want people to at least play once a week, we do have an auto kick policy after 45 days of no activity. We don't want warm bodies as a clan count we want our members to be people who care about and want to play Warframe.


    Finally, We have a promotional event going, with our new clan emblem just finished. I am offering a promotion to the rank of Kage for everyone who is flying the clan colors and wears a clan emblem. This will only last for the next week! (Ends 3/16)


    If you are interested you give me an in-game whisper (ZeroPhobic) or leave your (IGN) In Game Name here and I will send you a whisper and get you set-up.


    Thanks for reading. *ONLY A COUPLE OF SPOTS OPEN*

  12. Before a month or so ago we had a plain Jane dueling room and then for a very short time (maybe a day or two) we had a deluxe awesome looking dueling room, then poof, we have a very basic looking dueling room. This one is less impressive than the first one it looks like a starter design before they released the dojo.


    Is this just my dojo or is this everyones? I haven't said anything because I thought they would change it back at some point, but after this last update and the improved labs and still nothing changed with the dueling rooms, I figured I would come here and ask everyone.

  13. It is time to tone down the Reaper Prime drop rates. They have been the biggest drops since day one of the void and the PC users can stand to see these lowered so some of the new toys have their day. I have ran twenty MD's and 16 drops of those were Reaper drops, thats too much!

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