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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Sev7n brings up a lot of great points about excal. I am hoping he gets a boost to his melee in the up coming melee 2.0 to give him an edge he does need in a universe of frames that seem to be over shadowing my favorite guy Excal. I asked for a speed boost a while back to really make him a mobile powerhouse that he could be. If he had an edge over the other frames in the melee stuff he would see more play time again.

  2. If nothing has changed with this gun it is like the original Boltor and doesn't benefit from punch through mods. Like the arrows and other bolt firing weapons it has it build in. It will shoot shields of the grineer riot shield guys, but that is as much as it will do.

  3. Nope, soloed, nothing.




    Sedna worked for me. Salad Five didn't. Point of note: at the time of my three attempts, Salad 5 was the Nightmare node, I did one Nightmare run and two non-Nightmare runs, none worked. Willt ry again when it's not a Nightmare node.

    This is confirmed, solo play did unlock it in both the achievement and in the challenge screen.

  4. Edit: Solo play unlocked Senda and Mars in both achievement flash in the game and on the challenge screen.
    Also confirmed, Jupiter did not unlock even on solo play.

    As Host w/ friend and Solo play Savior of Neptune did not unlock the in-game achievement or in the challenge screen.

    The wrap up is both Jupiter and Neptune Savior badges do not unlock and are bugged.

  5. Seriously...


    I've seen the Warframe staff putting out hotfixes at 1:30AM (EST), after patches are released.  I'm pretty sure no other developer does this sort of thing.

    They all do it, DE just doesn't plan it as well. Most other updates hit in the early AM hours, so if there is major work that needs to be done the companies have all day to do it and can go home in the PM.

  6. Don't know if they answered this or not.

    Why else would she be the only character without a Immortal skin? She should have been one of the first. She should have be a prime by now as well, if she was primed more people would play her and find how great she can be for the team, but they instead ignore her completely! Only reason I can come up with is, DE HATES Trinity...

  7. They said you wouldn't need to grind new mods.

    They always say that! The issue still is, there is a much better way and most likely a more fun way to roll out melee 2.0 then throw mods at it. Though after damage 2.0 got the new mods "we didn't have to grind" we should expect  this by now.

  8. My second topic: Controller support.


    Currently the extent of controller support on PC is once you're in a match. While this is better than nothing, it's still less than ideal for couch gaming or streaming the game to devices like the NVIDIA Shield.


    What I suggest doing in the future is providing controller support in the Warframe interface so everything you can do with a keyboard and mouse can be accomplished with a controller (minus social things like text chat). This has already been accomplished on the PS4, but the interface has been pretty drastically adjusted to accommodate that.


    I would propose the PC gets that PS4 interface. Now before everyone gets their torches and pitchforks, I would like to say I only want this controller interface to appear when a controller is detected on the machine. And if one is detected have an option to disable controller interface support altogether if you want nothing to do with it. (And while I'm at it, Steam Controller support down the line would be excellent to see too). Getting flagged in Steam for having full controller support is quickly becoming a big deal - best to have that capability no?


    I'm probably in the minority for more controller support on PC, but I'm curious... for you keyboard and mouse die hards, would this be an acceptable change in your mind?

    Amen!!! I am a controller guy when it comes to most games, if I can't use a controller I don't play, its that simple. DE really has been letting this slide for far far far too long!

  9. In a few months people are going to be on these boards saying "I didn't get the prime access cape when it was out, I know it is exclusive to that pack, but I want it now and am willing to farm or whatever. Can we give the prime access people something else, so I can have the cape now?"

    The next paid exclusive is set to roll out soon too, I'm sure. Without fail a few months after that closes the same thing and on and on. If you missed it you missed it. We all miss items now and again, but they are only digital shiny things, there will be hundreds more, forget the founders exclusives, they are gone!

  10. I think if they would have come at this from a slightly different angle and made the mod a style mod, much like auras for the frames. Steve was talking about "crane style" and "weeping willow" if they would have done it as a complete style change and allow the combos to flow from the stlye and not from a specific move like the jump attack they keep referring to. The skill in stringing together combos and moves could easily come from the style you pick for your weapon rather than mod by mod and move by move.


    The underlying issue for me is Melee 2.0 sounds awesome, but Nth more mods to rework a weapon just sounds like a grind added on top, just getting flashbacks of I10. They just throw mods at us like mardi gras necklaces and then make them rare to find so what would be a fun system, turns into a grindfest that could have been side stepped by a bit more foresight. This is really my only gripe. 


    It is true that I do not know how this is going to roll out, but from past roll outs and the way they described it, I can get a clear picture in my mind and a real bad taste in my mouth...

  11. The new mods maybe change "How to use" melee weapons but they also increase your dps so what is your problem dude?

    Whats my problem dude?

    Think for a second... Mods are meant to shape your weapon and its effects. Not how we use that weapon. They are making melee 2.0 to fix the spam of heavy attacks, right? So the first thing they do is put more mods to make a certain attack do more damage, so you will spam that attack instead? Melee 2.0 was suppose to allow us to be more ninja and start using combos, blocks and parries, not just change what attack we will spam.

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