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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. If I'm not mistaken the devs said in a livestream that all vandal and wraith stuff could be re-released in future event. So that means not only prova but any vandal or wraith. (Just for their own event so maybe future grineer missions) I would like to see a BIG invasion mission that offers vandal vs wraith counterparts.


  2. or you could just buy them

    its a mear cosmetic thing , thats  how they make their money restrict you of certain little things that does not impact gameplay etc and you turn a blind eye and get them


    its just pictures and here you are suggesting that DE give yous free avatars to match warframes , im sorry but thats utter silly IMHO

    Did you read my post at all, you are completely missing the point! Holy~ read then come up with an opinion, not the other way around!

  3. Now that we have the UI profile pictures in-game, wouldn't it be nice to have the pictures match the frames in the party. DE would have to give us the basic pictures for this idea to work, but it would make them some extra cash in the long run.


    DE gives us the basic profile pictures to all frames we own, no matter how we acquire them. This switches the profile picture to match the frame you are playing. We would have to pick our profile picture the old fashion way here on the forums instead of using our in-game choice now or make it an option? The other backgrounds and helmets we would have to buy and then tell the system we want those used for the frame that it would usually link the basic one to. So instead of the regular helmet for Nekros I could flag the Raknis helmet to be used for him instead.


    This would be very helpful in-game for us to know who is who just from the UI tabs and bring in more money for DE, because I know I would be one of those that would purchase all the helmet models and set-up how my profile picture came up in-game. What do you guys think?

  4. Melee 2.0 looks like it will be fun, it looks like it may still need a bit of work, but it looks great for the first steps into a larger world. The pirate themed Frame on the other hand looks terrible, the Name and the pool of water ability... good lord. Badlands I have always thought is an awful idea that will just make the already giant clans an even bigger problem.

  5. I'm in the same boat as you. I picked up the Tigris again after not using it since its release. I have found that the two timed shots are nice to clear a crowd and then I pick-up the few remains with my glaive, but I am playing low level stuff atm to lvl it and get a few forma to flesh out the build, but I am starting to wonder how good end game it might be after all this.

  6. Melee 2.0 was at the first stages exactly what you said it isn't, it was the ability to use the melee as a primary weapon with a few tweaks to the movement, but it has grown far beyond that now. The reason so many are screaming for it, is of course they said it would be out long ago. As it has grown the date keeps pushing back.


    What they could have done to make people happy was roll out the ability to use melee as a primary and a few tweaks, then go completely off as they have now and revamped the entire system and gave a whole update to it.


    They took a simple idea and blew it up and made the mistake of telling the public it would be out sooner then change course with what the vision was.

  7. The count doesn't have to reach .9 to roll to the next update, we get them when DE is ready to roll the new goodies out really. They did say they were shooting for the end of the month for the new update, but I am sure it will be sometime next month probably at least another week or two. I am with you though, I hope we get something fun tonight, but we will have to wait and see, as we do every week.

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