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Grand Master
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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Nyx is a very old frame, but I don't think she was apart of the original 9. Ash, Ember, Excal, Frost, Loki, Mag, Rhino, Trinity, and Volt. I think these are the first group that they are doing first with primes, I may be wrong about all of this. If you think Nyx is one of the next three we can do that as well.

  2. If DE continues the trend and Primes the first group, all we have left is Ash, Trinity, and Volt. Now, Volt is way over due as he was one of the first few that we could choose from and was later replaced by Loki. I believe the order will be Volt, Ash, then Trinity. However, if they go boy, girl, boy. It has to be Volt, Trinity, then Ash. If we think further on this, the people may want to see a fan favorite first and we get Ash, Trinity, then Volt. We still have one last thing to consider, Trinity still has not received her immortal skin, so this may be a good time to offer them up as a package, this and the dangly bits still needed for her outfit. They will give us a package of her skin, new bits, and Prime. Leading to Trinity, Volt, then Ash. Or Trinity, Ash, then Volt.


    So, what do you think the order will be and more importantly, why?

  3. Yeah, to be completely honest, I have more time to play Warframe during the school year than my full-time job during the summer.

    It is wonderful you have a full-time job this summer. I, on the other hand, have plenty of time, after a year of full load all year. I could only play games as a study break or on some week ends. Now, I am looking for a game to really sink my summer free time into and I am looking elsewhere, because Warframe a game that I truly love and have enjoyed, has now taken a turn in directions that are just simply not fun and In my opinion breaking what was one of the most addictive and what could have been the next giant title of our time and stuffing bad idea after bad idea lately down our throat and then when we straight up tell the devs how bad these ideas are, they say "have an open mind" and go forward, while the people who play and love this game can see the whole time how truly terrible these things are.

  4. And this is coming from a Grand Master, someone that saw potential in this game and bet a huge amount of money on it's success and replay value. Truly DE, you have to start getting some more professional help, especially in the marketing and replay venues. Also, stop letting us down with trying to ferry these failing ideas to the brink of player hatred, it isn't working.

    I still see potential, in fact, all this really is a plea to get the game going in a better direction. We have at its core is a great game, but DE has lost focus on what their goal is and how to get it there. I wish they would walk into work eveeyday with one thing on their minds, "today, I'm going to make a better space ninja game!" This one thought can help the game out a lot. What does it mean to be a space ninja game and how can we improve that concept. We all can see what happens if you lose focus on that concept. They also need a writer or 5, this game is in dire need of story and lore. A games starts with fun and grows on its story. Warframe can and has been fun, but has almost no real story to it...

  5. At this moment there are only 11k people playing this on Steam, it is summer and everyone is out of school k-12 and every college I know of. This game should be exploding, but as we know DE has made some (to be kind) not very good decisions in the direction of the game.


    Borderlands or Dark sectors were a poor idea that has grown into a pile of bad ideas that is spilling over to pvp size bad ideas. Which is something DE has long said is the wrong direction for the game and they themselves thought was a bad idea.


    Virtual pets was something that Dreamcast tried right before they went belly up and then Xbox tried with their spyglass deal. Both were flaming failures, now Warframe is firing up this gem. Can't we have an awesome dog pet without the junk idea with it?


    A lot of games have fired up stuff for summer, knowing that the kids are out and ready to play, so they figure lets grab fans and a bigger share of the market while the getting is good. DE decided to not do anything different at all?


    To turn things around, drop the DS trah idea now, please. What could replace it and should have is the proxy war idea that was given at the same time. Proxy wars is better suited for Warframe and would add much needed lore. After all something else Warframe is sorely lacking is story. Every great game has either fantastic lore or a blockbuster story, Warframe has shallow pools of both.


    Get rid of the virtual pet ideas forever, but keep the player ship idea, this is better than the player hub and in fact probably is a mini version of that idea and in my opinion a better one for it.


    Get rid of your project manager, he/she is leaving this project scattered and with no focus, making this a game with zero direction and good ideas keep getting a half treatment and bad ideas are getting our money and time wasted. Once you lose enough fans because of bad direction and terrible game decisions the money will dry up and you will be left with whatever version of the steamy pile of poor thinking is currently on the table. Remember it still beta you can ditch bad ideas now and start with better...


    De can still get this game on track and catch a bit of the player base that is looking for that hot summer game!

  6. Chain-sickle and chucks would be great, but this goes far beyond a couple weapons that are missing from the ninja theme here. This game really only is ninja by name, it is a space shooter with some recent melee additions. The list is long of things that this game needs to go ninja. Enjoy the shooter and the ride.

  7. I agree completely, at this rate that mastery level 30 is roughly 2-3 years away.

    I check in every week hoping for more stuff to do, even if it is only level up one weapon. Lately, it has been just sad and all that has really happened is it has pushed me to go play other games and slowly slip away from Warframe.

  8. Name: Spawner/Spawnling

    Behavior: a large, 4-legged creature that runs about and periodically deploys "spawnlings."  It will not create spawnlings unless it is threatened. Spawnlings may be produced every three seconds.

    Attacks: being larger than a Tenno, Spawners will attempt to kick us and stomp on us if we are knocked down.  Spawnlings have small spikes on their front legs that are used to stab players.

    Environment Restrictions: none

    This, but the Spawner is armored and very hard to kill. Every time you kill a spawn it splits into two more and they all die when you kill the host or spawner. The spawns are very aggressive and attack you with the element you attack them with, the spawner is alway trying to run and hide.

  9. It would be great if the bots were ousted and the dungeons were left to solo or group play and not open as they are now. The game also needs a few more classes, 4 basic choices left me feeling bored of the lack of options.

  10. I'm down with given the closed beta guys badges, if they let us get a crack at the weapons we will never get or have a chance to level for the mastery! The open guys are always 2 weapons behind, I vote you can have 20 badges, 10 for each gun we can get our hands on, deal?

  11. lmao. The sarcasm is so painful. I get what they are doing. They're just trying to make the game better for the new players while adding in a few things for the old guys. Us older players have been here forever and DE knows we won't be leaving anytime soon. So they're just trying to retain the people they pick up. I'm not bitter.

    I'm not bitter just sick of their terrible choices. The better choice would have been proxy wars, that would have given us vets tons of stuff to farm for. Assaulting or defending a silly rail is extremely boring, it was a bad idea they are going to keep pouring time and manpower into. If they would have moved this bad idea to last on the list and proxy wars to the first project, it would have been so much better for everyone involved.


    As of now, we are still losing vet players because they are bored and have nothing really fun to keep them here. Like me, they come back on Wednesday hoping that DE trickles a bit out to geek out on for a day and then back to other things.

  12. What are you talking about? The rails are the end game after all, they should be plenty to keep you going from now until the end of time! Oh wait, your telling me that the "endgame" rail system is crap and really isn't any good for endgame? But, DE tells us this was a great idea and just needs a few tweaks, like pvp, custom bots, or maybe another game type or two and it will be the ultimate. Doesn't it feel like endgame to you?

  13. Other than the PvP stuff, which sounds like pure hell. The rest of the ideas they are throwing around sound like they would be fun to expand the rails. They do need something more than they currently offer. The beginning of more unknown spots behind them sound good, but they will need to put timers on these after a while. The spots get hit by the first person that can click them atm, which throws them into another conflict, if they stack stuff behind them people will get a couple days a week to explore and play in these new zones before having to fight it out again. It should be the other way around, lock them up for a day or two and then have a week timer on them for the winners to enjoy the fruits of their labor.

  14. I understand your reluctance but I hope you're willing to give it a try before rejecting it sight unseen!

    Why is PvP the sudden endgame? We (most the players) and you (devs) have been fighting hard to keep this a fun PvE game for so long, now the badlands or Dark Sectors are out, suddenly make them PvP? I didn't like the idea of these rails from the go and if PvP is the way of them, I will totally give up on them. This bad idea is getting worse...

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