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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. We heard about it in a dev stream and saw it move around a bit and we can see one up close in the tank as we enter the rail room at the dojo. The question is, when do we get it? Please, let the answer be later today!

  2. To be clear the Leto garden will not allow me to put trees in it at all. (this goes with #2 from the first post)


    The Observatory has the default emblems on the banners as well as the Temple of Honor and the Oracle, not the clan emblem. (this goes with #3 of the first post)


    And if you have a word in the emblem, the back side of any flag or banner display it as a mirror image so it is backwards.

  3. 1) If you are in edit mode in the base and someone enters it locks up the person in edit mode and they can't move again until the person who came in leaves or you leave.


    2) Nothing can be placed in the new zen gardens


    3) The trophy room flags are set to show the default clan symbol (the lotus) and not the clan symbol, same thing with the oracle room flags.


    4) There is no warning or list if another clan already has a rail being made before you try and make one that I could find.


    5) This one is a personal problem I have with U13, I was one of the people who wanted the styles or stances to be used from the beginning, but I wanted this to cut down on hunting for even more mod cards. Yet the problem still remains we have to hunt down all the stnces to get combos to even work. There should be an option to buy a complete set in the market or a much easier way for people to get into melee 2.0, like a free stance per weapon so we are able to enjoy the system right away without the the endless grind to farm stance cards.


    6) Controllers still need a ton of work for use with dojo controls, should be easy since this game is now on PS4, just let us controller users have access to the options they use for that system.

  4. There was recently a post on the forum about a guy who boasted himself being the "nicest guy in Warframe" because he allowed a person join his Clan for the sole purpose of fabricating blueprints. At the time, I realized the the hypocrisy of someone referring to themselves with such a title. Honestly, someone who understands that content creators are people too and have things like "families" and "stress" shows me you are WAY nicer of a guy than he is. And all with out any boasting about your own worth of character. I wish more people were as understanding as you.

    LOL, you gave me a great laugh! He said take you're time DE because I have other stuff to do while i wait, so it makes no real difference to me. And you pipe smoke up the skirt for it, this white knight stuff is over the top.

  5. Is it just me, or in reality Prova is a horrible piece of crap melee weapon which was a took a looooong time with agony to level to 30?

    It was, but now with melee 2.0 its like super zap stick with rainbow sprinkles...

  6. I am better at evading this question than predicting when it will get out. Today is the day... Much panic. Many coffees. Crossing t's, dotting i's.

    I thought they only had a bit of clean up left on it after last week, crazy to think they are still crunching! No wonder the forums are dotted with DE_Staff, all hands on deck (pun intended for the new frame)

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