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Posts posted by Violet_Xe

  1. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)DoctorWho_90250 said:

    The two are not, in any way, comparable. You compared running around in a videogame as a character that can spread toxin and corrosive damage to killing people in real life, and the differences between American and Canadian laws. None of that has a place in this discussion. Wow.

    And you're trying to take this too literally. All I did was compare an immoral selfish desire, "if someone is taking everything but saryn in ESO they are ruining my fun" and compare it to the most obvious immoral selfish desire, killing someone for fun. They have a connection to the discussion because I linked it to Test saying "if someone is taking everything but Saryn in ESO they are ruining my fun" then that is a selfish immoral desire that goes against what I believe is best for warframe.

    Please don't try and twist my words into something they're not. I'm simply giving an example of which I had many to pick from but I went with one that I thought would be an obvious example of an immoral selfish desire. I'm not the best at putting things in context, obviously.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)DoctorWho_90250 said:

    And you've gone off the deep end comparing playing a videogame to killing people in real life. This has nothing to do with rights in America. What in the world?

    What I did was compare an immoral selfish desire to an immoral selfish desire. 2 different extremes in 2 different areas of life but essentially the same thing. If someone says that "you can't play X frame because saryn is more fun for me" that's not a good thing. If Saryn is taking away fun from others that should be changed.

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  3. 5 minutes ago, Test-995 said:

    But if someone is taking everything but saryn in ESO they are runing my fun, my fun is about leveling gears fast, forced to level weapons over 20 minutes aren't fun at all.

    They have to fix affinity grinding but i'm certainly sure they won't, so having saryn is more healthier according to my experience. (99% of players in hydron/ESO is leecher, it means they have same mindset as me)

    That would be called being selfish. I know that it's in canada but america's rule is your rights stop where they infringes on other's natural right. Your pursuit of happiness should not affect other's because of your own selfish desire. After all you can't kill someone because you feel like it and it makes you feel happy.

    But yes there are issues with ESO and the game in general that should be fixed to make saryn and the game healthier overall.

  4. Gonna comment on some stuff first but feel as though I'm gunna regret to replying to so many dif people and having to maining so many discussions lol.

    10 hours ago, Vyra said:

    Sad enough, not everyone knows and understand this kind of humors...
    As i said in the deleted topic, people of responsibility/power should not make fun about things they can do that would affect an entire community/gaming environment etc...

    Its like you are working for me and i am telling you, and i make it sound serious; "dud, i know you've been working hard but i think i cut your loan by 50%. i know you don't like the idea but yeah, its happening!!!"....and after you got home, told your wife about it i send you a whatsapp; "im just sh'ttn onya, all cool.. just kiddn"...

       Joke or not, jokes can ignite touchy topics even in the best of circumstances becuase that joke still involves the topic to an extent. It was only made worse when several youtubers misinterpret the joke as fact or just made videos about it. Tac, the funny guy of warframe, mistook it as him being serious and i honestly don't blame him because when I heard it it sounded serious and it was right on the mark of a frame at the center of the meta. Jokes and humor have meaning than you know.

    6 hours ago, (PS4)XxDrakenguardxX said:

    Wow, Pablo really went from hero to not so much that fast? I mean it was a private stream, the guy can say what he wants.

    That said you can say what you want, but don't expect that sailor who's mother you insulted to not deck you in the face for it.

    I'm not saying he shouldnt have said it. But he knows who he is in this comunity and there's no way he couldn't see that sh** storm coming. Honestly to 90% of the comunity who dont watch his personal stuff, that was not a joke or anything close too it.

       Pretty sure we all still respect pablo, haven't seen a single post yet about insulting him or calling his ideas trash. I have skipped a few pages but I haven't seen anything like that. Were just up in arms about what was recently said and microphoned through not just 1 but 2 well known youtubers in under a day. He can say what he want's, just as the rest of us, but as you said he knows who he is in the community. People in high positions needs to watch what they say and how they phrase it no matter if they're... a multimillionaire blonde dolt or a UI/Rework designer.

    6 hours ago, Test-995 said:

    Well it's actually fun because most of the people taking saryn onto ESO just want to affinities with least effort lol

       Were not just talking about fun here Test, were talking about what's healthy for the game. Even if saryn is the most fun thing in the game if that fun ruins it for players that enjoy other characters then it should be dealt with accordingly. Do High Go said that because he's the exact type of player that doesn't find it a fun way to play. Sure I may not have seen it but it doesn't mean i can't gather my clan/alliance/friends to set it up and get phenomenal results.

    3 hours ago, Aluzhun said:

    100x this.

    Especially when everyone wants to leave after 4 waves and you want to keep going to 8.

    I think that the people who "hate" Saryn, do so because they rely on chat to find groups. They see people advertising an ESO run: "1 spot left, need Saryn!" and feel that they've somehow been hard-done by, not knowing that they can go into ESO as any frame and solo the cursed place.

    Same with Tridolon hunts - "Nerf Chroma! Nerf Volt! Nerf Trinity! Nerf Harrow! I can't get invited to any groups as X!"

    Not entirely, I myself hate saryn with a deep passion and think she should be nerfed in some way shape or form, though I take that hate and redirect it towards improving myself rather then sitting there and complaining. I know how others feel and her hate is justified because it's correct. Just because you or someone else will use their saryn solo, that doesn't mean that-
    A) it's alright to leave a frame so polarizing
    B) There won't be players who still using saryn publicly even if you don't.

    7 hours ago, Cubewano said:

    Why not brave it anyway? Worse come to worse thoughts are shared and we are given something to chew on in future.

    We can pickup where we left off -

       I do understand how crazy it sounds because it's DE were talking about. But I think where were disconnecting is you're talking about the current state of the game and what's best for that in the short term. At least I think that's where you're coming from. I'm on a different end of the spectrum for long term improvement to the game, using saryn as a catalyst or reference point for how to create difficult content so she and so many other warframes can shine. This is hypothetical though as it only works if DE does it right and keeps on the right track. If they're incapable of doing this I would say yes directly nerfing her would be better but I, in their position, would take the other path.
       I love the other parts of the game, that don't involve me slamming my chakram on the wall to find the third cache I missed, to bits. I've played the game for years just like you and I want all missions to get attention. That's specifically why I'd rather DE handle it differently and my personal experiences only reinforce that thought process. It's biased yes, but from what I've seen players say she dominates in survival, defense, ESO. I hate saryn so much but instead of taking it lying down I directed that hate towards improving myself and now, as a nezha or banshee mind you, keep up with damage and kills without using cheap tactics like reach mods or meta weapons because that's how efficient I've become at killing in some cases. Certainly I shouldn't have to be like that but if I can throw off alot of saryn's by sometimes taking their top damage crown every once in awhile she can't be as powerful as so many players make her out to be.
       When the next bit of power creep comes I hope, hope key word, DE can finally give us some challenging content like the raids or eximus changes I've proposed because those would force players to act differently. Power creep is only power creep if there's no content to match it properly which means it should be called progression. 

       She's certainly the best AoE DPS but there's issues and exceptions/rivals to that title. For one she isn't alone in being capable of killing in mass quickly for the content we care about. Repeating myself with different words here, for the content we care about mirage, volt, and more can wipe ESO up to wave 8 and survivals up to 20m. But if damage is her golden egg then she's got weaknesses for content DE can and has made. Depending on the content released different frames rise to the top. Saryn isn't the Eidolon Slayer. She isn't the Defense Goddess. She isn't alot of things so she isn't oppressive to the point where other frames are unplayable at the highest level of play, it's just her reputation paints her that way. At least that's how it seems to me as I know not every player is willing to train themselves to become hyper efficient at killing. I may not be able to wipe rooms in a single cast but they have to work up their nukes first and I finish my work in that time frame.
       Here's an example, it's preM3.0 of a Kuva Survival but it should get my point across. I don't remember who but one of these players was a saryn prime. This is also one reason why i'm expecting Nezha to get nerfed soon because he also got benefits from heat procs and I can do this without a maxed nezha. I don't run reach either so you can't call me out for classic spin 2 win tactics.



       She would certainly have a small spot in the game but it's uncertain and unclear how many warframes will out value her. After all a debuff frame would fall in the exact same category of supports and CC warframes, useless. Why play them when all content can be wiped with any warframe. In this hypothetical world without spore damage, I'd take a banshee that multiplies damage over Saryn chopping health in 1/2 for a set duration of time and removes armor. Loki isn't king because of disarm alone, he's the master race because of enemy manipulation and control with his 4 abilities. So many warframes have debuff+ more yet what you're suggesting is saryn becoming a black mage that can't deal damage which is why I'm uncertain if she'll remain relevant without spore damage. One of my concerns with a saryn nerf is rather than creating content for other frames to flourish like saryn, we nerf and reduce our current cast and keep going in this nerf/buff cycle till the end of time. This is an uncertainty, not an assured outcome I want to point that out.
       Saryn does overshadow the concept of support, in specific circumstances. But she's far from alone in knocking the support archetype. Trinity and Harrow were hit hard because of energizing dash and arcane magus, CC frames with other operator arcanes, why heal the tank when the tank has it's own healing? why play this support who fights his own team over one who can kill for herself? Why play support or CC when raids were removed! never letting that go. The difficulty of content hasn't aged to spark a desire for the support play style because you don't need debuffs, or buffs, nor do you need healing abilities. Solo meme builds are already capable of soloing content without breaking so much as a sweat. So much is to do with supports and CC not being relevant and it's a crime to pin it all on one class of warframe.

    • Like 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    I don't think we have, but if you feel that's what the only direction you can go it is what it is. Would have liked to go more in depth about the actual logic behind your stance but I guess that wasn't meant to be. Thanks for keeping it civil at the least. 

    Gotta say it's nice having someone who reads the long posts of feedback and keeps it nice. A rare treat to come across in the forums and I'll gladly continue if you think there's more to gain from it. However from what I've seen of other discussions I don't think either of us will change our perspective no matter how much viable evidence we bring up. But as of right now I'm sleeeeepy. Staying up for 30 hours isn't good for my health if you can believe that lol. Nice talking with you today.

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  6. 12 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    Saryn's present power scale (not playstyle, there is a wide divide between weakening a frame and fully changing its playstyle) is inherently imbalanced and not for co-op play, either they adapt the game to not be co-op, or they adapt her to fit the game. You've been opting for the first at the cost of the rest of the game for some reason, and I'm insisting you understand how unrealistic that is. DE do not remotely have the funds to constantly redesign the game every time a fault appears, no company does, and even if they could at what cost would that come to every other aspect of the game that may be more ideal how they are? Do you really dislike the rest of the game that much, and like the multi room map clear on Saryn so much, that you would wipe the rest of the game for that singular thing? And what about when the next variant of power creep comes? Would want that process to go on despite how it might break others, say Saryn, that go around? 

    And no not many other frames can "wreck the game" on a scale remotely to the degree Saryn can, purely because most frames don't have kind of high range aoe dps access that a frame like Saryn has, that's something inherent to a kit you can't just rip and replicate on anything, and Saryn is effectively the queen of high range dps by a large margin. This is why nuke frames are effectively the only category that gets flack for this sort of issue, it's an issue exclusive to their designs, and those frames are sparse. You aren't going to empty rooms in a cast as a Harrow or Hildry or Nezha no matter how hard you try, there is just a finite limitation to how far their damage can spread within a persons limited range of reaction time and mobility. The level of destruction (range of really) that things like Saryn can acquire is very much not universal, and that any frame has access to is expressly an issue unless you can share why that kind of design where a single person can exclusive dominate any mission to the degree of invalidating everyone else's play is a good one in a co-op shooter. 

    As for her being a debuff frame, that purpose can serve quite well, especially if we revamp scaling, a frame that can mass strip armor and halve all hp to make enemies extremely vulnerable to any party member? That an immensely powerful boon. We've seen metas developed around armor stripping at the cost of mod slots, Nova's entire popularity for ages was aroudn her just having a debuff in the shape of a slow, Loki used to be a king just for his disarm, and Rhino used to be standard just for his roar that helped ramp up team damage. The only reason they were lost is because things like Saryn overshadowed the entire concept of support, but with that gone a field ripe with opportunity opens up, and one to which Saryn could easily lay at the top of given her current utility alone. The concern you have is a concern that only exists so long as things like Saryn are preserved, once it goes away it isn't real. Saryn doesn't need to delete rooms in seconds to be desirable, no frame does, and you should dream bigger for this game than such a narrow playstyle range as that. 

       Well now we seem to just be going back and forth with the same info at this point. I do recognize you want what's best for the game but I don't think you're really getting what I'm saying at all. Whatever happens happens and we may come back to this conversation at a later date but as it stands currently neither of us are willing to back down from our perspective on what should be done and no compromise can be reached because of a misunderstanding. In the end we'll probably both end up giving feedback if DE takes action so I'm leaving this here for now as I don't want this conversation to dissolve into a nonsensical mess.

  7. 17 minutes ago, Cubewano said:

    You truly are saying right now you would rather DE redesign the entire game to doll out a nerf, that just doing an explicit one to a single frame, just so you can play ignorant about it being a nerf. How do you not realize how ludicrous that sounds? Ten times the work just for the comfort of you not having to say it was direct, but still getting the same end result.   

    And she isn't in a fantastic position, she's over powered, problematic to co-op, and a general balancing hazard seeded from power creep and a failure to keep to a consistent power scale, she's flashy for a hot minute but emblematic of so many issues in this game, which is suffice to say, not fantastic. And a DPS frame withou DPS isn't a DPS frame, which is why I then said she'd be a potent debuffer. Other roles exist outside dps, though frames like Saryn have certainly made that seem not the case up to now, which is further why she is a problem. But no that hardly makes her unable to have value, but I already noted that, she's already effectively the most potent debuffer in the game, she doesn't need damage to matter. 

    I also could care less how popular she is when it comes to game balance, being popular doesn't give you a green card to wreck the game, it especially doesn't if part of that popularity is due to wrecking the game. See the CC category for that. You can make up whatever reasons you want to believe she is popular, but one way or the other she is over powered, and that's warrants addressing. If that makes her less popular, well she was being leant to for the wrong purposes, and people will hopefully then extend their limbs a bit and find something they enjoy for the actual experience of the frame and their style which may extend their time with the game overall. 

    As for what you've been saying, sure you haven't been saying put her off, you've been saying worse, you've been saying to revolve the game around her. If a small part of the game is out of tune with the rest of it, you adjust that part of the game, you do not ask the entire game to be rehauled and redesigned to fit that small deviant part, Saryn has strayed from acceptable balance for the game, she should be pulled into line with the game, not the reverse. Because if you want to talk long term, the least viable long term solution to minor mistakes is to do the biggest job possible to fix each one, that will drain resources real fast, and to a pace that isn't remotely possible to keep up with. DE cannot, and I stress this, cannot redesign the whole game every time a frame gets over tuned.  If you want to talk about long term, think about that for a moment at least. 

     What I'm asking for is De to remake the game over time to better fit more warframes and playstyles. Incorporating indirect nerfs to saryn by tying them into gameplay is a different way to go about nerfing saryn. It will take longer and it makes DE readdress things that need to be readdress. I'm simply stating my preferred way to go about it. If DE ends up nerfing her directly then so be it but I'd see it as a missed opportunity. But don't make it sound like I just want to avoid direct nerfs and that its some word. You may see it as keeping her powerful, but I see it as changing how valuable she is in specific missions that utilize different mechanics putting saryn at a disadvantage.

       She can wreck the game yes, and so can EVERY OTHER WARFRAME. Without higher difficulty content all our frames are capable of eating everything. Saryn in specific destroys content because she excels at killing in mass, a trait rarely found in many other warframes. That was her design from the beginning. One stat DE uses for deciding nerfs is apparently usage and popularity and because she's one of the top 4 used warframes she's popular and powerful but that's probably mistaking a lot of why other people play her.
       She is not overpowered she's just more useful in day to day activities and more important and relevant content. Because of that her power is seemingly off the charts when I, and others have said before, can wipe entire tiles instantly just like her. If she were truly overpowered she would crush everyone in damage yet that's not what I've experienced. It may be just that I'm really good and efficient at killing so it's unfair to compare me to others *that's if I actually am that good which I don't think I am* but I and others have experienced warframes that rival her damage with both proper and improper warframes. That doesn't mean she's overpowered.

       Is there something wrong with making content with biased and warframe kits in mind? I have constantly used that method in creating raid concepts and high difficulty content where certain missions favor certain frames and look down on others. I did not ever say to revolve around saryn. I simply used saryn as an example and catalyst because she serves as a prime example and she's the subject of the topic. In my post I said Saryn, CO, and critical builds, not just saryn. Saryn being the representative for powerful warframes and CO being the representative for status builds.
       Saryn is not out of tune with the rest of the game, rather she's so harmonious with it's core that you can't get better. She excels at what warframe is so good at. This means De needs to change it so she isn't as good at everything. The changes I'm suggesting aren't for saryn's benefit alone and I don't think you're grasping that. This would assist in making many other warframes and builds viable over others. I'm also asking for it to be remade over a long period of time which i'm fine taking years if necessary. 
       I agree that DE cannot do this every time a warframe needs to be refreshed and they wont need to. If they do it properly, and handle game creation with care, they wouldn't need to do this in the first place.  But they need to get around to major game systems and missions eventually. There's no reason for DE to continue ignoring problems that stare them right in the face. I am no asking for them to do something crazy revolutionary either, I'm asking for fixes and revamps over the course of years which literally any other game could do. Warframe, which is known for it's ambition should be able to pull it off once it's plate is clean of most of its larger projects like Railjack and the D-Paradox are done freeing up those resources for other projects and fixes.

       You say taking away her damage would do nothing but make her a debuff warframe but that serves no purpose. She will have no purpose in warframe except being a glorified status application. She can apply corrosiverrsive and viral sure but she has no other redeeming qualities besides that. That's not even a quarter of what makes a good debuff warframe. Losing her damage means she loses her spot in mass killing which means her use vanishes and her playrate will experience a fallout and she'll become a wandering warframe with no purpose. She wont be good at any mission type.

  8. Just now, Cubewano said:

    So you would rather ask DE to redesign the entire game to nerf Saryn, a monumentally bigger ask that can lead to a massive amount of balance problems for others frames, rather than just directly nerfing Saryn all because of semantics? Do you really think that is reasonable? 

    Saryn being made less overwhelming would hardly ruin her as a viable frame, you could literally removal all damage from her spores and just leave them as a armor strip and she'd still be one of the most potent frames in the game, just as an extremely deadly debuffer. And no being made more reasonable wouldn't just have her die off otherwise you'd have to believe only one or two frames are ever in rotation a time to begin with, since there's always a best pick, even if its only marginally better. Reality is the only real thing that prompts large usage changes is when there are massive gaps between the effectiveness of tools, and unless DE completely broke her and left her to rot which isn't something they've ever truly done, even in the earlier days of very harsh nerfing, that just isn't a realistic outlook. And as for other nuke frames, if they pose the same problem as Saryn then yes they should be addressed as well, but that doesn't change that Saryn is worth being addressed as well, and putting her off until the rest are done isn't realistic, helpful, or practical. 

    As for what can be nerfed, plenty of people have posed ideas, from removing damage on her spores, to changing their element type, I did really like the idea in the stream about making spores not self tick and instead charge damage that Saryn must then burst with other abilities to cause damage which could work. I don't think just slightly limiting her spore range would work on its own, especially if the range is still a massive aoe that goes through walls, but range restrictions could be a direction as well, though not the area I'm leaning to. But I do think rebalancing Saryn is more warranted than redesigning the full game to avoid doing such directly. Just get over word play, the word nerf isn't some almighty evil, and its not inherently bad contrary to what outrage people on the internet may tell you. 

       I'd be crazy to ask for that instantly, especially with DE as our dev. I'm also not saying to get to it instantly, but this doesn't mean DE didn't screw up here. This is years of issues and wrong development built towards what made saryn so popular. Simple nerfs will just throw us back into the cycle of warframe. I would greatly prefer ADDITIONS and TWEAKS to the game to put more focus on warframes than nerfing saryn. So yes I do think it's reasonable, but you and DE may not and that's fine.

       No, she would lose the fantastic position she's currently at within the game. What's a DPS frame who can't deal damage? Not a DPS... then what is she? She loses her position in the game making her a decent warframe without a purpose. She can tank, but she isn't as tanky as ember who is another status DPS but can tank. She can't support her team either and lacks any half decent CC. As a damage dealer she MUST deal damage, it's why saryn's been so powerful since her release.
       If you're under the impression that she is too popular because she's good you're wrong. She's popular because she excels at the parts of warframe people care about. She's popular because she's durable yet not fragile. She's popular because of her reputation as the ESO Queen. She's popular because of her model, fan art, and skin ariety. She's popular because she's a flexible and adaptable warframe with build variety for every ability. Saryn is the ONLY warframe I can think of to check every box of warframe and it's 100% DE's fault she's got this toxic reputation. They don't need to leave her to rot because she's not rotting, she's flourishing because ESo and Defense have such a heavy biased for her and were pushing her further with countless videos and posts of her strength even though she has rivals for her ESO title. You compare her to current content but she needs higher lvl content to fight.

       I am not saying to put her off, simply deal with her in a different way which is more beneficial. What you want helps in the short term, not long term. I also think you're over exaggerating how powerful she is. As a nezha player I've constantly been competitive against many  mindless saryn players and in the past, WoF embers. They were playing casually and I can be on par with their damage and kills so they aren't that bad. If I can do that then 

       I'm also accustomed and open to nerfs as I've even said before in this thread that I'm waiting for nezha to get hit even though I've got 2 umbral forma on him. But I've stated many times of ways to introduce ways to impact the meta without altering our weapons and frames directly. Using indirect methods to shift how players approach battles. I'm suggesting changes that should already be part of the game which makes more warframe viable lowering saryn's usage but retaining her power. I've also posted in past concepts about new health types or eximus effects which can cripple saryn, critical, and CO builds under the right circumstances and bring other frames in line and force players to think differently. Not only would this be nerfing saryn indirectly but it would add content to the game as a whole and apparently now play into eximus drops if they continue down this eximus drop path.

  9. Just now, EinheriarJudith said:

    any rework to the game will see a complete overhaul of all 42 frames. you cannot have one without the other.

       Not true. If any developer were smart and knew where they were going to go int he future of the game, they could theoretically craft the frame to fit the future of the game and never need to overhaul the warframe kits. Simialrly missions can be crafted with modern and previous warframe kits in mind to favor those warframes but keep them balanced. I don't blame them for 1 or 2 reworks but going past that is a failure on the developer's side. You can have both and DE should be trying to do this because it makes less work for them.

  10. 2 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    doubt it. a frame can be high DPS without rendering an area empty. range nerfs/LoS will go a long way at removing her from being problematic in a team. her damage is fine otherwise.

       She will still be powerful but the change to her spores will crush her. You'll just see the community rotate to another warframe. Nerfing saryn isn't the answer here. Simply put, saryn isn't all too powerful. It's the content that's too easy. As I said before she needs harder content to shine and show where her weaknesses lie. If your problem is with removing entire rooms then Volt and Mirage should be something you have issues with too being capable of deleting a room faster than saryn in some cases.

       The only range nerf I'd say is ok on her is a large radius around saryn where spores can survive and deal damage. Outside this radius spores cannot spread but this would still need to be a large LARGE radius. I'm still going to stick to saying she doesn't need a rework but the game does

  11. 1 minute ago, keikogi said:

    I don't think you need much to justify yourself as warframe. Vore was deemed a good enough theme theme. Futhermore Revening exist 

    As far as your kit is concerned just don't allow the level reduction effect to affected by power strength. Level reduction is such a ridiculously strong debuff. 


    Lol, yeah I know. But I find it interesting how much support I can put behind a warframe. I also want to put it out there just how much some concepts have in value when compared to, for example, the vore warframe grendel. Tanuki was originally seen as a joke concept with a giant belch ability but now we have a warframe who literally Zen Headbuts enemies and works side by side kirby incarnate.

    I was sort of thinking about that and  I wouldn't be opposed to it, But i'd prefer it to be STR affected punishing over extended users slightly. It's also meant to be a powerful debuff though as she can't nuke enemies, she can't tank too much, and she's not a reliable CC frame, nor is she a traditional supportive frame. She's like loki being incredibly powerful but only to the right players. The high energy cost should also prevent heavy spamming of such an ability right?

    She's not exactly a normal warframe concept so her abilities are awkward to think about, craft and balance so I could be wrong.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Shemarria said:

    Pablo can keep his mitts off Mama-Saryn; she was nerfed HARD the first time with getting rid of her husk-then-spore trap and hammering her miasama into near useless level (whch was fixed with change 2.5).  
    A second major nerf will well and truly kill her playability and REALLY piss people off who A) bought her through prime-access.  B) used their Umbra's on her.


    THAT is a deal breaker.
    No argument.
    Full stop.

    IF he does go ahead and destroy her ultility, then DE, by rights, should fully refund all Umbra mods and monies paid for Prime-access.

    I will agree with you to keep away from saryn, but I don't think you're right about the nerf to saryn. Popularity and general consensus of the community pretty much says she got stronger. Just because your playstyle was hit doesn't mean her other aspects improved and new builds didn't rise from that build's ashes.

    Again though you put umbral forma on her and bought that acces knowing she was powerful. If she does get nerfed I'll be disappointed but I won't be surprised. Asking fora full refund of forma I think is intense and I can debate on that but asking for money is crossing the line no? They aren't legally obligated to refund you after you spent the money and given warframe's history it's on you 110% even after *maybe* reading and *definitely* agreeing to the contact to play warframe. Iget that it's a touchy subject but seriously asking the company for $100 after you've used and invested in the product is beyond insane.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Foefaller said:

    What build does this?

    Genuinely curious, because I don't often see Mirage in ESO, and it's usually a HoM build, which while powerful, isn't usually "beats Saryn to killing enemies noone can see" powerful. Does it use Explosive Legerdemain?

    yes, it does. The drops from it cause explosions and it performs good up to a certain extent of ESO. But saryn does overtake her as time progresses as her damage can scale, but mirage's flatlines. That being said it's not like players need to go that long so mirage is a rival to her title of "queen". GHS has a video on the build.

  14. 14 hours ago, --C--Nehra said:

    Only one question? Will I get my umbral forma on Saryn back if nerf happened? Or should I use this as a lesson to never put umbral forma on any decent frame that might be on the nerf radar??

       I get this post got alot of support but I can't help but feel it's coming from somewhere unnecessary. You're obviously good at the game and can get more umbral forma down the line, granted it'll take time, but surely you don't think that things can stay the same forever? Being a top tier warframe it's your own fault for putting 2 umbral forma on saryn when there's already people saying she's OP as heck. That's on you. I'm already waiting for Nezha to be hit with a nerf given how powerful he isand i've got 2 umbral forma on him too. I won't complain because things change in this game and many of us make peace with that, especially content creators.

       Regardless my position on this would be saryn is fine as is. Many players tend to completely disregard the fact that you can still deal damage and be competitive against a saryn with damage. I've done this multiple times and GHS shows that other frames like mirage and volt delete ESO rooms faster than saryn in some cases. Just because Saryn is "queen" doesn't mean she's unrivaled. Her weaknesses are also quite obvious as it takes a very long time and a skilled warframe player to even reach high spore numbers like the feared 100,000 cap. I have NEVER seen recorded, nor reported, or witnessed this damage be reached and even if I did there's no way I could say it's been consistently achieved.
       The thing is DE is at fault here, not saryn. Her 3.0 form is amazing but it needs and I mean NEEDS higher level content to shine and it makes sense because sedna is literally the hardest planet of the star chart with debatably the hardest boss. Her potential should be high. But due to DE's incompetence at making content which doesn't favor outright death. I guarantee you people complaining about her deleting enemies in different tiles don't see saryns running in 3 hour survivals. She doesn't instantly eat high level enemies but she is an AoE status damage dealer with some durability to her.
       Even if DE did want to nerf her they could do so indirectly with new enemies, new health types, new mission types, and actually difficult bosses. In certain circumstances she is absolutely terrible like in radiation hazards where saryn slips once and oops, her team's been wiped by her own hands. Or fighting massive health bosses she will falter because she isn't a single target damage dealer. That brings me to my next point, where she is queen.

       Many players forget saryn is good at what she does, but is bad or passable at other areas. Saryn is queen of ESO. Nova is the goddess of Defense. Nekros is bone daddy of loot grinding. Inaros is the unkillable solo runner. Chroma is the Eidolon Slayer. Loki is the endless master race. So many warframes have titles and are seen as powerful but do you see inaros, nova, loki, chroma, or nekros in ESO... hell no you don't they don't kill trash enemies in mass. If DE could learn how to craft mission types that don't involve killing as it's primary focus you might see a rise in popularity for a variety of other warframes.

  15. 29 minutes ago, FoxFX said:

    Its fine @Violet_Xe. This was a concept I had to drop eventually. Go crazy with it.

       Thanks 🙂 it means alot to know that the creator isn't gonna tear me down. Also I want to know, did you know about how many ties (Tanuki) could have to warframe or no? I was surprised when I dived into what the tanuki folklore. Ranging from drumming and lotus leaves to possession and playing with the moon, they seem to share a lot of qualities with tenno culture. Maybe not a lot but certainly enough to justify her being a legitimate warframe.

    • Like 1
  16. On 2019-12-02 at 2:00 AM, (PS4)M82BFG said:

    I've had thought as to how to make the Dojos matter to the players and not just the warlords. The dojos do always feel optional to players, they just go there to buy the BPs they want and leave. Some of my ideas are very similar to your own.

    Foundry: what if the dojo had it's own foundry but you could only access the foundry from the dojo itself. Say it can craft all BPs in half the time and you can set run counts on consumables and forma. I already spend a ton of time in my dojo so just the perk of not having to leave to use my foundry would be nice.

    The Dojo Cephalon: It should have its own room but still be able to be accessed for limited function anywhere. A lot of clans and alliances lot setting up competitions for custom missions. Currently its hard to monitor or prove to a point. I mean, say we can set a mission with the cephalon, give it a time frame and mission parameters, submit gear, mods, or whatever you may want as a reward for that mission and then your clan can run it. Whoever wins, the cephalon will send the reward to their mail. This would definitely bring some vested interest in what's going on in the dojo. 

    Alliance/clan alerts/events: Allow the alliances to have relays of their own. You can post things for sale there like a trading post. Still have all the normal relay amenities, but themed to the alliance currently in control. Make these relays a point for both PvE events and PvP control. The perk of not having to sit in trade chat alone could make these worth it. The alliance taking control gets to choose the relay theme but they don't need to be super customizable. 

       Thanks 🙂 I don't know why I didn't think about something like competitions and objectives players can post, it's a fantastic idea. I've added stuff to the main post. I added it to the main post as the "Bounty Board Room" where players can pretty much do what you said.

       While the alliance relay seems a bit much for trading primarily the idea of an alliance nexus or headquarters sounds amazing. But I think it'd be best if saved for an alliance focused update instead of clans. They are technically the same but making clans a cornerstone of warframe should come before alliances. It sounds like this place would be an addition to a conclave overhaul which I'm planning on doing soon, but again, maybe a bbit too much for a clan focused update. I'm thinking on it if I can make it work though.

    • Like 1
  17.    Alright, so this is my second attempt at this, it got deleted right as I was about o post because my internet went out and hopefully this wont happen again. @FoxFX Please tell me if you would like me to remove this since this is your concept and I'd like to know if this is ok with you. The original post by Fox FX will also be here. TANUKI. While I'm also not sure if the Rules permit me to "steal" or recreate other people's works I couldn't help it with this one. Tanuki is an extremely underappreciated warframe concept with so much potential to be a warframe that separates herself from the current variety of warframes. She's even got more lore reason to be in warframe than most.
       I shall be going around, hopefully, recreating old concepts from time to time which I find have value in Warframe. my intent is to bring warframes that deserve attention back to the spotlight after years of being neglected in the dark or being underappreciated because the creator either doesn't realize they sat on a gold mine of lore, or because the ability set would give them a true purpose to the game, which many of our current warframe releases seem to lack. I will be reworking some aspects of these frames but overall i want to stay true to the creator's intent.

       Why does Tanuki belong in warframe, more than most of the current warframes. Well here's most of the lore reasons, I'll hide them so you don't need to read it if you don't care. This is specifically for those who want to see why she belongs in the game. TLDR she's got 7 connections to the warframe universe and her origin is amazing.


       Tanuki lore is a goldmine for tenno culture. I'm not joking. For starters the Tanuki use their KINTAMA *balls of gold* as drums, and as we've seen ingame and in the stalker codex entry, drums play a massive part in tenno culture. In the clan we often see the drums as decorations, original warframe music heavily involved drumming, and during the stalker codex entry dums were mentioned for honorable ceremonial practice.
       We also have a real life connection here. Warframe was originally developed with massive influence from anime and Asian concepts showcasing updates like Warlords, Prominent symbols like the Lotus, and even warframe designs based off Asian lore and history. I'm not just talking about the Chinese warframes, but the vanilla 8 had aspects of Asian culture blended into their models like Ash who had samurai karuta plate armor going down his arms. Even the motto, Ninja, are an obvious finger pointer towards ancient japan. Weapons like the Kama and parkour system are part of this ninja aesthetic as well. Yokai and Mythology are no stranger to warframe design either being seen in Frost, Nyx, Loki, Oberon, and Titanya. Even some current tennogen names have reference to stuff such as the Yokai skin. Tanuki are Yokai which means she fits the bill.
       Next we have a big one, The Tanuki's transmogrification. This was skipped over in the original concept but the leaves used for transmogrifying and illusions were actually Lotus Leaves. Sound familiar? The Tanuki not only used leaves for that, but used it to create hats. Like mirage she would be a warframe with probably a close relationship to the lotus.
       Up next we have what the Tanuki can turn into. One of their most fun tricks was to become a second moon... hmmmmm... this doesn't end though. They have another connection to Lua because of their involvement with the Moon Hare and being a rival. In other words she would be a warframe who hates Lua, an interesting lore point if she were to get a quest.
       Now we have 8. The Tanuki stood for 8 virtues. This is an awfully familiar number to us now isn't it, but it gets deeper than you think. We may have had 8 player raids at one point. We may have had 8 Warframes to begin with. We do have 8 ranks in total for syndicates. We also have 8 total Requiem Mods. But what I want to focus on are the 8 focus schools. 8? Yes, the polarities are representations of a school's teachings, and we have 8 polarity types in the game. Madurai, Naramon, O, Penjaga, Umbra, Unairu, Vazarin, and Zenurik. Each one focuses on a teaching, or virtue. Koneksi is an old fusion core school which I believe could be swapped for the O polarity.
       Tanuki also carry with them the ability to possess people, to control and manipulate their actions. This does sound quite similar to transference doesn't it? it would be crazy for DE not to call it that if Tanuki were introduced into warframe since it's pretty much staple.
       The next point is somewhat of a stretch. The Tanuki started growing in popularity when metal smiths of ancient japan centered in kanazawa started looking for a material that could contain gold. The reason being they were known for gold lead production. Thus they found the Tanuki Scrotum which was stretchy and could be used to hammer gold into thin shapes resulting in a tale about the Tanuki having large... KINTAMA *balls of gold*. This then lead to the Tanuki being thought of as wealthy and fortunate for their giant KINTAMA being symbols of allowing gold to spread over a large area The orokin, being gold incarnate, might take an internist in that.

    Now another thing I know people will say is how is this warframe thematically justified. There is one thing I want to cover in main view. Condition Overload. As far as I can tell, FoxFX is the original creator of the Condition Overload Concept yet no credit was given to him or any other creator if someone posted this meta class idea. The Tanuki concept, with a passive containing +damage per status, was released on 1/19/16. DE released condition Overload on 12/1/16. besides that this will cover her thematic appropriateness, her being female, her in game model and animation requirements, and her name options.


       As of recently we've gotten our hands on Grendel, the jack'o'lantern devourer released on halloween. He's more of a joke then Tanuki could ever be with belching sounds, jiggle physics, and more. When she was proposed as a concept people laughed but comparing her to "the running man" or "dinner please" I'd say she's more realistic than either of the two. Another thing in question was how daruma dolls could fit into warframe. Since then, Ayatan Statues have been introduced, why not use those as a fetish to harness the power of the void.
       Now one thing I noticed were people complaining about was her being female. That would be a safer bet. Lets be honest if were going to have a warframe based around a character featuring huge KINTAMA then it should be female. We have Rhino with his golden crotch and that was joked about for taking up the whole screen. What about Nidus, volt, or god forbid gara and zephyr. If a male's main focus were to be THAT then being female would be a huge save to PR and less jokes would be made at her expense.
       The next bit of her will be related to her appearance in general. While I find it cute and can see it in game, there would be some changes made to the overall design. I believe many would argue that warframe like Gauss, Khora, and Baruuk look far better than Tanuki, but I disagree on the basis of Warframes are Biomechanical. Now it doesn't state exactly what % is biological and what % is mechanical, however If we compare the similarities of Tanuki to any of the Vanilla 8, it becomes clear that Biological was predominantly the way warframes were forged. This makes her more accurate in appearance to than Gauss who looks like a gundam figurine.
       There are some issues with Tanuki, specificly her height. FoxFX wanted her to be shorter and that is possible, however this would mean excess animation work. Personally I don't think DE would mind too much given how unqiue they're trying to make new warframes but to be exact all our current warframe have the same animations. Not the actual animation, but if a commander switch teleports you, there's no custom animation for that. Often times you'll see an enemy or warframe stretch or flatten to perform the correct animation. Again I don't think they would mind though given it would be fun to make new drunk animations for her.
       Next we'll talk about Her name. For the sake of this revival I'm calling her Tanuki, however I have a list of names. if you dislike them then please, suggest one of your own 🙂. For starters, there's Mujina, the creator's proposed alternative name meaning Racoon, or Badger referring to the Yokai's origin creature the Raccoon Dog. Tanuka is my favorite being an amalgamation of Tanuki and Zanuka. Zaki would be Sake, just replaced with a Z. Zuki would also be a name in reference to Sakazuki, a cup from with sake is drunk from while also meaning Moon in japanese. To us the moon is important. Kin would be a unisex name fox her meaning Gold and also a slight nod to the Oro-kin empire. Nara is thought to be the era when the first true sake was produced using cleaner and more effective methods and was also the time period on ancient japan where the bake-danuki were first found in literature. Nihon would mean The sun's origin, which is a fun name but also Nihon is part of Nihonshu which translates to Sake for english. Rei or Yurei would be names in reference to ghosts or spirits. For the tenno who are demons or ghosts that inhabit bodies and with the transferring of bodies related to kuva this name fits pretty well. Especially with the ghosts floating around Lua. It's also a clever nod to the slang term of what Spirits means, alcohol.

    The stealthy (Tanuki) is a durable trickster who supports her team in unique ways and toils with her prey plaguing the battlefield with chaos before striking the final blow upon her weakened foes.

    Image result for Tanuki warframe concept

    The Status Warframe, (Tanuki)
    Health 350 {30}
    Shields 300 {30}
    Armor 265 {30}
    Energy 225 {30}
    Sprint Speed 1.1 {30}
    Passive: Crippling Fortune, (Tanuki) deals 5% more damage, 10% on critical, for every status effect on enemy targets without limit.

    (Tanuki) Noble Animation: (Tanuki) shifts between various loudouts acting tipsy and drinks from her sake bottle. On other frames will not transform.
    (Tanuki) Agile Animation: (Tanuki) becomes relaxed and casual, playing with credits and drumming her chest before looking around disguised as an enemy. On other frames will not transform.

    Ability Description    Ability Features   Augment     Ability Name     {{{{{Section}}}}}

    S = Affected by Power Strength       D = Affected by Power Duration
    E = Affected by Power Efficiency     R = Affected by Power Range

    {{{{{Ability 1 Quaff Shojo's Brew}}}}}



    Quaff 10 Energy Cost / 5 Energy Cost per second / +10% Multishot per DW Stack / +10% Evasion per DW Stack
              10 Splash Energy Cost / 2X splashed status DoT enhancement

    (Tanuki) takes a swig of sake becoming gaining a stack of drunken brawler becoming harder to hit and granting increased multishot the more drunk she becomes.
    -Quaff grants 1 stack of Drunken Brawler up to 4 stacks per second while holding down to chug sake.
       -Drunken Brawler stacks increase multishot per stack
       -Drunken Brawler stacks grant evasion per stacks
    -Quaff can be tapped once to splash Sake at her enemies weakening them permanently.
       -Status affects applied on Splashed Enemies will have double duration.
       -Status affects applied on Splashed Enemies will suffer Increased status DoT.
       -Status affects currently applied on Splashed Enemies will be refreshed.
    S = Increases or Decreases Splash and Drunken Brawler effects.           D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases energy cost of Quaff                                    R = Increases or Decreases Splash radius

    Shojo's Brew
    Quaff recovers 100% missing health over 15s and heals in a 15m radius around her. Splashed Enemies have a higher chance to drop health globes.
    S =Increases or Decreases amount of healing and health globe drop chance        D = N/A
    E = N/A                                                                                                                     R = Increases or Decreases range of healing radius


    {{{{{Ability 2 Zen Charm Time Distortion}}}}}



    Zen Charm 50 Energy Cost / 50% Status Chance increase / 20m Aura Radius
    (Tanuki) places down an Ayatan Daruma Doll harnessing the power of the void creating an aura. Allies inside the Zen Charm Radius will be granted additional benefits while being shielded from negative energies.
    -Allies within Zen Charm's aura gain 50% Status chance to all weapons
       -If status chance exceeds 100% the excess percent will be used for a second different status effect.
       -If status chance exceeds 100% the excess percent will be used for a third different status effect.
    -Allies within Zen Charm's aura are cleansed and protected of all status effects.
    -Allies In Zen Charm gain the benefit, but effects instantly are removed if player steps out of Zen Charm.
    -Only 3 Ayatan Daruma Dolls may be active at once.

    S = Increases or Decreases Zen Charm Percent boost           D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases energy cost of Zen Charm          R = Increases or Decreases Zen Charm radius

    Time Distortion
    Zen Charms emanate a dense fog altering the area and flow of time, slowing time by 60%
    -Slowing of time affects Enemy Projectiles and Duration of Abilities
    S = Increases or Decreases slow of time up to 90%       D = N/A
    E = N/A                                                                            R = N/A


    {{{{{Ability 3 Transmogrify Bullet Transmutation}}}}}



    Transmogrify 75 Energy Cost / 16% Enemy Level Reduction / 90o Transmogrify Angle / 25m Radius
    (Tanuki) releases a cone of wind carrying lotus leaves, enemies affected by Transmogrify will be permanently crippled.
    -Enemies affected by transmogrify will suffer a loss in level.
       -Level Reduction cannot surpass 40%
       -Enemies cannot suffer from level loss more than one time.

    -Transmogrify is affected by line of sight and will not pass through walls.
    -All status affects caught in transmogrify are taken and applied to all enemies within the ability's area of affect.
    S = Increases or Decreases enemy level loss                          D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases energy cost of Transmogrify        R = Increases or Decreases Transmogrify Angle and Range

    Bullet Transmutation
    Enemies affected by Transmogrify have their weapons into ammunition for her team and at the same time disarming enemies.
    S = Increases or Decreases ammo transmuted         D = N/A
    E = N/A                                                                       R = N/A


    {{{{{Ability 4 Lotophage Veil Void Sense}}}}}



    Lotophage Veil 25 Energy Cost / 5 Energy Drain Per Second / 5m Lotophage Veil Radius
    (Tanuki) channels energy into herself, concealing her presence from enemies in a veil of lotus leaves made of void energy hiding as one of her foes. Enemies that wander too close become possessed with gluttony.
    -Enemies only attack Tanuki under two conditions
       -Enemies become aware of Tanuki's presence and attack her if she comes within her Lotophage Veil.
       -Enemies become aware of Tanuki's presence and attack her if she attacks them first.
    -Enemies that enter the Lotus Veil become starved and attack anything nearby, eating their allies alive.
       -Effects remain until Lotophage Veil is disabled.
    -While Lotophage Veil is active, she will not gain energy from warframe abilities or energy pads.
    -Allies within her Lotophage Veil will gain the benefits of Lotophage Veil while within it's radius.
    S = N/A                                                                                                          D = N/A
    E = Increases or Decreases energy cost and drain of Lotophage Veil         R = Increases or Decreases Lotophage Veil radius

    Void Sense
    While Lotophage Veil is active (Tanuki) can sense her enemies and find their weaknesses gaining +30 Enemy Radar and 30% Critical Chance on attacks that proc status.
    S = Increases or Decreases Critical Chance           D = N/A
    E = N/A                                                                    R = Increases or Decreases Enemy Radar




       We start with stat changes. Overall I've maxed her stats to what they would be at {30} and made her more survivable to mirror the desire for her to be durable, but not tanky. She can definitely be built for armor if someone wanted to survive but skilled (Tanuki) players shouldn't need to focus on armor as they have multiple ways to evade and manipulate their enemies. She has become a high skill cap character, but simple to understand, yet comes with a collection of unique abilities which both support her team, and control the field.
       I've added in depth descriptions to her stats to how she'll function ingame so people can know the ins and outs of her ability set. She's also built similar to the old warframes where she can ignore a stat, specifically duration, making modding matter. This is why i made her ultimate a Drain instead of a duration cast. However she is only like this because she possesses no direct damage abilities or nuke potential, rather she's a mechanic specialist who can deal damage with weapons similar to loki.
       Normally this portion would be dedicated to warframe exilus, however I don't particularly like the idea of warframe exilus anymore. reason being it would feel like the frame is forced into using said exilus over other ones removing choice and options. So, no exilus.

       Her first ability has been altered to better suit the modern play style and due to bellow's removal, I had to give it more value. Thus I've added splashing, and drunken brawler. This will increase evasion for added survivability and multishot due to it's ability to increase status chance. Splashing was added to have her be more melee focused, however she doesn't have to be melee focused at all if she doesn't want to. Splashing should be something any status heavy warframe such as garuda, saryn, or ember will love her for it. Drunken Warrior is a small damage and survivability boost.
       Shojo's Brew is based off the Shojo Yokai and an old tale about their sake and it's rejuvenative properties. This allows Tanuki to take on a more supportive role with a unique healing over time AoE. This also provides ability syngery and the ability to use some specific arcanes and mods make her build variety expand further.

       The second ability, Zen Charm, was made ayatan in nature for lore purposes. I realize the critical chance would have been nice but she is in fact a status warframe and critical is already heavily dominating the game at present, thus I went for more status. This is also my suggestion to 100%+ status would look like from DE's posts. (Tanuki) can be used as a proving ground much like M3.0 used Wukong. Zen Charm protecting from "negative energy" fits thematically and makes her useful in status heavy areas. The permanent placement also means she'd be more energy efficient in missions where she won't need to place as frequently.
       The augment is actually originating from limbo and has very unique support altering the flow of time, and duration. This means any duration based warframe would love to have her as a partner, or EV trinities would hate her guts. Either way it's a very unique augment providing a control over time limbo cannot offer. While this is not part of (Tanuki) lore, it is part of warframe lore as the void has control over space and time. Thus good fortune from the void should imply such benefits.

       Transmogrify is my favorite of everything here. Controlling an enemy level with CC is completely alien to us. At the start it wouldn't be very effective at all but when you're fighting level 1000 enemies during endurance runs, (Tanuki) undercuts massive portions of their stats making enemies much easier to handle. To hammer home her status motif I wanted to sew in a status spread unique among the current roster. With this status spread she can watch for high priority targets that are more than simple eximus or heavy enemies. She carries her own playstyle because of this. Good (Tanuki) should theoretically always have all enemies under the affects of transmogrify and thus will be a joy to play with.
       Her augment is another awesome CC ability not only disarming enemies, but provides ammo for you and your team. This augment can also be seen as an alternative to personal ammo mutation for organized groups opening up quite a few exilus mod slots for other options. This augment should be well worth the slot given it's flexible nature and that it comes with added benefits.

       The biggest change about this rework was bellow being replaced and I'm honestly sad to have to do that. The biggest reason for this was because it was too similar to chaos and irradiating disarm as both are large scale AoE abilities that turn enemies on each other. However I will give credit if Nyx wasn't a thing it would totally be there. I did want to see if viral could be used as a replacement but that seemed to similar to miasma. Simple AoE abilities don't really cut it anymore for WF development because all simple AoE status abilities are taken.
       I will give credit and i don't know if FoxFX knew this, but what they did with bellow was very similar to Tanuki Tsuki where the tanuki affects and possesses their enemies into turning violent and attacking everything, even their allies. But again, i had to alter it to keep nyx and loki relevant.
       Bellow's replacement is a clever twist to Leaf Form, another ability suggested by FoxFX while retaining the chaotic affect of Tanuki-tsuki. Thus the Lotus Veil provides not only skill based survivability based on intelligent positioning but holds up to her previous concept, just with a different name. The ability and build for her however should encourage larger range which means players can make the lotus veil larger causing enemies to attack one another making it still further unique.

       So, what do you guys think about this revival attempt? Has she changed much from the original? Did I keep true to what the (Tanuki) are but kept it close to warframe? If you want to see the original it's here. TANUKI. If this turns out well enough I may hopefully go around and revisit some old and underappreciated concepts. Few strike me as fitting as (Tanuki), but I believe I can find some worthy of mention. If anyone has any questions that I may not have already answered in reasoning, feel free to ask. I'll try to respond as soon as possible.

    • Like 3
  18. 31 minutes ago, (PS4)ggh667124 said:

    Dude this was great , honestly hope it’s not like a one try thing because this sound challenging and would be sad to be 1 hour in and one person mess up and gotta restart everything lol ... but I’m assuming it’s one load-out throughout? . DE need to put you in the creative design team , also can you make something on endless mission rewards . I made my own but i feel as if it could be better .  

       It isn't a 1 try thing. If the mission fails players would either have the option to repeat the mission or leave otherwise nobody would even risk it. Why spend 2 hours on something only to end up failing at the very end. Whether they replay or leave, they will have the option to start it again whenever they desire. However if the mission is completed then it's done for the day like a sortie would be. This is to prevent reward inflation and progress being gained too fast allowing DE breathing room for content development on the side.

       It is also 1 load out yes. The idea is to have players make compromises over and over and over and rely on each other to cover for their weaknesses while protecting other's with their strengths. It also makes players go into situations where they need almost all aspects of the game. These could be gear, focus, build variety, and more. But the grineer one is more straight forward and doesn't need as much thought as what my other raids would entail. Taking the corpus one for example it constantly presents challenges that no build can counter, but rather skill, communication, a plan, and organization will raise your chances at winning.

       I'll see about the endless rewards, but I'm not too sure how on the mark I'll be.

    • Like 1
  19. 2 hours ago, --Blame-- said:

    Unfortunately this is how I feel. Doing very elaborate clan stuff just to make the clan mechanic more fun doesn't seem to pass the team's mind. In years when the dojo has stood still, they are just beginning to pay attention to the Warlords this past year.

    That's fine, more opinions on a matter coming from completely different perspectives creates game variety in feedback which is hopefully constructive on both sides. I've personally had a different experience in my time with clans.

       I'm sure DE would make improvements to solar rails if they were reintroduced right? Back then players ran for credits but now there are tons of rewards DE could give players. They could also tie rewards and alter the game mode to favor the more active and competitive clan even if they are attacking and you are defending even kicking AFK and inactive players. They could also set a cooldown to where if you take control of a sector, you can't claim it again for up to 1-2 months. There can also be time gaps between claim attempts. This opens up alot of room for other clans to attack various sectors letting more clans into the system. Maybe not all of them but that would probably come with time or DE adding another dark sector due to the increase in endless mission variety we now have.

       On the invasions, that's why I've made these roles. Warlords care because they are invested in the dojo right? Well what if other players are invested. Architects already are and players who care about their creations. If it were damaged and in some parts destroyed they'd be distraught. Wrecking the dojo, damaging research, stealing resources, and applying new and more important/interactive roles not only makes the clan invested, but protective of the clan. What happens if your railjack get's blown up? That's another 72 hour wait time and 6M credits down the drain. possibly more by the sounds of railjack's excess mat system.
       If the players are invested the clan warlord doesn't need to pester them, they already have a desire to protect it anyways because it's something they need and like to have. You could also make it so repairs can't be rushed or repairs have a longer time then construction to really push it home, although that might annoy players. having players that become invested int he dojo, like warlords, is a way to get people to care.

       I do understand the hanger just so happens to be in the clan. But that doesn't mean DE can or will just leave it there. if something is there they can bend and manipulate it to other systems even if it originally wasn't intended to. You're saying they use the dojo for railjack, and I get that. They use dojos for research requirements. They use dojos for alot of things. But clans are still a system attached to said dojo and alliances to clans.

  20.    Appreciate the suggestions 🙂 I'll try adding them when I can. Although the main thing I wanna talk about is the effort put into the rooms. Yes it would be a lot of hard work, however i'd imagine it's bite sized compared to emperyon which uses dozens of new systems, a massive model for the Rail Jack, over 6 unique animations with some being cinematic, a new quest, squad link, new enemies and animations, over 6 new resources, voice lines, 2 tile reworks, graphic overhauls, etc etc. Rail Jack is like an entirely new game, adding these wouldn't come in a small update obviously but a larger update would be nice.

       Also I do think alot of these places would get daily attention from players. Many strive to be incredibly efficient and this is a big allure to those players. I won't make a big list but I'll point out a few big ones that are among my favorites.


       Focus Cells. Fully maxed out, these cells would be an alternative to active focus grinding. With an affinity booster getting all 250K would take around 2-3 Hours which is pretty acceptable for afk grinding. I'd expect moon clans to need about 30 of these for them to really make use of them which is perfect because it makes players revisit tons of places like lua and PoE. Focus can be farmed while eating, sleeping, or just going out. Yes it would lose purpose to those who have maxed out but it would be relevant for a good portion of the player's experience.
       Factoral Conclave. This would not only have stuff with railjack for super soldiers and a crew you connect with but also supply players with more elite missions and dailies for them to pick from for greater rewards. Sure it's up to DE to decide but the extra standing cap from this would be a huge boost to alot of players. Especially with progressing in areas like Cetus or Fortuna.
       The Orokin Lab would gain purpose again with solar rail conflicts, increased ayatan rewards, and be a launching point for shared relics which bring clan mates together to have the best and most efficient shot at farming prime parts which seemingly remain always relevant. This extends further to R Relics for the nemesis system which DE intends to improve on over time. It would become one of the most valuable places in the Dojo.
       The Datascape would be another key room. Players would frequently be visiting this every day and new players also can use it for information. Conclave players would also enjoy the extra standing they can gain from this.
       The Commerce Dock would be either be a hit or miss depending on the clan. Some would use it daily, others may not. If rail jack turns out how i think it will though, it could prove lucrative in harvesting hundreds of carbides, diodes, etc etc daily or even normal resources for the clan.
       The Bridge would be my last favorite, I can't pick all of them after all. This room would be a big deal, especially for clans that organize events and want to gather attention. Having the ability to send a message to everyone in the clan they can't ignore without annoying them is quite effective. In general it just serves as a way for clan communication to be more effective which I feel would really spice up how players treat clans.

       As for the invasions. I feel like this would NEED to be a thing. Even if DE doesn't want to this would be a constant threat and rally the entire community to something important. Lots of players value their dojo and this would be a legitimate punishment for letting fomorians and razorbacks break something, which players have been asking for. It would also mean players would want resources, meaning they go to the commerce bay for resources which starts the cycle over again. These need to be at the end of the loop to start up the farming again or else the players stagnate in a game that doesn't punish or reward players for acting. Whatever strings DE would need to pull, this needs to be part of the clans to make them tick for longer.

       I also don't really get the part about solar rail conflicts being exploitable. Could you explain that a bit more to me please?

    • Like 1
  21.    The Dojo Revivial... yes this is somewhat of a weird thing for warframe to focus on however with railjack, a focus on guilds has been presented. DE can double and even triple down on this by introducing a plethora of new builds, weapons, and research with clans at the center of it. These are some ideas I've had for awhile and I guess now would be a good time to share them. -Edit- This turned from a concept into more a bundle of ideas for the dojo. so keep that in mind.

       While we've waited for the "Promised Return" of solar rail conflicts, the clans have all but become glorified bragging rights like "look how cool my home is". Does anyone remember the Ice Alliance controlling half the map? Or the Dragons of the West and Dragons of the East fighting nonstop? Or even the other clans that fought like Nix? Those were great days and it's PvP rivaled our own. The return of clans has come in somewhat... confusing ways. Raiding clans were formed... then disbanded shortly after because of raid removal and then shortly after we have had the WORST clan revival... the riven mafia market.
       This has got to be the worst clan resurgence I've seen. Now take this with a grain of salt because I'm actually of a shadow clan. I've no idea how these giant clans operate or what the best clan chats look like during the modern warframe as I've tried to avoid them as much as possible. That being said I want to take a shot at explaining how clans can become a central part of the warframe experience. Community is after all an important part to any game, and clans were once an integral and core part of Ancient Warframe.

       This concept will involve dozens of new rooms and additions with practical uses and few with decorative purposes but things people would enjoy none the less.

       During railjack, we have obviously seen Cephalon Cy who operates the railjack. Well Im sure new clans and old clans alike would appreciate a clan dojo cephalon who gives updates through the inbox and talks in the dojo. I'm going to call him AKJO for now. AkJo will first contact you via inbox as he doesn't have a way to represent himself like other cephalon yet as you have not constructed his room. he will tell you to organize your place accordingly as some rooms require alot of space. Basically, AkJo is your guide and helper who essentially is like a warning for the future and helps players plan ahead of time.

       Just like the days of old, we will have solar rail conflicts. These conflicts will allow players to take hold of planets and take a tithe *not really* of the planets resources from missions run on the planet. Every time a solar rail has been claimed, clan leaders will not only present benefits of the dark sector, but also have a global presence on the planet. They will be presented unqiue beenfits such as *larger chance void tears appear on the planet* or *3 nightmare missions on this planet daily*. 

    1. If a planet is under the control of a clan, their warframes have a 50% chance to appear as specters to assist in the mission replacing empty slots. This will help solo players and new players not feel alone and in general apply a natural feeling of "you're not alone" in this game.
    2. Solar Rails will be taken over like previously or however DE decides to implement this.

       Fomorians and Razorbacks now have a chance to attack the Dojo Tower. If fomorians are successful, they will destroy research, steal credits and weapons from armories and vaults, damage rooms, and cause destruction to decorations requiring players to repair them. This will equally affect all clans and cause demand massive resources.

       This will be specificly for the functional rooms. These will make up the bulk of the update and come with a variety of uses and bonuses to bring clans together and make the dojo a replacement for the orbiter in some cases. Players should be able to live and breathe in the dojo just as easily as the orbiter in my opinion.


    (Datascape Hold)
       AkJo will have his own room. This room is called the Datascape Hold, which is a small hall to where you can interact with said Cephalon and ask questions about the dojo. However this will also be a research room for Cephalon type equipment. Or what I want to call, precept research. You will only need to construct 1 Datascape Hold, however you will need to upgrade it with modules to unlock other Cephalons from the weave. Each upgraded Datascape has it's own perks.
       You may switch Datascape Holds via the ROOM OPTIONS terminal.

    1. ORBITER DATASCAPE HOLD Ordis Datascape Hold will reveal sometimes hidden invasions. He can also be talked to for basic daily info of the system. Ordis can replicate hologrpahic versions of your clan mates orbiters for you to view without them needing to invite you.
    2. COLCAVE DATASCAPE HOLD Sark and Vull who describe the conclave and give EXTRA conclave quests for universal mediallions. The Conclave Datascape Hold has a conclave ranking and reward terminal for conclave rewards.
    3. SANCTUARY DATASCAPE HOLD Simaris will grant you 1 extra target per day if you upgrade to a Sanctuary Datascape Hold. His datascape also has portals to instantly join a Clan Sanctuary Onslaught which starts at Level 100-110 and is only available to your clan members. There will be an alert sent to clan chat that one has started.
    4. RIVEN DATASCAPE HOLD Samodeus will grant you 1 riven sliver per day as a Weekly Alert if his Datascape Hold is created. Here you may Reroll a riven mod 5 times at 50% off every day. You may also trade Eidolon Shards for Riven Transmutation Devices
    5. CODEX DATASCAPE HOLD Suda, even if you are an enemy, will appear to grant you rewards for completing codex entries. Some rewards will be clan research which players must have completed their own codex to obtain.
    6. HISTOIRE DATASCAPE HOLD Cordylon will appear and recount lost information of warframe's events. Both actual ingame events and stuff from beyond like the Great Plague and The Old War.
    7. SOLAR RAIL DATASCAPE HOLD Cy will appear to grant you special Weekly Missions of daily activity in the system. These missions will have have unique drops involving railjakck resources. *WIP because railjack isn't 100% out yet*

    (Bio Nursery)
       The Companion Hub is for consigned companions. This will be ALL ABOUT companions. All around the room you can see active companions that belong to clan mates that have logged offline. These companions are only biological.

    1. Players may activate research involving extra companion precept mods and extra tools. One such being a Companion Core which opens a companion link mod slot granting a bonus to both the owner and companion, an aura only the two of them share. Many link mods are researchable in the Nursery alogn with many other mods.
    2. Players may research and replicate new and strange breeds of animals If any more are ever added.
    3. If a player has consigned a companion it will enter a stasis where players from your clan can adopt the pet for themselves. If 7 days pass and no player has adopted them THEYA RE EJECTED INTO- no a random operative takes custody of them and they vanish from the game.
    4. Players may also place their companion as a Mercenary where people can hire that companion for temporary use. Buyers may not alter the mod load out at all and companion is made available again in 24 hours.
    5. Players will randomly be assigned 2 of 10 incubators in the room to breed and grow pets outside the orbiter. Extra incubators may be activated with player's platinum.
    6. A history terminal will show an archive of all generated companions the clan has ever produced.

    (Mech Hanger)
       This will be the alternative to the Bio Nursery for Mechanical Companions. This will be ALL ABOUT mechanical companions. All aroudn the room you can see machines flying and being carried around from place to place of active machines of offline clan mates.

    1. Players may research new Moa Parts to craft in Fortuna with Legs. These will be mainly developed and adapted to better fit tenno technology and appearence. Players may also create a Companion Reactor which opens a companion link mod slot granting a bonus to both the owner and companion, an aura only the two of them share. Many link mods are researchable in the Mech Hanger and many other precept mods.
    2. Players may research and replicate several new sentinels, sentinal weapons, and machine companions like rollers osprey, or even custom eidolon lures.
    3. Players may also place their companion as a Mercenary where people can hire that companion for temporary use. Buyers may not alter the mod load out at all and companion is made available again in 24 hours.
    4. Players will randomly be assigned 3 of 10 hangers to upgrade their companions with excess star chart materials for stat increases.

    (Tenno Armory) -Ancient Smith Permission Role-
       This Armory is a room which contains a storage area of tenno clan tech weapons. In the Tenno Armory Black Smiths have access to 10 foundries that can only create 3 items at a time. Here the Blacksmiths can create weapons and parts that have been completed in the Tenno Lab in advance letting newcomers bypass wait time and instantly clan a weapon from the Armory.

    1. Ancient Smiths can place their weapons for sale in the dojo for 25K credits. 10K going to them and 15K going to the vault. Players may only purchase 1 weapon every day to prevent 1 player from emptying the clan market.
    2. There is no limit to the amount of weapons that can be stored in advance and no time limit on weapons that can be sold.
    3. Ancient Smiths can choose to infuse a forma into those weapons by default. Each forma doubles the cost. 25K 50K 100K 200K 400K always going at a 2/5 split.
    4. Armory contains an arsenal

    (Corpus Armory) -Razor Smith Permission Role-
       This Armory is a room which contains a storage area of corpus clan tech weapons. In the Tenno Armory Black Smiths have access to 10 foundries that can only create 3 items at a time. Here the Blacksmiths can create weapons and parts that have been completed in the Corpus Lab in advance letting newcomers bypass wait time and instantly clan a weapon from the Armory.

    1. Razor Smiths can place their weapons for sale in the dojo for 25K credits. 10K going to them and 15K going to the vault. Players may only purchase 1 weapon every day to prevent 1 player from emptying the clan market.
    2. There is no limit to the amount of weapons that can be stored in advance and no time limit on weapons that can be sold.
    3. Razor Smiths can choose to infuse a forma into those weapons by default. Each forma doubles the cost. 25K 50K 100K 200K 400K always going at a 2/5 split.
    4. The Corpus Armory is capable of producing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Detonite Injectors at once depending on clan rank.
    5. Armory contains an arsenal

    (Grineer Armory) -Fomorian Smith Permission Role-
       This Armory is a room which contains a storage area of Grineer clan tech weapons. In the Tenno Armory Black Smiths have access to 10 foundries that can only create 3 items at a time. Here the Blacksmiths can create weapons and parts that have been completed in the Grineer Lab in advance letting newcomers bypass wait time and instantly clan a weapon from the Armory.

    1. Fomorian Smiths can place their weapons for sale in the dojo for 25K credits. 10K going to them and 15K going to the vault. Players may only purchase 1 weapon every day to prevent 1 player from emptying the clan market.
    2. There is no limit to the amount of weapons that can be stored in advance and no time limit on weapons that can be sold.
    3. Fomorian Smiths can choose to infuse a forma into those weapons by default. Each forma doubles the cost. 25K 50K 100K 200K 400K always going at a 2/5 split.
    4. The Grineer Armory is capable of producing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Detonite Injectors at once depending on clan rank.
    5. Armory contains an arsenal

    (Infested Armory) -Hive Smith Perimission Role-
       This Armory is a room which contains a storage area of Grineer clan tech weapons. In the Tenno Armory Black Smiths have access to 10 foundries that can only create 3 items at a time. Here the Blacksmiths can create weapons and parts that have been completed in the Grineer Lab in advance letting newcomers bypass wait time and instantly clan a weapon from the Armory.

    1. Hive Smiths can place their weapons for sale in the dojo for 25K credits. 10K going to them and 15K going to the vault. Players may only purchase 1 weapon every day to prevent 1 player from emptying the clan market.
    2. There is no limit to the amount of weapons that can be stored in advance and no time limit on weapons that can be sold.
    3. Hive Smiths can choose to infuse a forma into those weapons by default. Each forma doubles the cost. 25K 50K 100K 200K 400K always going at a 2/5 split.
    4. The Infested Armory is capable of producing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Mutagen mass at once depending on clan rank.
    5. Armory contains an arsenal

    (Sentient Armory) -Oro Smith Permission Role-
       This Armory is a room which contains a storage area of Grineer clan tech weapons. In the Tenno Armory Black Smiths have access to 10 foundries that can only create 3 items at a time. Here the Blacksmiths can create weapons and parts that have been completed in the Grineer Lab in advance letting newcomers bypass wait time and instantly clan a weapon from the Armory.

    1. Oro Smiths can place their weapons for sale in the dojo for 25K credits. 10K going to them and 15K going to the vault. Players may only purchase 1 weapon every day to prevent 1 player from emptying the clan market.
    2. There is no limit to the amount of weapons that can be stored in advance and no time limit on weapons that can be sold.
    3. Oro Smiths can choose to infuse a forma into those weapons by default. Each forma doubles the cost. 25K 50K 100K 200K 400K always going at a 2/5 split.
    4. The Sentient Armory is capable of producing 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Mutagen mass at once depending on clan rank.
    5. Armory contains an arsenal

    (Commerce Dock) -Harvester Role-
       This room will be a massive *not railjack massive* deployment room containing up to 100 (ghost) 300 (Shadow) 1,000 (Storm) 3,000 (Mountain) 10,000 (Moon) Extractors. Extractors can be donated to the clan by players looking to create them, however Harvesters have access to a foundry to create up to 10 Extractors at once. This room is the only blace a Merchant's Nexus can be constructed off of.

    1. Only players with the Harvester Role may deploy the Extractors and all resources harvested enter the Clan Vault.
    2. Only 1/3 of the clan's excavators may be harvesting on planets at once.
    3. Resources from the Rail jack area can act as buffed durability to extractors.
    4. Extractors can be enhanced with Argon Crystals to increase their harvest for 1 day.

    (Merchant's Nexus)
       The Merchant's Nexus is a small room where you can find both Darvo, Clem, Maroo, and Baro Ki'Teer. It may only be constructed off of the Commerce Dock.

    1. Having access to the Merchant's Nexus will supply players with 3 Darvo Deals in the Association.
    2. Having access to the Merchant's Nexus will supply players with 1 Extra Weekly Ayatan Hunt.
    3. Having access to the Merchant's Nexus, Baro will sit there and look pretty.
    4. Having access to the Merchant's Nexus allows for market terminals to be placed in the dojo.

    (Clan Observatory)
       The clan observatory is an upgrade to the Observatory. The Clan Observatory will allow mark nodes on the map currently being run by clan members and will grant you a 100% chance to join a clan member's mission if room is available.

    1. Clan Observatory will mark nodes on the map currently being run by clan members and has a 100% chance to join a clan member's mission if room is available.
    2. Clan Observatory allows for clans of the same alliance to enter each other's dojo's without invitation. Requires a toggle at the observatory terminal.
    3. Clan Observatory has terminals allowing clan mates to view their clan members players playing their missions as spectators.
      1. After the Clan Observatory has been created these terminals can be placed anywhere as a decoration.

    (Focus Cells) -Temple of Honor must be constructed first-
       Focus Cells are small rooms where up to 8 operators can meditate to generate focus towards a certain school by 1 per second. Affinity boosters will double focus gained per second.

    1. Focus Cells can be swapped to a different focus school at the room terminal, taking 1 minute to alter the school's focus.
    2. Focus Cells can be upgraded with focus lens up to 4 times. Each tier will double focus generated per second.
      1. Default Cell -1 Focus per second
      2. Normal Cell- 2 Focus per second
      3. Greater Cell- 4 Focus per second
      4. Eidolon Cell- 8 Focus per second
      5. Lua Cell- 16 Focus per second

    (Orokin Lab)
       This isn't a new room but it comes with added functionality. This room can be upgraded to incorporate orokin void relic refiners. Void Traces obtained by the clan can be used to refine relics obtained by players into "Perfect" tier relics. There are 5 terminals for Lith, meso, Neo, Axi, and Kuva.

    1. Perfect Relics will not only require void traces and argon crystals.
    2. Perfect Relic Runs are clan/alliance exclusive and will not allow anyone not in the clan to enter the mission even if invited. They can only be launched from the Orokin Lab.
    3. Perfect Relics are relics that all players in the mission will share. 1 Relic applies to all 4 players and all 4 players will have a chance at getting a part from that relic.
    4. The orokin lab has completely different void tears from the normal star chart that are only available to people of that clan. Only people who are in that dojo may be a part of this mission.
    5. The orokin Lab has a use for the electric laser terminal, it now allows for players to create 2 new stars which replace the cyan star and amber star respectively. Each will add more to a statues value than cyan or amber respectivly with Void replacing cyan and Crimson replacing Amber.
      1. Allows players to combine Argon, Synthula, Lunar Pitchers, and Cyan Stars to create Distilled Argon. Combine with Blank Stars *From Earth Missions* into Void Stars
      2. Allows players to combine Kuva, Synthula, Ruk's Claw, and Amber Stars to create Distilled Kuva. Combine with Blank Stars *From Earth Missions* into Crimson Stars

    (Sentient Lab)
       The tenno have finally gotten their hands on enough technology to create a stable lab of sentient tech and with stolen records of ancient sentient ancestors from Jupiter, the tenno have uncovered many terrifying weapons of sentient origin. Seriously though Regor and Alad both have labs of sentient tech and bones are just lying around why don't we have a lab for this yet?

    1. All currently completed sentient tech will be moved to the Sentient Lab such as the corpus hybrids. Sentient weapons such as the tatsu and phantasma might also be moved to the lab.
    2. The Sentient Lab can be used to introduce a variety of unique weaponry related to the sentience.

    (Factional Conclave)
       The Factional Conclave is a room dedicated to the main factions of warframe. This will be a Large room where players can access Vox Solaris, The Quills, Simaris, Teshin, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, Steel Meridian, New Loka, Red Veil, and The Perrin Sequence. Construction of this room is for lore purposes and more. Construction of the room allows for players to place faction NPCs in the dojo as decorations.

    1. Being a member of a clan with a Factional Conclave will increase Faction Standing Maximum Cap by 100,000 if the Factional Conclave has been constructed.
    2. Being a member of a clan with a Factional Conclave will open a guild exclusive sortie for guilds you have max standing in. This is limited to guilds you are max status with.
      1. Completing these sorties will offer 25K standing and a slew of other items separate from normal sorties.
      2. Sorties will contain your syndicates medallions.
    3. Railjack members may be hired from the Factional Conclave instead of normal members. These members come with bonuses and can be customized. Players may recolor, place sigils, install attachments, and plaster emblems on the members. These members will level up and can have their weapons be modded, but if they bleed out they permanently die. Operator and warframe animations can be attached as well.
    4. Players may tag themselves as "looking for clan" at the syndicate terminal on their orbiter. This will then present players in the Factional Conclave as recruitable for your clan allowing you to send a personalized clan invitation to them.

    (Arbiter Embassy) -Factional Conclave must be built first-
       The Arbiter Embassy is a room dedicated to the Arbiter's of Hexis. Being a close ally to tenno operators the arbiters have their own room for arbitrations. Although they do not support the other factions, they are willing to assist the tenno in any way they can.

    1. Arbiter Embassy's will expand arbitrations. Accessing this room opens up 2 additional hidden arbitrations for players of the clan to access. These missions are still global and can be run with anyone at public.
    2. Arbiter will be in here allowing vitus essence to be traded in for 25K credits.

    (Halls of Valor) -Oracle must be built first-
    Has 16 holographic statues which rotate between clan members. Making this room allows you to use a hologram decoration which takes the form of a holographic version of one of the clan's tenno of your choice.

    1. Halls of Valor allows players to forge specters separate from your orbiter foundry allowing for 2 of each specter to be crafting at once.
    2. Halls of Valor allows players to purchase the Mirror Segment which replicates all attachments and colors of load outs onto specters.
    3. Halls of Valor allows players to Research Void Specters, 5 stars, at the Orokin Lab.
    4. Halls of Valor allows the Temple of Honor be be switched to different warframes

    (Room of Duality) -Orokin Lab must be created first-
       The Room of Duality is an ancient Orokin Construct which allows two players to form a bond together, a link between the tenno's void energy. They will become partnets. Partners may be switched once per day.

    1. Partners gain 25% affinity and resource bonus when playing together.
    2. Partners will share focus school abilities.
      1. If one player has Naramon enabled, and another has Vazarin Enabled, both tenno will have these active on their tenno.

    (Dojo Bridge) -Representative Role-
       This room is only usable for the players with the representative role, for anyone else this is mostly cosmetic. Representative Role is exclusivly given to specific players and is not tied to roles. There are several things clan leaders can do in this room.

    1. There is a terminal showing who is currently invited to the clan, and who has recently been invited to the clan going up to 1 week ago.
    2. There is a terminal showing every clan on your platform allowing Representatives and clan leaders to message other Representatives and Clan leaders directly.
    3. There is a map similar to the observatory only accessible to Representatives showing where members of the clan usually go to.
    4. There is a terminal allowing the Clan Leader to send out messages to the inbox of clan members. *easier for events and information to spread*
    5. There is a terminal showing Clan Chat and Alliance Chat
    6. There is a terminal showing which clans currently hold what dark sectors and which clans are currently at conflict.
    7. There is a terminal showing probability of void storms in certain areas, but only if the Dry Dock Sonor Disk has been created.
    8. There is a terminal showing the complete history of commands of the dojo and placements of structures.
      1. Includes not only decorative placements but demotions, promotions, building constructions, etc etc.
      2. Once constructed There will be a seperate chat for Representative Roles to see everything that happens in the clan while they are online

    (Dry Dock Launcher)
       The Dry Dock Launcher is an upgrade that can be researched in the Dry Dock and installed in the Dry Dock in two locations. The launcher will shoot players In archwing mode out next to the dojo letting them harvest materials from asteroids using the mining drills.

    1. Mining will yield some materials from OV and Plains of Eidolon, but will also contain new resources for the Rail Jack and Cryotic.

    (Dry Dock Sonor Dish)
       The Dojo Radar is a radar that can be researched at the Dry Dock and installed in the Dry Dock which will detects anomalies near the Dojo when launching from the Dry Dock launcher.

    1. Will detect enemies in a 5000 Meter Radius
    2. Will detect mining nodes in a 5000 Meter Radius
    3. Dry Dock Radar will show probability of void storms in certain areas, useful for the Commerce Dock.

    (Nightwave Radar)
       The Nightwave Radar is a way to communicate directly with Nora's Nightwave.

    1. Players may watch the events of previous nightwaves similar to how the radio on the orbiter works.
    2. Players may trade the current season's credits for rewards from previous seasons. I'm purely adding this to make DE innovate during nightwave intermissions because nobody wants to do intermission 2 for the same rewards.

       A place used for growing and cultivating plants for a variety of purposes. Scanning resource deposits or plants will give you spores, seeds, or roots for growing.

    1. All scannable plants can be grown and harvested.
      1. A variety of apothics and synthula can be created in the Biosphere heavily altering earth sabotage and defection rewards.
      2. Plants can be distilled together with resources to create nitain extract.
    2. Nano spores, plastids, neurodes, mutagen mass, and argon crystals can grow in the biosphere. All resources grown go towards the clan vault.
    3. Resources harvested have special pigment drops tied to them for the tennolab.

    (Medical Ward)
       The Medical Ward is a special location which can augment specter forces with stims during Solar Rail Conflicts, and during Fomorian/Razorback Invasions.

    1. Medical Wards grant bonuses to tenno for 24 hours by injecting them with stims enhancing speed, extra health, regeneration, and granting 50% damage resistance.
    2. Medical Wards contain prisoners you save from kuva lich rescues which have critical information to bringing down nemesis such as the lich greatly increasing murmur progress.
    3. Medical Wards contain prisoners may also sometimes contain lore spoilers about upcoming updates or new weapons.
    4. Medical Wards can be used to preemptively make your warframe immune to the Helminth by creating a Helminth Synthula. Injecting this into your warframe removes the cyst but shuts the warframe down for 1 hour.

    (Helminth Bioweave Reactor)
       This is an upgraded form of reactor supplying 30 energy. Helminth Bioweave Reactors utilize technology available after the Glast Gambit adopting the use of the helminth strain and hybridizing it with the mutalist strain to increase energy efficiency. Upgrading to a Helminth Bioweave Reactor requires infested components and lots of nitain.

    1. Helminth Bioweave Reactors will decrease research time and cost of infested clan tech.
    2. Helminth Bioweave Reactors will increase the amount of infested materials brought back from Eris by Extractors in the Commerce Dock.
    3. Helminth Reactors will cause extractors to lose less durability while extracting from infested areas.

    (Hexenon Diffusion Reactor)
       This is an upgraded form of reactor supplying 30 energy. Hexenon Diffusion Reactors become constructible after completing the Saturn Junction once tenno fully understanding how Alad V has made use of this substance and applied it to the reactors of the dojo for increased energy. Upgrading requires corpus components and lots of oxium.

    1. Hexenon Diffusion Reactors will decrease research time and cost of corpus clan tech.
    2. Hexenon Diffusion Reactors will Increase the amount of materials brought back from Eris by Extractors in the Commerce Dock.
    3. Hexenon Diffusion Reactors will lose less durability while extracting from corpus areas.

    (Javlok Fusion Reactor)
       This is an upgraded form of reactor supplying 30 energy. Javlok Fusion Reactors harness the electrical storage of the Javlok Capacitors to create a new form of energy vaguely reminiscent of ancient orokin fusion cores. Upgrading requires grineer components and lots of Grokdrul

    1. Javlok Fusion Reactors will decrease research time and cost of grineer clan tech.
    2. Javlok Fusion Reactors will increase the amount of materials brought back from Eris by Extractors in the Commerce Dock.
    3. Javlok Fusion Reactors will lose less durability when extracting from grineer areas.

    (Eidolon Tempest Reactor)
       The Eidolon Storm Reactor is an upgraded reactor advanced with Eidolon Components capable of producing 45 Energy. This is obtainable after completing Mask of the Revenant where the tenno begin to understand how the sentient energy functions and how to manipulate it's usefulness for themselves. Upgrading requires Eidolon Shards, Sentient Cores, and Sentirum.

    1. Eidolon Tempest Reactors will decrease research time and cost of Sentient clan tech.
    2. Eidolon Tempest Reactors will lower durability loss of Extractors from ALL areas with adaptation
    3. Eidolon Tempest Reactors will lower damage taken from Fomorian and Razorback Invasions.

    (Orokin Ayatan Reactor)
       The Orokin Ayatan Reactor is an upgraded reactor advanced with Orokin Technology capable of producing 45 Energy. This is obtainable by researching the Orokin Ayatan Reactor in the Orokin Lab. Upgrading requires Orokin Fish components and Amber Ayatan Stars.

    1. Orokin Ayatan Reactors will increase mining speed of Extractors by 5m each.
    2. Orokin Ayatan Reactors will allow Extractors to harvest void traces from planets with void tears.
    3. Orokin Ayatan Reactors will prevent Extractors from being harmed by void storms. *upcoming railjack stuff*

    (Lunaro Stadium)
       The tenno have their own stadium to play Lunaro in. Players may create their own obstacles in this area. 

    1. Completing this stadium allows for Lunaro Decorations and lunaro balls to be thrown about the dojo.
    2. Players may play Lunaro within their own dojo and go head to head against other clans for conclave caches and unique cosmetics given to all members of the winning clans.
      1.  Clans will have their team fight against another and the points are taken into account. Clans may not fight each other more than once or the points of the second and on matches will not count towards their global score. Clans with the highest global score will win the tournaments. Tournaments are held once every month.
      2. Top 3 clan TEAMS will be given unique badges showing their prowess in the lunaro ring featuring bronze, silver, and gold emblems of the Lunaro Ball.
      3. Because players can customize the Lunaro Field to an extent, home field always has the advantage.

    (Combat Range)
    This room grants a variety of unique items to the obstacle course and increases course capacity by 100 per Combat Range


    -Living enemies you can kill to reduce time (more on headshots)
    -Invincible Roller which staggers on contact
    -Capture target to complete the course

    -Stasis mines which slow in an area of affect
    -Magnetic Bubbles to distort vision and attract players
    -Fusion wave generators which knock players over
    -Flash bang mines which blind players.
    -Ice terrain trap to slow players

    -Security Eye from the Orokin moon which shoots at tenno and instant kills
    -Corpus Security Cameras which activate all turrets that instantly kill you if detected.
    -Kuva Security Cameras which instantly fail if you are detected

    -Pressure plate to open gate
    -3 Tumors to open a gate
    -Operator only gate
    -Gate closing over time

    -Moving Platform Paths.
    -Patrol patterns for living enemies

    (Bounty Chambers) -Datascape and Combat Range must be built first- -Moniter Role-
    Allows players of the monitor role to place challenges in the Olympian Records regarding the parkour room, donation goals, or endless mission goals. Bounty Chambers will take resources from the clan vault, or player if desired, and send those resources to the inbox of the player/s who has completed the goal.
    -Only players of the same alliance or of the clan can accept an objective.
    -Only one objective may be active at once.
    -Time limits can be set on objectives.
    -Messages may be attached to objectives on the board.
    -Rewards for the Bounty Chambers can include resources, mods, arcanes, platinum, or fully crafted weapons.
    -Bounty Chambers allows for players to enter a monthly global competition set by DE. In return the clan will recieve a stratos statue whcih evolves the more times they complete the bounty.

    (Hot Springs) -Grandest Hall must be built first-
    Allows warframes to recall past cutscenes and access the codex.



    Void Belt (4 Doors)
       Construct a room with ancient Orokin Technology and reopen a portal to the ancient void with a donut shaped room. With a new dimension for players to explore. A completely new dojo can be constructed here in the isolation. Building a second Dry Dock here will cause it to have access to the Plains of Duviri

    Helminth Forest Garden (4 Doors)
       This room is an infested forest similar in shape to other Gardens

    Musical Garden (4 Doors)
       This room contains the mandachord and has many chairs for relaxation in a tranquil environment.
          -Allows a variety of tenno tunes, sound tracks, and octavia loops to be played from the Garden Mandachord.
          -Has several kneeling spots for the shawzin.

    Silver Garden (4 Doors)
       This room is similar to the silver grove in nature and even has a connection to the silver grove. Occasionally spiritual ghosts of the grove guardians walk about.

    Forma Connector (5 Doors)
       This corridor is unique in it's design being a long forma design. One long dead end hallway with two cross connectors leading to 4 doors

    Aquarium Connectors (same doors as all normal variants)
       All connectors will have an aquarium varient allowing tenno to place fish underwater.

    Subaquatic Tank (4 Doors)
       The Subaquatic Tank players can dive underwater similar to Regor's Arena to enter a massive underwater tank which allows players to swim around in sharkwing and can place up to 1000 fish capacity. Oxylus and Helios may also be seen swimming around and examining fish species.


    1. The dry dock has made this pretty clear for alot of us... please let us walk around in unfinished rooms for once. I couldn't tell if the dry dock was actually rotated correctly.
    2. Enable for people to be given specific roles separate from ranks, I imagine special permissions would be a nice gift to bigger clans.
    3. We are tenno that use the void, so can we maybe move completed rooms about as we see fit? even if it costs say 10-100K credits to move a room we should be able to avoid that massive waiting time of rooms being created and destroyed because we messed up. This would include rotation of rooms. This may be tricky with keeping decorations but it would greatly appreciated.
    4. Allow for the Rail Jack to be rushed after the next update. Please, you don't need to keep it like that after the update has been launched. People pay to skip your wait and you removed that option. It's not P2W. I don't rush stuff at all with a few exceptions when i'm very very very impatient like clan keys. I wouldn't rush the rail jack personally but I can see the reason why players want to.
    5. Allow us to cancel rooms that are currently building. It would be lovely to do this because I realized I may not have rotated my dock right and now my clan has to live with that. It sucks.
    6. Allows players who can edit rankings to select the starting rank players will start as.
    7. Allow for Top Tier Rank clan members, Warlords, to set an auto kick function from 90 days to 600 days
    8. Allow for personalized clan invitations like how we can with gift boxes.
    9. If there is a collision, give a list of where collisions of built structures are, hopefully in the form of AkJo speaking to you saying NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT, but a text message would be ok too. Something like "floor 2, Oracle Collision" or something like that.
    10. Warlords should be able to create new ranks for members of their clan increasing by 3 customizable ranks per ascension.
    11. Allow us to load up to 3 different preset parkour rooms with a single architect obstacle course.



    -Added request for Warlord rank players to set default rank to a different default in ADDED FUNCTIONALITY-
    -Added request for the two top tier ranks to set the instant kick from 90-600 days in ADDED FUNCTIONALITY-
    -Added personalized clan invitations in ADDED FUNCTIONALITY-
    -Added Collision List to the ADDED FUNCTIONALITY-
    -Added 3 parkour sets to obstacle course in ADDED FUNCTIONALITY-
    -Added Complete History Terminal to the Dojo Bridge-
    -Added "looking for clan" recruiting option for clans via the Factional Conclave-
    -Added NPC decorations for completion of the Factional Conclave-
    -Added Temple of Glory model switching once the Halls of Valor has been completed-
    -Added Clan Observatory spectators which could use squad link tech for clans to watch other players and talk to them in squad chat.

    -Added Bounty Chambers for challenges and weekly stratos competitions.
    -Added Room of Duality to the FUNCTIONAL ROOMS allowing for partners-
    -Added Biosphere for nitain extract, more pigments, synthula for defection, and apothics for earth sabotage-


    • Like 4
  22.    Here's the thing, this sounds like a rework to buff Nezha. We really don't need a buff, infact I'm actually expecting a nerf incoming relatively soon because of how damn powerful he is and DE doesn't understand when warframes are perfect. In case you're wondering why I'm saying that here's why.
       He's a support warframe who cleanses status from allies, can grant status immunity to himself and his team, grants damage reduction to himself and his team, Can supply his team with energy and health globes to activate health conversion and a myriad of useful arcanes. He's a tank warframe who is almost unkillable with warding halo. He's a speedand CC warframe with fire walker, His 4th has incredible CC and ability synergy. And his chakrams now grant healing, strip armor, have scaling damage, apply vulnerability, and multiply. He doesn't need a rework, he's one of our best and should either remain untouched or slightly nerfed as he's among the few frames I'd say is perfect. Not too overused but not too underused either.

    1. His new first ability takes away a big part of his damage as it prevents you from charging your throwing halo. This combined with the splits on divine spears allows him to deal huge damage which isn't the case here anymore. Still possible but harder to pull off. This also prevents lightning fast travel with charged teleportation.

    2. This takes away alot of choice from the warframe by adding it into his base kit. Protecting allies has always been an amazing choice for Nezha, protect allies or not? This also him superior to gara's ability as this no longer requires a mod and opens up space on builds. On paper it sounds great but DE is looking for build diversity and this takes alot of that away. Even if the players don't like it that's the goal on Nezha, he has many viable builds.
       Placing reaping chakram as reaping halo makes this far more effective at getting health globes to an almost unreasonable amount. It means you have no reason to think about when you need them, they just show up. IT takes away some of the interactive playstyle away from Nezha. Not only that but the amount of healing from this is insane as you essentially not only get damage reduction, but you get healed for damage taken. Essentially it's immortality.

    3. This isn't really needed. It's a nice nod to the lore of nezha, however he's got a perfect balance of survivability as is and the clones would just relabel nezha as knockoff 2.0 where instead of stealing from rhino he steals from wukong.
       If he and his clones heal based off each other it makes him almost unkillable. Take into consideration that you have an arcane pulse, and you pick up one health globe. You heal for a huge amount, and heal both your clones, which in turn heal you again and you're at full health. With the amount of globes that would be *reliably and constantly* dropping you'd never die and there would be no risk involved. That's only taking into account nezha, imagine if you had a nekros or any other healing warframe.

    4. Divine spears remains pretty much the same buuuuut I do like the sound of an exalted speargun. if it weren't for how powerful he already was I'd say hell yeah take it! However to your credit this holds some merit. Nezha has yet to get a 4th augment. If the augment was to give him an exalted weapon I could see that being a mod as it would even further increase his build variety but that's the only thing I can say about this rework.
       This, stand alone, is great. If this rework passed then this augment would be either great or decent. But the augment flops if the whole rework ends up being broken, boring, and exploitable, as is stated above ^^^^^^^^.

       Again the only thing that holds merit is a concept derived from this rework, a 4th augment involving an exalted spear gun which doesn't need to be retrieved. Nezha is fine as he is besides lacking a 4th augment. 

  23.    Well, revisiting an old raid... This post will be, as usual, very very very long. Hoooowever, I have organized it so you can avoid stuff you dislike. RED will be nightmare versions of the same mission, just with some tweaks. Green will be the rewards in which there are 3 categories. 

       This was not created with normal and newer players in mind. "Raid on Nightwatch Corps" was, and still is, made for advanced and experienced players to satisfy the urge to fight a challenge in a group for great rewards. These will serve as a goal post for players to work towards. To those who say "make it solo friendly", or "Make this easier, I can't play it" as much as this is going to sound hurtful and blunt, no. This is a Multiplayer game, a game you play with many MANY people. You are not alone and Rail Jack will hopefully bring players back to that reality. Look at the steam page, it says CO OP and MULTIPLAYER.
       Now I'm sure many of you guys are so tired of hearing "Endgame" "Endgame" "Endgame" and so am I but hey I started this series calling it "A Shot at Endgame" and I'm sticking to it even if it should be called "A shot at Sustainable Content". I want to bring new ideas to the table and not just a giant raid concept or some difficult mission, this needs to be done in steps. The umbrella of Endgame I want to suggest changes to are Missions, Rewards, Community, Daily Content, and more. The only thing I can point to right now is the "Eximus Epidemic" where I show what eximus could be and how some changes could shatter the Meta. it's slightly outdated due to channeling but it should give you a general Idea of what I mean by "Bring new ideas to the table"

       Like before, I'm going to explain why these enemies will have crazy HP pools even if I know I'll still get bitter responses or hate for suggesting it. ONE, we have players capable of melting Kuva Lich within moments and one shot eidolons. Both of these were sold as endgame and the Eidolon have 10,947,000 EHP combined. Players can melt these guys multiple times in one night and that's including the need to break it's shields first. These stats are to not only ward off unprepared players, but are required  for enemies to stand a chance against you without cheap invulnerability. Expect enemies with trillions of EHP.
       TWO, these are made to be similar to WoW raids and by design are not short. If time is your concern then let me alleviate that. The rewards here are worth the time you put into the raid. With guarenteed rivens and kuva equal to long kuva survivals, the rewards here are well worth the run. You can also run this over weekends incase you need to work which just means you have a longer time to appreciate and complete this content than hardcore players.
       THREE, unlike "Revenge of the Sergeant" this raid will focus much more on brute force and damage to thematically fit the grineer style. There is of course some puzzles and mechanical skill involved, however communication, cooperation, and game skill are much less needed here. Rather this will be one to put builds, damage, and endurance to the test.

       Of course I want to make an optional difficulty for this, however unlike "Revenge of the Sergeant" this raid is of the grineer. If we go back in time, the grineer were the first and only faction available and nightmares were one of the first attempts at difficulty and it was the classic optional difficulty for the "Law of Retribution". Thus Nightmare is the selective difficulty for this raid. Do note these optional difficulties are not an excuse to make the base version easier like ESO. Even skilled players will struggle at the base mode and the nightmare was created to feel impossible on purpose to give the community something to shoot for. It may be overtuned and need some balancing and checks but I think I've gotten the point across.
       The difference for this nightmare is you can either run the nightmare, or run the normal. Running both would be too rewarding. You can also only run this once a day to prevent an overflow. It seems bad at first but there are reasons for that and over time as/if more raids are introduced the 1 of X raid a day will feel less debilitating.

       In the current state of warframe, my old raid version would seem somewhat easy. It seemed nice but there were also countless flaws with it ranging from spelling to outright forgetting to include some rewards. In short, it was lack luster and I'm here to improve upon it and bring it back to light for people to see that Challenge is possible. Coming back from my corpus raid, I have a much better grasp of challenge and how to craft objectives in a plethora of stylish ways. Of course, this means I'm changing my raid slightly.
       One big change was the huge demand I put on the rewards. It was to the point where it would devalue many other missions, or in lame mans terms, it gave too much reward. I still fully intend to keep it worth it, but I'm toning the rewards down.
       The next big change would be Nighty. For starters it's a she now, and this isn't for SJW reasons or anything. I've looked back at the bosses and found some conflicts with warframes lore. The grineer are a matriarchy where females are favored in military training and supplies, yet we've only come across 5 female authorities and two of which are side field bosses without much purpose and the other two aren't even bosses but queens. Kela De Thaym is the only real female boss, yet we've encountered up to 9 Male Grineer Authorities and some of them appear two or three times in the universe. Strange for a matriarchy to have so many dominant male figures. next is her lore, and how she would fit in the warframe universe.

    Trial V2 Raid on the Nightwatch Corps
    (8 Person Squad)

    Mission 1 LvL 100 {Saturn} ASSAULT!


       Darvo has noticed elevated security measures and a blockade of grineer galleons around the planet of Saturn on his way to the Kronia Relay. Unfortunately he cannot, doesn't want to, pay the tax to pass through. Thus he's contracted you to clear out the grineer blockade. Unfortunatly both Darvo and Ordis are incapable of performing an internal scan of the galleons, so you'll be going in blind and unaware of the danger that awaits you. Darvo is curious and suggests searching for valubale cargo. Perhaps securing it would be beneficial for both you and Darvo. Ordis warns you about how it may be a trap, but get's called a broken cephalon. Darvo believes the heightened security is not only for the ship but because the Wolf of Saturn Six had recently broken out.

       Upon infiltrating the ship, Kuva soldiers are already on high alert and were waiting for the tenno. Ordis was right, it was a trap and the worm queen or some other figure knew that some tenno would take notice and attempt to clear the way. Using you as a diversion, Darvo slips past the blockade as the soldiers scramble to attack the tenno.

       The Mission will Start as an Archwing Mobile Defense mission. You and your friends must plant a charge on the door of the galleon's hanger. Protect it for 5 minutes while an onslaught of grineer ships swarm around and attack you. All the while you must avoid gunfire by taking cover behind rubble from ships on the galleon. After the 5 minutes are up, the hanger expldoes and you must enter the galleon.

       The ship is filled to the brim with elite kuva eximus. You are lead to a terminal and ordis tells you that it's locked by 3 keys. The grineer have caught onto your plan and the terminal becomes a defensive objective. Protect it from enemy fire while others search the ship. You must search the ship for 3 spy vaults at max security, each containing a key similar to the assault mission. hack them to release the key similar to OLD spy missions. After completing these take the 3 keys to the terminal and plug them in starting a 1 minute count down. During this time 8 manics are deployed and begin attacking your squad.
       After the objective is completed head to the guns. They've been shut down and 4 tenno must hack the terminals in quick succession. While hacking energy is being drained from the warframes at a rapid pace. Run out of energy and the hack fails causing all 4 terminals to restart. After all 4 terminals have been completed the gun fires and destroys a galleon. You must repeat this process 3 times.
       After this has been completed the ship becomes a boss arena. An unkillable, not invulnerable, *Nightwatch* Commander appears and will continue to attack you until 300 grineer have been killed. Ordis discovers that he is being protected by the ship's energy like a kuva lich. The tenno must then sabotage the ship in order to make the Nightwatch Commander killable, however the destruction of the generator has put you on a 10 minute time limit. Kill him and extract quickly. Alternatively, you could use squalink to ask a rouge emperyon to blast the ship's reactor for you.


    Nightwatch Commander is a Manic Bombard with 5,000,000 Health 6,000 Armor
    Nightwatch Commander is unkillable until the ship is sabotaged, not invulnerable, but unkillable.
    Nightwatch Commander comes with many abilities that he can use during the mission.
    -Randomly switches all players locations at once.
    -Able to teleport like normal manics.
       -When teleporting he leaves a specter of himself.
    -If he teleports onto a player, he performs multiple actions.
       -First, he performs a finisher, if that tenno survives one of three things will happen.
          -All abilities will be disabled for 12s
          -Warframe enters a crippled status for 12s
          -All weapons will be stolen and hidden around the map *melee included*
    -He is equipped with a cloaking reactor.
       -Every 5s he turns invisible for 5s
       -Every 10% health lost he turns invisible for 10s
    While he is active, the Nightwatch Commander will frequently summon platoons of nightwatch manics. to assist him.

       Ordis is shocked that grineer troops are utilizing warframe technology and immediately contact factions from across the system for assistance. Both in figuring who stationed the troops and in how the troops can use technology that exceeds their scientists.

    Mission 1 LvL 120 {Saturn} NIGHTMARE ASSAULT!


     The Mission will Start as an Archwing Mobile Defense mission. You and your friends must plant a charge on the door of the galleon's hanger. Protect it for 10 minutes while an onslaught of grineer ships swarm around and attack you. These ships now include several balor fomorians, avoid their fire. All the while you must avoid gunfire by taking cover behind rubble from ships on the galleon. After the 10 minutes are up, the hanger expldoes and you must enter the galleon.

       The ship is filled to the brim with elite kuva eximus. You are lead to a terminal and ordis tells you that it's locked by 3 keys. The grineer have caught onto your plan and the terminal becomes a defensive objective. Protect it from enemy fire while others search the ship. You must search the ship for 3 spy vaults at max security, each containing a key similar to the assault mission. Hack them to release the key like OLD spy missions. After completing these take the 3 keys to the terminal and plug them in starting a 1 minute count down. During this time 8 manics are deployed and begin attacking your squad.
       After the objective is completed head to the guns. They've been shut down and 4 tenno must hack the terminals in quick succession. While hacking energy is being drained from the warframes at a rapid pace. Run out of energy and the hack fails causing all 4 terminals to restart. After all 4 terminals have been completed the gun fires and destroys a galleon. You must repeat this process 3 times.
       After this has been completed the ship becomes a boss arena. An unkillable, not invulnerable, *Nightwatch* Commander appears and will continue to attack you until 300 grineer have been killed. Ordis discovers that he is being protected by the ship's energy like a kuva lich. The tenno must then sabotage the ship in order to make the Nightwatch Commander killable, however the destruction of the generator has put you on a 10 minute time limit. Kill him and extract quickly. Alternatively, you could use squad link to ask a rouge emperyon to blast the ship's reactor for you.


    Nightwatch Commander is a Manic Bombard with 5,000,000 Health 6,000 Armor
    Nightwatch Commander is unkillable until the ship is sabotaged, not invulnerable, but unkillable.
    Nightwatch Commander comes with many abilities that he can use during the mission.
    -Randomly switches all players locations at once.
    -Able to teleport like normal manics.
       -When teleporting he leaves a specter of himself.
    -If he teleports onto a player, he performs multiple actions.
       -First, he performs a finisher, if that tenno survives all of the following will happen.
          -All abilities will be disabled for 12s
          -Warframe enters a crippled status for 12s
          -All weapons will be stolen and hidden around the map *melee included*
    -He is equipped with a cloaking reactor.
       -Every 5s he turns invisible for 10s
       -Every 5% health lost he turns invisible for 10s
    While he is active, the Nightwatch Commander will frequently summon platoons of nightwatch manics. to assist him.

    REWARDS: 5,000 Kuva / 500 Endo / 5 Omega Isotobe
    REWARDS: 15,000 Kuva / 1000 Endo / 15 Omega Isotobe


    Mission 2 LvL 110 {Sedna} (Rathuum / Spy)


       Upon hearing the grineer have comedeered tenno technology, the Steel Meridian decided to assist in the Rathuum. Around the same time a blockade formed around saturn, an influx of troops had flooded to sedna's surface as if they were guarding something. A grineer defector from the deployed clones brought the meridian this information. You, the tenno, were informed of this and decided to check the area for any leads, but needed a diversion. Split up into 2 groups, Squad Alpha, and Squad Beta.

       To complete this, for as much as the factions hate each other, the Perrin Sequence, Steel Meridian, and Red Veil work together in order to complete this mission. All factions benefit from this interaction. Ergo gains credits to supply to the Myconians, Steel Meridian can take Kela down a peg, and the Red Veil can purge the grineer. To keep it fair all tenno are randomly divided and placed in 2 different squads to prevent one faction from gaining leverage over the other with tenno loyalties. Both squads must work together to complete their goal even with the syndicate tensions.

       Squad Alpha will be lead by Ergo Glast who bargains his credits in the Rathuum for a diversion, exploiting the opening made by Rathuum and Kela's selfish pride. Kela's desire to disgrace the tenno would draw the attention of Thaym's troops across the sector making openings in the defenses. Kela willingly takes the offer for entertainment purposes and releases ALL of her executioners into the arena. The 4 tenno must survive until the second squad has completed their mission. If they have not reached 50 Executioner kills by the time Squad Beta has hacked all the spy terminals, they must do so.
       Squad Beta is sent undercover on a Spy Mission with 2 Red Veil operatives and 2 Steel Meridian operatives. In this spy mission Ciphers are not allowed. The squad must hack 6 terminals around the mission. Avoid tripping alarms at all costs! Each terminal now has an even more complex hack to them, These spy vaults have a special lock to them where they must hack the terminal twice. After this is complete the tenno must extract safely.

       If the alarms within Squad Beta's mission is tripped, Kela will notice. This means normal alarms AND vault alarms. You DO NOT WANT THIS. She won't call you out but her voice lines will change and she'll begin playing dirty to actually kill you. When the alarms are tripped, dozens of Nightwatch Manics will flood the spy mission and all Spy Vaults will begin counting down. If even one spy vault is failed the mission grinds to a halt and you fail. At the same time Kela will rapidly drop nukes in the Rathuum that instantly down players and her Executioners will instantly be raised to LvL 300.

    Mission 2 LvL 130 {Sedna} (NIGHTMARE Rathuum / Spy)


       Squad Alpha will be lead by Ergo Glast who bargains his credits in the Rathuum for a diversion, exploiting the opening made by Rathuum and Kela's selfish pride. Kela's desire to disgrace the tenno would draw the attention of Thaym's troops across the sector making openings in the defenses. Kela willingly takes the offer for entertainment purposes and releases ALL of her executioners into the arena. The 4 tenno must survive until the second squad has completed their mission. If they have not reached 50 Executioner kills by the time Squad Beta has hacked all the spy terminals, they must do so.
       Squad Beta is sent undercover on a Spy Mission with 2 Red Veil operatives and 2 Steel Meridian operatives. In this spy mission Ciphers are not allowed. The squad must hack 6 terminals around the mission. Avoid tripping alarms at all costs! Each terminal now has an even more complex hack to them, These spy vaults have a special lock to them where they must hack the terminal twice. After this is complete the tenno must extract safely. These Spy Vaults have much more security and energy is slowly drained while inside of vaults.

       If the alarms within Squad Beta's mission is tripped, Kela will notice. This means normal alarms AND vault alarms. You DO NOT WANT THIS. She won't call you out but her voice lines will change and she'll begin playing dirty to actually kill you. When the alarms are tripped, dozens of Nightwatch Manics will flood the spy mission and all Spy Vaults will begin counting down. If even one spy vault is failed the mission grinds to a halt and you fail. At the same time Kela will CONSTANTLY drop nukes in the Rathuum that instantly down players and her Executioners will instantly be raised to LvL 500.

    REWARDS: 3 Detonite Injectors / 250,000 Credits
    REWARDS: Classic Ogris Skin / 6 Detonite Injectors / 350,000 Credits

    Mission 3 LvL 120 {Ceres} (LoR Memories)


       Despite the tensions, the Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence cracked the coded information from the vaults and discovered information relevant to the Wolf of Saturn Six and his location. Apparnetly the grineer's dealings with Alad V's sentient techology, resulting in disruption missions, had attracted The Wolf's attention. Due to openings in the grineer's defenses The Wolf of Saturn Six had been laying waste to previously hidden and highly guarded nightwatch facilities on Ceres.
       By the looks of things Ludi was the most likely area the wolf would be attacking next. This was the only facility left that The Wolf apparently has been attacking Nightwatch facilities recently and his next target is on Ludi. He needs to Hijack an experimental fomorian core for unknown purposes. Another Nightwatch Commander was sent to defend the facility and fomorian core, to obtain further information you must capture the commander. Ordis says that taking the Fomorian Core would draw out the commander, but the wolf would get in the way. Defeating him would make it easier to extract the core for bait. Besides, handing a fomorian core over to a wild fujitive would be insane and he could drop it anywhere he wanted.

       Upon entering, you see you see Saturn Six fujitives and amalgam grineer locked in combat against nightwatch soldiers. You're also greeted by the Nightwatch Commander who taunts you over transmissions saying you took the bait. The Commander is an augmented Nightwatch Flamblade. To start the mission the wolf is hiding like any Acolyte would, he's making sure he can't be seen and will spawn after someone finds the room he's in. Once you enter the room he will Roar and you must defeat him once, but he will run shortly after. Track him to a boss room where he waits for you.
       Once you enter, The boss room locks down preventing you from escaping, trapping you in with a LvL 150 Wolf and dozens of fugitives ready to kill you. You must defeat him in order for the room to open up. The rest is very similar to the old LoR for the remainder of the mission.

       After the wolf is defeated, the nightwatch have already surrounded the area and locked down the core. You must complete a puzzle. Players must stand on specific panels with designated symbols. If one player is knocked off then all panels are instantly shocked and drains all people on panels of energy. JUMPING will not take you off the panel, it uses an area sensor to detect if you're in a cylindrical area vertical to the panel for activation. Simply being on or above the panel means it will count as activated allowing for more evasive actions. This is essentially just like the old LoR trial room but more fair.
       While you are completing the panels Nightwatch enemies will be attacking you. Executioner Goarth will also be attacking you, seeking to redeem his honor. Goarth has reclaimed some of his old NightWatch gear greatly empowering him and every 30s he will recover and come to kill you.


    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 8,000,000 Health 2,000,000 Regenerative Proto Shields and 8,000 Armor
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has extremely high mobility with the Vault and Lurch, and Stampede.
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 95% damage resistance to melee weaponry
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can shoot out a grappling hook, dragging tenno into his grasp. If he hooks you an animation will play where he yanks you towards him and executes you.
       -If he is locked onto you you will get the "incoming projectile" notification similar to how archwings act. Take or create cover immediately.
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can use Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp

       After completing the puzzle, the door opens and you must hijack the Fomorian Core. This part is pretty much the exact same as the LoR, but now during the first part nightwatch troops swarm the core. During your escort you must stand on panels to deactivate electrical currents along the rail. During the First Stage the Nightwatch Flamblade Commander attacks you. Defeat and Capture him like any normal capture target before the end of the mission and keep the Fomorian Core safe.


    Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has 15,000,000 Health 12,500,000 Shields, and 5,000 Armor
    Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has teleportation powers.
       Every 30s the Commander initiates a "Rift Storm" causing all players randomly switch positions via Switch Teleport 3 times in quick succession.
       Can teleport behind people like normal Flamblades, but puts them into a headlock. Spam X to break free or die.

    Flamblade commander places radiation traps which explode affect players with radiation for 15 seconds.
    Flamblade Nightwatch Commander will continue to summon in excess nightwatch troops, putting the core in harms way.
    Flamblade commander will focus down warframes with higher amounts of shields, preventing the core from moving.
       -Exploit this by using Mag, Hidlryn, Harrow, or high shield warframes as bait.
    Flamblade commander deals 100% toxin damage instead of heat damage.

       At the start of the fight, 2 Players are teleported to a different tile where they must fight to survive against lvl 120 nightwatch enemies alone until the Flamblade is killed. After he is killed, the 2 players rejoin their friends to fight on. These players are subject to the Rift Storm ability meaning you aren't permanently locked out.

       During the last part of the Hijack, the Grustrag 3 and Vay Hek appear to prevent you from stealing the core. At the completion of this mission, you get a strange transmission from the Nightwatch General. He introduces himself in a strangely polite, yet condescending way.

    Mission 3 LvL 140 {Ceres} (NIGHTMARE LoR Memories)


       Upon entering, you see you see Saturn Six fujitives and amalgam grineer locked in combat against nightwatch soldiers. You're also greeted by the Nightwatch Commander who taunts you over transmissions saying you took the bait. The Commander is an augmented Nightwatch Flamblade. To start the mission the wolf is hiding like any Acolyte would, he's making sure he can't be seen and will spawn after someone finds the room he's in. Once you enter the room he will Roar and you must defeat him once, but he will run shortly after. Track him to a boss room where he waits for you.
       Once you enter, The boss room locks down preventing you from escaping, trapping you in with a LvL 200 Wolf and dozens of fugitives ready to kill you. You must defeat him in order for the room to open up. Nightmare causes the Wolf to Adapt to Damage and his howls summon sentient to his aid. The rest is very similar to the old LoR for the remainder of the mission.

       After the wolf is defeated, the nightwatch have already surrounded the area and locked down the core. You must complete a puzzle. Players must stand on specific panels with designated symbols. If one player is knocked off then all panels are instantly shocked and drains all people on panels of energy AND kill you. JUMPING will not take you off the panel, it uses an area sensor to detect if you're in a cylindrical area vertical to the panel for activation. Simply being on or above the panel means it will count as activated allowing for more evasive actions. This is essentially just like the old LoR trial room but more fair.
       While you are completing the panels Nightwatch enemies will be attacking you. Executioner Goarth will also be attacking you, seeking to redeem his honor. Goarth has reclaimed some of his old NightWatch gear greatly empowering him and every 15s he will recover and come to kill you.


    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 10,000,000 Health 10,000,000 Regenerative Proto Shields and 8,000 Armor
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has extremely high mobility with the Vault and Lurch, and Stampede.
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 95% damage resistance to melee weaponry
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can shoot out a grappling hook, dragging tenno into his grasp. If he hooks you an animation will play where he yanks you towards him and executes you.
       -If he is locked onto you you will get the "incoming projectile" notification similar to how archwings act. Take or create cover immediately.
    Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can use Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp

       After completing the puzzle, the door opens and you must hijack the Fomorian Core. This part is pretty much the exact same as the LoR, but now during the first part nightwatch troops swarm the core. During your escort you must stand on panels to deactivate electrical currents along the rail. The core will also Emit a nullification bubble around it due to it being a Nightmare mission. During the First Stage the Nightwatch Flamblade Commander attacks you. Defeat and Capture him like any normal capture target before the end of the mission and keep the Fomorian Core safe.


    Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has 15,000,000 Health 20,500,000 Regenerative Proto Shields, and 7,500 Armor
    Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has teleportation powers.
       Every 20s the Commander initiates a "Rift Storm" causing all players randomly switch positions via Switch Teleport 3 times in quick succession.
       Can teleport behind people like normal Flamblades, but puts them into a headlock. Spam X to hold him off. Another player must break you free within bleedout time if you're holding him off.

    Flamblade commander places radiation traps which explode affect players with radiation for 20 seconds.
    Flamblade Nightwatch Commander will continue to summon in excess nightwatch troops, putting the core in harms way.
    Flamblade commander will focus down warframes with higher amounts of shields, preventing the core from moving.
       -Exploit this by using Mag, Hidlryn, Harrow, or other high shield warframes as bait.
    Flamblade commander deals 100% toxin damage instead of heat damage.

       At the start of the fight, 2 Players are teleported to a different tile where they must fight to survive against lvl 120 nightwatch enemies alone until the Flamblade is killed. After he is killed, the 2 players rejoin their friends to fight on. These players are subject to the Rift Storm ability meaning you aren't permanently locked out.

       During the last part of the Hijack, the Grustrag 3 and Vay Hek appear to prevent you from stealing the core. At the completion of this mission, you get a strange transmission from the Nightwatch General. She introduces hself in a strangely polite, yet condescending way.

    REWARDS: 1 Wolf Sledge Part / 1 New Mod
    REWARDS: Tethra's Doom Sigil / 2 Wolf Sledge Part / 2 New Mods

    Mission 4 LvL 150 {Mars} (Assassination)


    Judging by the Flamblades information, he only knows half the story and only knows that Vay Hek was an important supporter of the Nightwave General as they were partners. The tenno now go to face off against Vay Hek with a fomorian ship above their heads. *Usual LoR Vay Hek Fight* but instead now the Nightwatch Leader interfears and throws one of his own into the ring to protect Vay Hek.

    Thing to note is Vay hek will have 15,000,000 health and 8,000 armor after being forced into vulnerability. After he is made vulnerable, ammo restore machines will activate around the tile.

    During this mission a special unit spawns to make life a little bit harder.  While the tenno run around charging batteries to blow up vents. Nightwatch Hyekka Masters line the outside of the battle sight and snipe down at enemies with vulkar rifles. Unlike other enemies, these ones will not have laser sights. They each have 200,000 health and 1,000 armor. These snipers lay down fire and make it almost impossible for people to stand on panels without proper organization or cover to prevent their gunfire.

    Hyekka Masters have the ability to summon 30 hyekkas into the battle from the center of the map. These kavats hunt down tenno.
    Hyekka Masters do not have lasers that give away their position

    Executioner Vay Molta, Sprag, and Venkra were also ordered to protect Vay Hek from the tenno. During this battle the trio zooms and constantly creates issues knocking players off panels. Sprag childishly calls them the Treble Jet Trio


    Vay Molta has 250,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 8,000 Armor
    -Vay Molta uses her jetpack for offensive and defensive purposes.
       -Repositioning and Hovering for Defense
       -Charge attacks and blitzing forward for Offense

    -Vay Molta heals by attacking other players.
    -Vay Molta launches missiles out of her backpack to carpet bomb areas.

    -Vay Molta is unable to be hit unless it's her jetpack, similarly to her two jet powered allies.
    Sprag has has 1,000,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 8,000 Armor
    -Sprag uses her jetpack for massive fusion shockwaves and explosive slam attacks with her manticore knocking down all tenno in an 18m radius
       -This will knock down people in the air and on the ground, only blocking will protect you.

    -Sprag has an Odyn Reactor protecting her.
       -Sprag is immune to status effects and status damage
       -Sprag cannot be critically hit.
       -Sprag is immune to CC

    -If Venrka dies Sprag will take up her Cloaking Reactor.
    Venkra has 250,000 Health // 3,500,000 Rapidly Regenerating Shields // and 5,000 Armor
    -Venkra uses her jetpack like a hellion to launch herself in the air to get a good aim at tenno or to re position.
    -Venkra's vulkar deals true damage, ignoring armor.
       -Venkra will always attempt to target the one carrying a battery.

    -Venkra has a Cloaking Reactor
       -Every 5s she turns invisible for 5s
       -Every 10% health lost she turns invisible for 10s
    -Venkra places trap mines that cripple players if they come too close for 10s
       -Crippled status prevents players from sprinting, jumping, aim gliding, bullet jumping, wall running, and rolling.
    -If Sprag dies, Venkra takes up her Odyn Reactor

    Mission 4 LvL 170 {Mars} (NIGHTMARE Assassination)


    Judging by the Flamblades information, he only knows half the story and only knows that Vay Hek was an important supporter of the Nightwave General as they were partners. The tenno now go to face off against Vay Hek with a fomorian ship above their heads. *Usual LoR Vay Hek Fight* but instead now the Nightwatch Leader interfears and throws one of his own into the ring to protect Vay Hek.

    Thing to note is Vay hek will have 16,000,000 health and 8,500 armor after being forced into vulnerability. After he is made vulnerable, ammo restore machines will activate around the tile.

    During this mission a special unit spawns to make life a little bit harder.  While the tenno run around charging batteries to blow up vents. Nightwatch Hyekka Masters line the outside of the battle sight and snipe down at enemies with vulkar rifles. Unlike other enemies, these ones will not have laser sights. They each have 200,000 health and 1,000 armor. These snipers lay down fire and make it almost impossible for people to stand on panels without proper organization or cover to prevent their gunfire.

    Hyekka Masters have the ability to summon 30 hyekkas into the battle from the center of the map.
    Hyekka Masters do not have lasers that give away their position and always shoot to kill, ignoring the code to miss the first shot.
    Hyekka hunt down tenno and will blow up for 5,000 damage in a 2m radius on death.

    Executioner Vay Molta, Sprag, and Venkra were also ordered to protect Vay Hek from the tenno. During this battle the trio zooms and constantly creates issues knocking players off panels. Sprag childishly calls them the Treble Jet Trio


    Vay Molta has 500,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 8,500 Armor
    -Vay Molta uses her jetpack for offensive and defensive purposes.
       -Repositioning and Hovering for Defense
       -Charge attacks and blitzing forward for Offense
    -Vay Molta heals by attacking other players.
    -Vay Molta launches missiles out of her backpack to carpet bomb areas.
    -Vay Molta is unable to be hit unless it's her jetpack, similarly to her two jet powered allies.
    Sprag has has 1,000,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 10,000 Armor
    -Sprag uses her jetpack for massive fusion shockwaves and explosive slam attacks with her manticore knocking down all tenno in an 18m radius
       -This will knock down people in the air and on the ground, only blocking will protect you.
    -Sprag has an Odyn Reactor protecting her.
       -Sprag is immune to status effects and status damage
       -Sprag cannot be critically hit.
       -Sprag is immune to CC
    -If Venrka dies Sprag will take up her Cloaking Reactor.
    Venkra has 350,000 Health // 5,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Shields // and 5,000 Armor
    -Venkra uses her jetpack like a hellion to launch herself in the air to get a good aim at tenno or to re position.
    -Venkra's vulkar deals true damage, ignoring armor.
       -Venkra will always attempt to target the one carrying a battery
    -Venkra has a Cloaking Reactor
       -Every 5s she turns invisible for 10s
       -Every 5% health lost she turns invisible for 10s
    -Venkra places trap mines that cripple players if they come too close for 10s
       -Crippled status prevents players from sprinting, jumping, aim gliding, bullet jumping, wall running, and rolling.
    -If Sprag dies, Venkra takes up her Odyn Reactor


    REWARDS: 1 Random Riven Mod / 1 Riven Sliver
    REWARDS: 5% Terra Frame Articula / 1 Random Riven Mod / 5 Riven Slivers

    Mission 5 LvL 165 {Derelict} (Defense / Hijack / Assassination)


       Recordings discovered inside of Vay Hek's Terra Frame have lead you to a Derelict Ship used as the Nightwatch Headquarters. *Nighty will be the placeholder name of the Nightwatch Leader* To find Nighty, You must survive while simultaneously defending the Volatile Fomorian Core from incoming fire. Your objective is to use the Volatile energies of the Fomorian Core to detonate the derelict ship, and take the Nightwatch headquarters with it.
       Transmissions between Vay Hek and Nighty also have revealed that during the Gradivus Dilemma, Not all warframes had been handed over to the tenno. Sargus Ruk and Nighty agreed in secret forming a shady deal. Several dozen warframes were sent to Nighty for testing. In return, Nighty offered Sargus Ruk Information related to other grineer from Ceres, Mars, and Mercury, advanced training, resources, and support from the Nightwatch. Nighty has since been toying with warframe weaponry and abilities to create the most lethal troops imaginable. The most high ranking troops have not only access to a vastly superior arsenal and some even have been modified with warframe abilities such as invisibility, teleportation, and power of dimensions. Nighty has recently been producing contraptions that mimic specters and mind control. Destroy Nighty before research gets too out of hand.

    • The Nightwatch are flooding into the room and have cut off life support hoping to kill the tenno that way. Life support capsules spawn within this large Derelict Tile. The % of LS is the % of Max hp your warframe will have. so if Nidus with 1000 hp has 50% life support, he will only have 500 hp at maximum.
    • The area outside the main defense point is bathed in radioactive material which will only affect warframes for 10 radiation damage per second. This means your team will kill you if you're not careful.
    • Every minute of the Survival, 8 Nightwatch Manics will spawn to hunt down tenno.
    • Every minute of the Survival, Players must hack 2 terminals around the map within 25s. Failure to do so will cause an EMP, applying magnetic status to all warframes and nullify all abilities for 10s while deactivating all currently active abilities.

    In order to complete this Survival you must survive for 15 minutes and ATLEAST charge the fomorian core with 15,000 Shields which is required to charge the Core to maximum, priming it for an explosion. Overcharging the core will result in a bonus score.

       After the Core has been successfully charged, Nighty will reveal herself. You must now defeat the Nightwatch General Nighty (PH). Around the Arena you will find Ammo restoration machines. Through the battle she will mock you at how you failed your tenno family and are currently killing them. You swore to save them during the gradivus dilemma but their trust let her experiment on the warframes, enslaving them and succeeding where vor had failed and that she can use the tenno and their technology against you. She laughs at how you betrayed the your orokin masters and how you were the reason their uprising could happen. You were the reason the system was under their iron grasp and trillions have been killed or enslaved. You also notice that she is strangely more human looking than many of the other grineer.
       During the fight Nighty reveals to you that she is an ambitious scientist with authority beyond that of normal grineer. She plotted to use Captain Vor as a test for some of her latest experiments to shift and avoid blame. It was her who introduced him to the orokin technology and got him addicted to the way of the voi with the promise of being able to control a legion of his own warframes. She knew the asterisk had room for failure, but it proved to be a remarkable start in understanding what exactly the tenno were. To this she calls you disgusting, horrid, and beyond repair as the infested were more vile then the worst clones of the grineer.
       She had also been the reason Tyl Regor was so obsessed with the sentient, telling him how they were immortal beings that toppled the golden overlords and slew warframes by the hundreds. She even lead him on about how their adaptive ability could be used to reverse and surpass what the grineer were originally, hence why the tubemen were created on uranus at the tomb of the sentient. Through her research she was close to understanding how to create an imperfect Oro much like the sentient which would create an army of immortal warriors. She was given this authority because the queens desired a more permanent source of immortality like the Orokin of old making them gods. Mad with authority Nighty even began looking into ways to corrupt and take over a person's Oro through the use of arcane technology to maybe even hijack a sentient for further study, to control what the orokin couldn't.
       If you scan her for the codex, you will discover she has survived all the wars fought in the origin system making her one of the last perfect clones of the orokin, and far older and intelligent then the many grineer beneath her. Being an intelligent scientist, strategist, and warrior in service to the queens during the uprising, Nighty was made the general of an elite unit surpassing even the kuva corps, the night watch. These grineer work from the shadows and are hardly ever seen but are always watching. With a leader like Nighty they were on the cutting edge of weapon development and scientific breakthroughs alongside Tyl Regor. She was even a sort of patient zero for the Tube Men as her genetic material was used as material of how to replicate perfect clones. having another scientist unknowingly working to her plans, she had contacted Alad V and leaked information of a new "grineer" technology could help cure the infestation. If it could work the results of the adaptive tubemen could create a cure for the infestation, or if it would be a potent toxin against the infested.
       In the past, Nighty's first task was the elimination of scattered fringe orokin colonies and later secretly she was tasked with discreetly discovering how to undo and control the genetic locks on orokin technology. This lead her to begin assimilating orokin and warframe technology into the grineer arsenal to allow for weapons such as the seer, janus key, and asterisk.


    Nighty has 12,500,000 health / 1,000,000 shields / 6,000 armor and is immune to critical damage.
    Nighty will occasionally release a red flash bang (Like Alad V), stripping them of 100% shields and reducing accuracy by 100% for 12 seconds.
    Nighty has a red nullifier shield that prevents warframe abilities from hitting and affecting her, however weapons can still pass through this shield.
    Nighty can release a powerful AoE shockwave knocking down all grounded players within a 35m radius and lighting them on fire.
    Nighty will occassionally shatter a window causing all tenno in the room to sufficate, hack a terminal to close it.

    Nighty will teleport around constantly and levitates midair with jet boots making melee weapons obsolete.

    Nighty gains 250% of her max shields as overshield every time a graxx is defeated.
    Nighty gains 500 armor for every graxx enemy currently alive
    Nighty is impervious to finishers.

    Upon appearing, she will summon LvL 165 copies of every player in the game. 100% of damage dealt to these copies affects the player that copy was created from. Don't nuke them all at once or you will all die. Throughout the battle she will occasionally summon additional shadowed copies at random.
    -Nighty is near invincible at 99% Damage Reduction while these copies are alive. Ordis says he's using the shadows to protect himself similar to how trinity redirects damage.

    During the battle Nighty will summon Graxx Warriors, warframes she's had captured and controlled since the Gradivus Dilemma. These warframes are completely under grineer influence and must be defeated. Defeating a Graxx Warframe will cause them to go down, you must use your tenno and hijack control by transferring into them via transference. These graxx warframes deal Increased damage to Nighty and Ignore her bonus armor. You can only control these graxx for 15s before they decay forcing you back to your warframe.



    -Graxx Nyx uses chaos, friendly fire with chaos. Swaps graxx enemies to look like allies and actual allies now look like graxx.
    -Nova TWINS use Molecular Prime, slows tenno down and makes them vulnerable *nova spawns in groups of two as Gnova and Graxx Nova, nighty gains 500 armor from each and they're half as tanky as other graxx warframes.
    -Ember uses Inferno which makes enemies vulnerable and deals heat DoT, capable of spreading to other enemies.
    -Limbo uses Cataclysm and banish. Must roll to exit void from banish.
    -Mesa uses Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery, damage reduction and prevents use of guns.
    -Nekros can use Fear and Shadows of the Dead, brings back dead graxx allies and causes tenno to lose control of character for several seconds. Desecrate also severly lowers bleed out time.
    -Mag uses shield polarize and pull. Polarize removes all shields of tenno and pull will stun and give magnetic procs to all tenno hit by pull. Polarize also restores 30% of nightwatch and graxx enemies. *KILL HER BEFORE NIGHTY CAN BE RESTORED*
    -Vauban uses grenades and Vortex, pulls enemies in and can annoy enemies with traps. Graxx Vauban also deploys all sorts of rollers.
    -Valkyr uses hysteria, war cry, and ripline. Ripline drags a tenno to the graxx with a stun, Warcry slows all tenno down, Hysteria grants her 90% damage reduction.
    -Saryn uses Spores, toxic lash, and miasma. Miasma halves health of all tenno, toxic lash lets her ignore shields, spores strips armor and damage reduction like halo, iron skin, and shatter shield.
    -Hydroid can drown and trap tenno in puddles. Must damage puddle to have hydroid transform back. *If all 8 players are trapped hydroid instantly releases them all*
    -Atlas will hunt down and punch tenno to death, stunning and sometimes killing them. *Atlas can gain massive amounts of armor, killing him sooner means he won't be an issue to kill later.
    -Zephyr can summon tornadoes, use turbulence making only melee viable vs her, and uses air burst which ragdolls tenno if hit by them.
    -Frost can freeze two tenno in place that must be broken free by other players via avalanche and can create snowglobes. If frozen allies are invulnerable but if not set free in 20 seconds will shatter and instantly die.
    -Harrow allows enemies to 1shot you with higher critical chance with covenant. Harrow can also heal allied nightwatch, including nighty. Harrow can also chain you, making you invulnerable but must be broken out of chains by ally melee attack.
    -Volt will shock tenno with lightning bolts, halving their shields. 
    -Chroma will give extra armor and damage to nighty and will stick close to Nighty like a body guard
    -Rhino can use stomp to knockdown all tenno on the map at random. 
    other graxx enemies are kinda obvious in terms of what they would do. Graxx enemies will be added based on future graxx skins. The idea to ass draxx skins I think is cool as it's technically a new enemy but also a reused asset. Also let's be honest, having enemies like this on the map is DIFFICULT to the extreme.

    At 5% Health, Nighty will panic and demand the pilots to release the contained spores and cut off life support, suffocating all tenno inside the ship. Kill her fast.

    Once Nighty has been defeated, she will go down and is open to a parazon kill. her parazon finisher is unique, as it will involve 4 players killing her. After she is defeated you must extract. A scene plays where the ship blows up behind you.


    Mission 5 LvL 185 {Derelict} (NIGHTMARE Defense / Hijack / Assassination)

    • The Nightwatch are flooding into the room and have cut off life support hoping to kill the tenno that way. Life support capsules spawn within this large Derelict Tile. The % of LS is the % of Max hp your warframe will have. so if Nidus with 1000 hp has 50% life support, he will only have 500 hp at maximum.
    • The area outside the main defense point is bathed in radioactive material which will only affect warframes for 10 radiation damage per second. This means your team will kill you if you're not careful.
    • Every minute of the Survival, 8 Nightwatch Manics will spawn to hunt down tenno.
    • Every minute of the Survival, Players must hack 2 terminals around the map within 25s. Failure to do so will cause an EMP, applying magnetic status to all warframes and nullify all abilities for 10s while deactivating all currently active abilities.

       In order to complete this Survival you must survive for 20 minutes and ATLEAST charge the fomorian core with 25,000 Shields which is required to charge the Core to maximum, priming it for an explosion. Overcharging the core will result in a bonus score.

       After the Core has been successfully charged, Nighty will reveal herself. You must now defeat the Nightwatch General Nighty (PH). Around the Arena you will find Ammo restoration machines. Through the battle she will mock you at how you failed your family and are currently killing them. You swore to save them during the gradivus dilemma but their trust let her experiment on the warframes, enslaving them and succeeding where vor had failed and that she can use the tenno and their technology against you. She laughs at how you betrayed the your orokin masters and how you were the reason their uprising could happen. You were the reason the system was under their iron grasp and trillions have been killed or enslaved. You also notice that she is strangely more human looking than many of the other grineer.


    Nighty has 15,000,000 health / 2,500,000 shields / 6,500 armor and is immune to physical and critical damage.
    Nighty will occasionally release a red flash bang (Like Alad V), stripping them of 100% shields and reducing accuracy by 100% for 12 seconds.
    Nighty has a red nullifier shield that prevents warframe abilities from hitting and affecting her, however weapons can still pass through this shield.
    Nighty can release a powerful AoE shockwave knocking down all grounded players within a 35m radius and lighting them on fire.
    Nighty will occassionally shatter a window causing all tenno in the room to sufficate, hack a terminal to close it.
    Nighty will teleport around constantly and levitates midair with jet boots making melee weapons obsolete.

    Nighty gains 500% of her max shields as overshield every time a graxx is defeated.
    Nighty gains 600 armor for every graxx enemy currently alive
    Nighty is impervious to finishers.

    Upon appearing, she will summon LvL 165 copies of every player in the game. 100% of damage dealt to these copies affects the player that copy was created from. Don't nuke them all at once or you will all die. Throughout the battle she will occasionally summon additional shadowed copies at random.
    -Nighty is near invincible at 99% Damage Reduction while these copies are alive. Ordis says he's using the shadows to protect himself similar to how trinity redirects damage.

    During the battle Nighty will summon Graxx Warriors, warframes she's captured and controlled since the Gradivus Dilemma. These warframes are completely under grineer influence and must be defeated. Defeating a Graxx Warframe will cause them to go down, you must use your tenno and hijack control by transferring into them via transference. These graxx warframes deal Increased damage to Nighty and Ignore her bonus armor. You can only control these graxx for 15s before they decay forcing you back to your warframe.



    -Graxx Nyx uses chaos, friendly fire with chaos. Swaps graxx enemies to look like allies and actual allies now look like graxx and causes uninhabbited warframes and companions to attack at random.
    -Nova TWINS use Molecular Prime, one slowing and one speeding making enemy tenno vulnerable to more damage. *nova spawns in groups of two as Gnova and Graxx Nova, nighty gains 500 armor from each and they're half as tanky as other graxx warframes.
    -Ember uses Inferno which makes enemies vulnerable and deals heat DoT, capable of spreading to other enemies.
    -Limbo uses Cataclysm and banish. Must roll to exit void from banish. When in the rift your bullets will be frozen in time.
    -Mesa uses Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery, damage reduction and disarms tenno.
    -Nekros can use Fear and Shadows of the Dead, brings back dead graxx allies and causes tenno to lose control of character for several seconds. Desecrate also removes bleed out time automatically harvesting the tenno's Oro.
    -Mag can use shield polarize granting over shields and recovering 30% shield to all allies. Mag can also place bullet attractors on her enemies enabling friendly fire. Her pull will also force stagger all tenno caught in range.
    -Vauban uses grenades and Vortex, pulls enemies in and can annoy enemies with traps. Graxx Vauban also deploys all sorts of rollers. Avoid glowing circles, or you'll get stuck by a devestating orbital strike.
    -Valkyr uses hysteria, war cry, and ripline. Ripline drags a tenno to the graxx with a stun, Warcry slows all tenno down, Hysteria makes her unkillable
    -Saryn uses Spores, toxic lash, and miasma. Miasma halves health of all tenno, toxic lash lets her ignore shields, spores strips armor and damage reduction like halo, iron skin, and shatter shield.
    -Hydroid can drown and trap tenno in puddles. Must damage puddle to have hydroid transform back. *If all 8 players are trapped hydroid instantly kills them all*
    -Atlas will create an army of immortal rumblers and get stronger with armor over time. he will hunt down tenno and petrify them before smashing them, skipping bleedout.
    -Zephyr can summon tornadoes, use turbulence making only melee viable vs her, and uses air burst which ragdolls tenno if hit by them, crippling them.
    -Frost can freeze two tenno in place that must be broken free by other players via avalanche and can create snowglobes. If frozen allies are invulnerable but if not set free in 20 seconds will shatter and instantly die.
    -Harrow allows enemies to 1shot you with higher critical chance with covenant. Harrow can also heal allied nightwatch, including nighty. harrow can also chain you, making you invulnerable but must be broken out of chains by ally melee attack.
    -Volt will shock tenno with lightning bolts, destroying their shields and arcing damage to nearby tenno.
    -Chroma will give extra armor and damage to nighty and will stick close to Nighty like a body guard.
    -Rhino can use stomp to knockdown all tenno in a 25m radius, lifting them temporarily.
    other graxx enemies are kinda obvious in terms of what they would do. Graxx enemies will be added based on future graxx skins. The idea to ass draxx skins I think is cool as it's technically a new enemy but also a reused asset. Also let's be honest, having enemies like this on the map is DIFFICULT to the extreme.

    At 5% Health, Nighty will panic and demand the pilots to release the contained spores and cut off life support, suffocating all tenno inside the ship. Kill her fast.

    Once Nighty has been defeated, she will go down and is open to a parazon kill. her parazon finisher is unique, as it will involve 4 players killing her. After she is defeated you must extract. A scene plays where the ship blows up behind you.

    REWARDS: 1 Random Graxx Specter Blueprint / 1 New Weapon Part / 1 Random Companion Arcane / Nighty Sigil
    REWARDS: 5 Random Graxx Specter Blueprints / 2 New Weapon Parts / 2 Random Companion Arcanes / Nighty Emblem

    -----------------RAID REWARDS------------------
    You don't need to read this really, I just find it fun to come up with rewards for my raid concepts. These are all completely made up, but I feel as if players would find them worth farming for. If you do read it, please give me some feedback 🙂
    Weapon *Tradeable*


    Passive: 50% Bullet Jump speed and rocket propelled heavy attacks launching you 5m towards your target.

    Nighty's signature weapon, a pair of rocket powered sparring weapons featuring rocket boots enhancing mobility and violent explosions on contact. Turn the Nightwatch General's gauntlets towards the enemy in nuclear fury with the Graketkhuser.

    24h Grakethuser // 2 Grakethuser Gauntlets / 2 Grakethuser Boots / 2 Grakethuser Rockets / 5 Detonite Injectors / 100,000 Credits

    Attack Speed: 0.953 // Attack Range: 1.25 // Attack Damage: 196
    Blocking Angle: 50// Combo Duration: 5s // Follow Through: 0.8
    Critical Chance: 27.5% // Critical Multiplier: 2.35X // Status Chance: 18.3%
    13.1 Puncture // 47.4 Impact // 135.5 Blast damage

    Slam Attack Damage: 588 // Slam Radial Damage: 392 // Slam Radius: 11.0
    Slide Attack Damage: 196

    HEAVY Attack Damage: 1568 // Heavy Wind Up 0.45
    HEAVY Slam Attack Damage 1045 // HEAVY Slam Radial Damage 1045 // HEAVY Slam Radius 12.0

       For anyone curious why I picked these stats, This is for you. The name translates to Rocket Killer and it's passive is mostly just a fun factor to maybe make players appreciate it more. The weapon is rocket powered and heavy hitting but I didn't want it too slow especially since it's crit based so berserker will be the go to. I'm putting it just a hair below average because of that. The range is of course equal to that of all other sparring weapons and the attack damage is higher than normal because it's an elite weapon only obtainable through some of the hardest content in the game. The blocking angle and combo count are normal but the Follow Through was changed to put more variety into the weapon, hopefully making people think more. It's a new stat to play with. Crit chance is above average but not so high as to overshadow the critical sparring competition. This sparring would be the only weapon of it's kind to have an innate damage type further separating it from it's competition.
       What really separates this weapon is it's slam attacks. The normal slam attack damage is of course 3X base damage, as usual. However it's radial damage isn't 1/3 slam, it's 2/3 of the slam letting it deal more damage. I've switched the slide and slam attack damage values. Furthermore it's slam radius is doubled letting it strike many enemies with a single powerful explosion. If you're keeping up with the current meta of the game this will sound like a slam heavy attack build weapon but without the DoT and instead has Area damage.
       Recently, we have gained heavy attacks and I've done some testing. For some reason the trend of heavy attacks is 12X for status sparring weaponry. Kogake, Prisma Obex, and Obex all have this 12X. They all feature high status chance, thus their slam attacks gain 12X damage and it's why the Kogake Prime has the highest heavy damage in the game. However the critical weapons, Korrudo and Hirudo have lower multipliers. Korrudo being 10.5X, probably to make up for it's attack speed, and the Hirudo being at a miserable 6.5X due to it's critical potential. This means the Grakethusar will be placed in between the Korrudo and Hirudo slam attacks at 8X. Tell me if you think that may be too powerful. As with above I swapped the slide damage and radial damage values and this in turn makes it deal slightly more damage then the kogake prime with radial, but not single target. The radius is also bumped up by 1m as is usual with heavy slam attacks.
       TLDR it's a completely different sparring weapon from what we currently have. With it's powerful AoE Slam focused blast damage it's far different to any weapon we currently have in both stats and playstyle making it, I believe, a worthy weapon to earn from this raid.

    Companion Arcanes *Tradeable*


    Companions will now have a special Arcane Slot, however it will only be active is the pet is alive. this is to make sure players care about their companion. Companions will only have 1 arcane. These arcanes are not meant to be universally viable on all companions either. Some arcanes will favor certain companions over others. Also I have changed some arcane functionality and names to better suit game balance.

    Arcane Undying
    Companion has 85% chance to ignore lethal damage and become fully restored
    *Does not stack with tek assult*

    Arcane Precept
    All enemies that are affected by penjaga polarity mods lose 50% Max Armor and Max Shields

    Arcane Phantom Bullet
    Companions gain 75% evasion and can hit enemies through walls.

    Arcane Rapacity
    Enemies attacked by your companion will drop 5% > 10% > 15% > 20% more credits on death

    Arcane Reaver
    Enemies affected by companion's abilities have a 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% creater chance to drop energy orbs and health orbs on death

    Arcane Predator
    Companion has a 6 > 12 > 18 > 24% chance to instantly kill an enemy with it's next attack. 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 second cool down.

    Arcane Vanishing Point
    Companion becomes invisible to enemies that are within 4 > 6 > 8 > 10 meters of them.

    Arcane Revenger
    25% > 50% > 75% > 100% chance to respawn/revive your companion if the enemy that downed/killed them is killed.

    Arcane Evolution
    20% > 40% > 60% > 80% chance that upon being harmed, companion gains armor equal to 50% of it's max Health for 18 seconds

    Arcane Pull
    When companion is hit they have a 8% > 16% > 24% > 32% chance to stagger all enemies within 8 > 10 > 12 > 14 meters

    Arcane Debility
    Companions deal 100% > 200% > 300% > 400% more damage per status on enemy

    Arcane Bloodlust
    After killing an enemy the companion has attacked, companion gains 75% > 150% > 225% > 300% attack speed and movement speed for 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 seconds

    Arcane Efficiency
    25% > 50% > 75% > 100% After casting an ability, All of companions cooldowns are reduced by 25% > 30% > 35% > 40%

    Arcane Svalinn
    20% > 40% > 60% > 80% When warframe is affected by status proc, companion will take the status in your place.

    Arcane Intangibility
    Companion gains 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Evasion

    Arcane Hunter's Mark
    Enemies affected by your abilities suffer 50% > 100% > 150% > 200% more critical damage from companions

    Arcane Pack
    Companion gains 2.5% > 5% > 7.5% > 10% damage resistance per ally nearby up to 60% > 70% > 80% > 90%

    Arcane Slipstream
    Companion leaves a stream of energy in it's path for 10s > 14s > 18s > 22s increasing sprint speed by 10% > 20% > 30% > 40%

    Arcane Hunter
    Enhances or applies the Hunter Mod Set bonus by 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 for 5s > 7s > 9s > 11s when Companion takes damage.

    Arcane Auger
    Enhances or applies the Auger Mod Set bonus by 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 for 5s > 7s > 9s > 11s when Companion takes damage.

    Arcane Scorch
    Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Heat Damage to attackers.

    Arcane Freezing
    Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Cold Damage to attackers.

    Arcane Spark
    Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Electric Damage to attackers.

    Arcane Plague
    Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Toxin Damage to attackers.

    Mods *Tradeable*


       Those who saw this post before may be confused about the new design I've gone with for mods. Here you go. The #✰ will be how expensive, or how many ranks, the mod will have to be upgraded to reach max. I've also shown what % they will have at what rank. To the right you will see <# Polarity>. This is the cost of said mod, and what polarity they would fit into.
       Unfortunately, there will not be as many mod rewards as my "Revenge of the Sergeant" because this raid is more arcane focused. These are only meant to be side rewards but are still VERY MUCH worth farming for. However I have increased the concepted reward pool of mods to include more build variety.

    Set Bonus will be to buff the set mods. Set Bonus stacks only up to 3 times, you do not need the whole set.

    3✰ Nightwatch Negligence (Warframe Mod) <8 Vazarin>
    When below 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% health, gain 5% > 10% > 15% > 20% Evasion
    (10% Health and 5% Evasion Increase per Set Bonus Tier)

    7✰ Nightwatch Hazard (Warframe Exilus Mod) <9 Vazarin>
    5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Fire resistance  5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Toxin Resistance
    5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Ice Resistance  5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Electric Resistance
    (15% Resistance per Set Bonus Tier)

    9✰ Nightwatch Onslaught (Melee Mod) <12 Madurai>
    Increases range of Heavy Attacks by 0.2m > 0.4m > 0.6m > 0.8m > 1.0m > 1.2m > 1.4m > 1.6m > 1.8m > 2m
    Increases Heavy Attack Damage by 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% > 65% > 70% > 75% > 80%
    (.2m Heavy Attack Range and 20% Heavy Attack Damage Increase per Set bonus Tier)

    9✰ Nightwatch Ricochet (Sniper Mod) <12 Naramon>
    While crouched, shots bounce up to 1 additional enemy dealing 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% . 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% damage dealt to original target.
    (1 Bounce Increase per Set Bonus Tier)

    10✰ Nightwatch Munitions (Secondary Mod) <14 Madurai>
    +10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% . 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% Slash
    10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% Impact
    (+10% Increase per Set Bonus Tier)

    5✰ Rocket Jump (Warframe Aura Mod) <9 Naramon>
    +2% > 4% > 6% > 8% > 10% > 12% Bullet Jump

    10✰ Bolt Runner (Warframe Exilus Mod) <14 Zenurik>
    +2% > 4% > 6% > 8% > 10% > 12% > 14% > 16% > 18% > 20% > 22% Sprint Speed
    +3% > 6% > 9% > 12% > 15% > 18% > 21% > 24% > 27% > 30% > 33% Bullet Jump 

    9✰ Warrior's Armor (Warframe Mod) <16 Vazarin>
    Warframe armor scales with Melee Combo Counter with 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% Efficiency

    4✰ Nocturne Barrel  (Primary Exilus Mod) <10 Vazarin>
    While in dark areas, reduces chance an enemy will hear and feel gunfire by 20% > 40% > 60% > 80% > 100%
    While in dark areas, recoil is reduced by 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50%

    3✰ Quarantined Toxicant (Melee Mod) <9 Naramon>
    +15% > 30% > 45% > 60% Toxin Damage
    +10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Melee Combo Efficiency

    3✰ Fixed Ardent (Melee Mod) <9 Madurai>
    +15% > 30% > 45% > 60% Heat Damage
    +10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Melee Combo Efficiency

    3✰ Condensed Cold (Melee Mod) <9 Vazarin>
    +15% > 30% > 45% > 60% Electricity
    +10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Melee Combo Efficiency

    7✰ Everblight (Melee Mod) <16 Madurai>
    +7.5% > 15% > 22.5% > 30% > 37.5% > 45% > 52.5% > 60% Status Duration
    +5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting target

       So, as before, feel free to comment on the Raid, Difficulty, and Rewards even if it means you tear it up cause you hate it. If you have questions feel free to ask because they could be anything. it could be "How would this remain relevant" or "Why was this boss added?" "what was the purpose of X mechanic?" I did leave out my *tips* to conserve space but I did craft almost every scenario to favor specific warframes and augments over others so there are little tricks to use here and there depending on your choice of frame.
       I again have to stress this, This was NOT meant to be easy and especially not the nightmare. I am a firm believer in ENDGAME and that it can exist if DE wanted to make it. There's a reason why Raids are almost always seen at the center of MMO games and are incorporated in it's progression. It's because they work and they are addictive.

       If you're wondering why I'm typing such long posts it's because I've got nothing else to do right now while I wait for Cy to be built so why not fill the forums with concepts. If you did read the whole post and stats then you'll see some strange numbers lol. This is because I lack the ability to calculate exactly what the numbers mean in EHP. In reality the only thing I can compare them to is the eidolons and orbs. With them it's easy because the there's a slider to show the stats and compare that to community feedback, videos, and in general information I already have at my disposal. That is a luxury that I lack when it comes to concepted bosses. It's a downside of not having complete freedom in the simulacrum and not knowing the in depth systems of the game. But I do want them to remain super tanky. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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