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Posts posted by Violet_Xe

  1. 4 minutes ago, Philogosten said:

    I never said I didn't like grind at all that's a huge strawman. I said the grind to get consumables is ridiculous. Should DE also go back to making the arch wing launcher require charges for more pointless grind? There is a huge difference between a fun rewarding grind and an obnoxiously boring slog. If you have to grind for something but once you do then you have it forever then its rewarding because you worked for it then got it and now that you have it you cant have it taken away. If it disappears after 3 uses then I don't care if it comes out of my monitor and gives me a backrub Im not gonna grind for it. If Its a permanent item then I wouldn't mind. Farming for primes is fun because you don't get 3 friggin charges. 

       Labeling them as simple consumables is a stretch. Yes they've got 3 uses but coming from a player that's gone through the grind themselves to someone who hasn't even attempted to fight theirs. I find it acceptable. It may be somewhat annoying but the fact that they come with 3 charges makes them usable for at least 3 lich enemies. Say you've got 1 of each mod and there are 8 in total. At absolute worst you can only kill 6 lich with that. and that's with the worst luck someone could possible have. You can kill around 7 lich with all of them with some charges to spare. Post expiration the mods become defiled, where you can salvage them for 500 endo. That means you get 7 or so weapons to forma and level up before you've got any reason to fight more kuva lich enemies.

       Also you mistook what I said, I never said you didn't like grinding. I said IF. Now if I wanted to say you don't like grinding I would have phrased it as "Look you obviously don't like grinding so just leave warframe" but I didn't. I left it open to interpretation on purpose and you took it as negative which only leads me to assume you look at things at face value somewhat often without trying it yourself.

       If someone isn't willing to try something out before posting feedback, then that feedback is more than likely inaccurate and biased without looking at the grind from a different angle. Notice many of the youtubers, if not all of them, said nothing about issues revolving around charges. They were hesitant when DE said "it's ok if you get duplicates" but I haven't heard much hesitation since. Their issues were more focused on either monotization of the mods and relics, or the low drop rate of the relics themselves, many the ladder. I don't see many people who fight the lich complain about the charges of the mods.

       Also these mods aren't the reward. It's a halfway point. They aren't meant to be rewarding and I don't know where you got that from. Unlike normal mods these are used exclusivly as keys to your reward instead of the mod itself being the reward. I can say the same exact thing about orokin vaults. Dragon keys are consumables that take up resources but have one charge which give you a permanent item. Being able to have the dragon key isn't fun. Getting your corrupted mod is. If your mods were permanent the value of them wouldn't be crippled and shot dead meaning you've got no reason to run T5 Fissures AND kuva siphons. Making them permanent would cripple the value they have. If someone asked for 4 charges i'd understand but infinite is something on a whole different level.

       Dunno about the rest of you though but if each mod came out of my screen when I used it to give me a backrub whenever I wanted... oh man i'd totally go for that 😋. Real world value right there. lmao.

  2.    Personally I've never felt there was a problem with energy. The fact that you had to be careful with abilities before and don't have to now speaks volumes of positivity. At the start you're menat to be careful and cautious with abilities. They are valuable and costly. But in later stages of the game, Warframe rewards you with tricks to counteract energy being expensive opening the door to a multitude of new content with ability and weapon synergy, or just showing what abilities can do if you use them correctly. This brings new depth to the forefront of warframes once obtained meaning it's a form of progression. It's a landmark new players should aim towards.
       The issue is HOW you get energy, not the energy itself. Zenurik is the biggest boulder in the way of balanced focus schools. THere's always one school that has something over the rest. Before it was Naramon Shadow Step, this time it's energizing dash. If this problem sounds more familiar now, that's because the itzal blink is a very similar situation. DE could add it to all schools with Zenurik having a way to upgrade it, that;s an option. DE could also just outright remove the ability putting value into trinity and harrow again. Pizzas and Arcane Energize are fiar in my opinion. Energize has plenty of competition has only 2 arcanes can be used in tandem with one another and pizzas are literally spending your resources to craft a consumable. These are completely fair way to generate energy taking the players time and effort into consideration for the reward given.

       As for the EE Drain mechanic on abilities I also find this kind of stupid to be perfectly honest, at least for some warframes. Grendel is a fantastic candidate on paper for this EE Drain. DE's thought process was probably, "we can't have grendel eat the whole map so ensure he can't hold the whole map hostage in his stomach. Normal energy drain would be too slow so lets ramp it up". There's better ways to deal with this and exponential energy drain is probably just something taken from ember's rework or vice versa to spare time. One option off the top of my head would be to cap  how many enemies he can consume, scaling with stats.
       My biggest problem with grendel having EE Drain is that THIS applies to his entire kit. You can think that all his abilities are free sure... but they're not. His feast ability is the energy drain for your ultimate. His feast becomes near useless in a full squad of corrosive projection. His feast doesn't actually give you armor, that's his passive FOR SOME REASON STILL, Feast energy drain is required for nourish which already costs energy by itself, feast is required for regurgitate. His feast is an energy drain for his whole kit. For him to even be functional he needs to be eating his own energy. Why would he be made with this mechanic. Unlike valkyr he's not unkillable with enemies inside him.

       I'm... satisfied with ember's energy drain, but the result is underwhelming. Ember's main flaw is that she demands too much attention for what you gain in return. You only get 90% at max, "ONLY 90% WHAT DO YOU WANT!?" well, vex armor, shield of shadows, splinter storm, and so many other abilities provide the same bonus either passively or are easily achievable without the upkeep immolate does. Even then they all come with added benefits like damage reflection or enemy diversion. Even buffs like scarab armor, warding halo, and iron skin overshadow immolation. Halo provides 90% and status immunity. Iron Skin can go up to 100% with the right build and has simple upkeep. Scarab Armor doesn't even require energy or health to maintain. Even gauss laughs at her attempts to maintain immolation as he can easily stay above redline.
       Her immolation draining exponentially more and more energy isn't stupid but it certainly doesn't feel like you're getting an edge over other tanks in return for your attention. Now i'd find this somewhat more excusable if her augment allowed you to ghost past 90%. By that I mean you cap at 90% but the ghost stat would mean you have 180% damage reduction on immolation. This would allow the augment to still provide a 90% damage reduction to her team. Even this still is somewhat underpowered but would be appreciated. I mean gara can apply 90% damage reduction to her allies why can't ember.

       EE Drain seems unfair when so many other warframes are free of this mechanic. I'm not i want this applied to them god no. But if this is going to be a thing DE needs to make you feel like your effort and skill are rewarded. As it stands the current examples of EE Draining give basic results instead of great results for having mastery over energy control. The reason it was implemented was to make the frame more interactive and skill based but it won't work unless all parts of the system are functionally seamless similar to how gauss works.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Philogosten said:

    Well then Ill just never do the lich stuff so everyone who gets me in their public matches will end up raging when my lich shows up and starts attacking the objective. Also I could not disagree more about the grind being even remotely acceptable. 

    Warframe is a grinding game. If you joined because grinding isn't your thing then it's not really the game for you. Stuff won't just be handed to you in this game and that's how it was in the past. Stuff like the Hema are inexcusable but you're able to kill 1 lich every 3 days casually and 2-3 each day if you really grind them out. It's fine. You'd be surprised what youd find acceptable with the right rewards.

  4. 27 minutes ago, Philogosten said:

    I wont ever attempt to fight my lich until DE removes requiem mod charges because I only have like 2 of them and the idea of farming more kuva missions for relics to then run the relics in void just for a chance to get a single requiem mod is just too much to do for the lich.

       Sadly I doubt this wish will ever come true or it won't come true for a very very long time as they continue to add more R mods to the puzzle. These are the only reason players go to requiem fissures after all. Making them permanent would make them forgotten because they won't be relevant forever unlike primes. Sure the exilus things are there but that isn't reliable enough to go there constantly. I will say though the increase in R Relics has certainly made this feel better.

       I don't want to sound like a broken record but the grind is fine. DE just needs rewards to be upgraded to justify the grind. It would certainly make them more enticing for players to kill.

  5. I did this too, but if trading is the only way to complete a system like this then something is obviously wrong right? Systems should not be using trading as a crutch to support the system and so far that's what i've been doing to kill my lich. I get to deal with the fact that i'm not actually earning it, someone else did. There are also those who refuse to enter trade chat for obvious reasons.

    8 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

    Requiem Mods are tradeable.

    After two days of Siphon/flood grinding I finally thought to try this and my Lich was dead within the hour.


    16 hours ago, Hyohakusha said:

    Since I just finished typing this out for about the fifth time, I'll just quote myself. What's it going to take for people to figure out that liches convert enemies for a reason? What's it going to take for them to understand the mechanics of a game mode? Maybe playing that game mode instead just complaining? This is why I don't even bother with pubs anymore.

       You seem to be under the impression that none of us actually play the lich system. I actually kill lich enemies consistently and I somewhat enjoy them but I can see VERY valid complaints from many of the players in this thread which you seem oblivious to. Issues are relevant before, during, and after your lich encounter.

       It's an unavoidable buggy system of "Requiem Roulette" hiding behind multiple levels of RNG and grind with even more grind after the lich is killed. The grind may have gotten slightly better and some can find it acceptable but not the majority if the community obviously. I've had to radiant stagger in public matches to make us the most efficent at getting mods. IN PUBLIC. That's not right.

       When the system was sold as challenging this is not what we expected nor asked for. We wanted endgame content to TEST out builds not ignore them completely. Even if it was actually challenging, the system so far gives nothing we want with another random shot of this time Russian Roulette where the lich performs a BS "Counter Finisher Execution" just for trying. In some cases players are too strong and this is just a "press X to die". In other cases players try their best to take down the lich and are met with "oops sorry wrong mod. Die plz".
       Wanna see proof players actually don't like the instant death? Go watch me die at 0:43 🙂 courtesy of mogamu I get shown on youtube saying "oh come on, just end me" and "yay" while being slammed by AVRECH VONUGG. I knew I was going to die because I only had 2 Requiem Mods. wanna know why? because there was a bug that let her steal 13 of my requiem relics. it should come as no surprise that many people hate the lich system



       The rewards you get from the lich are also terrible. Yeah cool you get a gun... it may or may not be hot garbage compared to a weapon some newbie got. I can sometimes get better guns just by crafting a dojo wepaon. Hey that only takes 12 hours to craft. COOL! I'd rather wait 7 days to get a gun then have to spend 6 hours straight having to kill my lich for the weapon. Ephemera are NOT rewards players care about because they aren't progression. Sure that may be what some of us go for but will that scratch my endgame itch? no... no it will never do that. It helps me turn nezha into a barbie doll.
       The rewards not sustainable either and the whole lich reward system is isolated to itself. Killing thralls will give you requiem relics which help you kill the lich. Only 1 item can be called sustainable and that's only semi sustainable. Exilus weapon adapters. These use the relic's rarity system to put up a void trace wall. Really they should be way easier to obtain then normal exilus adapters because we need more of these then normal adapters. We've got over 10X more weapons than warframes. That's all that's actually semi sustainable within the relics and it's not much fun.

       Even after the lich is killed there's more grind waiting for you because you need to snap 5 forma over weapons to max them out for some reason. MR hunters are just wasting forma at this point. Sure it's forma but the point is it's wasting time and forma which could be used experiencing a weapon they might actually enjoy.

       Even worse are the players that actually DO play the system because all of them are victims of a problem made by DE called Lich Blocking. There are players that don't want to fight the lich because they want murmurs and to prevent that lich from leveling but it's not only limited to people trying to enjoy the game. People troll too. DE has had a week to fix this and still nothing. The best ingame solution to us has been to bite the bullet and ignore these players hoping we don't come across them. Both sides have great points, why hold us hostage we want our lich dead, why make me force myself to die. HM sounds bull either way you look at it.
       DE has many ways around this and haven't taken action yet. Banish them to the void temporarily with your operator when they're down? Provide a skill check when you're about to die so you can escape death? These would fix both problems. Or how about adding a tax payment of 10,000 credits to have the lich not attack you? HM? It is their sector so pay a tax beforehand if you want to avoid a mechanic you don't like. Maybe make spared lich enemies save you from instant death, they're meant to show up when you most need them so reward players for sparing them more.
       Before you even say "play in solo" or "join your friends" or "make a recruiting post" I shouldn't have to even consider those. Remind me again, this is an MMO RPG? right? Why should I should I have to do any of that to get an enjoyable multiplayer experience worth it for not just me, but those I play with.

  6. K so I'm just going to say this I'm still not 100% sold on the lich system and it does need fixes. We are critical and that's what the game needs but DE has created some changes to the liches already. If you're just looking for a brief summery check the conclusion at the bottom, for those that want a more in depth explination I've organized it for you.

    I Rewards



       The rewards make the grind, if a reward is something the play wants they'll grind it. Me personally several ephemera and the kuva brakk are what I'm after but this is not true for all players. Many players hate the look of grineer weaponry and ignore fashion completely thus the kuva rewards are null and flawed. If you're not in it for the weapons you gain nothing new from this. Let me clarify what I mean, the recovered rewards are just that, recovered. You already earned them and you just want them back. Nothing new comes from this but kuva, riven slivers, and amber stars. All of which veterans have and can deal with. This is the reason why many players are agitated with the rewards and if you just get taxed for no reason, then the kuva lich enemies are pests that serve no purpose.

    Consequently, because we can farm everything else and nothing is really new here, the lich provides no sustainable content with a positive. This means at best they'll be farmable for players until the rewards have all been obtained and then they'll be forgotten. At Least they would be if they didn't steal your items.

    After the changes the grind better, not perfectly, reflects the weapon quality slightly more but that doesn't change the fact that they've got no sustainable content to keep them relevant. The only thing that comes to mind is exilus weapon adapters which won't are semi sustainable but aren't true always relevant content like riven mods. They're also extremely difficult to obtain using the relic rarity wall to keep them from players. In other words it's a soft time gated content because it takes you ages to get it.


    II Grind to Kill the Lich


       Personally I found it fine, but I'm only talking about the grind and not the full experience. Without proper rewards and fun the grind was far too arduous. I was pretty much broken farming nova prime systems for 6 months straight back when keys were a thing so I'm patient but again, not everyone is like me. I'm an individual with different experiences and feeling and as are the other players of the game. The grind being this long for ONLY kuva weapons is completely insane. Combined with the RNG of the drops and it requiring traces, the system as a whole flops. The options are increase the rewards and make them better to justify the grind, or lower the grind to the weapons level to justify the weapon.

       If were talking about the last part of getting the lich though, hoping it spawns in your mission. then DE's got a lot of issues to fix. I don't want to say play solo if you want to kill your lich or avoid it because that's not a very fair thing to say in a multiplayer game. Telling players to bite the bullet or"Just go solo" should never be the excuse DE can hide behind and it's not an excuse you should be providing them or telling other players because this is a multiplayer game. Fixing this issue would greatly help grinding the lich because lich blocking will become less of an issue.

    III The Lich



    The lich is a whole new thing and I honestly like it... and hate it. As I'm meant to. This system isn't meant to be a complete positive but it's got it's flaws.

    The lich is too difficult to kill... yeah no I can shred them to bits alone if I ran the right frame and weapon. In squads when I run banshee I further ramp up my teams damage and it's even more of a cake walk. In all honesty I'm disappointed they can't go beyond Level 5 because when I heard they could level up I was excited to raise my lich to level 65 or something creating a god for me and my friends to fight over christmas. Sadly they're stuck at 5 and I desire a higher level lich.

    About the bullet sponge thing and how hard they are... Ask yourselves can you really have difficulty without something that takes more than 1 shot with a sniper rifle to kill? Another question. Have you been taught and brought up by the game to play well? Based on current warframe standards it seems getting to level 20 on Mot classifies you as amazing. There's no reason whatsoever to improve how you play at all and the game encourages that with braindead game modes like ESO where all you do is kill as fast as possible, and then release weapons like the catch moon which used to delete clouds of high level enemies with the click of a button. Players post relics haven't been taught to fight at higher levels and how to deal with such enemies, or even to think outside of the box and how abilities synergize. That's not to say you're bad, far from it, you aren't the problem. The game's decisions did this to you. You've never felt the need to get better as players, running missions for hours on end meaning this lich curb stomping you is a completely new experience to many of you who never got to experience the keys, or forgot and left behind the void era. But that's not the complete story either.

       Now "Counter Finisher Executions" as i'm calling them... that's something I've got a nick with.  i'm fine with CFE if it's fair and justified but you've got no idea HOW the lich can be killed and you're punished for it. In old warframe you were never punished for being incapable of knowing, you were punished for lacking skill and preparation. We wanted endgame to test our builds not IGNORE them. You could spend your whole life trying to improve to defend against a lich, but if the parazon fails you die. There's not even a difficult skill check to escape death like in dead by daylight or a simple one click like in oh... i dunno... DARK SECTOR! I'm getting used to it but I'll always call BS on Counter Finisher Executions. I get it's meant to be unfair and that's how enemies feel against excalibur, ivara, equinox, and banshee... but this just isn't right. We are playing a fast paced, exciting, rewarding, grinding game. Why are we punished for capitalizing on an enemies state of weakness which is meant to be a reward for skill. I realize 1 revive doesn't mean alot... but it leaves you sour and hate begins to fester because you weren't allowed to know how to kill them and it was never your fault as the player.

    The lich personalities can both turn away or grab a player just by themselves. Personality is crucial to the lich experience. Some players get an interesting quirk like afraid of kubrows, and they get a good laugh every time the lich shows up. But if you don't get something like that and you get a dry, dark, gloomy female B- I mean lich, then you're out of luck and you have to fight a boring boss for half a day to a week depending on how willing you are. I've fought 5 lich since release and the most enjoyable one was killing one that started screaming "All allies are gone, chances of success are falling! QUEENS I NEED ASSISTANCE HELP ME! HELP ME!".

    Lastly, the first impressions. Let's not kid ourselves, we were all bitter *maybe except mogamu* when we got snapped in half like a twig for trying our best regardless of skill, talent, and preparation. Chances are your first lich was one or more of what I'm about to list. Full of bugs, Dry without any interesting quirk, Dad a weapon you weren't excited about, Couldn't get one to spawn, or stole 13 R Relics like the -LICH SHE IS! Or maybe you just didn't want to fight a lich to begin with. We will never forget our first experience with our first lich. They were special in both good and bad ways, some even had names you can't generate anymore. LOOK BROTHERS *Titt* AHAHAHAHA. If you had a bad first experience with the lich you'll always feel slighted and nothing will heal that but time and updates which isn't ideal for DE as it stands because future updates and plans sound around the lich.


    IV Post Grind



    Post grind is also a thing with these weapons. I'm not going to complain about the fact that you need to snap 5 crackers over a weapon, but I will complain that there's no reason to polarize it 5 times. You get no passive like the paracesis and you don't need the extra mod space because of the limited expensive mods. You can fit any build you want on iany kuva weapon with 2-3 forma or 4 if you're talking about the hammer. Pointless content and not a good reason to spend forma FOR NOW... maybe. Who knows maybe there will be more mods that cost 18 mod space in the near future. But that presents a whole slew of new problems and a whole new thread to discuss that.

    After you're done with one lich you can now, or in the future, fuse your weapons together. I'm praying this is something like Fatal Bullet's chip upgrade system but if the upgrades aren't good enough then this change is only good for switching forma to better weapons and it won't be sustainable like rivens. That means the post grind is almost worthless to players that have the best of the best weapons. Hell, many of the kuva weapons don't even compare to the ones we've currently got with a few exceptions so there's little reason to farm them as it stands. Secondaries compete against kit guns and primes and melee runs against zaws and primes.


    V Lich Conversion


    You could say that the lich allies are a viable reward and that is justified... if you had any control over the lich and if they stayed in the mission longer than 20 seconds. You know what does more than my lich allies? An oberon prime specter. They need to be able to be called manually and maybe even allow you to pick favorites meaning you can bond with the lich. Having a companion makes a huge difference if they talk to you ingame. Im sure many of you want ordis gone but your orbiter would be dead without him. He means alot and when running missions alone you might find yourself enjoying some added company. Even if it's an AI and it reminds you that nobody plays with you and all your friends left for Rainbow Six Siege and Destiny.

    VI Lich Blocking Fix


       SO probably should've put this in the main post it slipped my mind. But if DE really wanted to fix this then there's a way to satisfy both parties with a new mechanic. Struggling. It's a mechanic I took from dark sector and incorporate into my raid concepts quite frequently. Struggling could be a system from the Dead by Daylight skill check on generators, or be a bsic Dark Sector Hold X to break free.

       Say you wanted to remove the lich from your mission and didn't want them to level up, when they go down, banish them with a void blast finisher animation from your operator. This will enter a special skill check where if you succeed the lich will be banished to another part of the system, casting them away from your mission. Wheather they level up or not is completely up to DE but if this were the case I'd say banishing the lich will not give you murmur progress.

       Say you wanted to take a shot at killing your lich. In this case if you fail the parazon a much MUCH harder skill check will appear. If you complete it you get off scotch free, but if you fail you die. This way it doesn't feel unfair, just difficult to avoid. Sure it's not perfect but if you get good enough you can avoid punishment. Another option was sugegsted by a player *forgot them sorry* but have the liches you spared save you from time to time. Spare enough of them and you'll almost never die to the lich. Afterall the lich was sold to "Appear when you needed them most" right?

    VII Conclusion



    Long story short, the lich enemies have many MANY flaws, they don't have an opt in or out system, the rewards aren't sustainable and don't matter after you've "caught them all", they're full of bugs, you're not guaranteed a fun lich to match your preference, It feels like every player is out to lich block you, the kuva lich isn't completed because it's AI an systems are spread through the railjack expansions, and to top it off it's not fun or challenging to play a game of russian roulette just for a press X to die button. We were bound to not like this, but DE released it anyways. I don't like this system, but I appreciate it because it's leaps and bounds in the right direction, even if it's imperfect. I'm not saying to let DE off the hook or even to not criticize them, they need it. What I want to say is to take a step back and not take the lich at face value and look at what it represents. When was the last time DE actually released something remotely difficult? What have we been asking for? Yes it wasn't 100% on the mark not even close but it's difficult. That's more than I can say about sorties.

    You want to know why players aren't killing them. This is why. They need attention to make them worth it so don't just shrug off other people's problems. If a good portion of the community is unhappy it affects the game. Don't complain that players aren't liking it, find out why and respect them... except the white knights they can go crawl in a muddy pit for putting us in this situation.



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  7. 1 hour ago, 844448 said:

    It's hardly "too grindy" when you can get roughly 9 - 10 thralls per mission to find out the requiem, at average you only need 15 missions (150 thralls) which is not far more than number of runs you do to get something like rare prime part or braton/lato vandal.

    I also on my first lich and halfway on the third requiem, just doing missions under the lich influence and walking casually killing thralls unless you're the type of player that rush to the end and miss some thralls on the way.

    I've seen worse grind where you need 150 - 200 and you can only get 1 - 2 per day (per day, not mission)

    Also, you missed my point, I was talking about how you can buy them from market that can be used to spread false narrative about P2W or being EA. My suggestion is remove those parazon/requiem mods from market and their bundles so everyone starts on an even ground, no paying to skip the grind

       No it really is too grindy for the rewards you get considering you already ran those missions for those rewards. I can farm several prime parts faster than I can farm this one gun and that's saying alot. In public missions I have to stagger radiants to ensure we don't get more than one mod at a time and if I have to do that it's too much. This is also building off the relic system, not improving it. The old void keys let us farm dozens of prime parts with a single run. Even after getting the gun you've got to forma it 5 times to make it good IF it's even good.
       There's too much RNG in this to make the grind worth while and the cherry on top is a gun that may or may not be worth it. To make matters worse the rewards of Kuva Lich enemies are not sustainable like we've been asking for. Once you've got a weapon you're satisfied with, you're out and forget about the lich enemies except you can't because they're pests and steal rewards from endurance runs which actually is the opposite of what we wanted.

       Worse yet we waited years for the kingpin system update. Yes they have more but were judging what we've got now not what we'll have later. The best thing to come out of this update is the technology and ability to create high level enemies for future content but that's not what we're after we want that high level content now. We needed it years ago.

       I also didn't comment on the part about removing the mods because I agree with that. So I left it alone. But the statement about it being "not too grindy" isn't entirely true. Just because one game does something worse doesn't excuse what DE has done with thralls. I want to reiterate what I said before, this amount of grind is fine, the rewards just need to match it.You can think that the grind and rewards are fine but that's not how I and alot of other's feel. Calling what they're saying nonsense is disrespectful.

  8. 6 minutes ago, 844448 said:

    With the current system people complaining "it's too grindy" (pretty much nonsense seeing some people are on their 8th lich just in 4 days) and seeing requiem mods being sold straight away in market, people are saying it's an EA move to make people pay money or pay to win, which is not something good for the long run if people start spreading false narrative about it.

    The it's too grindy thing I agree with you. It's a perfectly fine amount of grind BUT what you get from the lich is nothing. it won't help you progress much, if at all, and you get a shiny ephemera. Not to mention to make that weapon good you have to snap 5 crackers over it for 70 mod capacity. Not to mention this was proposed as a challenge to the players when I can melt my LvL 5 lich in under 30s. We waited several months for this.

    Step 1, You grind out relics from kuva siphons (which you're only guaranteed one and even that can be stolen)
    Step 2, Pray you've got the reactant to rad or flawless kuva relics
    Step 3, Pray to god you get the mods needed (Which may be one of the two so another layer of RNG there)
    Step 4, Kill aroudn 180 thralls to unlock the murmurs or brute force the kuva lich (And die trying over and over again)
    Step 5, Get the gun (Which may be absolute garbage)
    Step 6, Snap 5 crackers over the gun for mastery then sell the gun if it's not worth it

    That's alot of grind for such little reward and the other rewards are already rewards you earned. You deserve that and more for spending your time, mods, and reactant on killing that lich. Ephemera are not a reward players are interested in after 1-2 days of farming. Your point that some players are on their eighth if fine and all but not all players have the time to do that. I also believe those players bought the relics or got extremely lucky because I'm on my first still and I'm playing this more than average players.

    Again I agree with you, but the rewards make the grind. And in this case the rewards flopped.

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  9. Alright so I was fine with the lich enemies stealing rivens, resources, and some rare stance mods cause that's the whole point right? But WHO DECIDED THAT REQUIEM RELICS CAN BE STOLEN FROM YOU TOO! 

    Let me put this into perspective if your lich gains control of the entire system or even half of it. You have a significantly lower chance at killing them because you get the relics stolen from you. You NEED and I mean NEEEEED these relics to kill them. How can you kill them if you can't grind the relics? well lets take a look at the market why don't we. HMMMMM. no. This one item is something that should be excluded from the tithe at all costs. ESPECIALLY if you're going to monetize relic packs.

    EDIT: I realize they are tradable and such but that still requires platinum or the good will of other players which shouldn't be the crutch of a system.

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  10. Going to be perfectly straight forward here. From what I'm hearing and seeing these kuva lich enemies aren't worth the grind that you want us to farm. Let me start here.

       First, you have to spawn in the lich, then they start stealing your items. Cool, ok no problem. But this is where the problems start.

    • Kuva floods and siphons are the ONLY way to get reqium relics. I have no idea why you didn't just place them into disruptions, then increase the amount of kuva you could get from these siphons and floods. This keeps survival, disrption, and siphons all relevant. Furthermore the 30% chance is really sad to see when you offer these relics for purchase when we can only complete so many of these a day. There are 2 ways to fix this.
      • Make all kuva siphons have a kuva flood option allowing experienced players to always get better rewards and always get requiem relics. Let us choose the difficulty.
      • Normal Siphons must at least be 40%. that's bare minimum. At best for fairness 60% chance.
      • One other thing is we cannot buy the relics we want, we have to buy all of them. This was never the case with void keys. You wanted T3, you could buy the T3 keys. But we get no selection here. This option means nothing to em as I don't buy them, but I find it unfair that you would force us to buy 1 of everything instead of 4 of what we need. Often times 1 of this isn't enough to get the option which makes players come back to buy the entire pack for just 1 item.
    • Kuva Requiem Relics require void traces. This is a problem I personally have. not only must we farm the relic from time limited missions, but we also have to farm the void traces which I'd much rather farm for ducats and primes I want. There is no other way to farm traces and that's down to luck. I could crack open 8 relics and get 100, or I can crack 8 relics and get 300. Nobody knows because it's random and those of us with bad luck suffer.
      • Make void survivals randomly break open in fissures for traces. Reward us with scaling trace rewards from Mot and Belenus. This would mean we can increase our farming.
      • Increase the amount of traces we can get from relics.
      • make a completely new mission type. A high level orokin defector mission where we sake people form the void. This means defection has a purpose and with scaling void traces it might make for a good farming spot.
    • In order to kill your lich you must assassinate thralls. 60-65 of them per murmur, not confirmed yet. But this means 180ish thralls for 1 enemy? I've been sitting, waiting for my lich to expand it's territory to allow me to get new thralls. But it's been sitting on Coba and Everest since release. I CANNOT get the remaining 120ish thralls from these two missions.
      • Furthermore 180ish thralls is ALOT of thralls. At this rate I think I can honestly just let the lich kill me and test my luck and I'd figure it out faster. I don't have that good of luck. You need to shrink the amount of thralls needed, or make damn well sure they can spread fast enough for me not to notice a drought of thralls.
    • You now mut kill your lich after you've "hopefully" gotten all the mods. BUT WAIT you can't headshot them and they just insta kill you. THIS THIIIIIS is NOT DIFFICULT! Insta kills is just bull. We want our builds tested not bypassed. Whaa, potato spent 1 year making the perfect chroma ah well shucks too bad that build means nothing to me, the kuva lich. Anyways, issues.
      • You cannot headshot these enemies. So they're like eidolons but without the logic behind why it isn't a headshot. Please PLEASE allow headshots because headshots reward skill with damage.
      • Once they kill you "unfairly" the Lich will level up. This level up is not justified at all because they did jack all to us without us purposefully finishing them. I believe finishers are meant to capitalize on an enemies weakness, not to say oh well screw you you didn't MOD right. You feel punished for something you couldn't possibly know. There's no skill involved in this it's either grind for ages or slam your head into a wall until it breaks.
      • I personally was expecting something much MUCH harder because you made these out to be tougher than eidolons but... I can solo this guy if I wanted. I can't solo an eidolon. ME anyways i can't. If I can solo this guy then he is obviously vastly inferior to eidolons which is pretty disappointing. I watched rob eat his LvL 5 kuva lich while invisible. I got flashbacks to "stalking the stalker" difficult huh?
    • This deserves it's own bullet. Why can't these lich enemies level up past 5? I'm a raid concept creator and when i heard they would level up when you died. I immediately thought huh, I want to make a lvl 65 lich and see how difficult that would be. Might be fun to fight with friends and mix into a raid idea but no, no can't even make my own difficult enemy when that's the point of the update. 
      • Just to clarify i'm not fine with them leveling up. They should be difficult to start with and get stronger. I thought that I'd have to play goku to even make my lich worth defeating, feeding them and letting them power up before shutting them down. But they can't even get past tier 5. This feels like I'm a super saiyan trying to teach king piccolo how to fight so he can throw a proper punch.
    • You said these enemies would be long term relationships so when you said that I was hoping i'd be getting something great at the end. A boss that takes a month to kill and we'd be after them for awhile. at the end we'd be given something AMAZING. but apparently long term relationships last about as long as some people's marriages. hours. No an ephemera is not something amazing. it's nothing game changing and it's not progress. I would be completly fine with this high level of grind if it was at all worth it but it isn't.

       Now I want to be absolutely clear here. I'm... satisfied? with this update. It's certainly a step in the right direction and kuva lich enemies open the door to plenty of possibilities and I'm excited to see what DE can do with this in the future. In all honesty if RAAAAAIDS were a thing we wouldn't be having this conversation but If DE were to make raids now they have alot of stuff to do. Raids now would be 10X better than the LoR could ever hope to be. But DE needs to loosen up on rewards, seriously. Fashion should be secondary to the main reward and for me, this kuva seer is not a good reward.

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  11.    This post will be for Ember because I don't have vauban and I'm assuming the train can cover him just fine and actually get noticed. Bear in mind I can't really go that far into survival or any endless mission because nobody stays that long. It's really infuriating but I'll have to base my stuff off the simulacrum. I'll primarily be focusing on comparing ember to Saryn, Gara, and Chroma as they share the most similarities to ember.
       The build I used for this post is 73% PD // 175% PE // 145% PR // 179 PS with Adaptation, Immolated Radiance, no arcanes, and no exilus with Energizing Dash. Any aura works for my build. I don't own any other augments but I can still comment on them. Just so players can test out the build and know where I'm coming from. 

       Fireball is both better and worse then it was before but why remove the napalm effect? Napalm was literally the only reason fireball was used besides it's augment to CC small doors. The confusing thing is It even shows the napalm effect in her ability video so why the last minute change? The ability is terrible as it is and sure you can kill unarmored LvL 100 enemies with... 4 fireball casts. Good number right? how many casts does it take for octavia to kill a room? 1, and she can even dance while doing it. I'm not asking for an octavia but ember's fireball should be increased in range and I've got an idea for that.
       The window for fireball should also be significantly larger to 3-4 seconds and it should also pause the window should you charge fireball. This is because fireball feels like the game is forcing you to spam the fireball. You aren't nidus so there's no reason for such a small window. It's like the ripline window, it makes no sense why it's so short. She doesn't get stacks up to 100 like nidus, only 8X and even then the damage is only noticeable on unarmored targets. The fireball 2X 4X and 8X should affect the explosion and ignite radius of fireball because without napalm it's not all too hot. Sometimes enemies won't even catch fire for whatever reason. Charging the fireball should also increase it's range.
       The augment I actually sort of like now as it mixes with her passive. But the issue with this thing is Saryn has better status types, more status types, and she's got it by default. Another problem is that getting fire damage to weapons is less useful now because CO was taken down a peg. Ember's elemental buffing potential fell because now almost nobody runs condition overload.
       I would also like it if ember's fireball had some synergy if she hit an enemy within the firestorm from her ultimate like causing a massive detonation or something.

       Immolation is really helpful and thanks for taking either mine or shy's idea for ember to blow up after an overheat bar. Personally I'd still prefer a meltdown mode and a way to go above 90% but it is what it is. The energy drain is fine if you're smart about it and I know a lot of people will disagree with me but I was constantly able to keep up my energy by only using energizing dash. Players with energize have it easier and can even run - efficiency builds. Staying at max overheat for 6s is fine allowing you to keep high damage reduction when needed and it prevents players from spamming her ultimate. My issue is the synergy between this and fire blast.
       Something I would like to see changed is the sign to show you've hit 90% immolation. I personally think it's fine as it's much better than valkyr's 1-100%. But perhaps maybe burning flames around the screen would be a nice addition? 
       The augment is cool and all but I can't help but feel a bit irritated at the upkeep for the reward. This is an augment right? it's not cheap beause it's a full mod slot. Well why can gara give her allies AND objectives 90% damage reduction, but this can't. I would understand if it prevented status effects but it doesn't. If someone is looking for a damage dealing tank then Gara is by FAR the better option and doesn't require an augment for it. Plus gara has a much better 1 and 3 then ember given their similarities. Make this able to go up to 90% or give it some sort of cleansing ability.

       Now the fireblast... this should not cost energy for what it does. If anything it should be costing heat only like what brozime said. This would mean players have more energy to use on fireball. If you're serious about needing this to have an energy cost 50 energy is what this should be. The only noticeable thing this ability does is knock down enemies. but it can strip armor? Well Saryn can "kiss" fully armored LvL 100 corrupted gunners with 2 strikes from a kronen prime now without viral or armor strip. Why should I have to wait upwards of 6 seconds to strip armor to kill an enemy when saryn can not only just passively infect everything in sight and even slaughter enemies with armor.
       Worse then that, why does Guass still have a better fire blast? He isn't the fire warframe so why can he strip armor with fire on a whim and ember cannot. But it's worse because Guass not only has better heat, but he has 2 abilities in one, then can blow enemies sky high for insane damage.
       Another idea for fire blast is to make it a catalyst. Make enemies burning from fireblast to suffer 25% longer duration, 25% more heat damage, 25% armor melting, and 25% faster heat DoT. This would encourage synergy between it and Fireball/Inferno That would also justify the cost and be a nice way to bring back acellerant in a useful form.
       Healing flame sounds great on paper but in reality, people have operators for this. Operator Arcanes, Healing Return, Rejuvination, and other sources. Now something that would be better is if Healing Flame made enemies burning drop health globes. This would encourage not only health orb arcanes but also health conversion furthering her as a tank but also being a support at the same time.

       Inferno... WELL THIS IS A THING lol. DE nerfed embers world on fire to stop low level mission killing, and now it's back. Just the other day an ember destroyed all of an earth exterminate with nothing but her four. Now I'm NOT saying nerf it it's fine and I honestly don't care. I can get angry at saryn's stealing all the kills in ESO, Ember eating exterminates, but it's how that player chooses to play and have fun. I've learned that. More often then not I find that skill can still let me, as a banshee mind you, be competitive with these warframes. While grinding up my old favorite the bo prime, I kept up in damage from 2 embers so it's fine and players need to get over it. As trib said certain missions have a biased for certain frames so just get over it I guess. Leave if you don't like them or stay if you don't mind.
       Inferno a really cool concept but I've seen several flaws with the ability. See if you build for high duration, to keep the fire damage ticking longer, then the fire storms will expand much slower. I thought that ok maybe if range doesn't increase the area of the storms, duration will, like nova. Well that didn't work either. Reguardless of duration and range you always end up with a 5m radius. This means strength and efficiency are all ember cares about that that's true for all of her abilities.
        Flaw 2 is that Inferno isn't real fire. I constructed a test. Inferno shows enemies surrounded in flames so they have to be ignited right? Nope, that's just normal DoT, not heat DoT. This means Inferno doesn't synergize with SPICY or CO. Just read this and you'll see what I mean. "Recieve 5% ability strength for every enemy within affintiy radius engulfed in flame" Well, this is what Inferno says. "Command a flaming comet to crash down in front of ember, engulfing enemies with a fire that can spread through their ranks." Yeah it engulfs them but it doesn't count towards her SPICY passive which is depressing because this is by far the best way to maintain Ember's passive.
       Flaw 3 is that fire storms poofs out of existence when the host dies. Is there any way to make the fire storms around enemies stay for the remaining duration of Inferno to help spread the flames that aren't fire? If your allies kill the enemies you want to have spread the fire then you've just wasted an ability and energy.
       Lastly, there's lost of visual data flooding the screen with Inferno. Whenever an embers in my mission I can't melee or else I risk being radial blinded by the sea of particles that form rainbows and rocks. You can't even see the enemy again until a full second has passed. I also have a hard time seeing which enemies are actually on fire when looking at them from a top down perspective. Compare this to say Volt's Discharge and it's pretty clear this needs some visual work. I know 3d fire is hard but we kinda need it now.
       The Augment is where I have the most issues. This augment doesn't really feel that helpful because both arcanes and operators can supply us with energy. If you're smart energy isn't needed and even if it was 15% isn't enough to justify wasting a mod. Want to know why? Not only are there warframes that give you energy like trinity, harrow, and limbo or what not, but you've got arcanes and focus schools for energy. In my opinion a better augment for this would be to extend the duration for the amount of enemies caught in the explosion and enemies that catch "fire". This way the origonal targets remain in fire storms longer. Saryn's spores work the same way by refreshing the viral duration. Theoreticly one set of spores is all saryn needs in the entire mission. Ember's fire storms should work the same way. 

       Overall I can say with confidence ember did improve. In my eyes she's been remade as a brawler, someone who can take damage and dish it back out. Ember can be built as a tank but she still sorely lacks the damage potential to compete against saryn, chroma, and gara. I would say she's become a weapon specialist but she really isn't. To be a half passable weapon specialist, Ember requires an augment. If an ability needs an augment to become viable in any situation, then the ability should have just been buffed. Her abilities can't even be used as a catalyst anymore either like accelerant, molecular prime, and sonor. She needs work but this is a phenomenal starting point for her.

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  12.    This part of my post will be dedicated to heavy attacks, they seem VERY lack luster and there aren't many mods supporting them. Much of the community pretty much agrees they aren't worth using and you should keep your blood rush stacks. My feedback will be created from the Nami Skyla Prime for anyone who is curious which seems to be among the best dual swords within 3.0, again just so people know. Yes I do have a riven. This will be running builds with maxed out effects leaning towards this new heavy attack and lift mechanic. The enemies i'm testing against will be LvL 130 heavy gunners, so slightly above average current "endgame" enemies.
       This should will fit in both technique and stats areas, but I'm putting it here because the stats will be a larger portion of the post.

    1. The Naramon skill that grants heavy attack efficiency doesn't work at all. This is a bug and should be fixed because this is sort of the crutch that most heavy attack builds will be from from. If this doesn't work then it's completely out of the question because reflex coil just simply isn't worth it. With 60% efficency I should have been saving 60% of my combo but I never could actually get this to work.
    2. Heavy Attacks will lift enemies, this just... doesn't fit. I get that the idea is to juggle enemies but they float away from you, perhaps shortly after the heavy attack your weapon has a slight pull to it's melee attacks dragging enemies slightly back to you?
    3. Heavy Attacks should by default have a larger range then normal attacks. I'm talking a 5 to 6m increase with a void bomb visual effect or something. We are expending alot of combo points for this and builds being focused around this should be rewarded for spending these. As it currently stands the heavy attacks can only kill one or two enemies if you're lucky and we almost never have a need for that but if we have a large mob of enemies we can expend that combo to wipe them out.
    4. People are complaining about the time of heavy attacks, honestly I don't see the issue. If you do decide to mod for this damage type chances are you'll be running killing blow and amalgam organ shatter. These two combined make heavy attacks almost instant. But I would appreciate it if a status mod had this effect too because this rework favors critical over status.
      1. If you haven't tried the twin basalk with both amalgam organ shatter and killing blow I'd suggest giving it a shot. It's REALLY fun now and you can move around the map by teleporting. It's even better on frames like valkyr who boost melee speed. Teleporting kitty is so much fun.
    5. We instantly expend almost all of out points and I'd like to suggest that for maybe 5s we keep this damage? Maybe attaching this to a mod or making a new mod to allow our damage to linger? We are meant to juggle our enemies but right as we're about to juggle the enemy, we lose all our stored damage potential. We have no time to capitalize on the enemies vulnerable state which is what the fighting game is all about.
      1. This could actually be corrected if there were more mods like enduring affliction which grants 100% status chance to lifted enemies. This is a great idea and would allow us to capitalize on enemies. The heavy attack slam builds would benefit more from these mods then other builds. I'd like more mods to be delivered with that short time we can keep our stored combo count.
    6. Seismic Slam feels somewhat underwhelming as a mod and now that it's a key mod for heavy slam builds, it needs to be better. I would suggest adding a combo counter scaling damage with this and also increasing slam radius extending it's use past just the arca titron and the mod might actually be taken seriously.
    7. Exilus melee mods would have been GREATLY appreciated. Mods like dispatch overdrive would have been great additions for this slot encouraging players further to actually use heavy attacks.
    8. Unlike critical and status the heavy hit, lift status, and slam attacks are completely absent from arcanes putting them at a severe disadvantage. I was expecting a few new arcanes to make their way into the game but surprisingly not. Similarly the damage types have no set mods to back them up. The point of having set effects tied to mods is to have players thinking about them in combat as semi viable, but with no set mod helping lift, slam, and heavy attacks nobody ever thinks of them.
      1. Note I'm not taking into account zaws arcanes specificly because they are for zaws only and are event arcanes which I don't have. I can't do testing so I won't comment but I assume they don't involve anything substantial.
    9. Mods such as Killing Blow need to have a higher heavy attack damage boost. 120% is nowhere close enough to justify having this mod in place, even if it does increase charge attack speed. I did say the time was fine, but the damage of this mod is lacking. Perhaps 120% heavy attack damage per combo counter spent would be better because this would mean it scales with your damage. Maybe if this isn't enough a multiplicative effect would be nice.
    10. Life Strike should realistically be changed slightly. Unlike healing return, life strike will restore life over a duration of time. This makes it a regeneration and more relevant, a trade off as it isn't instant healing but it's a safety measure players can take. The amount of health we heal if we spend all that massive combo count, we need to feel this mod have a greater effect. Before it was a nice channeling quick pick up on health, but combo is expensive unlike energy and how we heal is by spending a decent portion if not all of our combo count.
    11. Enduring Affliction, I really like the new twist to this mod and how it was adapted, BUT it needs to work with the combo counter spent.
    12. Enduring Strike is weird because I wanted to say this should be in a melee exilus slkot, if we got one, but I'm not going to. This mod is really underpowered and to be frank relentless combination is a far better charger. it doesn't require you to spend combo counter to build it up and it grants 100% chance. Enduring strike should be granting 200% maybe 300% on lifted enemies. You're spending combo points to even do this so this acts as a way to refund those points.
      1. yes I'm aware some stances actually have lifts in their combos anyways but that would only further add to this mods viability no?

       Now i'm going to skip stances because... well I'm not exactly the best with remembering stance numbers and multipliers and such. I'll let brozime handle that. This portion of the post will be related to the changes to the other mods. You know what mods I'm talking about.

    1. Blood Rush, this is not dead, ignore everyone that says so. The reason for that is because you scale your multiplier so fast the reduction to blood rush means nothing. Blood Rush is still viable for lots of weapons. The only downside I see in this is heavy weapons cannot keep up with quick melee weapons due to the combo counter. 
    2. Drifting Contact and Body Count. These mods have really lost their value for me, this is my personal preference and me thinking that is a very good sign. I know some players still value the mod so good on you for making this not feel required for combo counter builds. yes these mods were changed, just indirectly becuase of the changes to the combo counter.
      1. if anyone is wondering why I don't like combo duration anymore, you scale so fast with some weapons that it simply doesn't matter anymore. I can get back to 12X with many of my weapons in udner 12 seconds and that's fine by me. It no longer feels needed to get the results I want.
    3. Condition Overload... Well this died. I originally loved the idea of a 3 status cap... then I looked at h3dshot and he brought up a phenomenal point. The cap has killed status type weapons and destroys a variety of builds that required it to have over 3 status types. The gazal machete combo being the best example as you pretty much destroyed DK's machete as well as status overload builds. Status as a viable endgame build is gone and this needs to be fixed by either returning the mod to the way it was before with multiplicative damage. maybe nerf the damage a bit but it being multiplicative was the kingpin for status being viable. A
    4. Range mods. These mods got hit hard and I'm fine with that but I've got an issue. Spring is fine, maybe add .5 or .6 range but overall it's great. Reach however, this is a critical mod for new players. 1.1 range is nothing, this should at worst be 1.5 at best be 2.2m. Primed Reach is somewhat down for what it costs. This massive amount of endo, ducats, and credits that we dump into the mod for only 3m? 4m should be the target here which would further increase the viability of smaller weapons. 
      1. Just to show my personal stance on the matter I don't actually like reach mods. I think they're a waste for my playstyle as I don't care about getting close to my enemies. But I did play around with it and I found that shorter ranged weapons will become a more preferred meta for longer runs due to how fast they rack up combo and much they benefit from reach mods.
      2. Motus Impact. This mod really needs to be buffed. This is an ARIEL attack which takes longer to perform and has a requirement to activate it. Average gameplay won't see it used often unless this mod is good enough to actually be useful to it's user. 3.5-5m is needed here. It's because it's conditional that it should be better than the primed reach mod.
    5. Exilus Mods we need these on melee weapons because they would benefit us on all levels. We only have so many mod slots and we can't make use of everything. I haven't seen anyone use parry since... ever. yet it's potential is so great because it allows any warframe to enter a finisher attack and use finisher arcanes. I get it, melee exilus would be drawing a fine line between what is powerful and what isn't, more so then the guns. But we will never use some of these mods with only 8 mod slots to use.
      1. Focused Defense. This mod really changed and could be seem if DE decided to make this an exilus mod. Weapons like the daggers might be able to block something. it is worth noting however that the block radius is a 3d cone. This means you can actually aim upwards and block with some weapons to an extent. This would mean if you run focused defense this would be a strong mobility and defensive increase.
      2. Reflex Guard. Overall a great change but this needs to be made into an exilus if it's ever to be noticed. Either that or make tons of new defensive mods.
    6. Amalgam Javlok Magazine Warp. This did not go unnoticed by me DE. This mod had a great effect but I'm assuming you changed this to keep shields from granting both immunity and damage. Well that's kind of sad because this mod used to have one of the most unique ways of dealing damage reflecting bullets back at enemies. Saryn made GREAT use of this and i'm disappointed to see this go.
    7. Reflection. LOL this thing is still channeling. Seems DE forgot something.

       Now I want to talk about the Zenistar... This has a VERY different playstyle now. I'm sort of impartial because I never really cared for it. it doesn't proc my resonance all too often so it meant almost nothing to me as a banshee player. The new playstyle does not let you camp and makes you use the Zenistar as a weapon, and that's because the heavy attacks produce a zenistar disk. There is a very good reason for this and I believe this is what DE origonally wanted players to do. Instead of it being a glorified brief case for the disk, they want it to be used as a wepaon so use your heavy attacks on enemies while using the zenistar. make the most of the attacks. This wouldn't be an issue if naramon worked the way it did and condition overload was actually good. 
       I suggest treating the Zenistar as a legitimate weapon now. Test out this build. Primed Reach, Primed Fury, Primed Pressure Point, Condition Overload, Gladiator Might, and Amalgam Organ Shatter. For elemental I put Primed Fever Strike and Shocking Touch. Reach is still something you want because it helps rack up a high combo counter to increase damage while the gladiator might is a mini blood rush but adds to crit damage. Heavy attack enemies whenever you have the option because amalgam organ shatter will increase that charge attack speed somewhat.
       This being said the zenistar REALLY needs CO back to it's original state and/or the disk to remain out for 15s. if none of these requirements are met, then the base stats of the zenistar should be increased somewhat because it relied on the disk to make up for it's below average damage in the heavy weapon category.

       Now when it comes to Endurance Content, we have somewhat of an issue. Many of our buffs have become short term in benefits. I haven't tested many weapons past LvL 130 corrupted but for now I'm content with what we've been given. For the better or worse, this is technically new content and I'll need to check over the weapons for awhile before I can come to a final conclusion if the changes are good or bad.

       Also anyone who says that these changes are terrible right now, just stop. You're jumping the gun and acting immature because you don't know what you're talking about because not even many of the content creators know what's good and what's bad yet. They play usually more than most of us and it's their job. Not only that but DE is not done adding stuff yet because this is Phase 2 and it only just launched. Things need to be ironed out so be patient and wait.

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  13.   Ok so I don't have grendel but I've heard he's got some... issues. Kinda waiting for him to be brought up before I even think about playing him making for a good first experience. But I do see problems even without playing him. *Honestly I really wish in the simulacrum you could spend credits to simulate a warframe because I'd love to be able to test him for better feedback. There are some things I'm suggesting that I don't know if they're in the game so those of you with grendel can you test this out?*

       First, starting small, is his passive. This is not a passive. This is something that is functional to his kit. If you don't have enemies inside you then none of your other abilities work. This passive should be built into Feast by default. This would be like saying Emebr's fireball scales with repeated casts, that's your passive. No that's part of the ability!

       Second, Enemies being consumed by feast will often die if you're running with Meta warframes like say a mesa, saryn, anyone with mass killing potential. if you can't consume anyone then your warframe falls flat at the start. You've created a warframe that directly conflicts with you game's meta which is like putting poison in morning coffee. Although not sure if grendel would mind poison. Can we have enemies nearly instantly if not instantly absorbed into grendel's gut?

       Third, Feast strips armor right? stomach acid is a really strong substance so why does he spit enemies with toxin? If anything the enemy should be exploding corrosive bile in an area followed by viral or toxin damage to show sickness.

       Fourth, Grendel is the same exact problem we've had before. Anyone remember Hydroid's old puddle? enemies at a high enough level won't die. Now here's what I suggest to fix this. Nourish will create leftovers within Grendel for 30s. Nourish creates leftovers of ALL enemies inside Grendel allowing him to keep the buffs and armor he get's from consumed enemies for the duration. This means that Grendel can finally stop shooting himself with energy drain and he won't be a boon to his team by keeping HIGH PRIORITY targets inside of his stomach. Another idea is below.

       Fifth, the feast is somewhat clunky. Can we maybe get a buff to this? perhaps while he's feasting he gets a damage reduction? He's just standing there hoping to get something from an all you can eat buffet, but sometimes he can't even eat enemies then atleast help him out. Another option would be similar to baruuk and mag. Grendel's feast, aka the black hole, would eat up all damage in a 180o Radius in front of him like an actual black hole. This way he's unkillable to enemies infront but if you're facing the wrong way you still die. Range can increase this much like with baruuk.
       Now up above I said allies can't kill enemies inside grendel, well let allies shoot inside grendel while feast is active. SHOOT by the way, because some melee weapons have a massive cleave radius and you'd accidentally end up killing his food when he doesn't want you to. Enemies killed inside of grendel leave their corpses in there as leftovers letting Grendel use them at a later date. Similarly, enemies shooting inside of Grendel's feast will damage their allies within. Enemies inside of Grendel shoot take more damage as well.

       Sixth, his nourish is strange. It feels like this should have a quiver mechanic but when I watched some of the review videos it doesn't show that he has this scrolling mechanic like Vauban and Ivara. Now this could be a solution but another option, what I'd prefer, is a charged nourish eating all the enemies at once like he's chewing enemies inside of him applying heavy slash and corrosive while applying buffs to his team while granting all of his bonuses to his team.

       Seventh, Grendel's ultimate is... really terrible. FUN but terrible. I get that you want this as his ultimate but there are some ultimate that I just hate in the game. Effigy is one such example. Chroma is a tank warframe and when deploying effigy he LOSES armor, quite a decent portion of his armor too. Ultimate should not be damaging your warframe in any way and I didn't think I could hate any ultimate more than that but Grendel took the cake and ate it. His ultimate not only takes away full range mobility, but takes away your guns too.
       Grendel's ultimate is obviously meant to be damage right? I mean if it were mobility it would be faster than at least a firewalker nezha. It's not CC because it's got a terrible knockdown radius and there's more CC in equinox and her rest ability. Not an ultimate. It's almost certainly not a support for obvious reasons. Finally it's not a tank ability because it doesn't give any armor or resistance or anything. It doesn't even reduce enemy accuracy like normal ariel manuvers, which btw is taken away from Grendel in pulverize because he doesn't get full range mobility. The only option left is damage, so why does it do less damage than one lex shot to the face? No matter how many enemies he ahs in his stomach *which drains energy super fast* I can kill those enemies faster which just makes your team angry. This needs some form of damage.

       Eighth Testing Needed, Pulverize feels like it should do damage the higher grendel drops from. I don't know if this is already in but because nobody has said anything on it, Grendel's Pulverise should deal much more damage the higher the warframe's fall. This would mean jumping power strength mods and titnaia's passive would have a use for grendel. Titania does have a deluxe skin releasing with him right? why not add some easy synergy?

       Ninth Testing Needed, While in Pulverize, nourish should be castable and it's buffs should be instant. From what I know you can't cast nourish from inside of Pulverize... I think. Again this wasn't mentioned if he could do this is any videos and on the wiki so it may be a thing and I haven't seen any grendel actually do this yet. This ultimate should be a cornerstone of his kit because lord knows his kit needs something other than spitting on enemies.

       Tenth When Regurgitate is used it only spits out one enemy and that's it. Could we maybe get a charge mechanic to machine gun enemies out or maybe cannonball all our enemies to deal increased damage? Not only that but the enemies hit by regurgitate aren't knocked down or affected in any way, just flinching. THIS is NOT ok. You're being hit by your best friend flying at 100 miles an hour shot by a humanoid void vomit bazooka and you DON'T EVEN FLINCH!? I find this very hard to believe this was intentional and maaaaybe we can get regurgitate buffed?

       Eleventh Perhaps Pulverize can be changed slightly to energy drain? I'm not saying make it work off energy but Grendel is a hungry boy right? So why not... starve him??? that sounded dark but ok listen, if you don't have any enemies within pulverize, make it drain energy instead. he needs abilities that work without consumed enemies because his team literally deprives him of breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks, but it's worse because sometimes there's literally no enemies anywhere. Of course if this worked on leftovers some of the problem would be solved but I feel like draining energy when he's starving in Pulverize is a good addition.

       All in all, Grendel really feels underwhelming not only to play, I assume, but also to play with. I hardly notice him even being there unlike other warframes. He's somehow more forgettable to me than hyroid and wukong. Not that they're bad mind you but these three have such little presence on the battlefield that I hardly notice anything when I'm playing with them. As a support and tank, I notice literally every other warframe they compete against much more. He also feels somewhat half baked and created without much actual ability synergy. yes they all are actually synergized but unlike say wisp, you don't get indirect or cool buffs from using the abilities together.

    This next part comes out of concern. Please read this DE even if it hurts. I know people make mistakes but you need to be called out for this.

      I completely forgot about the Grendel missions. I haven't actually said anything on them but I'm livid. Calling these missions a challenge is disrespectful to our dedication, our love, and the time we've poured into this game. Worse yet you've backstabbed anyone who's spent any money for mod packs, rivens, arcanes, and prime chamber devaluing all that money. This is NOT a challenge. Operators, Arcanes, and Mods. How many hours, days, even YEARS have we put into making our favorite builds, our focus trees, our arcanes. We spend lots of time on our gear DE, and we said we want to test out builds on hard enemies. Calling this a challenge isSince alpha we've had the freedom to build whatever we wanted, yes we've builds that rise above others but we have that freedom. That freedom is a core quality we as players treasure in this game. Why would you remove that? This screams that you aren't capable of developing hard content without playing unfair and going back on the systems you've created.


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  14. 1 minute ago, Harkster said:

    Going into Solo missions as excal prime doesn't seem to spawn a target to kill. Ran 3 or 4 missions and had the fat man talk but no target. Switched to Nyx Prime and had one first time. All missions were Grineer over lvl 20

    Don't know if that's actually a bug. I had the same thing happen with banshee several times. Just because he talks doesn't mean one spawns in. Again don't know if that's a bug or not but I was only using banshee and one spawned eventually.

  15. Just now, icemindstab said:

    Going into key bindings it is unbound and I'm not sure what to bind it as, but I can't back out unless I assign it and hitting "defaults" also doesn't assign it

    I just set it back to shift. The normal sprint key doesn't need to be used anymore. Sprint/Roll is both sprinting and rolling, hold for sprint, tap for roll like before. Really I don't know why there's 2 options now only 1 of them is important. 

  16. 2 minutes ago, 8faiNt said:

    Im going to assume that the Rolling wasnt removed but gone due to a bug.

    Please give us Rolling in orbiter back. 


    You can still roll, for some reason it was moved in the keybinds. You have to find the Sprint/Roll keybind


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  17. So mercy? Banshee's savage silence and excalibur's radial blind don't seem to open enemies to "mercy" now. Was this intended? 

    EDIT: ok nevermind you just need to actually initiate the finisher yourself with X. No linger will you automatically enter a finisher. I guess this was done to stop players from auto finishing enemies. If you want to change it you'll need to change the "USE" keybind to something else which means you'll no longer revive players, hack terminals, or anything with the X key. It's not a bug just clarifying that now.

  18. 5 minutes ago, tape_drive_TS1140 said:

    Seems normal range for 220 range: ~9m radius.

    The small bubble inside large bubble happens when you recast on same enemy.

    Also when doing Void Fissures you get Reactant Buff, which multiplies range by 2.

    Huh, nobody actually covered that, not even the wiki has that info. I'm still kind of on the fence about if some of them are 440% power range but that makes sense. Thanks 😄

  19.    Ok so I've been play mag with her graxx skin to get in the grineer spirit and I came across something really strange. Sometimes my magnetize will greatly vary in size. I know I have 220% power range, but 200% power range does not make this.



       Now that's adorable and probably a harmless bug and should be fixed. But look at the large bubble, that's what it should be when I cast magnetize. Yet sometimes I can get something FAR worse. Check this out.






       I was skeptical at first thinking this was just visual. But no, this was actually a thing. Shooting anywhere inside these magnetize bubbles attracted the grenades. This... THING dwarfed a max range limbo cataclysm. I have 220% range and if I maxed out my range she can cover almost the entire hydron tile with one cast. There doesn't seem to be a very consistent way to pull this off, but it's a thing.

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