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  1. It has already been stated that devs aren't doing stories for Nightwave anymore because it's a waste of time since it's time-gated. Besides that, Wolf, Glassmaker, Arlo all have interesting lore. And what are you waffling about with old warframes. You're saying DE half-asses new content, but by that you're referring to old warframes, in reference to even older warframes? Good Warframes outnumber the 'bad' ones like 5:1 and even then the bad frames are still completely viable if you're not an amoeba, so what frames are you referring to that are this clear representation of new content that doesn't hook into old content? Did we not literally just get a complete rework of an old frame that has taken it from bottom tier to almost top tier? You make valid points, absolutely, but they're buried in so much whinging just for the sake of whinging. You make a point of orb mothers being a reskin of Eidolons (because they're both... open world bosses? That's literally the only similarity) but you also whinge about the third orb mother just being teased but not in the game yet. What do you want? More of the same? More entirely new stuff? You make a point of stuff being added than forgotten down the line, yet want Nightwave stories and rewards that would be inherently timed exclusive? Too many mechanics??? You aim at the bad guy and click. I'm genuinely struggling what 'new mechanic' has you quaking in your boots. Archon shards? Drifter combat? Zariman bounties? So you don't want these twists on the Warframe formula, but also don't want reiterations of the content we already have?
  2. Ehhh i'd rather focus the Thumper personally. On SP that Hemocyte isn't going anywhere and you can shred the heads in seconds, that thumper will throw out knockdowns while jumping around and takes a looooot longer to take down. I always get the thumper first :)
  3. What? Kullervo is the second newest Warframe and is probably one of the most insane ones? Spread million damage hits through an entire cluster of enemies while building overshield... do you think the only frames worth using are one-click nukes? You say this as we're literally rounding off the current Nightwave and coming up on a new one? Strawmanning for an entire post does not a decent argument make
  4. Just chiming in here to say that Chroma is an option for the Circuit tier rewards this week, so getting the blueprints that way might be a good bit easier and faster than through Simaris :) @marcus1502
  5. I love the Nightwave changes, but can the 'archgun kill' act be looked at as well? 500 enemies is way too unnecessarily grindy, I feel like 250 would be more than enough.
  6. Some of us have jobs pal, it sucks only being able to play for a certain time in a day but not being able to do the content you want to do
  7. Clamps are insanely good to have lol. Aside from Incarnon adapters and the Duviri melees which are one-time investments (unless you want duplicates from anything) - Arcrithis's shop has lots of good stuff. Not just Arcanes, also Rivens (lol), Arcane adapters, Forma and potato BPs
  8. Exactly this lol, it's hilarious to say 'they've forgotton Kahl missions and won't do anything with them anymore' in the middle of your response to them literally doing something with them
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