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Everything posted by (PSN)Hsinimod

  1. Seems great a concept. But thematically, if doing a rework, shouldn't either Electric or Ice do something with armor, shields, or overguard? Electric charges the buff. Ice coats the buff as a barrier. Fire and Toxin seem like they should have offensive ability themes. If needing a defensive concept, fire would purge statuses, or energize teammates with haste/speed/proc/crit/dodge. Toxin could do a parasitic leeching of health/life steal/nutrients for armor/energy for shields/overshields. Fire and Electric have some overlap as energizing themes. Electric and Ice as barrier type themes (although Fire could melt or blast away threatening objects), and Toxin is typically a debuff theme and reload speed and holster damage seems they ran out of ideas. I think Chroma is best described as thematically confused. Supposed to be a frame that does all 4 elements, but they forced a dragon theme that distracts players with what they want for a dragon frame... A rework should smooth out his elemental theme to use all 4 more efficiently. Not sure why they didn't let 1 and 2 cycle elements independently... if you want Ice armor and Electric breath, they should simply let his 1 have four types of use and 2 four types of use. I'm overthinking this, but your concept is neat and tidy at making Chroma better without a total rework. I like that. 👍 I'm just thinking about how I'd totally redesign Chroma and not use his current kit. I'd change his starting and max stats. Citrine causes four elements at once in immovable AoE zone while buffing Status chance and Duration, so I'd make Chroma simply have a 1 that does all four elements, in a cone (15, 20, 30 degrees) that reaches a far distance, leaves a trail and does guaranteed proc(s), 25 energy. His 2 would be an aura. 50 energy, 30 seconds, 15m. Prismatically cycles between 4 elemental effects that have offensive and defensive attributes. The elements would overlap as they cycle and duration would have all 4 active at once, similar to Christmas tree lights having cycling. 3 would be his offensive buff that scales from his offensive actions, and defensive buff that scales from incoming damage, including blocked, dodged, immunity, and canceled damage. Basically anything near a small radius of 1m to 3m would count as buffing his def. 4 would be an exalted pet. His armor would be a temporary specter type pet, doing some of its own abilities. Has a duration. Splits half Chroma's stats (health, shields, energy, armor). So the theme would be Chroma keeping his armor being tanky, providing and benefitting from lots of support, and his 1 being a spamming damage cone ability that he'd use around objectives/rooms/maps with great distance but not much width. Separating from his armor would be beneficial at max defense, for the increase of damage from the armor doing its own attacks. But, your idea is better for the obvious reasons of being feasible with how Chroma is implemented.
  2. I talked about Qorvex the day he came out to a high MR rank player. I mentioned how Oberon needs QoL adjustments because Qorvex does the radiation thing on all his abilities. The guy replied that Oberon is a support themed frame with strong CC. I replied that his CC is done efficiently by frames that do his support role better (Citrine, Qorvex, Nezha) while those frames maintain high damage potential. Energy and Health and status immunity tend to be replenished from mobs and companions and mods and arcanes and weapons and focus schools... making Oberon's kit outdated. Oberon is fun and strong, but his entire kit is needing QoL updates and upgrades.
  3. This is a great thematic idea about the mythos of Banshees AND how sound works! Banshees are associated with ghostly phasing abilities and sound travels through objects. Anyone that knows basic science and myth would see how thematic and accurate this idea is! The name is crap though! Oscillation should be the name of the ability. Reverberation should be the Augment. Or Vicious Reverberation. Or Resonance, Vicious Resonance. I think instead of Slash, it should target weaknesses. Similarly to Baruuk and Revenant having weakness targeting options. Sound Resonance can harmonize to physically shatter objects in real life. 4 does the vibrating thing you mentioned for defense to phase through damage, and destabilizes the enemy with structural damage similar to how sound can shatter objects. Earthquakes are technically soundwaves of such force and magnitude they shake the ground, but thematically for Banshee it doesn't make sense why she'd use a power to shake the ground of the enemy instead of directly shaking the enemy... if I had vibrational powers to create harmonic frequencies of my enemies, I'd shatter their armor and bones. I wouldn't bother with shaking space station floors... If 1 and 4 are combined, Sonic Scream should be the name and the animation changed to a simple scream. If wanting four "S" themed abilities: Sonic Scream Sonar Silence Static Oscillation
  4. Many games simply allow the player to click the buff and select remove. PC could remove with mouse click. Playstation could use the big middle touch sensitive pad to flick the cursor to the buff for removal. Xbox and Switch could figure something out. Or, add a Helminth ability that converts the buff type into something else. Or a mod. All speed increase buffs get turned into Shield Recharge and reduce Recharge Delay. Or speed buff gets turned into health per second. Or triggers a companion effect that consumes the buff from the player.
  5. Easier change, just make Merulina a hold/tap ability. Hold for the K-Drive. Tap for a simple animation of Merulina circling with an energy field to show the defensive bubble.
  6. The Coildrives have a lot of major bugs. Today, I ran the lvl 5 bounty a few times. Citrine, Revenant, Octavia. I know what to do from the previous glitchy messes of the past months. But they stopped taking damage. I'm host. Revenant was clearing the 2 or 3 Coildrives that spawned on one side of the area, but the drone got downed in seconds from another opposite the area. Tortured the Coildrives on the map for a while, observing the behaviors, noticing Danse Macabre was sometimes not doing damage, then reset the bounty with Citrine. Citrine's crystal stopped targeting them intermittently. Another player was in a necramech doing something ineffective, at MR18, and the bounty failed. Drone went from full, to half, to dead in less than 3 seconds. I was with the drone targeting whatever aggro it got, and saw Coildrives stuck in the cliff, the middle structure, and the debris, and I already killed a few. So I went about torturing Coildrives and observing behaviors of Citrine's abilities, and noticed her crystal applying Toxin, Fire, Ice, Electric, as it should, but the Coildrive not being stunned or slowed. Switched to Octavia to test Resonator and my higher rank lvl 30 necramech (higher than the MR18 who from profile had a lvl 7 necramech). Drone stayed alive a while, as I spammed Resonator to catch each Coildrive for taunting and finishing off, and Fissure enemies were spawning too, but the Coildrives spawning in opposite sides got stuck on various objects far from their path, and started targeting the Drone. I blasted with my Necramech to do the usual 100s thousands damage, but the one in the cliff was somehow not getting the radial blast. I decided to leave and post this because September, October, November, and now December seems like plenty of time for a company to have patched an obvious bug that is reported all over the internet since 2020. But I guess Canadian Programmers need 4 years to do a day's worth of work?
  7. The Coildrives are a buggy problem. They get stuck on debris, and range from the other side of the area that the drone is in. The amount of ammo to finish one off and the amount that can spawn create a situation of too many range attacks. The Objective solo is to kill 30 enemies. I literally had 15 dead and the area clear and the drone at full health with 1 coildrive stuck in the cliff. I switched to necromech because I couldn't find the coildrive, and watched the full health of the drone drop to 100. 100 health. I blasted the entire area hoping to catch 15 enemies before the coildrive finished the drone, and got 28 out of 30 when the orbital strike teleported mobs in, but the bounty failed. I tried Citrine for the burst damage, but the Coildrive basically requires a 100% crit primary weapon. I tried Revenant for the Mesmer Skin charged Danse Macabre to target weaknesses, but the health is too much. I tried Octavia Resonator to taunt enemies, and that mostly works but too many Coildrives get stuck and out of range and retarget the squad or drone. Necramech can blow the Coildrive apart easily, but the Coildrives spawning in and targeting Drone are a race of DPSing them before they DPS the drone. Basically, the tactics to destroy the Coildrives work easily, but the RNG of how many spawn and where they spawn/get stuck, makes a situation of racing to destroy them while having to deal with regular enemies. If I rush to get LoS on the Coildrive, the seconds to kill it as priority target is a judgment call on dealing with enemies asap. And I've killed 6 in quick succession, so the amount that spawn after killing off the others is another concern. I have no clue how a company would release such a mess of a mission. How many employees, team leads, and quality testers have dropped the ball on what is obviously known? I kinda hope Digital Extremes goes out of business and something better buys the copyright and makes Warframe better. Today I was noticing they weren't taking damage from some abilities. Citrine does Fire, Ice, Toxin, and Electric, but the Coildrive didn't get stunned. Revenant was using Danse Macabre and one Coildrive stopped taking damage. The area had enemies spawning from Thermal Fractures too, with none of the Fracture Events being activated. I switched to Operator to clear the area, and Void Status didn't trigger. I killed lvl 5 bounty ships with frames abilities, but those Coildrives required a few casts or an entire clip. There is something very wrong or incompetent going on, and I guess that is why the population of the game is so low with 4 platforms merged.
  8. 11 November 2023. 7:45ish pm EST. Was doing Voidstorm Neo missions on Neptune earlier that day. Mostly solo, no issues. Around 7pm, started getting pickup groups. Players entering after gathering the first Void Trace caught up because we were clearing the Secondary Objectives for Nautilus and bonus drops (the cargo ship that breaks apart as you run through the chambers). The missions were Survival and Exterminate. Survival, I stayed for 20 min helping two players, but I purposely chose to crack only one relic from the 0 to 5 min mark. I saw they both had the option to choose relic rewards. No reported issues. Exterminate had the issue twice at around 7:45pm EST. A squad of 4 formed, and I was second to join. We had some Void Traces before the 4th joined. All 4 players had 10 Void Traces well before the end of the Exterminate mission, but when returning to the railjack, only 3 players could choose rewards. I was using Neo T7 Relics because I had 1 or more of everything, and was using the relic to farm Void Traces to make Radiant relics for a different day. I was also farming for Sevagoth The bug was obviously 1 player didn't get to choose a reward, AND Gunsen Prime Handle from my relic dropped, and I didn't have it in the mission rewards screen after choosing Gunsen Prime Handle. All three players chose my relic reward because it was the only Silver reward and the other two were Bronze. I was happy about bonus Void Traces and another handle. There was a Bronze Reward from the third relic that I didn't have a copy of, but I chose to get another copy of Gunsen Prime Handle because I thought it was a gun and selling the extra part to Baro would be useful. All 4 players entered the same mission and I picked Neo T7 Relic Intact again. We had 10 Void Traces, finished the Exterminate, and the bug happened again with only 3 players could choose a reward. All 3 rewards were Bronze and we chose my relic for Harrow Prime Chassis Blueprint. I checked Mission Progress and it listed the combined first and second mission rewards, Harrow was listed but the Silver Handle was not. Figured it was a display glitch and checked my inventory on the Orbiter, but there was no Handle. Checked in game mail for getting mailed to me, but there is nothing there. It's 8am EST on 12 November 2023, and this bug is over a year old...... I checked my relics to see if it wasn't consumed, but the relic was consumed. Vaulted relic lost without a reward is a serious issue. Literally, just before doing these two Voidstorm Neptune Exterminate missions with my Neo T7 Relics Intact, I had sold my duplicate Prime weapon parts at Earth Relay for 500+ ducats. So when the reward tells me I have 1 Silver Handle already and I choose a duplicate, and my inventory doesn't have ANY and checking the mission rewards after first mission AND checking after second mission, AND checking mail, AND checking Orbiter, I know this is a bug.
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