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  1. Don’t even lie. You were all over that in 2009 like all the rest of us
  2. Never said it needs them but it would still be hilariously OP and fun Tell me without lying you didn’t enjoy the AC130 in MW2
  3. Yeah, they can, and not everything is going to be viable on everything in high level content, especially underpowered weapons and Hunter Munitions isn’t going to change that, it’s literally useless on Ignis. The slash procs do nothing. You’re better off running literally anything that increases damage/fire rate/crit. You have heat, heat+corrosive, all sorts of different frames and abilities to use or subsume for armor stripping or viral application. Ignis is very good in SP with the right setup and build but it needs the right setup. I’ve used it more than any other gun.
  4. Hunter Munitions does very little on Ignis and they’re running Grendel so no need for Viral with Nourish. Should be pure Heat.
  5. I dunno. I run some pretty off meta stuff and my build philosophy is largely based on effectiveness rather than pure damage on paper. Like if something makes something easier to use, I’m sacrificing the damage. Like… Ignis Wraith is literally my most used gun and as far as I’m aware people consider it garbage 😂
  6. Because counter strike is a PvP game - Warframe isn’t
  7. They ended up refunding me for it 😂 I did submit a bug report as well. I’m not sure how many people know about it. A lot were surprised when I first brought it up
  8. Haven’t gotten to try it yet but the hybrid potential definitely has me interested because my Voruna is hybrid
  9. The mass exodus is coming. I think it’s already been happening 😂 I enjoy souls games - just not in my loot based horde mode grinder games 😂
  10. Dude just go play Destiny that’s clearly what you’re looking for. Like I said you might be able to catch it before it completely sinks if you hop on board now I don’t understand how asking for the game to be harder makes vipers more viable - it makes them even less viable. Your solution is to make garbage viable by making meta garbage. So fun. Maybe just buff the garbage? That’s what incarnons are for. That’s circular logic though because then we stil end up at the OHKO you’re complaining about. Also? Level 34 heavy gunner? Steel path exists. Endless exists. Why are you using a gif of what is essentially tutorial mode enemies? Just go play Destiny I didn’t leave Destiny for this exact reason and drop $500 on this game for people to start crying for nerfs to destroy this game too. There are even people in this thread alluding to vertical progression hamster wheels - another garbage progression system. Like this is how these games are. You get the power and you reach the end state where that power destroys everything. You want that endless challenge and chase and that is achieved with arbitrary nerfs and vertical prog hamster wheels that simply give the illusion of progress - all of which are terrible design meant to appeal to addicts. The thing with nerfs for achieving this is it NEVER ENDS when this is your goal. It CANT ever end because you’ll always reach that end state and then more nerfs need to come. The game is designed largely around horizontal progression with incarnons bringing weak weapons up and with different flavours of god mode. There’s nothing wrong with that. You’ve got 50 something frames and thousands of build possibilities to play with. The alternative is terrible design meant to appeal to addicts.
  11. The game is balanced though - just not the way you want it - and you’re asking for every one else’s experience to be changed to meet your desires You want your power to matter more then go into endless for 3 hours. Saying gun A hits for 10 damage and OHKO and gun B hits for 10,000,000 damage and OHKO is a bit disingenuous as well and factually incorrect for most of the weapons in game. Stop using OP guns? Play something off meta? I’m playing with Larkspur - it does less damage than Ignis for gods sake. Like I dunno man… maybe you should go play Destiny? Might even be able to catch that train wreck before completely sinks with how they’ve been catering the game to requests like yours 😂
  12. Then play solo? Even more challenge. I don’t see the issue here. Basically you’re asking for others to be forced to conform to how you want to play against the established meta by stripping them of power and agency when you have all the tools you need at your disposal to make that a reality for yourself.
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