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Everything posted by (PSN)jason-helldz13

  1. Same It's already late and Corey who posts about these waves hasn't been online all day which probs means there isn't a wave today
  2. As far as I know When you link them it shows a header that the accounts are either merge available or just link available and below it there is another header where you chose which account is the primary it also shows mastery rank and days played and after that it's like 3 confirmations so it's really hard to mess up
  3. I made a PC account after the cutoff date for being merge eligible because of a section on the website that said as long as one of the accounts was older than the cutoff date you would be able to merge them, it was the only listed exception to the cutoff date. That section was removed from the website when the cross-save part of it was updated last week. Now I love the game but that specific line made me make a new PC account and grind some warframes I don't have on console just to be able to get them all in one account Why was it removed and why haven't we been informed because I have played 30 hours straight on my new account just to prepare it for the merge This is totally unacceptable at this point and I hope I could get a clarification on this the source of my info and why I thought my work on my new account is counted and won't be demolished. Below is the link before the Web edit in which we should have been informed about.. https://web.archive.org/web/20231208232545/https://www.warframe.com/crossprogression WHICH ACCOUNTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A ONE-TIME ACCOUNT MERGE? Any account created before 2 p.m. ET on November 24, 2023 is eligible for a One-Time Account Merge. You may also merge accounts created after the cutoff date, so long as the merge is performed with at least one other Warframe profile created before this date.
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