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Everything posted by xRedliine

  1. Like many others I had my forums & support account history wiped when I merged profiles, leaving an open support ticket behind that I could no longer access via PC but my phone would always log in to my old XB account and displayed the usual stats from before the merge, which included the old support ticket which had been responded to on Friday 19th Jan (but I had not received the usual email notification). If you have any older devices/browsers it may be worth trying to log in through those to check if you also get logged into your old profiles.
  2. Contact support and wait like 2 months at least probably
  3. It's been 26 days since opening a support ticket due to the site ignoring me selecting XB as primary when linking and instead pasting an MR1 pc account over it and all I've had since then is 2 automated responses telling me to browse the forums, my forums/support history wiped clean and 10 platinum seemingly removed from the tracked value with nothing fixed or even acknowledged by any staff. There's been dozens of posts with countless responses criticizing the state of current cross save implementation with no statement or anything to at least tell people they've been heard. It's embarrassing.
  4. I hate how I missed out on getting the crown cosmetic because I've been waiting 25 days for a response from support after my entire account inventory reset with the merge, that's super uncool.
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