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Everything posted by Colldbllue

  1. I'm not sure why this is such a hard Google but I couldn't find anything: Can every base, normal (I'm assuming you can't buy incarnon stuffs) weapon be bought with platinum? I've noticed a few weapons seem a little annoying to get due to rep grinds and If I could skip that with a little bit of plat I'm so down 😋
  2. Interesting.. is this for a speed run route or something? MR5 is like 1-2 weeks of play :o
  3. I hard agree! It's a bummer he's so aesthetically... awkward? yet having one of the coolest kits in the game imo.
  4. I just can't. It's definitely a cool concept for sure. But it just doesn't feel good. The sound, and feel of shooting doesn't do anything for me. I just want it to be over when it starts :/
  5. I am definitely not looking forward to the point of having to grind archwing weapons to progress mastery ranking. Its so bland and boring. And anything with sound in space (movies,games) always erks me. So I kinda disagree with it being a good concept ... But at the same time in a way it's cool that they have it. It's just a bummer I'll be forced to grind it eventually.
  6. Im on mobile so I can't easily mark it out but ... I just leveled up Rhino to get the mastery exp and immediately subsume to put the roar on revenant.... And I must say... I am quite comfortable never playing rhino again lol
  7. Like mostly all other ARPG's I've played... single target dps is really only used for bosses. I know I havent reached the elite tiers of the game yet, but watching streamers I see single target dps being used for this very purpose and I think its really cool! Using spells and aoe weapons through out a dungeon on the way to a boss, and then boom you get to the fragmented one, you whip out your furis incarnon and lay waste... its super cool! I don't see how an arpg could work otherwise. It seems like you are suggesting that you wish single target was used to take out mission trash. to me, in my opinion, that just aesthetically doesn't make sense. But the beauty of the game is you can build, and play however you want. I guess you'd just have to group with the right people to get your fix! :) We all have our opinions though and I respect all of'em!
  8. Give us more books! Whether it be more comics, lore novels, or graphic/art books. I would pay a premium for this! :)
  9. Pardon my ignorance. I'm a newb, I simply just don't know; But why does it even matter? Like -- no doubt I think hotfixes, and patching cheesy stuff should be done... but I assume it is to a larger degree like mostly all other live service games. So with the basics covered; why would some godly AOE meta even matter? Is there something to compete over? If you join a match with someone and they are spec'd for AOE, mowing things down.. isnt that a good thing? what else is there that could cause something like this to be negative for negligent?
  10. I always loved the graphics and movement. But then I learned it's literally my long lost favorite game. The unreal tournament destiny.
  11. Colldbllue


    So I know I'm new and haven't been posting recently and doubt anyone remembers me or anything...... but I almost had this thought: Out of all my ranting I've been dong in the forums about wishing there was some more 'meaningful' ranking/rating/competitive aspect of the game --- why didn't someone shake me and say "ELITE SANCTUARY ONSLAUGHT" .... because it's totally almost what I wanted; Theres a leaderboard right outside of ESO, and It's an infinite style gameplay mechanic that gets harder and harder as you go - aka, getting to very high levels is meaningful and can be tracked as some sort of skill rating (high score). Like, its totally a base feature of the game and something to work into _exactly_ what I was wanting to see from the game...; Maybe then attach a rating to your actual character that is more permanent with a season system (like an MMR that increases every time you achieve a new high score in ESO.. something like that.) But then I learned -- your not supposed to use warframe abilities in ESO??? Why??! ... so it kind of throws it out the window for what I've been hoping for. I think it's still cool, but it would be cool if it wasn't just weapon-centric? Unless I'm just completely misunderstanding it's purpose? I still think ESO is cool and very useful for ranking up weapons... but it was just my thought and realization that maybe what I wanted was here all along.
  12. I'm not sure whats going on tonight! Most games I have joined today had constant host migrations, sometimes during host migrations the game just froze (not literally froze, but the migration never completed so im just stick there.) My internet is fine. But I really couldn't do anything tonight because of this! anyone else experiencing this?
  13. Awesome. Thanks for the reply! I know we don't know for sure but your experience has provided some comforting insight for sure.
  14. So I don't doubt Soulframe will be an amazing game -- and it could even snake me from all games im prepared to be surprised. But I also love Warframe and don't want it to ever go away. What's your opinion on splitting up studio bandwidth, working on two titles? Are you ever worried that Warframe could die, or suffer severe content draughts because of it? Do you think DE is planning keeping Warframe alive for as long as possible? I'm brand new to the game and community. But from what it sounds like the team finally has Warframe dialed in, and it's experiencing new and exciting growth. Which is desperately needed. I don't think I would be so enthusiastic and committed to the game if I didn't see it's recent proven track record of new and exciting growth. The further you get into the game, the cooler it is.. which is proof of this.
  15. Pushing rating. I'm still new I don't know about lucky rng on tile sets or anything like that. I just think this game would greatly benefit from infinity content such as a more complex and purposeful rating system for users to enjoy competing with each other. More of an endless grind. Theres always a bunch of mixed opinion on things like this. I just finished playing WoW for 4 years straight, in a very hardcore fashion in Mythic+. It's the same over there. There is a minority of players who are extremely loud in their dislike for Mythic+ (which is a rating based scaled dungeon system). But there is still something like 10 million parses clocked in every season. The people who dislike it -- don't play it. The people who like it -- love it and play it non stop. And guess what, those players who play non stop usually like spending money too :). I just love this game and would love for it to be even more successful then it already is. And yes to your point it probably would come down to a couple handful of frames being the meta for something like this. But I mean.. so what. For those who enjoy it, we'll play. For those who wouldnt enjoy it (like you?) ... well then just dont play! Enjoy your frames I'm not saying you shouldnt! Warframe is a great game regardless. I feel like whenever these ideas are pitched people activate some internalized panic system and shut it down. But they forget that... they simply wouldn't have to compete! MMO's like Warframe have tons of systems and parts of the game which are optional. We can all enjoy what we'd like thats the beauty of it. And also to your point - Yep! It certainly would come down to AoE :). Mainly, people who enjoy AoE style combat would love this aspect of the game. Same thing with where I come from. The people who do raids are single-target damage freaks of nature and love optimizing it. And the people who push dungeons are aoe freaks of nature who love optimizing it. Would love to have our own corner here in WF too :)
  16. Conclave is pvp which is no where mentioned in my post. You, too, exposed yourself as having a 2nd grade reading comprehension level.. and that's IRL, as a human.. not even a tenno in a video game.
  17. Proud to say I'm officially a tenno. Completed the main codex's and unlocked steel path. Realized I couldn't shake the addiction and quit all games and made WF my new main game. I love it. But I still stand by something I've always thought and wanted to mention it as feed back. This game needs some sort of ranking/rating system. Which gives purposes to players who like to be competitive. Here's my pitch. Get rid of all all leadboards that are currently in place. It's cool that they're there but they lack meaning and purpose. There are too many metrics. They reset too fast. De-implement them. My suggestion is to implement a rating system that only exists in steel path difficulty. This rating is only recognized with full squads. And it is time attack based. Who can clear the hardest dungeons the fastest. Going a step further it would be cool to form static squads, a sort of team, that constantly optimizes and tries to raise their position on the leaderboards. Having this rating be an MMR of sorts. But positive reports only. (you can only increase your score / rating, not decrease It. Score resets every season.) I'm not sure what the rewards would be, maybe just a title or cosmetic or something for the top 1% finishers. Also, it would be nice to have your scores saved from every season on your profile. Have everything mentioned above as optional and you can hide and opt out of all of this if you wanted so no one feels forced in the community. That's it! I hope that makes sense to any devs reading :)
  18. I know I'm new. But now that I'm getting into The New War I had an idea. The game I come from has re-designed the introduction of the game many, many, almost too many times. But I think this would be cool; Instead of the current introduction, starting out as a frame. And then slowly getting and understanding of who we are, the plot, etc in the main story line codex I think it would be cool to actually start out as the operator (or drifter, or both, in a sort of prologue to the game). Because.. now that I'm getting an understanding of what's actually going on.. it makes the frame much, much cooler. A new person will fire up the game, notice the aggressive movement mechanics being in the warframe... and think that's just how things are. Not so much that we're wielding this super armor machine known as a Warframe, and this isn't how Humanoids actually move in this universe. ..the idea of starting out as a regular ol'humanoid makes the Warframe more exciting and interesting in my opinion!
  19. Haha I love it! Little things like this make the game more special.
  20. I know there is tons of references and I appreciate all of them. I feel like this one might be a little more niche so I wana call it out. Huge props to the devs I love this kinda stuff - During The New War, when your playing as Teshin. Teshin wears a notable ''sakkat'' style head gear. But it's a quite interesting headgear, its more of an actual head piece rather then a hat like a traditional sakkat. During an x finisher move, at the very end he says "Too easy." .... this is the same finisher line that Guile from street fighter says at the end of a round. Guile has also a notable ''sakkat'' style hair cut. I think it's a pretty obvious but niche reference. I also appreciate the other ones I've come across. MGS, Clockwork Orange. This game is a masterpiece.
  21. Yeah, I've always wanted it but especially gathering materials for the Voidrig... I felt I really needed it.
  22. Is there a way we can track the materials for any selected blue print on screen? if not ... this would be a super useful feature. Like, if we could ctrl right click a blue print in our foundry and it'll track the ingrediants we have (and as we acquire them) to the right of the screen.
  23. Warframe is a live service MMO ARPG. The only time a game of this genre would not be evolving with new progression is if there was a severe content drought or simply, a dead game. If this didn't occur there would not be any point in playing the game further then what the ''cap'' once was. I'm surprised by your reaction, usually when I experience that with a game I become very excited and motivated to play :)
  24. Cool input. Yah...... I swear it really is interesting. I come from WoW, I still play it pretty high in the competitive level (mythic+). I'm very active in the community there and it has a similar dynamic in the community. There is a huge chunk of players who despise the competitive aspect, to the point they wish it was out of the game.. even though they're not forced or anything at all to partake. Where as typically there is about 20 million parses recorded per season for this aspect of the game.... So it's hugely enjoyed for a silent majority. Dually, same thing with game difficulty. This huge swath of players do not like the higher difficulties where as that's what keeps a certain type of player (one that usually spends a lot of money on the game) around consistently. && Yeah I know there is already a way to view MR progress... but that's what particularly gave me the idea. It would be nice if I didn't have to press escape and virtually remove myself from the game to see my progress. It would be nice if I could see the bar increase as things are completed / achieved right there conveniently on my HUD. Cool comments though and I agree with all of them.
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