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  1. ty this helped. so i assume people like heat since ite easier to mod for and adds to gun and elemental dmg. maybe got that last part wrong but in general viral is still king? i think a quick overframe check showed me corr heat/ corr blast something gas etc. im guessing in general many combos could be more then viable now? but heat would be the best general dmg element
  2. Since the rework i havent been able to play all too much and when i do i just kept rocking my same setup since it seemed fine. And im sure it is im not someone that cant play this game unless im mid maxing or anything haha. But i do like to know what people are running and the meta just at least to get a base line and at least try some of the strongest builds. I noticed on some sites and youtube vids that viral slash isnt the general safest lazy build anymore? I dont have any friends playing so not sure who to ask haha so i figure id try here. I assume its different but is there no general setup at all? from what i gather corr heat seemed strong? im kinda looking for every weapon but i guess my main guns i like to re config are like latron torrid tetra melee dual tox etc etc. thanks
  3. yeah my glaive went from doing 800k-5mil to about 70k-400k. but thats not the worse part, the hit detection is so weird now. almost like its not AOE anymore and must be direct hit to register. im not sure whats going on but kinda sucks i only got the weapon a month or so back. oh well i got a lot other strong weapons it is what it is.
  4. if not too late ill like to enter pls. tyty. congrats on 30 i just passed my 27 yst
  5. Drops have been so slow for me. Especially without any boosters. Iv been just running the highest bounty hoping for the x15 and ofc off drops but thought i might ask here hoping theres a actual method people are using or specific mode people like, seems like im getting unlucky with the x15
  6. thanks for the answer. yes i am running nourish. wouldnt corrosive be good against grineer? well either way i do have nourish on so what would be your suggestion for statuses? im currently at 75% status chance do you think its decent to keep running raw status dmg or should i switch to crit?
  7. So im trying to get the strongest Dex pixia i can. Initially i ran with crit for a while and just recently decided to remod and kinda finding just raw corrosive/heat/slash (90slash 60status mod) have been quite strong but still even with crit. The crit also has corrosive heats without the slash mod as i cant fit it in. I have a lot of outside fire rate its not a problem and with the crit i used to have secondary crit shards which are still an option. If any titania players wanna give some tips or advice that would be cool. or maybe both are subpar and theres one i dont know about. thanks
  8. nvm just found out mk1 variant is worse then normal. how to delete post lol
  9. When i hover over the status chance break down on my sobek it would show each percentage lets say viral, slash, electricity for example in a different color. something like red, green, tan etc. what is it trying to indicate and what is affecting it? i cant seem to understand the mechanic as i move things around to get different colors. also one more question does having more multishot somewhat compensate for having a lower status chance? or would a high multishot be more not as efficient with lower chance. basically tweeking my sobek saryn and trying to make her super strong 😝 thanks
  10. oh wow...... i thought i was doing something wrong all day today. i felt so weak. my first only only "end game" build 😢 oh well is what it is
  11. actually i just couple days back found out about the corrupt mechanic. so silly i had no clue. BUT being aware now and playing accordingly.. i mean nothings really changed. it seems like most are corrupt by the time i kill them anyways not many times did i have to leave the area due to readiness. like i said it must be in my head then lol. but im still gonig to just say my eyes cant be lying to me this consistently 😅 call it luck call it noob i dunno when my teammtes kill then reactant pop out. when i start killing theres nothing lol. still now if i dont get mine in the natural flow of the game running with the team then i wont even kill a lot. ill seek out team and pick up there sloppy 2nds
  12. cool thanks for offering some time. if i can ask, do you know what the drop rate mechanic is based on? is it per unit % chance will drop?(maybe times number of players/etc) or per mission will drop a total of x reactants times number of players? etc.. but you did bring up a good point, as sometimes i do catch myself splitting from the group for whatever reason like map knowledge or not speed rushing on purpose or accident etc. could be something to do with that although i still believe i produce less in every senerio even running together oddly. but its good to know that there shouldnt be any difference in my rate. i mean there probably isnt im probably tripping thanks
  13. At this point im almost certain this is the case or maybe im crazy. Just now i got out of a capture where all 3 were waiting and i had at least 40secs to find 1 reactant. i killed trash mobs for 40 secs non stop and nothing. this isnt unusual for me as ill probably average 1 per 40 secs or so of continuous killing if that. but i follow a teammate then after clearing the room the floor is covered with reactants like dollar bills at a gentlemen club. is there a mechanic that im not aware of? is this not suppose to be the case and maybe my brain lying to me? im cross save new but honestly iv ran so many fissure crack missions by now my most played game mode. past few weeks iv been on multiple types of boosters as well but i assume that shouldnt make a difference. any help? thanks
  14. Just trying to make a fast titania and using an ability gives me a speed boost. Not too familiar with all the subsumes if anyone got any ideas besides molt let me know!
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