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  1. It was generally spamming melee, or spamming melee + holding block for alternate repeatable combo. Using other combos would generally be used for stronger enemies, some combos and stances which had cool stuff like auto-finishers at the end or status procs.
  2. Having her 1st ability work similar to what Kullervo and Dagath could do would be nice. Like, you can mark groups of targets that give lifsteal when damaging them. (If on full health, lifesteal % instead gets converted to extra damage on that target?) On-kill effect grants overguard and/or has a chance to drop universal orbs? Shooting linked enemies spreads the effect, and Blessing gets a bonus duration increase based on the amount of marked enemies in affinity range?
  3. As title says, I was playing the new disruption mission, but after changing my controller settings, the environmental lighting stayed at 0, causing the entire environment to be dark until I extracted. I looked around the forum a bit, didn't see anyone else report on this.
  4. To add onto it, I kinda wish they also gave us the ability to colour code buffs, so it's easier to tell when you get stuff like Mystic Bond, or Pax Bolt.
  5. As a Nekros Main -Primary: Kuva Ogris, nuke everything. -Secondary: Sporelacer kitgun, nuke 1 dude that's tanky. -Melee: Ripka, 100% gore amalgam mod gives my ogris the ability to gib enemies, free loots. --- Still stuck in old times I guess
  6. In regards to stances, I guess what I miss is how in the old way, moves and combos chained together more naturally. Nowadays holding melee repeats short moves in order, requiring button combos in order to achieve something akin to older stances. Tfw I somehow had ancient footage laying around. (Old clip muted because desynced audio) TLDR or something old melee was generally more mobile, with button mashing combos being simple slashes, new melee has lots of stances that can limit your mobility with good combos requiring you to stand still. Get rid of stationary melee combo, bring back button combinations combining standard melee, melee + block, and melee + pauses
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