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  1. Personally I prefer to play solo to not worry about other's playstyles and when I public I decide to just suck it up and accept however others play. When it comes to people not responding it's possible they possible they speak another language or they're on console. I play on pc with my controller but I switch to my keyboard for sending messages. With controller it sometimes changes the letters to other random letters and typing on the virtual keyboards on console with a controller is a lot slower than typing on a regular keyboard. A 30 seconds or less message with a keyboard can be a 1 to 3 minute message on console so trying to type during a mission just leads to unnecessary deaths.
  2. Personally I just click on the arcane slot on the weapon and it ask if I want to buy an arcane adapter.
  3. Maybe with certain weapons now but I remember when I was starting out I didn't know you could fuse mods(I thought they had to drop at higher ranks) so I was playing with just base ranks mods and enemies in the 20's almost felt like minibosses and I was maybe tickling enemies in the mid 30's.
  4. I remember being stuck on this test for like 3 months until I watched a youtube video and realized you can bullet jump and how to do it. I've seen 7 and 8 year old videos and more recent ones and the test are still the same. Some test let you use abilities and some don't. Like somebody mentioned bullet jump is crouch + jump. Take your time to shoot the orbs and aim at where you're jumping.
  5. I started when you fused mods instead of using endo. I wish I had known early on that you could fuse mods. Either the game doesn't tell you or I somehow missed it but for a while I was using base rank mods and struggling to kill level 20 enemies. I thought higher rank mods had to drop until one day I started messing with the mods and realized you could fuse them. That made things a lot easier.
  6. A guy I played Destiny with recommended it to me.
  7. I came back after almost 5 years and did the new war about 2 weeks ago. I did it with a rank 0 no mods nechramech and had no problems. You only use the necramech for like 10 minutes. The New War was my first time using a rail jack. I had no intristics and no mods and still managed to do it. I would recommend getting at least enough intristics for speed, a crew member, and some basic mods to make the railjack section less painful and slow though.
  8. I came back after almost 5 years. If you hover over the arbitration alert it should tell you which nodes you're missing. That's how I kept track. Then you visit Teshin after the nodes are complete.
  9. Wait for cross save to become available again. You could read the FAQ about cross save in account management in the mean time. I had only played warframe on ps4 so I only had to choose my psn account as my primary account to save from. I'm not sure what merging is like but the account you want to keep should be in green.
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