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  1. Dear [Digital Extremes Ltd], I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue I have encountered in Warframe, specifically related to cross-platform trading. Recently, Digital Extremes Ltd. enabled the ability to trade items across different platforms. However, I have observed a significant drawback to this feature. Once an account is merged, it restricts trading capabilities with players who have not performed the account merger. This limitation is not only inconvenient but also appears unprofessional. I understand that the development team may have implemented this feature with positive intentions. However, the current situation is hindering my ability to fully enjoy the game and provide assistance to other players. I kindly request that the team considers addressing this issue promptly through a hotfix or relevant update. This adjustment would greatly improve the overall gaming experience for users like myself who value the collaborative aspects of Warframe. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I appreciate your ongoing efforts to enhance the gaming experience for the Warframe community. Sincerely, [Isaiah Plater] [Crackbabyy13]
  2. I completely share your sentiments regarding the trading issues after merging accounts in Warframe. It's indeed frustrating when an intended improvement ends up causing more inconvenience. I've also experienced difficulties with cross-platform trading, and the limitations on trading with players who haven't merged their accounts are a significant drawback. It's impacting not only my personal gaming experience but also my ability to assist others effectively. I believe a prompt resolution to this matter, perhaps through a hotfix or an upcoming update, would greatly benefit the entire Warframe community. Let's hope Digital Extremes addresses this concern soon to enhance the collaborative aspects of the game. Thanks for bringing this up, and let's hope for a positive change soon.
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