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  1. 1. When purchasing arcane’s a side menu popping up to the side should show how many of each rank you have owned. This way when we are trying to complete collections we aren’t going back and forth between menus or having to write everything down. 2 Codex in the orbiter and the Dormizone merged as they show different things 3 a search menu for the star chart 4 incomplete section to have a toggle in mods and arcane’s that will remove the max rank and rank zeros so we don’t accidentally start ranking them up all over again thinking we don’t have them maxed. (Recently had to break a lot down because I had several rank ones of the same type) 5 incomplete section for mods to remove max ranks and 1 of each mod so we can choose to sell mods for endo or credits at mass without worrying about accidentally erasing a mod from our inventories 6 removal of line of sight >:) (had to add it lol)
  2. REVERT LOS CHANGES AND THEN REMOVE LOS THEN REVERT DANTE TO ORIGINAL RELEASE this is 95% feedback please acknowledge it and stop avoiding it.
  3. Whatever the case may be Dante’s abilities need to obviously work as they were when he was first released everything about him was perfect and he was fun to play. Line of site has in deed always been an issue and honestly needs to be at some point removed. If they want to make line of sight relevant do 5% more damage to enemies who are in sight. I know target went through walls and honestly it needs to go back to doing so as it allows a tactical advantage wants you understand how his abilities work. TLDR Dante’s release state was perfect and as such should go back to what it was. As it wasn’t overpowered especially since he is designed as a high level frame.
  4. I have played angels of the zarimon since it came out and my immediate thought when they added the portals was “well thank god I got done with that content before they added that” now (UNFORTUNATELY) they have added it to the newest content and I need to go back to the zarimon for entrati lanthorns as well… oh joy… please Devs please I am begging you please make an off switch or tell me about one that exists already. I have held my frustration in for far too long that going to get a bounty in either location now makes me fill with dread as I accidentally bumb into them constantly
  5. Default controls on my switch, which I did buy in the USA at a Gamestop do this. referring to ABX and Y as down right left and up respectively Down and Right are swapped on Nintendo switch and up and left get swapped too right (a on switch) should = melee Down (b on switch) should = jump Left (y on switch) should = reload and up (x on switch) should = weapon swap so if you can imagine me having a stroke because A and B, along with X and Y getting swapped I’m sure you can understand 😂
  6. I don’t know if digital extremes is away but I think the code for another platform such as Xbox was copied over to create switch version the reason I’m saying this is because on Nintendo switch A and B are swapped and so if you play any platform (such as Xbox, PlayStation, Pc with controller, or even mobile with controller,) And then you try to play on Nintendo switch you will quickly find yourself thinking your having a stroke due to controls being remapped due to where the physical buttons are such as A and B being swapped.
  7. I created a mobile account but can't connect it to my pc account is there going to be a fix? because all it does is switch who I'm logged in as.
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