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Posts posted by Mrevasivepants

  1. Incorrect.

    The whole "Invis/SS gives crits" has been a misconception since they were introduced to the game, and it's an understandable confusion since the damage shows up in the same colour and the bonuses appear similar (and, under Damage 1.0, critical hits while cloaked would show up in red numbers). But, since I joined the game in late U7, Invis and SS never worked on crits, and were capable of stacking with them just like any other external damage multiplier. Here's how it worked:



    - All normal melee attacks while invisible deal 150% of their usual damage. All charge attacks deal 200% of their usual damage.



    - The "invisibility damage bonus" is scrapped entirely. The Stealth Multiplier mechanic (where melee strikes, both charged and uncharged, deal 400% damage on unalerted enemies) is introduced; casting Invisibility and Smokescreen will force a Stealth Multiplier for their duration.


    Post-U13 (kinda unrelated)

    - Charge attacks are removed from the game. Melee Mode, the combo system, and the Channeling system are introduced.

    Finishers now function properly for most weapons, and all Finisher attacks (ground finishers, stealth finishers, the new parry finishers, etc) have a forced Stealth multiplier. Weapons are given different "Finisher multipliers" depending on their category (e.g. many Heavy weapons had a 6x finisher multiplier, which meant that, combined with the forced stealth multiplier, any Finisher used on an enemy with the Jat Kittag or something would deal 24x damage).


    Shortly after U13 (someone correct me if I'm wrong):

    - Stealth Multipliers no longer trigger Berserker. The only way to reliably activate Berserker is through criticals.


    Late U13:

    - Forced Stealth Multipliers from Invis/SS/Radial Blind are nerfed. Bumping into an enemy before dealing damage will wipe the multiplier, and dealing damage to an enemy will disable the multiplier for subsequent attacks unless you avoid shanking it again for a certain amount of time (a second or two, I believe).


    Update 15.13.0:

    - All melee weapon types now have the same Finisher multipliers (8x for level 30 weapons, which stacks with the forced stealth multiplier for a total of 32x damage during Finishers). Stealth killstreaks for all weapon types (both gun and blade) are introduced, which provide massive Affinity bonuses for stealth kills.


    Someone correct me if I'm wrong on anything, and feel free to add onto this list if I've missed anything important.



    Not criticals. Forced 400% stealth multipliers.

    why thanks, glad i'm updated now.

  2. Greetings, you must be quite old and haven't checked up with the updates.

    They removed the ability mods, and they were refunded with fusion cores for each warframe ability you had


    Warframe abilities can now be adquired and upgraded throught leveling your warframe up.

  3. While invisible, regarding to loki's invisibility and Ash's smoke screen, you get a 100% crit chance with a 200% crit dmg multiplier(if i'm correct on the latter) + the stats on your melee weapon. I.E once with a tipedo, you can have a 120% crit chance while invisible, meaning the yellow crits will be from invisibility proc itself, and red crits from your actual weapon + the invisibility proc.

  4. Hi there,

    Have you seen those "you've been playing for over an 1 hour" Heads up info? Me too.

    Do you want to play warframe while also being fit? ME THREE.


    So i introduce you the How to get fit playing warframe! (Not sponsored by the Flow Clan)


    The rules are simple, after each mission, you'll have to do a serie of workouts depending on what your mission had.


    Here goes the list of workouts:

    Failing a mission = 20 Push ups.


    Ignoring Defense position/VIP to go selfishly farm enemies = 20 Leg raises


    Mastery rankies < 3 outside of Earth, Mercury and Venus = Y x 5, being Y the number of teammates with a mastery rank equal or below 3.


    Russians in your squad = Y x 10 Squats, Being Y is the number of russians in your team (Yourself not included if you're russian)

    Boltor Prime / Rhino Prime = Y x 10 Cross Punch sit ups, Being Y is the number of teammates with one of those referings (Yourself is included)


    When you go down =  Y x 5 Bicycle crunches being Y the number of times you go down.


    Do this after each mission and you'll be fit for a pie! Errr...i mean... er... DATE! date, that's what i meant, date. I'll just go back over there eat the rest of my cake, have a good one Tenno!

  5. Greetings,


    I used to play this game and others with an american squad, but then i realized they were a bunch of drunktarded emos and a few months later they dropped me off.


    I'm an experience player, i'm updated to almost everything in warframe, and i look for people to mostly have fun (and to farm credits)

    Here's what i ask from you:
    -Please do speak english

    -Please do have any sort of communication software(Skype would be mostly appreciated) 


    I'm european myself, and expect me to have a slow connection due to my pre-historic low budget pc.


    Thank you for reading, good day.

  6. Every warframe has been designed with it's parts and counterparts:

    Mirage: 240 health and 240 shields at level 30, along with 65 armor.

    Rhino: (Hell, i'll even use rhino prime) 300 health and 450 shields at level 30 along with a 190 armor.


    You're comparing warframes for their abilities and not keeping in mind their stats as well, also, yes, valkyr has histeria, but restrained to use melee only, along with a 600 armor and extreme low amount of health and shields.


    Rhino is good how he is, he is a very good warframe, whether was he designed to be a face tank frame or not, he has everything anyone can ask for(Mobility, Tankyness, Damage buff, and CC) and he's balanced, if not one of the most powerful frame.


    Excluding abilities aside, and putting in a good survival build, rhino is likely(along with saryn as well maybe) the only warframe who doesn't get 1 hit kill against the nullifiers after 40-50+ mins more in a T4, he still goes down in 2 or 3 shots from that op Lanka, but it still proves my point on how your previous statements are oblique and obsolete.

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