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Posts posted by Vanadium

  1. This post smells troll-y.


    Just tried my 3-forma Braton Prime (I gave up at some point...) in T4E against 3 Boltor Primes.


    I won.


    The reduced ammo is meaningless. Lotus forbid that we actually have *gasp* switch weapons when we run out.


    Get some ammo restores and then go enjoy your gun.

  2. Latest report is that the buffs are submitted and after a test pass it is possible they will be in the next Hotfix, the notes will confirm!



  3. But that bump-mapping on the wires looks so good! /sarcasm


    Yeah, the plasma sword does look pretty sad. In U8 it was my favorite weapon since it kind of looked like a khanda. Also, it and the Dark Sword had the highest charge damage of the longswords. And I still haven't sold it.


    Would love for it to get a facelift (and a stat buff).

  4. 'Search by tag' would be great. Keyword search leads to endless 'WTS xyz' posts.


    I do notice that some sections get more activity than others and a lot of times I see art/level design related posts shoved in General/Warframe/Weapon sections (the most popular). I don't know if this is because people don't feel like their idea will get picked up in A&A/M&M or because they just overlook those threads entirely, but being able to tag a post as 'weapon' and 'art' would probably help.

  5. Not sure if this has been posted yet.


    Just don't want all the Archwing stuff to clutter up the other sections or Archwing feedback to get drowned by "buff pls" threads, since it's kind of its own game. Preferably placed right under (or after) 'Weapons Feedback'.


    Generally, I'm enjoying Archwing. Better than Kubrows, fo' sho'.

  6. -snip-


    Time/forma? You talk about these things like they're precious when leveling weapons. Just stick it in your pocket and take it everywhere. We're not losing anything. Also, it starts with 2 polarities already, so the gun saves you time/forma right out of the foundry. Go rush some T2Cs for Forma, done.


    As for nerf: takes its damage down to from 55 to 40. This gives it a 62.5% increase in damage over vanilla Boltor (still more than other "good primes"), as opposed to the ~120% increase over vanilla boltor. Why is this gap so huge?


    Actually, there will be no trading involved. Just like how the OPness of the Acrid was cruelly (and deservedly) ripped from its abusers, the unnecessary beefiness of the BoltorP's damage is just going to be taken away. You won't get anything back, you'll just be left with something less. So, bad analogy.


    Wait, you don't even use it?


    Why are you even fighting against its nerf then? If you doesn't strongly affect you either way, then why do you care? We're not attacking some oppressed subculture, we want to see an OP gun nerfed, so that you don't have to go into a game with 3 other guys using BoltorP. I feel like calling you a troll right now, since I'm not sure why you feel strongly about this. It feels like you're arguing this point for the sake of arguing. Please don't be that guy.


    20p. That's how hard it is to get the BP and Barrel. Or 25p or something. The barrel was actually the most common component when it was first released, so one of my barely-plays-the-game-now friends is sitting on a platinum mine right now. Jerk. Anyway, 20-25p is not hard to scrounge up.Just sell some vault run/nightmare dupes.


    The gun is fair! Jeez Louis! How is not fair!? It shoots fine! You point and shoot! Simple! Easy! This isn't a personal want, its already in the bloody game! What's "fair for the players" and "best for the game" sounds like you're asking for a nerf of everything that's actually good for the sake of making things that look less good a bit better. 


    This. This is the attitude that ruins Warframe. "What wrong with Trinity? You just press 4! Simple! Easy!" "What wrong with Sweeper? You don't even do anything! Simple! Easy!" Easy mode is exactly why these things got nerfed. It's why Iron Skin has finite health. It's why Vortex + Ignis got fixed. This list can go on for ages. With Boltor Prime, you point, shoot, and the way is cleared. Everything is over. It's boring. Sorry if this forces some players to play the game.

  7. Also getting some sudden FPS drop on my laptop.


    I feel like this keeps happening. One update, my FPS will fix itself and I can do Void missions without a hitch. Next hotfix, it drops again. Kind of frustrating. I've given up on "game boosters", since they don't seem to do a thing. Excavation is particularly slow.


    Of course, the worst are the vine-filled tunnels in Derelict missions. Even my desktop has trouble with those.

  8. They're not Tyranids, dawg. Like #3 said, they're a disease. They adapt the material available to them as best they can, as efficiently as they can. I don't want to fight dumb aliens. I want to fight a threat to life in the solar system as we know it. When I infiltrate an Infested barge/asteroid/derelict/watever, that's exactly what I feel like I'm doing.


    They're kind of like the Flood, but with a more spread out "self-awareness" (rather than just coming from one big, dumb plant), and I treat them as the real threat to Origin system because of the art style the DEvs have given them.


    So, no. I disagree.

  9. Yes!


    Nyx should have more gear if she's doing crazy mind-control stuff. 




    Pretty old drawing, but I still think it's pretty good. I'm kind of tired of Nyx being "Excalisister". She needs a stronger identity and since the only way Warframes possess identity is through their appearance, well...she could use a make-over. Just me, though.

  10. As a Loki fanatic, I will say that I don't like the new helmet. The old Loki helmets generally have this scalloped, intricate but subtle look to them, while the new one almost looks...Corpus?


    It makes sense, Lore-wise. The Tenno, no longer "just woke up", are taking inspiration from the dominant cultures in the System. But I'm old school. I'm puuuuuuure Tenno, puuuuuuure master race. I'm not wearing no Corpus-looking headgear.

  11. Just wanted to add something I'm pretty sure everyone missed on the weapon foundry description: bZlEk.jpg


    So clearly they forgot to add the reduced range part? Personally I think bolt drop, like every other physics impact weapon in the game has, would be a fair change.


    On that note, foundry descriptions on many weapons are quite misleading. IE Plasma Sword


    I interpreted that as "falloff for a rifle", which would have been interesting. Then I took it out and found it was just like my vanilla Boltor, only it rekt the whole game.


    Nerf Boltor Prime, pl0x. I'm tired of going in to a game with the 3 other guys using Boltor Prime (while I have my Dread, which is still better). If only because it's boring to see half the playerbase using it. It almost makes me miss the days of people running around with Pentas, Ogrises, and Somas, blowing themselves up or doing minimal damage past 40 min. At least explosive weapons have a "use with caution" attached to them (and Soma ain't OP anymore, thanks again to more powercreep).


    This is coming from a guy who wants to use his Boltor Prime. It's sitting in my arsenal with 2 formas on it. I had my fun with it, but now I'm done. It's kinda like Rhino: easy mode for Warframe. I loved the Boltor, it was the first weapon I ever potatoed. The Boltor Prime, appearance-wise, is a worthy successor (unlike Burston Prime or Paris Prime). But it really feels like I'm cheating when I pull that weapon out of the arsenal.



    Not at all trolling. Any weapon in the game with equivalent mods will royally stomp the mobs you're saying the Boltor P is OP against. Furthermore, if you're not talking about endless content, there is no point in discussing balance period, because everything is overpowered. Smite and Psychic Bolts are OP. Fireball is god tier. Tesla Coils are too strong. Null Star is game breaking.



    I mean ffs you're talking about content that slash and dash 1-2 shots mobs in and complaining something is OP there? Give me a break.




    Geez, either you're really new (welcome :D) or you are trolling. You seriously made me lol. I laughed at what you said like it was a Will Ferrel SNL skit. So, good trolling.



  12. While as a combat veteran I can appreciate a fine weapon here and there, what relevance does this have to Warframe even in the slightest bit? I could understand if it was a discussion about a in-game weapon concept, but this seems way out of left field. That being said, if you want a great multi-barreled weapon, nothing gives you a rush like firing a black powder duckfoot. The more technology, the lower the reliability. If you need more than one barrel to hit the target, you need more practice. 


    That's why it's in Off-Topic :P


    In terms of relevance to Warframe, we (Tenno) have all these multi-barreled guns with multi-shot. Now, suddenly, IRL is catching up to Warframe's ridiculous approach to small arms. That's the relevance.


    Also, duckfoots sound kind of expensive, being antiques.

  13. That guy in the vid above says they're "exploring applications" (accompanied by nervous chuckling) after the interviewer flatout says "so, not very tactical". 


    And no, this review is not intended for someone who doesn't know much about guns.


    It's not that it's lighter. This base model is just a compact, proof-of-concept/production. It's compact probably because that 16" civ-version he's talking about is going to have the mobility of a 15th-century arquebus (more jargon!).


    A vanilla AR-15 of the same barrel length and same upper/lower receiver is going to weigh less, always. That's the point I'm making. And it isn't any more versatile then any other AR-15 derivative (unless MoreDakka™ is considered versatility).


    Simply, it's a liability and dead weight.

  14. ...Because you got IRL competition.


    So, we did it. By 'we', I mean the human race. Specifically, I'm referring to Israel (this isn't about Gaza; also, no political hijacking, please).


    Lo and behold:




    The Gilboa Snake, made by the same guys who invented the CornerShot™ attachment.


    Here is a comprehensive article by this Russian guy (turn your ad-blocker on, his site has sooo many ads): http://world.guns.ru/assault/isr/gilboa_snake-e.html


    Here is a Youtube video showcasing the "civvy-version" of the Snake:



    So, basically, Israel's answer to the modern-day warzone is...MoreDakka™? Seriously? I'll be right out, from a practical standpoint, I'm looking at this thing negatively.


    But, for a space-future-opera-sci-fi, something like this is perfect (because who cares!) and I think we need some more multi-barreled gunswag. Tiberon was a great start, so keep it coming. (Assuming the DEvs actually read Off-Topic)


    Yeah, I'm gonna do a I-haven't-handled-this-gun-but-here-are-my-first-impressions gun review. I want to. This gun is begging for it. Feel free to just stop reading if you don't care much about guns (or you think what I'm saying is dumb). I won't be offended. I mean, I might go cry in the shower a little, so no one will see the tears.


    Now, I'm looking at this gun from a purely for-tactical-military-use perspective.


    So, why is this gun a big deal? There have been multi-barreled small-arms before, but most of those are either custom jobs or were prototypes that never made it to production (or are really, really old). The Gilboa Snake is unique in that it is a production model. It is being made and sold (or at least marketed) en masse to military/law-enforcement. Kind of a big deal.


    And, the video, the guy is right. When you only get one shot (lol) to take a guy down, why not fire two bullets at the same time? Especially given the increasingly noticeable lack of performance of the 5.56 NATO round on today's battlefield, multiple shots are often necessary to "neutralize" a threat (with the 5.56 NATO round) when you aren't sure where the round is going to hit on a target.


    That doesn't mean this is a good answer.


    First, let's look at weight:


    Barrels are kind of heavy. The 9.5" (241.whatever mm) version of the Snake weighs 9.4 lbs (4.27 kg), while the 10.5" HK417 (another successful attempt by foreigners to make the AR-15 platform better) weighs 7.2 lbs (3.31 kg). So, a gun that is more accurate (going by barrel length), is made by Germans (famous for guns all the time), firing the same round, is 2+lbs lighter. Now, I don't go trekking in backcountry with assault rifles and bazookas in my day pack, but after a few weeks of moving through difficult terrain, you become sensitve to every ounce of weight you are carrying. No joke. So those 2 lbs makes a big difference.


    For every inch of barrel on an assault rifle, you are increasing weight ~.05kg (this depends on a lot of things and is very subject to change). And the Snake has two.


    Also, you have two mags loaded. A standard 30-round AR-15 mag (those Vietnam-era aluminum ones) weighs ~15oz. loaded. So, there's another 2 lbs.


    Next thing, double-ejection ports. Yeah, it has brass deflectors, but you still have hot brass flying near your face, no matter if your righty or lefty. Regardless, it's going to pool on both sides of you, something to consider. Front-ejection would have solved this problem, but they built it on an AR platform, which probably can't do that, ever.


    Reading the Russian's article (who probably received his info straight from the manufacturers), it doesn't sound like there is an alternate-between-barrels fire mode. There's semi-auto, which shoots both barrels simultaneously, and there's full-auto, which shoots both barrels simultaneously really fast (The civ-version does have independent barrel control, go figure). In other words, when you're just looking to suppress or take potshots, you're wasting twice the ammo. So, you don't have 60 rounds (I mean, you do, but...), you have 30 shots. In other words, the same as any other un-modded AR carbine. Except you need to carry twice the ammo.


    Yes, there is the doubled chance of "incapacitation", but that's assuming you hit. Have you ever tried shooting? Have you ever tried shooting a target at 100+ yards? Are you good at it? Cool. Now, imagine that hot lead is replacing the air around you and you are suddenly, rudely, reminded of the existential-dread-inducing fact that you can die right now. Not that I would know either, but in actual combat your shooting goes to S#&$, says science:  http://www.virginiacops.org/articles/shooting/combat.htm


    Then there's this side-by-side orientation of the barrels and the placement of the gas piston block between them. This creates a consideration gap between shot placement, which looks to be more than .5", just eyeing the gun (for reference, the 100-yard MOA of acceptably good military/police sniper rifles is usually 0.5"). So, in other words, there's a chance one will hit and the other will miss after physics has had its fun with two bullets exiting the same gun to hit a single target at range, because humans stand up straight. We aren't deer. We're tall, not long. The smart thing to do would have been an over-under configuration (but that causes hard problems for where the magazines go and how it cycles rounds, obviously). 


    Finally, you have two automatic guns, machined together, firing at the same time. One of the reasons many armies are still issuing bolt-action rifles over semi-auto rifles as standard for their snipers, is that the action of a semi-auto rifle cycling its rounds interferes with the accuracy of the gun, while a bolt-action simply shoots. Unless Gilboa worked some serious gun magic, this gun it going to have accuracy issues, countering the intent of fast-reaction, instant incapacitation they were going for, unless this gun is strictly used for CQB (Close Quarters Battle). I mean, maybe that the bullets are exiting at the same time means that they escape the forces exerted on one another. But you still have twice the forces being exerted on the gun and the subsequent bullets exiting the gun. I mean, just look at those crazy muzzlebreaks, no doubt to keep the recoil reasonable. But who can say (Gilboa probably won't). All I know is more moving parts means more chance for error.


    I feel like this gun is highlighting the limitations of the 5.56 NATO round, which Superpowered militaries have been trying to replace for the last decade (6.8 Remington, 6.5 Grendel, etc.). We need two bullets in one shot now for a gun to do what we want to do, so this gun was made. Hardly sounds like the solution 


    The biggest issue is that they put it on the AR platform. The AR, while very light with its current skeletonized, minimalist set up, is a failing platform, with lots of limitations. The AR-15 and its derivatives are, simply, (semi-)automatic guns. They shoot bullets, eject brass, cycle the next round, repeat. There's nothing too special to them, and thus it's difficult to expand the system. Really, they should have built this from the ground up as something completely different. Also, what they were going for (placing multiple shots on a target in a very small instant) was already achieved by several other guns with just one barrel (HK G11, AN-94, etc.). The only improvement over the vanilla AR-15 Gilboa has made is moving the return spring into the upper receiver, instead of sticking out of the back, behind the grip (which has also been done before). This allows the fitting of detachable/folding stocks for compactness.


    Oh, it looks fun as monkeys, don't get me wrong. It's just kind of a dumb gun. It's an easy solution to a military problem and those always have consequences (carpet bombing, chemical warfare, cluster bombs, etc. [granted, the scale of these is much greater than a gun with two barrels). The point is, if you want to evolve the military complex, to solve its increasingly prolific efficiency problems, you gotta spend the time/money/creativity to do it.


    MoreDakka™ isn't the answer.

  15. Won't tell you to use Hikou. That's dumb. Despair still #1.


    First, remove your Pistol Gambit and Tainted Clip. Despair is not A) a crit weapon and B) has a reload speed too fast to need mag increasing mods.


    Despair is about raw damage, let's get that out of the way.


    Second, I'd say you'd want to re-forma (yeah, sucks) two of your 'V' slots to '---' (dash) slots, since you're going to be packing full elemental damage. Forget status. Despair is also not a status weapon. It's an old-fashioned, rainbow-build, armor-piercer.


    The most versatile damage type (IMO) is Corrosive: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Damage_2.0/Corrosive_Damage


    Just look at all those factions that have NO resistance to Corrosive (except protoshield, but only Corpus Techs and Alad V/Zanuka have that)


    Here, my build: http://warframe-builder.com/Secondary_Weapons/Builder/Despair/t_30_22203030_193-1-5-195-6-5-204-0-10-205-7-3-206-2-5-209-4-5-212-5-3-263-3-3_204-7-193-6-206-6-263-7-209-6-212-7-195-6-205-9/en/3-0-34


    This Corrosive/Cold build will tear through mostly everything and have a little cold damage on the side to deal with shields. The status mods are on there just to stack as much corrosive as possible. And yeah, I said it doesn't need Mag-size mods, but I like having those 14 knives.

  16. No. Just put Crimsion Dervish on it and get in their face. Nothing survives.


    It's looks most like a backsword: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backsword

    But, obviously, it has that dumb widening which throws it off.


    But the widening of blade (the 'belly') isn't acute enough and there just aren't enough examples of falchions/messers/whatever that feature a full knuckle-guard to call it falchion/messer/whatever.


    It's both, I guess. Looks good on Loki, all that matters.


    Either way, both of these sword types were pretty short, rarely exceeding ~30-32in. We're pretty lucky that ours is so long.


    But really, I just don't think DE knows that much about swords, which is fine/expected.

  17. Corpus weapons do have a weird lack of consistency in damage type dealt. Sort of. It's either Electric or Puncture, aside from special cases (like Glaxion)


    For Projectiles:


    Dera, Tetra, Supra, Cestra: Puncture




    Lanka: Electric

    Detron: Radiaton


    Beam Weapons:


    Spectra: Puncture

    Flux Rifle: Slash

    Quanta: Electric


    These are just guns that look like they're shooting the same thing. I don't mind variety, but it'd be nice if the projectiles were more element oriented.

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