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After a Khora 2hr survival, i want to share a few things


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So, i made a video of me playing Khora on Selkie, Sedna and i wanted to share it with all of you for 3 reasons:

  1. I enjoy playing Khora, and i wanted to show how i play and build her (builds at the end of the video if someone is interested in those).
  2. I see quite often people trash-talking about Khora's skillset, which i agree does have some issues and could be improved, but it isn't as bad as people make it look (Specially Whipclaw).
  3. Strangledome has some issues, and im not talking about mechanics, the more i keep using it in a mission, my FPS starts to go lower, at some point is unbearable, on the video you can see me go from 60 fps to 40 and even less at some point (by testing in some missions i've even gone to less than 20fps at some points), just to make it clear, this doesn't happen to me with any other skill in the game (the video was recorded just after a clean install of windows btw), also i know it's strangledome because the first hour of the mission i didn't use it even once, then when i got to the last part of the video, after constant castings i got my fps lowered, if someone else has experienced this or knows how to fix it i made a thread in the bug section and would love if DE paid attention to it so it gets fixed because it's one of the main reasons i just can't go further on a mission with her.


Here's the video, it starts at the second half of the run, the first hour was me pressing 1 and everything dying so it was rather pointless to record.



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Khora is really good. I’ve had fun with running her in 1hr Kuva Fortress Survivals. All I did was melee, Whipclaw, Ensnare, Whipclaw rinse and repeat with Heal Venari active. Strangledome is very cumbersome to use with a slight uncomfortable base duration to work with, so I barely use it at all.

There is a unique setup you can use with Khora’s Whipclaw and Strangledome if you go negative range (about 49% or so) with Mire built for Gas damage, but the reduction on range kinda destroys the fun in using her Whipclaw overall and CCing/propagating enemies with Ensnare. It’s a setup I wouldn’t advise.

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56 minutes ago, Lancars said:

That and you can command it. Don't have to hope it attacks the enemy you want it to attack.

I totally agree on this. I think Pets should have a way to be commanded and not rely on a mod and procs for doing so, a key to make your pet attack or stay would be cool. I would change Hunter Command into something more helpful, like a Hunter Munitions for pets with a higher proc chance.

A button for commanding pets, i imagine it working like this:

  • Press aiming at an enemy and the pet will attack the selected enemy, if the enemy dies the pet will just go and do his thing fighting enemies. (Attack Mode)
  • Press without an enemy being pointed and the pet will go back to you and only attack if you get attacked. (Defensive Mode)
  • Hold to make the pet just follow you around and do no-attack skills. (Passive Mode)
    • On this mode you can "press X" when next to the pet, like a Specter to hold position. Would be really helpful on high lvl missions to prevent your pet from commiting suicide.
    • Pressing the Button again will change the pet into Attack or Defensive mode, overriding Hold Position. This would be helpful to make your pet follow you again if it's on hold position and you can't or don't want to go back.
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