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[PC Update 23.5: Mask of the Revenant] Bug Report Megathread


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Found a bug with Arca Plasmor not being able to kill a friendly Revenant's Thralls. 

I can kill the friendly Thralls with any other weapon (i.e. Ballistica Prime or Sheev), just not Arca Plasmor, as shown in the reference pictures. 

Arca Plasmor No Damage to Thralls

Ballistica Prime Damage to Thralls

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People are going into streams and stating the quest is broken. No, it currently isn't. However an earlier explanation is wrong.

1) Get mask

2) goto plains at night, goto circle, use the hand coming out of ground.

3) Do the third, fourth, and fifth bounty until you have all 3 parts

4) build all 3 parts

5) return to plains at night, follow directions to goto the circles, and beat rev.

6) build warframe.

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20 minutes ago, Kaelas said:

People are going into streams and stating the quest is broken. No, it currently isn't. However an earlier explanation is wrong.

1) Get mask

2) goto plains at night, goto circle, use the hand coming out of ground.

3) Do the third, fourth, and fifth bounty until you have all 3 parts

4) build all 3 parts

5) return to plains at night, follow directions to goto the circles, and beat rev.

6) build warframe.

So, the quest is in reality REVERSE ODRERED - start it, get BPs (RNGsus, Cthulhu, anyone - Help?!), then continue to get the final BP... Gettting Gara with my abysmal luck with drops took me nearly A DAMN YEAR...

You couldn't at least explain it better, DE - if not distribute the BPs different way? Not mad at you, don't get me wrong, just confused at that idea for the quest progression... Who approved it, Eric Cartman/Pennywise/Dark Souls addict/BFf Colonel lvl 100?


Edited by Hynek307
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1) Get mask

2) goto plains at night, goto circle, use the hand coming out of ground.

3) Do the third, fourth, and fifth bounty until you have all 3 parts

4) build all 3 parts

5) return to plains at night, follow directions to goto the circles, and beat rev.

6) build warframe.


it works fine .... thank you DE.

Edited by MaxWotan
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I have all the parts built so I went back to the plains (during the night) to get the blueprint and there was no grey waypoint to go get the bp.

So I checked that if you are in the middle of diolouge with Nakak while doing the mini quest by folowing the waypoint if you leave the plains for whatever reason then the mini quest is bugged and there is nothing you can do about it.


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Alright so I was going through the mission and got to the first location, after interacting I thought I needed to go talk to konzu or something. I realized my mistake a bit too late because when got back on the plains, the quest markers/dialogue were missing and I could not get the BP. 

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Alright so I was going through the mission and got to the first location, after interacting I thought I needed to go talk to konzu or something. I realized my mistake a bit too late because when got back on the plains, the quest markers/dialogue were missing and I could not get the BP. 

Some people are saying that I need to build a part first, but I did that and no new dialogue options have opened up. 

Also I am unsure why my comment posted twice.

Edited by kingcreeper296
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I have followed the quest, as suggested above and from the forums...started quest, ran the bounties, got all 3- bp's and crafted each part, done quest in order (as per the forums), but Nakak keeps repeating the same dialog (like I need to craft another part...?), but I still don't get  the bp... If it's not broken, what am I doing wrong? I currently have all 3 parts built, I keep checking to see if I missed something, and Nakak has same dialogue everytime, that I should go see Konzu, and I have... and nothing is working, what to do next?

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5 hours ago, WITTYGUYCIFIC said:

So i had the issue what I did was after i got the system, chassis and neuroptics from the bounties i built them and claim them from the foundry and when i return to the plains the mission continued and i was able to finish the quest and got the blueprint hopefully this help you guys out 

I tried this... everything is built and claimed from foundry and keep returning to plains to see the circle and Nakak repeats dialogue as this hasn't happened yet. several tries and several times and it still does not work for me, thanks for your post tho!

Edited by blue1964
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so i did something kinda dumb i found the hand by the lake for the inital part but after i could find anything so i left the mission and now the hand wont spawn and neither will the next part around the lake, so please fix this bug or glitch cause i really want the blue prints

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I have completed the first 2 parts of the quest and I thought I ran out of time for night so I waited for the next night and did other things. I came back and saw that there wasn't any grey circle. I re-logged and came back, still no gray circle. I can't complete the quest because the 3rd grey circle isn't popping up even though I've walked over to the correct area and she won't respond to that either. So yea quest is broken for me.

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I got the mask, went to the Plains at night, triggered the event, then proceed to farm the parts from bounties. The first part I got was the Neuroptics, so I build it, claimed it, then went to the Plains again at night for another event. 

After that, I got the Chassis and build it, claimed it, went to the Plains again, triggered the final(?) event and got the Revenant blueprint. In the same night cycle, I played another bounty to get the Systems, and I finally got it. But while returning to Cetus, the grey circle appeared again, and it turns out to be the last event, repeated. And thus I now have 2 Revenant blueprints. 

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Hello guys I have a question I try to get the mask from the little kid in Cetus at night but I never see that the quest begins and he does not have the mask that begin the quest so what I'm doing wrong that the quest never begins ? I already went and farm chassis,system and neuroptics but no mask for the Revenant

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On 2018-08-27 at 5:05 AM, AstroGaming64 said:

I got the mask start the quest by going out on the plains but i didnt know where to go from there so i left the plains through the gate now i cant initiate the quest again, or at the least resume where i left off.

same here 😞 I just don't know how to report the bug

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I've encountered a complete progression stopping bug.  I don't know what happened to cause it.  I got the mask just fine even though everyone else was having tons of trouble.  I went out on the Planes at night like Nakak said and when I found the white ring on the map nothing happened.  I looked around and nothing ever popped up.  4 days later I come back and the most I can get is a "Touch" prompt that plays a sound effect and nothing else.  I thought I could just reload into PoE and maybe that will fix it, but now every time I load into the Planes the ring is just gone.  What's up with this quest?  Why is it in such a sad, sorry state?  Who certified this for release?

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After getting the mask and equipping it. I headed into the Plains, I successfully completed the first "touch" stage. But after that the other 2 phases/stages do not appear on the map. Tried reloging but nothing happened. ( potential cause : i pressed the "x: touch" multiple times)

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hello, I think I found a bug if I buy a wallpaper on a ship, and then in the interior colors the third color is white, they can not be displayed, thus, it does not depend on the first color, even on black they will be black, not white? And also why does prime carrier have 3 color in charge of prime inserts, while all the others have 4 color? Hi, how about the fact that the chroma had a special window where you can adjust the colors from the elements, I bought a palette of cold, but almost all the colors give electric damage, and not the cold damage?

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So, I was able to buy the mask and equipt it, that was not the problem, i entered the plains and the normal audio and prompts went off, i went to the gara lake like your meant to, saw the creature and touched the hand on the floor, by that point i had to log off, so i exited the plains, logged off and now today i went back in and nothing is working as in i cannot continue the mission, no audio or visual promps are activating and i really need some help.

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I finally figured this out, for me anyways, BE Patient on final part of quest


I finally figured this out, for me anyway, if you have all 3 parts built and claimed and you go back to the plains at night, go to the circle again, and if you can touch it, be patient, and the figure of the Revenant will appear and then you fight him (Revenant) to get the BP. I did notice it takes maybe a few minutes for Revenant to spawn in after touching the circle, wait for Nakak to finish his talking and just be patient and roam around the lake to find the Revenant...(not sure if it matters or not but stay in Operator mode), that is what I did to finally get the BP. Hope this helps!

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